Long-term plan for working with parents in the senior group according to the Federal State Educational Standard for the year

Long-term plan for working with parents in the senior group according to the Federal State Educational Standard for the year

Long-term plan for working with parents in the senior group of preschool educational institutions
Description of the material: this material will be useful to educators. Goals The goal of working with parents is to find an individual approach to each child and enrich the educational experience of parents. Areas of work : dissemination of useful pedagogical knowledge among parents; — providing practical assistance to the family in raising a child; — activation of family interest in issues of education and upbringing of the child; — formation of uniform requirements for a systematic approach to the issues of raising and educating a child in a preschool educational institution and in the family; — continue to work on building a trusting attitude of parents towards the preschool educational institution; — providing assistance to parents in raising a child and replenishing the information bank. Objectives : to improve partnerships between parents and educators by identifying common interests; — comprehensive support for the family in matters of raising and educating children; — the use of effective technologies in working with parents, built on psychological and pedagogical partnership. Principles - staff and parents bear equal responsibility in the upbringing and education of children;
— trust and respect between the teacher and the families of the pupils is the basis for the full development of the personality of each child; — effectiveness and assessment of the results of interaction between the preschool educational institution and the family. September
Parent meeting “Developmental Features of Children 5-6 Years Old” Purpose:
to become familiar with the requirements of the kindergarten education program for preschoolers 5-6 years old, to enrich and enhance the experience of parents.
Conversation with parents “Children’s clothing in the off-season” Goal:
enriching the pedagogical knowledge of parents.
Folder “Age characteristics of children of senior preschool age” Goal:
to enrich the educational experience of parents, disseminate pedagogical knowledge among parents.
Photo exhibition “The best moments of summer!” Fair
Workshop “First steps on the steps of financial literacy” Master class “Raising financial literacy in children” Goal:
to introduce parents to this issue, based on the requirements of modern times and in practice to help start this work in the family.
Folder “Autumn” Purpose:
to enrich the educational experience of parents.
Questionnaire “Child's Play Corner in the Family” Purpose:
analysis of information about pupils and their families.
Consultation “Autumn Vitamin Calendar” Purpose:
to educate parents in the health of children and the prevention of certain diseases.
Memo on traffic rules Purpose:
familiarization with the requirements of the education and training program in kindergarten on traffic rules

Round table “Reward or punish” exchange of opinions and experiences. Goal:
establishing partnerships with the families of pupils, improving the psychological and pedagogical knowledge of parents.
Exhibition “Gifts of Nature” Goal:
to activate parents in the lives of children and develop creative interaction.
Visual information material “Fire Safety Rules” Purpose:
to introduce the family to the issues of forming the foundations of fire safety in a child.
Design of the album “My Family” Goal:
inclusion of parents in the work of the group, development of positive relationships.
Autumn fun. Questionnaire “Your child’s speech” Purpose:
to identify problems on this issue in order to plan further work and positively influence the development of children’s speech.

Parents’ meeting “Features and problems of speech development in older children” Goal:
updating parents on the problem of children’s speech development in modern conditions.
Consultation “Practical advice to parents on developing financial literacy in preschool children” Goal:
to teach parents to help children master basic economic relations in an entertaining and playful way at home.
Folder-moving “Zimushka-winter” Goal:
implementation of a unified approach of kindergarten and family in organizing cognitive and research activities of children.
Father Frost's workshop. New Year's carnival. Goal:
demonstration of the creative abilities of children and parents, developed creative skills, development of positive, emotional interaction between parents, children and preschool employees.
Memo “Safe steps on the path to road safety in winter” Goal:
implementation of a unified educational approach when teaching a child the rules of the road in kindergarten and at home.

Exhibition of children's drawings “By the edge of the forest, Winter lived in a hut...” Goal:
to attract parents to joint artistic creativity with their children.
Conversation “Child and Computer” Purpose:
to familiarize parents with the rules for organizing a child’s work on a computer so as not to harm their health.
Environmental campaign “Feed the birds in winter” Goal:
implementation of a unified approach to developing a caring attitude towards nature among preschoolers.
Questioning of parents “Identification of parents’ satisfaction with the quality of education, the work of the teaching staff of the senior group of preschool educational institutions Goal:
to identify the level of satisfaction of parents with the quality of education; analysis of information.

