Abstract of an open lesson on environmental education in the senior group “Water and its properties. “The sorceress is water.” Water is in the life of all living beings.

Folk proverbs and sayings about water.

This is what it looks like. —>

    How does a person use water? Cards for lapbook “Water”

Games, pictures and tasks about water in a laptop.

Ecological puzzles (cut picture with a polluted pond. The picture is cut into 8 or more parts. After putting the whole picture together, children are asked to find the extra objects in the picture.

What kind of water is there? Three states of water: liquid, solid, gas

Remember fairy tales in which water was of key importance. These cards will help you talk about the fairy tale and fairy water.

We remember the properties of water: no color, no smell, no shape, no taste.

How does a person use water? Tell us what you see on the cards, remember other moments when a person needs water.

A selection of interesting proverbs and sayings about water. Try to figure out with your child what they mean and when they say it.

Water in nature: precipitation, natural phenomena

An excellent catalog of experiments with water. Let's play, experiment, learn!

Photo reviews

1. Photo: Elena Racheva. Every time they work with the Lapbook, something new and interesting opens up for the children, because everything in the folder can be touched, opened and moved. Such a folder itself is a big surprise for the children, and for some of our pupils the Lapbook has become a favorite toy that allows us to use innovative methods and forms of work. (Source)


All materials on the topic “Lapbook “Water”” (21 pictures)

Lapbook on the topic “Water” for preschool children. Lapbook for studying the lexical topic “Water” for use in classes “A droplet wanders around the world”, “Journey of a droplet”, Magical, amazing water”, “Water is life”, etc.

Subscribe to download pictures and download all the templates, backgrounds, pockets and tasks for the “Water” lapbook.

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

This summary presents a method of children's experimentation. Children's experimentation is a method of practical, purposeful action, with the help of which one's own life is formed.

It is very important to teach people, and especially children, our future generation, to be careful about water. How uncomfortable we feel when suddenly the water tap turns out to be empty! And at the same time.


Abstract of a joint educational activity on cognitive and research activities for children in the preparatory group for school.

Interesting activity on Experimenting with children. Note to educators.

Plan of an open lesson on the usefulness and importance of water for children 2-3 years old.

In our world we cannot do without water. She is the basis of our entire life. But besides supporting our body, water can perform many different functions, including entertainment and education.


All pictures for the lapbook about water

    Lapbook about water. “Water is sorceress, source of life, droplet”
    Lapbook “Journey of a droplet, water”
    The water cycle, the journey of a droplet. Central background for laptop
    Lapbook on the theme “Water. All about water. Drop." Background 3
    Pockets for lapbook “Water. Drop"
    Pocket templates for lapbook “Water, Droplet”

Cut out the template around the perimeter. —>

    "Experiments with water." Lapbook pocket template

Cut out the template around the perimeter, bend along the lines. —>

    Pocket templates for the “Water” lapbook. Conditions of water

Three open pockets: “Solid”, “Liquid”, “Gaseous”.

The pockets come with 12 square ones. —>

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

Card index of walks for children of senior preschool age.

Here are collected files of games on the topics: “Human Health”, “Safety”. Me and dangerous objects”, “Me and the street”, “I am learning to protect my life and health”, “Games for emotional development”, “Games for dl.

Methodological manual for teachers “Card index of experiences”.

Games that help children consolidate their acquired literacy knowledge.

The card index contains material from observations of living and inanimate nature with children of senior preschool age.

Children are told in an accessible form about the basic rules of behavior, etiquette and politeness.

Card index of games on the basics of safe behavior for children of senior preschool age.


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