Extracurricular event for children and parents “It’s so good when we are together”

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Summary of an open event with parents on the topic “Loving Heart Club”

(form of holding: “round table” )

Date: 05/10/2021

Prepared and conducted by: Galuza Irina Sergeevna, Surgut Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution kindergarten No. 43 “Forest Fairy Tale”

Audience: parents of the older age group

Explanatory note: interaction with parents takes place in the form of a round table using such interactive technologies as: blitz survey “My Family” , discussion, warm-up “Object of my childhood” , game “Unfinished Sentence” , summing up “Wish Tree” , distribution memos. The use of interactive forms and methods helps to strengthen parents' confidence in their own educational capabilities, self-esteem and satisfaction with their role. Parents who are satisfied with life and respect themselves will raise a healthy personality.

Goal: developing the pedagogical competence of parents in raising children and strengthening parent-child relationships.


  • Overcome the barrier of parental mistrust in preschool educational institutions
  • Help parents build relationships with their children
  • Help to master the techniques of active listening and reflecting the child’s feelings
  • To form in parents a conscious attitude towards their own views and attitudes in raising a child
  • Develop the ability to listen to other people's opinions

Information and technical support: announcement on social networks, questionnaire for parents “Do you understand your child?” , questionnaire “What kind of parent are you?” , memo for parents “The Art of Being a Parent” , creation of an expert group.

Materials and equipment: laptop, projector, videos, tape recorder, toys, easel, tree model, felt-tip pens, questionnaires, leaf-shaped stickers.


Chairs and tables stand in a circle. While the guests are gathering, music is playing.

Before the start of the event, participants are asked to choose a toy that resembles a story from childhood.

Progress of the event:

Host: Good afternoon, dear parents! We are glad to see you at our round table “Loving Heart Club” . I would really like our cooperation to be successful. The task of the kindergarten and parents is to give happiness to every child. Childhood years are the most important years in a person’s life. And how they go depends on us adults – parents and teachers.

1. "The Object of My Childhood".

Today you entered a room with toys (various objects are laid out on the table: a ball, a doll, a soft toy, etc.). Perhaps the toy you chose is connected with your childhood and I propose now to tell an episode from your childhood, or maybe about your favorite toy. (parents' statements).

I think many will agree that human happiness is hardly possible without a family. Even an exciting job and many friends cannot give us what our family can give us.

2. Blitz survey of parents “How do you understand the concept of “Family” ?”

Presenter: Whoever has the heart in his hand expresses his opinion about the concept of “Family” . So let's get started.

Statements from parents.

Host: Well done, I was very interested to hear your opinion. And now I propose to listen to the opinions of your children and draw conclusions based on all statements.

Watch a video with children's answers. Discussion.

Conclusion: Indeed, family is that reliable corner where every person should return with joy. Family begins with love and friendship, with mutual understanding.

3. Report “Parental love”

Host: Raising children is not an easy task, and not understandable to everyone.

Parental love is one of the most beautiful and pure human feelings. It instills in the child a sense of gratitude, the ability to understand people and a willingness to help them.

A parent's love must be wise and patient. It is not enough to give a child physiological life; one must be able to open for him the path to love, faith and conscience, to everything that makes up the source of true happiness and a person’s spiritual character.

Parental love is built on understanding and respect for the child’s personality, the desire to see, understand and appreciate the world through his eyes.

And then you can find a common language and bypass the contradictions between two generations - adults and children. Becoming a wise friend and mentor to your child, trying to unobtrusively, gently guide the child’s thoughts in the right direction, without destroying his own initiative - these are the conditions for true parental love.

