Long-term plan for working with parents of the senior group

Long-term plan for working with parents of the senior group

Elena Lotakova

Long-term plan for working with parents of the senior group


Form of work . — Parents' corner : presentation of information about the objectives of the program and the intellectual characteristics of children 5 years old;

design for the holiday “Knowledge Day”


moving folder “Autumn”


folder – movement “Rules of conduct in transport”


production of attributes for the role-playing game "Family".

Parents’ meeting “A good family will add intelligence”


— Adaptation activities for children returning from summer vacation.

— Consultations “For you, parents !”

"Mom, don't go"

— Questionnaire “Is your child attentive?”


— Exhibition of crafts “Gifts of Autumn”


Individual work . — Individual conversations on the development of a child’s memory through counting rhymes, poems, riddles.

— Consultation “How to properly dress a child in the fall”


— Conversation “Child’s appearance and instilling cultural and hygienic skills”



Form of work . — Holiday “Golden Autumn has come to visit us”


— Exhibition “The Unusual is in the Ordinary.

— Consultations “Why does a child need to draw?”

“Why doesn’t the child want to eat?”
— Excursion to the museum named after. Grodekova “Fauna of the Far East”

Parent’s corner : folder – moving “Age characteristics

children of senior preschool age";

folder – movement “Games for health”


Individual work . — Daily conversations with parents about children’s behavior when communicating with each other.

— Conversation “Joint work of a child and an adult”


— Conversations with parents “About the need for vaccination against

influenza and ARVI"


Form of work . — Conversation “How to spend a day off with a child?”

— Consultations “The role of grandparents in family education”


“The authority of parents and its influence on the development of the child’s personality.”

— Exit to the Youth Theater.

— Questionnaire “What kind of parent ?”

— Competition “Look, bagels, piping hot rolls, hot from the oven...”
(dedicated to Mother’s Day)
Parent’s corner : folder - moving “Developing fine motor skills of the hands”


folder – movement “Prevention of acute respiratory infections, hardening of children”


— Entertainment “Autumn - Name Day”


Individual work . — Individual conversations with parents “Sportswear and shoes for physical education”

, about the need to purchase it.

— Consultation “Main directions in the development of speech of older

preschool age."


Form of work . — Decoration of the group and music hall for the New Year's party.

— Creative workshop: sewing costumes for children for the New Year.

— Memo for parents “How to answer children’s questions”


— Consultation “Flu. Prevention measures. Symptoms of this disease"


Parent meeting “Games and toys in the life of a preschooler”


- New Year's celebration.

— Competition “New Year’s toys”


Parent’s corner : folder – moving “Winter”


— Carrying out a campaign for parents and children “Help the birds in winter”


— Literature exhibition “Game and Children”


— Excursion to the library.

— Consultations “What a children’s toy will tell you about”

“I clean up the toys myself”

Individual work . Conversation “Game spies are one of the measures to prevent viral infections”


Form of work . — Photo exhibition “How we rested in winter”


— Involve parents in the construction of snow and ice structures on the site.

— Conversation “Home reading for the heart and mind”


— Excursion to the children's environmental center.

— Consultations “Hyperactive child”

“You or You?”
Parent’s corner : folder – moving “When it’s snowing outside”


Individual work . — Daily conversations with parents about the behavior and communication of children in the group with each other .

— Individual. consultations “How to take a winter walk with your child”

pleasant and useful?

— Individual conversations “Hardening is one of the forms of prevention

colds in children."


Form of work . — Thematic exhibition “Drawing with Dads”


— Sports festival “Defender of the Fatherland Day”


— Design of the wall newspaper “February 23”


— Excursion “Defenders of the Fatherland in Ancient Russia”

museum named after Grodekova

— Consultation “30 tips for raising sons”

"Little Manipulator"

— Exhibition of children's drawings “My Dad”


"Birthday Day"


Individual work . — Individual. Conversations with dads “Who do you consider most important in raising a child?”

— Conversation “Fundamentals of moral relations in the family”



Form of work . — Parent’s corner : folder – moving “Spring is Red”


— Photo exhibition “Me and my mother!”

— Design of the wall newspaper “The Best.”

