Extracurricular event on patriotic education with presentation, grades 5-8

PLAN for activities for civic and patriotic education of college students

Department of Education and Science of the Kostroma Region

OGBPOU "Galich Agrarian and Technological College of the Kostroma Region"


events for civic and patriotic education of college students

2019-2020 academic year

Author: Petryashova T.S.

The goal of civic-patriotic education of students

: creating conditions for the education, formation and personality formation of a competent specialist capable of self-development, self-realization and successful professional adaptation.



1) Involve each student in the educational process;

2) To promote the development of students’ independence, responsibility, initiative, and creativity;

3) Promote the development of a physically healthy personality;

4) To form the moral and moral-volitional qualities of the individual necessary for a graduate;

5) Foster a political and legal culture and active citizenship;

6) Instill healthy lifestyle skills;

7) Contribute to the development of information culture and professional self-awareness of students;

8) Develop student self-government.

Contents and forms of civic-patriotic education of students:

When organizing extracurricular educational work in order to more effectively achieve the goals set for the educational process, the State Budgetary Educational Institution “Galich Agricultural and Technological College of the Kostroma Region” uses various forms of work with students. These include class hours, which are held every Wednesday, and historical quests, and sporting events, and excursions, and flash mob events, and rallies.

Priority directions in civic-patriotic education of college students:

— moral and aesthetic education;

— promotion of a healthy lifestyle as a necessary condition for maintaining and strengthening human health in society;

- strengthening family values;

— formation of a caring attitude towards nature as a way of expressing one’s love for the Motherland;

— formation and development of leadership and self-government skills as the basis of citizenship.

Action plan for civic and patriotic education of college students

p/p Areas of work


Deadlines Responsible
1 Organizational:
1.1 production meeting of class teachers; 1 time per month Class teachers
1.2. drawing up duty schedules for educational institutions and dormitories At the end of every month Deputy Director for Educational Work
1.3. organizing duty in the academic building and dormitories Constantly Administrator on duty,

Duty teacher

1.5. informing about received documentation from the Department of Education, Ministry of Education, etc. (familiarity with orders, regulations, requirements, letters of instruction...) As received Deputy Director for Educational Work
1.6. consultations for class teachers on working with children from the category of “orphans” and “children left without parental care”:
  • thematic,
1 time per month Deputy Director for Educational Work
  • individual
1.7. organization of work of self-government bodies:
  • technical school self-government council
1 rub. per month Deputy Director for Educational Work
  • hostel council
  • museum council
Head of the Museum
1.8. organizing students to develop a healthy lifestyle:
  • work of sports sections
According to work schedule Head of Physical Education
  • organizing the work of hobby groups and student creative groups
Musical director, choreographer
1.9. organization of the museum According to work plan Head of the Museum
1.10. organization of library work Head of the library
1.11 prevention of antisocial manifestations among adolescents and young people According to the work plan of the crime prevention council

together with the Ministry of Defense

Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation


Deputy Director for Educational Work, Social Pedagogue
1.12 organization of weeks in the following specialties: “Economics and Accounting”, “Commerce (by Industry)”, “Veterinary Medicine” According to the work plan of cyclic commissions Chairmen of cyclic methodological commissions
1.13 general technical school rulers 1 rub. per month Heads of departments, deputy director for educational work, social teacher

class teachers

1.13 parent meetings According to plan Deputy Director for Educational Work, class teachers,

social teacher

1.14 conference (general meeting) of technical school employees, students and their parents
1.15 organizing students and class teachers to participate in All-Russian, regional, regional, city (etc.) competitions and olympiads During

school year

Deputy Director for Educational Work, class teachers,

social teacher

1.16 organization of methodological work on educational topics During

school year

Deputy Director for Educational Work, Head of the Methodological Department
1.17 organizing teachers and class teachers to participate in the work of the pedagogical council and discuss current issues of education During

school year

Deputy Director for Educational Work, Head of the Methodological Department
2 Prevention of manifestations of terrorism and extremism
2.1 Monitoring public opinion among students in order to identify radical sentiments During a year Deputy Director for Educational Work, class teachers,

