Physical education leisure in the middle group (afternoon)
Physical education leisure in the middle group
(afternoon) Educator:
Guselnikova O.A.
This leisure activity introduces children to fairy tales.
Fairy-tale heroes come to the children with whom the children play, dance, and complete the heroes’ tasks. Goal:
1. To develop the basic physical qualities of children (speed, coordination of movements, agility, endurance) 2. To foster determination, perseverance, a sense of cohesion;
3. Give a feeling of joy. Objectives:
- educational: to develop the ability to perform movements consciously, quickly, deftly, beautifully.
— wellness: develop muscle strength and coordination abilities, relieve emotional stress, promote relaxation of all respiratory and other muscles of the body; — educational: To foster friendliness and organization. Cognition:
introduce fairy tales and fairy tale heroes.
evoke an emotional response
enrich children's active play experience with a variety of games and relay races.
reinforce safe behavior skills in games (do not push a friend).
to form an idea of health, its value, and ways to strengthen it.
use rhythmic exercises to music.
the hall is decorated with fairy tale characters, there is a fairy-tale hut in the corner.
Previous work:
learn rhythmic gymnastics, introduce fairy tales.
gymnastic sticks, 2 large balls, 2 keys, rope, tape recorder, sound recordings: “Pinocchio”, “Neither stake nor yard”, “Kolobok”.
children of the middle group, teacher in the role of Storyteller, instructor presenter, heroes - participants: Baba - Yaga, Pinocchio, Bear.
Progress of the entertainment:
The music “Visiting a Fairy Tale” plays and the children are greeted by the storyteller. Storyteller:
Hello, guys!
I'm glad to meet you. I am a storyteller, I know a lot of fairy tales and I like to tell them to children so that they are smart and kind. Host:
And we are very glad to see you.
We would listen to some fairy tale, but not now. You see, our guys are all in sports uniform and now they are ready to play and not listen to fairy tales. Storyteller:
(surprised), so that means I ended up in the wrong place, what should I do? I liked you guys so much that I don’t even want to leave you. Now I’ll think of something (thinking about it)…..I’ve thought of it! And I can not only tell fairy tales, but also make riddles. Do you guys know how to solve riddles? Guys:
So, I’ll tell you a riddle, and you guess what fairy tale or fairy-tale hero it’s talking about.
Let's say the magic words: “Fairy tale, fairy tale, come and have fun with us!” and let's go through familiar pages... Where is my book of fairy tales? (opens, reads the first riddle) 1 riddle
Outwitted the evil gray wolf Friendly, brave three... PIGLE
Storyteller, and the guys and I will now dance like those piglets from the fairy tale.
Children dance to N. Efremov’s song “Neither Cola nor Yard” as the instructor demonstrates. Storyteller:
What a great fellow, you did a great job of building a house like in that fairy tale of the three little pigs!
Listen to the second riddle: 2 riddle
Sister Alyonushka was looking for her brother, The kind stove helped her, The river covered her with its banks, The Apple tree treated her with apples.
Ivanushka was taken to Baba Yaga, Her servants... GEESE - SWANS Host:
Guys, aren’t you afraid of Baba Yaga?
Baba-Yaga flies out on a broom to the music. Baba-Yaga:
Ah, don’t be afraid of me!!
But now let’s see how you are not afraid of me, play with me the game “Geese - Swans”. And whoever I catch, I’ll take with me into the forest! An outdoor game “Geese - Swans” is played. The players choose the “wolf” and the “master” and portray the “geese” themselves. On one side of the site they draw a house where the “owner” and “geese” live, on the other there is a field. Between them is the lair of the “wolf”. All the geese fly to the field to nibble grass. The owner calls them: “Geese, geese!” - Ha-ga-ha! - Do you want something to eat? - Yes Yes Yes! - Well, fly home! “The gray wolf is under the mountain and won’t let us go home.” - What is he doing? - He sharpens his teeth and wants to eat us. - Well, fly as you want, just take care of your wings! The “geese” are running into the house, the “wolf” is trying to catch them. The game ends when all the "geese" are caught. Rules of the game “Geese-Swans”: “geese” must fly all over the site, they are allowed to return home only after the words spoken by the owner. At the end of the game, you can note the most dexterous “geese” (who never got caught by the “wolf”) and the best “wolf” (who caught more “geese”) Presenter:
You see, Baba Yaga, we have very dexterous guys and you couldn’t do anyone catch, go into your fairy tale!