- Holiday of Spring and mothers.

— Creative works of children for March 8 “Mom is my sunshine”


— Consultations “Nature and moral education of older ”, “Why is it necessary to develop children’s interest in nature”

— Involve parents in decorating a vegetable garden on the window.

— Memo for parents “Safe steps towards road safety”


— Thematic exhibition “Attention Street!”

— Excursion to the Zoo named after. In Sysoeva

Individual work . — Conversations with parents about changing clothes with the arrival of warm days (do not bundle up children, be sure to have a change of clothes)


— Consultation “The ABCs of Traffic”


— Individual consultations “Child and the road”

: rules

behavior on the city streets."


Form of work . — Parents’ meeting “Television in the life of a family and a child”


Parent’s corner : folder – moving “Cosmonautics Day”


"Advice from a speech therapist"

— Invite parents to participate in the cleanup.

— Consultations “On nurturing a positive attitude towards work in preschoolers”

"Human and nature"

— Conversation “Children’s drawing is the key to the child’s inner world”


— Museum "Fish of the Amur"

— Involve parents in making flags.

Individual work . — Individual consultations “Art activities at home”


— Conversations “How to protect a child from injury”



Form of work . — Memo for parents “Visual activities of preschoolers”


— Questioning parents “How do you evaluate the work of kindergarten employees ?

— Consultations “Learning to Tell”

"Memorable places of our city"

“Development of thinking in preschool children”


— Conversations on exciting topics for parents .

— Round table: diagnostic results.

— Competition “Best Flowerbed”


— Labor landing: parents’ in landscaping and landscaping of the site.

— Photo exhibition “Favorite places of Khabarovsk”


- “We are glad to congratulate you...”
(birthday day)

— Exit to the Drama Theater or Youth Theater.

Individual work . — Conversations of the senior group should know and be able to do


— Conversations “Organizing summer holidays for children”


Plan of notes for parent meetings in the senior group..

Outline of the parent meeting in senior group No. 5:

“Speech development of children in the senior group”

Goal: increasing the level of pedagogical competence of parents on the development of speech in children of senior preschool age.


1. To increase the psychological and pedagogical competence of parents regarding the peculiarities of speech development of a child of senior preschool age and methods and techniques for its development.

2. Analyze the speech development of the children in the group using the results of ped. diagnostics of the educational field “speech development”.

3. Introduce parents to speech games that promote speech development in children.

4. Intensify positive family experience on the problem of children’s speech development at home (home reading of fiction)

Form: round table

Participants: parents, teachers.

Venue: group premises.

Preliminary work

Questioning parents (how you participate in the development of your child’s speech, creating a memo for each parent “How to read to children.” Designing an exhibition of literature on the development of children’s speech.

Event plan

1. Introductory stage.

2. Main part

Speech development of a five-year-old child, intonation expressiveness

3. Game workshop.

4. Making recommendations: “How to read to children”

5. Summing up the meeting.

1. Introductory stage

Dear parents!

We are glad to see you. Thank you for taking the time to come to the parent meeting. Today we are going to talk about the development of one of the most important cognitive processes of a person - speech.

2. Main part

A child of the sixth year of life communicates kindly with peers,

knows how to speak out about various actions, express approval or dissatisfaction, listen to other children, notice mistakes, and complement.

Play activity develops. Of particular importance for the development of a child is role-playing play, which requires children to be able to negotiate roles, prepare conditions for the game, communicate appropriately, follow the rules, and coordinate their actions with the actions of other participants. During the game, elements of educational activity are gradually formed. In older preschool age, the child continues to become familiar with the various properties of objects, spatial, temporal and other relationships. Comparing objects by color, shape, size, material, quantity, spatial arrangement of parts and meaning requires a sufficient number of nouns, adjectives, and verbs in the vocabulary. In the story about objects, the child uses words with opposite meanings (long - short, hard - soft, heavy - light, fluffy - smooth, words denoting color and its shades, volumetric and planar shapes, spatial arrangement of objects and their parts. In the story about an object, the child can describe the history of the creation of the object (quill pen - fountain pen - ballpoint pen). In addition to the object environment, the child masters the social world: his ideas about family, family relationships, about kindergarten, students and employees, about his hometown, country expand , public holidays, adult labor, people of different professions.