social teacher

2.2 Student surveys on attitudes towards terrorism
2.3 Control over the activities of informal youth groups and national communities (if any)
2.4 Organization of interaction with law enforcement agencies on the prevention of terrorism and extremism
2.5 Thematic classes aimed at preventing terrorism and extremism
2.6 events dedicated to the Day of Remembrance of the events in Beslan: a minute of silence for those killed as a result of a terrorist attack, instructions on the rules of conduct in the event of a threat of a terrorist attack, an exhibition of drawings “We Remember...”, an essay competition September Deputy director for educational work, class teachers, head of the museum, history teachers
3 Civic-patriotic education
3.1 class hour “The Ancient City of Galich” September Class teachers
3.2 business game “I am a voter” Deputy Director for educational work together with the Yuventa MC, class teachers
3.3 class hour “My Motherland, Russia” October Class teachers
3.5. class hour “National Unity Day: the significance of the feat of K. Minin and D. Pozharsky” November Class teachers
3.5 All-Russian test on Russian history as part of the project “Every day I’m proud of Russia” Deputy Director for educational work together with the youth chamber at the Kostroma Regional Duma
3.6 forum “I am a Galician! I'm a patriot!" Deputy Director for educational work together with MC "Yuventa"
3.7 legal literacy lesson “Russian Constitution Day” December Law teachers. deputy director for educational work together with the youth chamber at the Kostroma Regional Duma
3.8 celebration of Teacher's Day, Student Initiation Day, Wisdom and Kindness Day, etc. September-December Deputy Director for Educational Work, class teachers
3.9 Day of Knowledge: lessons of peace, lessons of security September 1 Deputy Director for Educational Work, class teachers
3.10 historical quests During a year History teachers
3.11 Conversations and classes on traffic rules and safe behavior on the roads. During a year Deputy Director for Educational Work
3.12 competition of poems about the Motherland, war, peace. January Deputy Director for Educational Work, History and Literature Teachers
3.13 cool watch dedicated to Defender of the Fatherland Day February Class teachers
3.14 class hour "The first man in space" April Class teachers
3.15 "Clean City" campaign Deputy Director for Educational Work, class teachers
3.16 cool watch dedicated to Victory Day May Class teachers
3.17 memory line Deputy Director for Educational Work
3.18 military training camps Leaders of military training
3.19 visiting the Museum of Military Glory and the Historical Museum During a year History teachers, class teachers
4 Spiritual, moral and aesthetic education
4.1 organizing students to visit cultural centers of the city, participate in amateur art groups based on their interests During a year Deputy director for educational work, class teachers, student council
4.2 regional and city festivals of artistic creativity “My Creativity”, “Student Spring”, “Student of the Year”
4.3 visiting the local history museum of Galich, cultural and historical places of the city and region Deputy Director for Educational Work, class teachers
4.4 discussion of television programs, articles, publications of spiritual and moral orientation; conversations about moral qualities: kindness, tact, honesty, discipline, attention, respect, caring for elders, hard work. (etc.) Class teachers
4.5 old people's day. Concert for veterans October Deputy director for educational work, class teachers, student council
4.6 teacher's Day. Festive concert for teachers.
4.7 making cards for Teacher's Day
4.8 initiation into students
4.9 student disco
4.10 class hour “The very first word of a person. Mother" November Class teachers
4.11 city ​​competition “Literary Award “Nachalo” Deputy Director for Educational Work, Literature Teachers in conjunction with the Yuventa MC
4.12 competition "New Year's Toy", "New Year's Card", "The Most New Year's Office" December Deputy Director for Educational Work, class teachers
4.13 Paisevsky readings
4.14 festive event “New Year at the Gates”. Deputy director for educational work, class teachers, student council
4.15 New Year's disco Deputy Director for Educational Work, class teachers
4.16 International Day of "thank you" January Deputy Director for Educational Work, Student Council
4.17 class hour "Student's Day in Russia" Deputy Director for Educational Work, class teachers
4.18 KVN game for Russian Student Day Deputy director for educational work, class teachers, student council
4.19 development of creative projects, presentations on the topic “Crafts of the Kostroma land February Class teachers
4.20 class hour “Love rules the world”
4.21 making posters for February 23 Deputy director for educational work, class teachers, student council
4.22 mail for lovers Deputy Director for Educational Work, Student Council
4.23 festive concert dedicated to March 8 March Deputy director for educational work, class teachers, student council
4.24 making postcards for March 8
4.24 KVN. Revenge game. April
4.25 good word day
4.26 drawing competition dedicated to Victory Day May
4.27 last call
4.28 class hour “A friend will not leave you in trouble” June Class teachers
4.29 prom Deputy director for educational work, class teachers, student council
5. Physical education and health education
5.1 involving students in the work of sports sections During a year Head of physical education, class teachers
5.2 "Cross of the Nation - 2016" September
5.3 sports and sports-entertainment holidays “Health Day”, “Russian Fun”, “Future Defender of the Fatherland” During a year Head of Physical Culture
5.4 Sports competitions in volleyball, basketball, mini-football, table tennis
5.5 friendly matches
5.6 organization of teaching and student teams for the city holiday “Skier’s Day”. February Head of Physical Culture
5.7 participation of track and field athletes in the traditional city relay race dedicated to Victory Day. May
5.8 Control over the work of sections and other types of sporting events During a year Deputy Director for Educational Work
5.9 Organization of medical examination of minors and newly admitted students October November
5.10 Conducting meetings, conversations, consultations with medical workers, athletes (individually, in groups, in a hostel). During a year Deputy Director for Educational Work, class teachers
5.11 Design of newsletters and leaflets promoting a healthy lifestyle. During a year
6. Work on organizing student government
6.1 diagnostics of new students September October Class teachers
6.2 Elections of self-government bodies of educational groups, dormitories, technical schools Deputy Director for Educational Work, class teachers
6.3 organization of council members to participate in citywide and general technical school life During a year
6.4 control over the work of the council Deputy Director for Educational Work
6.5 scholarship committee meetings 1 rub. per month
7. Social work
7.1 drawing up a social passport for technical school students During a year Social teacher
7.2 appointment to a social scholarship 1 rub. per month Class teachers, scholarship committee
7.3 organizing work with students from socially disadvantaged and low-income families During a year Class teachers, social teacher
7.4 providing psychological assistance to students Class teachers, social teacher
7.5 internal registration of orphans, disabled children and children without parental care; providing attention and care, protecting the rights of this category of students, providing psychological and practical assistance to this category of students Deputy director for educational work, social teacher, class teachers
7.6 work to improve the living conditions of students living in the dormitory Educator, Deputy Director for Educational Work
8. Work in the hostel
8.1 providing practical assistance in drawing up a work plan for the 2016-2017 academic year September Deputy Director for Educational Work, Educator
8.2 Monitoring the implementation of the work plan for the 2016-2017 academic year During a year
9. Working with class
9.1 class teacher meetings 1 rub. per month Deputy Director for Educational Work
9.2 raising the professional level of class teachers During a year Deputy Director for Educational Work, Head of Information and Methodological Department
9.3 study and implementation of new technologies in the educational process
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