Parent meeting. Workshop “Introducing children to the professions of adults through role-playing games” Goal:
increasing the pedagogical competence of parents on the problem of gaming activities of children of senior preschool age.
Consultation “How to spend a day off with your child” Goal:
enriching the pedagogical knowledge of parents.
Individual conversation with parents “Sports shoes and clothing for a child for physical education in physical education.” in the hall and on the street" Goal:
improving the pedagogical knowledge of parents.
Exhibition of children's drawings “Defenders of the Fatherland” Memo for parents “Economic Dictionary” Goal:
implementation of a joint approach in teaching children the basics of financial literacy.
An open demonstration for parents on developing the foundations of financial literacy in children of the senior group of preschool educational institutions. Goal:
introducing children of the senior group to the world of economic values ​​and nurturing ethical behavior in society.
Memo “Reflective elements” Goal:
implementation of a unified educational approach when teaching a child traffic rules in the family and preschool educational institutions

Maslenitsa Goal:
attracting parents to participate in the holiday, developing positive emotional interaction between the teacher, parents and children.
Visual and informational material “Nature in Spring” Goal
: implementation of a unified approach to developing a caring attitude towards nature in preschoolers and organizing research activities in preschool educational institutions and families.
Festive concert dedicated to International Women's Day. Goal:
to demonstrate children’s creative abilities, developed skills and abilities, to develop an emotionally positive attitude among children’s parents and preschool employees.
Action “ABC of Road Traffic” Goal:
implementation of a unified approach to teaching traffic rules in kindergarten and at home.
Consultation “Development of verbal and logical memory of children 5-6 years old” Goal:
developing the pedagogical competence of parents. To develop parents' interest in using various forms of organizing joint activities with children.

Consultation “Mathematical development of children in the family” Goal:
dissemination of pedagogical knowledge among parents, practical assistance to the family in raising and educating the child.
Book exhibition. “Creativity and works of V. Bianchi” Goal:
implementation of a unified approach for kindergarten and family to familiarize themselves with fiction.
Sports festival “Mom, Dad, I am a sports family!” Goal:
interaction between parents, children and preschool employees.
Advice from a psychologist “Developing fine motor skills of the hands” Goal:
dissemination of psychological and pedagogical knowledge among parents of future schoolchildren, practical assistance to the family.
Conducting a cleanup day to improve the territory of the preschool educational institution. Goal:
to unite the efforts of employees of the child care institution and parents to improve the territory of the preschool educational institution, to form friendly, partnership relations with the families of the pupils.

Exhibition of children's drawings “Road ABC” Goal:
implementation of a unified approach for kindergartens and families to teach children traffic rules.
Action “Immortal Regiment” Goal:
implementation of a unified approach of kindergarten and family in the work on patriotic education.
Open week. Goal:
to build trust and respect between the teacher, preschool staff and parents of pupils.
Demonstration of all types of educational work of the institution, establishment of partnerships. Final parent meeting “Our successes” Goal:
summing up the educational activities of the group, increasing parents’ awareness of the life of children in preschool educational institutions for the year.

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A long-term plan for interaction between a physical education instructor and the teaching staff. A long-term plan for an elective in the middle group of a preschool educational institution. A plan for working with parents in the second junior group according to the Federal State Educational Standard for a year. A long-term plan for working with parents in kindergarten for a year. Senior group

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Consultations for parents of the senior group “Spring without vitamin deficiency”

Consultations for senior parents

"Spring without vitamin deficiency"

The sun's rays are warming the air just like spring. It would seem - live and be happy! However, it becomes harder and harder to tear your head off the pillow, and there is almost no strength left for anything. Is this a familiar picture? Meet His Majesty Avitaminosis. And, unfortunately, vitamin deficiency in the spring in children is no less common than in adults.

And under no circumstances should this matter be left to chance, without attaching special significance to the problem. After all, a child’s body is growing rapidly, which means it needs vitamins constantly. And the lack of vitamins, minerals and microelements has a very negative effect on the development of the child and on the functioning of all organs and systems of his body. And it is difficult to predict what complications vitamin deficiency may cause for a child.

Doctors advise

Parents should immediately sound the alarm if they discover problems in their child such as:

1. Increased fatigue of the child. Attentive parents will definitely notice that the child begins to get tired quickly and tries to lie down all the time. Older children may experience problems with school performance, absent-mindedness, and memory impairment.

2. Sleep disorders. Vitamin deficiency can make itself felt by sleep disturbances. Some children may experience increased sleepiness, while others may experience insomnia.

3. Problems with gums. Another very reliable sign of vitamin deficiency is often bleeding gums. Moreover, in severe cases, blood remains not only on the toothbrush, but even on soft food. In this case, parents should seek medical help as soon as possible.

4. Colds. If a child begins to get colds frequently, parents should also think about the possibility of vitamin deficiency. Unfortunately, very often parents attribute a child’s illness to a weakened immune system. And no one connects these two concepts - vitamin deficiency and weakened immunity - with each other. And in vain. By the way, it is the lack of vitamin C that leads to a decrease in the functioning of the immune system.