What does a 5-6 year old child know and use in speech? The child knows his address, hometown and its attractions, the name of the country and capital, knows and names family members, their ages, occupations, relatives, their professions, can name various professions, types of transport, traffic rules, natural phenomena, musical works, children's songs, poems, fairy tales, stories for children, illustrations for works of art, folk crafts, works of art, work in nature, household work, manual labor. Vocabulary and grammatical structure reflect the maturity of cognitive processes and the degree of formation of various types of activities: gaming, visual, constructive, musical, theatrical, etc. In the sixth year, the child completely masters the grammatical structure of speech and uses it quite freely. The grammatical correctness of a child’s speech largely depends on how often adults pay attention to his mistakes, correct them, and show the correct example. In conversational speech, the preschooler uses both short and extended answers, in accordance with the topic of the conversation. A sufficient vocabulary allows you to participate in a conversation and maintain a conversation. Over the course of a year, the vocabulary used by a child in communication increases by 1000-1200 words compared to the previous age and reaches 4000 words. Children actively use nouns with general as well as specific meanings, denoting objects, their individual parts and details, qualities and properties; adjectives denoting material, properties, qualities, condition of objects; verbs with various prefixes and suffixes are widely used. Children learn to use words with opposite meanings in speech - antonyms (friend - enemy, high - low, good - bad, speak - remain silent); words that are close in meaning are synonyms (walk - walk, walk; sad - sad, joyless). Despite the significant expansion of vocabulary, the child is still far from freely using words: there are shortcomings and sometimes errors in the use of words and in the construction of phrases when retelling fairy tales, stories, during conversation. When communicating with peers, children consciously change the strength and pitch of their voices and use different intonations: interrogative, exclamatory, narrative. The child masters the word in the unity of its meaning and sound, learns to use words in strict accordance with the meaning, and pronounce them correctly. Usually, by the age of 5-6 years, a child correctly pronounces all the sounds of his native language and does not make mistakes in stress. At the age of 5 - 6 years, a child learns to distinguish sounds by ear, conduct elementary sound analysis: determine the place of a sound in a word (beginning, middle, end, sequence and number of sounds. Basic sound analysis skills are necessary for mastering reading and writing. It is at this age Children show interest in speech sounds and letters.

Speech development in kindergarten is carried out in the following areas:

• Nurturing sound culture of speech.

• Enrichment of active and passive vocabulary.

• Formation of the grammatical structure of speech.

• Development of coherent speech.

3. Game workshop.

We offer you several options for speech games that you can play with your child on the way to kindergarten, preparing lunch, when your child nearby doesn’t know what to do, etc.

Speech assistant games:

Say it the other way around:

Adjectives (wet-dry, good-evil, hot-cold, crooked-straight)

Nouns (day-night, good-evil, boy-girl, wealth-poverty)

Verbs (run-stand, laugh-cry, scream-be silent, open-close)

Words to define actions:

What words can you use to describe what a kitten can do? (lap, climb, scratch, meow, purr, play, lie down, watch, etc.)

What does a kitten do when picked up (snuggles, purrs, looks, etc.)


What does the sun look like?

What does a hedgehog look like?

What does a stream look like (ribbon, snake, path, mirror)

Games-exercises to develop the perception of melody:


Target. To form skills in perceiving a lower pitch (melody), to develop speech hearing.

Material. "Conductor's" batons (according to the number of players).

Description. The teacher pronounces a series of sounds, syllables and phrases with a lower pitch. When the teacher plays them again, everyone conducts with a baton, depicting the downward movement of the melody.

4. Making recommendations: “How to read to children.”

1. Before listening to a work of art, it is necessary to remove from the child’s field of vision all interesting toys, entertaining household items - anything that could interfere with the child’s listening to a story or fairy tale.

2. The literary text must be selected in accordance with the age and individual abilities of the child.

3. Acquaintance with a literary work occurs by ear, so an adult should pay special attention to the ability to read expressively, place logical emphasis in the right places, and observe pauses.

