Sports festival with the participation of parents “IT’S FUN TOGETHER...”

Sports festival “Be healthy!” (together with parents)

Competitor Pryadko Angela Anatolyevna Head of Physical Education MDOU Kindergarten for Care and Health “Teremok” Labytnangi, Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug

Sports festival “Be healthy!” (together with parents) middle group

Goal: to attract parents to actively participate in the sports life of the kindergarten; develop interest in sports and public events, introduce the family to a healthy lifestyle; to form in children love and respect for their parents. Equipment: hip-hop balls, short ropes, balls, gymnastic sticks, tunnels, plastic balls, small baskets, “footprints”, large hoops, pictures (carrots, tomatoes, cucumbers), long rope, ribbons, jump ropes, large baskets, scoops, easels, sheets of paper, markers, scarves.

Place of providence: gym

Characters: Carlson Participants: children and parents

Progress of the holiday: To the music of V. Shainsky “It’s fun to walk together,” teams enter the hall. Presenter: We invite everyone to the sports ground now. The holiday of sports and health is starting with us! 1 child: We are celebrating this holiday, the holiday of sports, the holiday of light. Sun, sun, brighter, warmer. The holiday will be more fun. 2nd child: Who is the fastest, Who is the catcher of all, We are very interested! Let the cheerful laughter be heard and the song never cease. 3rd child: Our commands to you, We wish from the bottom of our hearts that your results will all be good! So that you don’t feel tired today and bring everyone a lot of joy! Presenter: Good evening, dear participants, fans, guests! Today we have gathered in the hall to hold the sports festival “Be Healthy!” We have unusual competitions, since our mothers and fathers will compete with us. And now the teams introduce themselves! (Each team takes turns chanting its name and motto.) Presenter: Dear participants, guests, fans, I present to you our competent jury who will judge our meeting today. (The jury is presenting.) Presenter: Attention, attention!!! Let's start the competition! Unusual competitions, excellent from others! Your mothers, your fathers, At the start with you. All competitions begin with a warm-up! The team captains (children) begin warming up and pass the baton to their parents. “Jumping on hip-hop balls” (children and parents) “Running on three legs” (parents) Competition “Nimble Pair” - dad and mom participate (photo No. 1) Carry the ball, holding it with their foreheads, standing opposite each other . Presenter: Don’t disturb us now, our cleaning is urgent. Mom, dad and I - the three of us will put things in order here. Competition “Cinderella” (photo No. 2) Teams are given gymnastic sticks and tunnels; on command they need to roll more balls into the tunnel. The team with the most balls gets a point for winning. Competition "Harvest". Stage 1 – child – take a basket, crawl into the tunnel, run along the “footsteps”, run “to the garden”, collect carrots and run back. Stage 2 - mom - take the basket, crawl into the tunnel, run along the “footsteps”, run “to the garden”, collect tomatoes and run back. Stage 3 - dad - take the basket, crawl into the tunnel, run along the “footsteps”, run “to the garden”, collect cucumbers and run back. After each stage, pass the basket to the next participant. There is a knock on the door (Carlson enters). Carlson: Carlson came to you, friends, to congratulate everyone on the fun, I wish you success in sports and all the luck. I flew off the roof. And I see how friendly you played. I'm the smartest, and I want to have fun with you. Dance: "Waltz of Friendship" music. M. Veskon Carlson: Today, all of you guys, you will be dexterous and brave, and you will show yourself from the best side. Task 1: “Who will remove the tape sooner” - children participate Carlson: Who is our favorite? Here is a task for mom. Take the jumping rope in your hands and jump for a longer time. So, dear mothers, try to return to your childhood again: which of you can jump rope the longest? Task 2: “Who can ride the longest” - mothers participate Carlson: Here are the guys, dads, moms. Who is the strongest among us? The kindest and most powerful, cooler than everyone you know in the house? Dad! We call the dads, we wish them victory! Task 3: “Vacuum cleaner” - dads participate. You scatter the balls on the floor, you need to collect them with a dustpan, without helping yourself with your hand or feet. The ball needs to be pressed against something so that it rolls onto the scoop. The caught balls are collected in a basket. Carlson: There are many types of sports, you can’t even count them all. Let's play now, name sports. Teams take turns naming any sport; the team that names more sports wins. Host: While our teams are resting, we want to see how attentive our fans are. Game: “Edible - inedible.” Presenter: And again we will come to the garden to strengthen our health. We will play sports, jump, run and throw. Competition “Who can get to kindergarten the fastest?” Dad jumps on one leg, mom jumps on two legs, child jumps like a “frog.” Presenter: Our guys designed an exhibition of drawings for the holiday. This is how our children see their family. And adults are very good at drawing, let's offer them to draw how they see their family, only blindfolded. Competition “Draw your family” (photo No. 3) You need to draw all the members of your family blindfolded. Presenter: Our competition is coming to an end, the jury evaluates the results, and the participants and fans dance together. “Woogie-Boogie” The jury speaks, the results of the competition are announced, and awards are given. Host: Well, that's all! The winners have been announced, there are no losing teams, because the main thing in our holiday is participation and the ability to have fun. I think the holiday was a great success. (photo No. 4) Preliminary work: • Conversation with parents. • Homework:  Emblem (make emblems for your team);  Think over the name of the team;  Prepare your motto. • Design of an exhibition of drawings on the theme: “My Family.” • Production of attributes. • Hall decoration. Literature: Lysova V.Ya., Yakovleva T.S., Zatsepina M.B., Vorobyova O.I. Sports events and entertainment. Davydova M.A. Sports activities for preschoolers. Gromova O.E. Sports games for children. Agapova I.A., Davydova M.A. Outdoor games for preschoolers.


Competition sponsors:

Publishing . The largest publisher of educational literature.

Area of ​​activity: production of federal textbooks for schools, educational and methodological kits for all subjects of the school curriculum; benefits for preschool and preschool preparation of children.

Address: 127422 Moscow, Timiryazevskaya st. 1, building 3, 6th floor. Tel., 611-46-74, 611-15-74 E-mail

LLC "Trading House Karusel"

Wholesale store of educational toys, role-playing games and furniture for preschool institutions

Address: Tyumen, Novatorov str., 13/2 tel./fax: /3452/520-615, 60-80-59 Website: e-mail: [email protected]


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