And remember that in spring the problem of vitamin deficiency is especially acute. Therefore, manifestations can develop extremely quickly. Take care of vitamin deficiency prevention in a timely manner. Moreover, you shouldn’t forget about the rest of the family either.

Vitamin and mineral complexes

Of course, there is a solution to this problem, and it is very close. Modern pharmacology offers a variety of different vitamin complexes. In principle, vitamin-mineral complexes became available to people relatively recently - about 50 years ago. This is exactly what opponents of pharmacological vitamin preparations operate on: “After all, people used to live without vitamins, and nothing! And such a word as vitamin deficiency was not a priori in the arsenal of doctors of those times.”

And indeed – the concept of “vitaminosis”

did not have. But there was such a terrible disease as scurvy. The obligatory companions of such a disease were severe loss of strength, lethargy, loss of teeth, various massive bleeding, and, as a sad result, the death of a person. But scurvy is nothing more than the last stage of vitamin deficiency.

Therefore, one should not reject the achievements of modern pharmacology. However, you shouldn’t go to the other extreme either - vitamins are not candy, and you should never eat them uncontrollably. An overdose of vitamins is no less dangerous for a child’s body than its deficiency. All vitamin and mineral complexes should be prescribed to a child by his attending physician - a pediatrician who is aware of the child’s health status and his individual characteristics.

Proper diet

However, vitamin-mineral complexes are not the only panacea. It is very important to properly balance your child’s diet. In spring it should be enriched with products that contain large quantities of vitamins and microelements.

Dairy products should make up at least 40% of the total diet. Moreover, all dairy products are relevant - milk, kefir, fermented baked milk, sour cream, yoghurts. Of course, you should give preference to products that do not contain artificial colors. Milk contains a large amount of calcium, which promotes the absorption of all other vitamins.

It is also necessary to ensure that the child’s diet contains a sufficient amount of animal protein. It is simply necessary for the full development of the child and the functioning of his body. But do not forget that all meat dishes for a child must undergo thorough heat treatment.

All kinds of dried fruits

All dried fruits are very rich in vitamins such as A, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6. And there are also quite a lot of mineral elements - sodium, phosphorus, magnesium, calcium, and iron. Dried fruits are quite sweet, so almost all children, without exception, love them. It is unlikely that you will have a problem with how to get your child to eat dried fruits.

A child can eat dried fruits just like that, but it is much wiser to prepare a vitamin mixture for him. It is prepared as follows: take equal parts of prunes, raisins, figs and dried apricots. Pass them through a meat grinder, add the same equal parts of honey and lemon. Mix the mixture thoroughly and place in a glass container, which should be stored in the refrigerator.

If a child is prone to frequent colds, you can add either one part of aloe leaves or one ampoule of aloe extract to the resulting vitamin mixture. The mixture can be given to the child simply with spoons, or it can be spread on bread or cookies - the effect will be the same. A child should eat a vitamin mixture per day at the rate of one teaspoon for every ten kilograms of weight.

Raw beets and seaweed

Seaweed and raw beets can be practically invaluable sources of iodine for a child. Of course, these products have a very unique taste, and getting a child to eat such a salad can be a difficult task. However, you can still try. And for adults, this option may be optimal.

• Celery root

Celery is generally an indispensable assistant for parents in the fight against vitamin deficiency. It contains huge amounts of potassium and iron. In addition, it has another pleasant feature - a pleasant taste. Despite the fact that children most often do not like any seasonings, dishes made from celery root are always in high demand among them.

Moreover, you can use absolutely anything - celery root, passed through a meat grinder, celery juice. You can add celery to the first and second courses of the children's menu in unlimited quantities. In this situation, there is no need to be afraid of an excess of vitamins - all excesses will leave the child’s body without any negative consequences.

Rose hip

Rose hips are popularly called “treasury”

vitamins for a reason - it contains vitamins such as P, K, E, B2, and C. In addition, rose hips contain essential oils, citric and malic acids and carotene in large quantities. And, of course, rose hips contain a huge amount of essential vitamin C - 30 times more than lemon.

Of course, you won’t find fresh rose hips in spring, but you can buy dry rose hips in almost any pharmacy. You can brew rose hips as tea, or you can make decoctions from it - and your child will certainly receive all the vitamins he needs. If you are brewing rose hips as a simple tea, then simply grind it and place it in a teapot, like a regular tea leaves.

However, remember that you should not take multivitamin complexes and vitamin decoctions at the same time, without the consent and approval of your doctor. Otherwise, an overabundance of certain vitamins is possible.

Be healthy and enjoy spring!

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