(angry Baba Yaga (because she didn’t catch anyone) flies away on a broom to her forest) Riddle 3
The grandmother and grandfather appeared, followed by the granddaughter with the bug.
But the cat rushed in to help them a little. The mouse rushes after her, and is afraid of being late. She sat down firmly in the garden bed, everyone was pulling together... TURNIP Lead.
So that we don't get bored, we need to play with us.
Let's hold hands tightly and play the fairy tale “Turnip”! Game “Turnip” Children stand in a circle. The drivers are selected using a counting table - “mouse” and “turnip”. At the musical introduction, the “mouse” runs out of the circle, and the “turnip” into the circle. The “turnip” crouches and, accompanied by the singing of the children, slowly rises and grows. Children, holding hands, walk in a circle and sing: Turnip, turnip, Grow strong, Neither small nor large, Until the mouse's tail. Yes! At the end of the song, the children stop and raise their joined hands up, forming “collars.” The “turnip”, running through the “gate”, runs away, and the “mouse” tries to catch up with it. When the “mouse” catches up with the “turnip”, the game starts all over again, with the children themselves choosing the next drivers. “Mouse” is designated by “mouse”, and “turnip” by the former “turnip”. Children standing in a circle close their eyes. At the musical introduction, new drivers take their places. Storyteller:
The turnip is good and tasty, and now the next riddle!
4 riddle
Round, tasty, ruddy side, This, children...... KOLOBOK
The fox is walking through the forest, Kolobok is calling Kolobok from the Fox into the forest And disappeared under a branch.
Outdoor game “Fox and Koloboks” Who have we met, well, of course, a fox! Come on, let's send the koloboks to the clearing for a walk and dance to the music. If the music stops, everyone run into the house, which means the fox is coming for the kolobok and wants to eat it. Well done, the koloboks all ran away from the fox. The fox didn't eat anyone. Children dance to the song “Kolobok” as the instructor shows them. 5 riddle
The wooden mischief maker has entered our lives from a fairy tale.
A favorite of adults and children, a daredevil and inventor of ideas, a prankster, a merry fellow and a rogue. Tell me, what is his name? Children:
Of course, this is Pinocchio!
Pinocchio comes in and has 2 golden keys in his hands, he invites the children to dance and play a relay race with a golden key. Rhythmic gymnastics to the song “Pinocchio” Game - relay race “Golden Key” Children stand in two columns, the first one has a golden key in his hands. Run in a straight line, going around the posts (along a winding forest path) with the key in your hands and pass it to the next one. Pinocchio:
You guys are so interesting, but it’s time for me to return to my fairy tale!
Goodbye! 6 riddle
It is neither short nor tall, different people live in it: The mouse is a little girl, the frog is a frog, The bunny is a runner, the fox is a little sister, The gray wolf clicks his teeth This is a tower -…….TEREMOK
And the guys and I will now build a house !
Game - relay race "Terem - teremok" 2 teams participate Children, on command, build a house from gymnastic sticks Bear comes in (with a basket in his hands) Bear:
Thank you guys for such a terem - now there will be a terem where we will live and where we forest dwellers, animals and birds will spend the winter .
And for this I want to treat you with sweet prizes (gives a basket). Goodbye! Children:
So my fairy tales in this book are over.
You guys are great! They guessed all my riddles about fairy tales, and what inventors they were! How much fun I had with you! Well, it's time for me to say goodbye to you, goodbye! Host:
Goodbye storyteller! Come to us again, we will listen to other fairy tales.
Middle group. Junior preschool age. Children 4 - 5 years old
Sports entertainment “Health is great” in the middle group Equipment: large and small hoops 8 pcs., long rope 2 pcs., ball, jump ropes 8 pcs. Ved. - Hello guys, hello adults, today we have gathered for the sports festival “Health is Great!”