Along with understanding and respect for themselves as individuals, children should also see a personal example in front of them. This is, of course, an example from parents. They repeat everything that surrounds them and if there is a model of love before their eyes, then in the future they will build their feelings towards the people around them on the basis of kindness and love. If a child does not learn love in his family from childhood and does not make it a habit to seek happiness in mutual understanding, this may lead to him seeking it in bad and evil desires. The main role here is given to the dearest person - the mother. Mom is the center of love in the family, an example and role model. But she doesn’t always have enough time to properly care for her child, especially in our time. Sometimes she has a lot of responsibilities: housekeeping, work, and if the spouse is not like-minded in the general matter of upbringing, then the child is in fact deprived of a correct understanding of love and the upbringing of this high feeling.

What seems trivial and unworthy of attention to adults is of great importance to children. For example, to the question, “What kind of people would you like your parents to be?” you often hear the answer - attentive. Children are vulnerable and very sensitive creatures. In parents, a child should see not a dictator, but a tenderly loving, caring friend, like-minded person and mentor on the path of life. Children feel insincerity very keenly, and therefore you need to talk to them as equals. Many people try to achieve the desired result by shouting, but in return they get something completely different from what they want. You need to convey information to the child calmly, in an even voice, explaining, not reprimanding. You must definitely try to understand the problem, understand, convince and forgive.

Parents themselves need to learn to love and teach love to their children. Because you are destined to learn this all your life, day after day. The most important thing is to gain wisdom, be sincere and sacrificial. Otherwise, blind and selfish parental feelings can bring terrible consequences not only for themselves, but also for society. And vice versa, what joys can wise parental love give to everyone around us, having raised in a person the best spiritual qualities and instilled in him an amazing ability to love!

4. Questionnaire: “What kind of parent am I?”

Parents fill out a questionnaire and calculate the number of points scored.

Evaluation of results:

7–8 points. You live with your child in perfect harmony. He truly loves and respects you. Your relationship contributes to the development of his personality.

9–10 points. You are inconsistent in communicating with your child. He respects you, although he is not always frank with you. His development is influenced by random friends.

11–12 points. You need to be more attentive to your child. You enjoy his authority, but, you must admit, authority is no substitute for love. Your child's development depends more on chance than on you.

13–14 points. You yourself feel that you are going down the wrong path. There is mistrust between you and your child. Before it's too late, try to pay more attention to him.

5. Game: “Unfinished sentence” .

And now we will try to find out what our children need to be happy! I suggest playing the game: “Unfinished Sentence” . Parents are encouraged to add the following:

-My child will be happy if...

Educator: Well done!

Statements from parents.

5. Based on the above, I would like to give some advice to parents:

  1. As often as possible, show sincere interest in the affairs and feelings of your children, so that they always see support and care in your face.
  2. Tell them that you love them very much.
  3. Try to spend more time with your children, read books, walk in nature together, play sports.
  4. Assure that you can always understand and support them in difficult times.
  5. Do not suppress creative activity with your authority, but rather help develop it. Make them feel like individuals.
  6. Give up the practice of constant bans. This makes you want to do the opposite.
  7. And learn to listen and hear.

By following these tips, you can achieve good results in matters of education. And your children, in turn, will pass on the knowledge and skills acquired from their parents to their future offspring.

You and I are responsible for the future of our children and the entire human society.

Of course, I think everyone will agree that children are our joy and our hopes; every day we discover something new in them, previously unknown to us.

6. Summing up “Tree of Wishes”

To the music, everyone writes on pieces of paper the answer to the question: “What kind of person do I want my child to be?

Parents read out the answers and hang the sheet on the “Wish Tree” .

Host: Our round table meeting has come to an end. different opinions were voiced here today, a lot of advice and recommendations were given! And I would like to sum up the conversation in one phrase. “The soul of a child is like a violin - as you touch it, so it will sound.” Touch your child's soul with love and, rest assured, his soul will respond in kind.

In turn, I would like to express my gratitude to you for your participation and your activity. It was a pleasure for us to communicate with you. I really want everything that you learned and remembered today to remain with you, so that your home is joyful and cozy.

To remember our meeting today, I would like to give you a handout .

All the best!

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