With a bright smile, With a friendly parade, the sports festival begins...
Summary of physical education leisure in the middle group “Visiting the Little Bear”
Goal: - to develop the physical activity of children, to bring joy to children and create a good mood. Objectives: - to train children in basic types of movements: running, crawling, jumping. - develop the ability to perform exercises one by one. - develop speed , agility, accuracy...
MAGAZINE Preschooler.RF
Summary of physical education leisure in the middle group “Travel to a sunny island”MADO Kamensky kindergarten "Bee" Tyumen region, Tyumen district, village. Kamenka. Kalinina Irina Anatolyevna physical education instructor, 2015
Goal: Consolidation of the main types of movements learned over the month.
Objectives: To develop children's imagination; Improve running and jumping skills; Develop the muscles of the legs, arms, back.
Equipment: 2 balloons for each child, 1 cube for each child, 4 hoops, 1 small ball for each child, rope (or other limiter), plastic balls and a basket for the game “ salute” , audio recording of the song “Macarena” .
Decoration: the composition of the island is placed in the hall (images of exotic birds, toys of exotic animals, artificial flowers and palm trees.)
Leisure progress.
Children enter the hall accompanied by a sports march, walking the usual 1 lap.
Physical education instructor:
Guys, do you like the sun?
Children: yes
Physical education instructor: Would you like to be on a sunny island right now?
Physical education instructor: And in order for us to go to a sunny island, we must say magic words, are you ready?!
Children: yes
Physical education instructor:
Our sunshine, wake up, smile sweetly! Stomp your foot loudly, invite me to play with you,
To your sunny island! (rainforest music plays.)
Physical education instructor: Well, here we are on a sunny island, look how beautiful it is here, what unusual birds and animals there are, thank you sunshine for inviting us to play on this wonderful island.
Physical education instructor: Do you want to play on a sunny island?
Children: yes
Physical education instructor: Then, let's start our game and do solar exercises! (children perform a rhythmic dance to the music of “Macarena” )
1. i.p. standing, hands down.
1-Hands to chest,
2nd. P.
2. raise your arms up one by one. Tilts from side to side.
3. Standing, arms forward. Hit the plume against the plume.
4. Turns in place. On your toes, arms to the sides.
5. Kneeling. Sit on your heels, arms back. Wave the plumes.
6. Sitting, legs apart. Hands to chest. Lean forward. Tap the crown on the floor.
7. Standing, arms to the sides. Sit down and hide your plumes behind your back.
8. Standing, arms bent at the elbows. Circular rotations with hands. “Start the engine .
9. Standing, hands down. Bend forward. “Show me the plumes .
10. Standing, hands to chest. Squat while twisting your body.
11. Jump up. Sit down, turns. Knees right, left.
12. Standing, hands down. Let's wave our sultans.
Physical education instructor: Now we are cheerful, perky, cheerful. We can show the sun and the inhabitants of the sunny island how we can play.
Game exercises:
Move the "pebbles" . Children stand about 2 hoops. “pebble” cubes corresponding to the number of children. At the IFV signal, children must run to take 1 cube (pebble) and transfer them to their hoop.
Game “toss the coconuts” The teams are on different sides of the hall, each player has 1 ball. At the signal, the players throw the balls to the opponents’ side (border-rope). The winner is the team on the side that, after the teacher’s whistle, has fewer goals.
Game "Salute" for the game you need 100 plastic balls placed in a large basket, balls on the count of 1, 2, 3 are poured out of the basket, and the children collect them. The game is repeated 2-3 times.
Physical education instructor: Well, we’ve been to the sunny island, but it’s time to go back to kindergarten, now we’ll say the magic words again and return home.
On the count of three, repeat the magic words after me:
1, 2, 3 bring the sun back to kindergarten!
Physical education instructor: well, young travelers, what did you like on the sunny island?
Children: yes!
Physical education instructor: I’m very glad, now let’s say goodbye, goodbye, see you again!
Children leave the gym to the music.
1. Entertaining physical education in kindergarten for children 3-5 years old, K.K. Womb (game “Salute” p. 36).
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