4. Show your child colorful illustrations that will help him understand the text better. In preschool age, everything is taken almost literally, which means that when choosing a book, pay attention to ensuring that the illustrations are as realistic as possible.

5. While reading a work, it is advisable not to be distracted by extraneous matters. Remember that children are able to actively and productively engage in one activity for about 15 minutes. Find these 15 minutes for your child.

6. Be sure to ask your child questions about what you read.

7. Instill in your child from childhood a love of books and a caring attitude towards them.

By the end of the sixth year of life, the child’s speech development reaches a fairly high level. He has correct sound pronunciation, expressive and emotional speech, and has the vocabulary and grammatical forms necessary for free communication with adults and peers. His statements become more meaningful, more precise, and more expressive. The development of speech is closely related to the formation of the child’s thinking and imagination. Therefore, it is very important to pay great attention and effort to the development of children’s speech not only in kindergarten, but also at home.

We sincerely wish you good health, happiness, and prosperity in your family. Let the children make you happy! I wish you success!

Recommendation for parents: “How to read to children.”

1. Before listening to a work of art, it is necessary to remove from the child’s field of vision all interesting toys, entertaining household items - anything that could interfere with the child’s listening to a story or fairy tale.

2. The literary text must be selected in accordance with the age and individual abilities of the child.

3. Acquaintance with a literary work occurs by ear, so an adult should pay special attention to the ability to read expressively, place logical emphasis in the right places, and observe pauses.

4. Show your child colorful illustrations that will help him understand the text better. In preschool age, everything is taken almost literally, which means that when choosing a book, pay attention to ensuring that the illustrations are as realistic as possible.

5. While reading a work, it is advisable not to be distracted by extraneous matters. Remember that children are able to actively and productively engage in one activity for about 15 minutes. Find these 15 minutes for your child.

6. Be sure to ask your child questions about what you read.

7. Instill in your child from childhood a love of books and a caring attitude towards them.

Recommendation for parents: “How to read to children.”

1. Before listening to a work of art, it is necessary to remove from the child’s field of vision all interesting toys, entertaining household items - anything that could interfere with the child’s listening to a story or fairy tale.

2. The literary text must be selected in accordance with the age and individual abilities of the child.

3. Acquaintance with a literary work occurs by ear, so an adult should pay special attention to the ability to read expressively, place logical emphasis in the right places, and observe pauses.

4. Show your child colorful illustrations that will help him understand the text better. In preschool age, everything is taken almost literally, which means that when choosing a book, pay attention to ensuring that the illustrations are as realistic as possible.

5. While reading a work, it is advisable not to be distracted by extraneous matters. Remember that children are able to actively and productively engage in one activity for about 15 minutes. Find these 15 minutes for your child.

6. Be sure to ask your child questions about what you read.

7. Instill in your child from childhood a love of books and a caring attitude towards them.

Consultation for parents of older preschoolers on the topic: Spring

Consultation for parents of the kindergarten “Beautiful is nearby!”
Author: Zimenko Tamara Aleksandrovna, teacher of MBDOU “Cherlaksky kindergarten No. 2”, Omsk region, r.p. Cherlak. Description of work: This material will be useful to teachers of preschool educational institutions and parents of children of senior preschool age. The consultation can be used as information board material for parents, as well as to organize a subgroup consultation for parents. Goal: enriching parents’ knowledge about the features of the development of observation and curiosity in children of senior preschool age.

Living in the modern world, when everyone has a lot of things to do and problems, we sometimes do not notice what is happening around us. But our life is full of wonderful moments. We need to learn to notice the beauty around us and teach our children this! After all, a person who does not know how to notice the beauty around him, like a fish without water, cannot live a full life! The Goddess, Nature, can help us with this. The heart of each of us wakes up and rejoices with the awakening of nature after a long and cold winter. And we must share this joy with our children. It is parents who will be the first “teachers” and will help discover the beauty of the natural world to their children. There is no need to rush, you need to find a few minutes to draw the preschooler’s attention to the beauty around us. The onset of spring is the best time to observe with children. Walking with your child in the fresh air can be a very useful and interesting activity. The child will develop knowledge about nature and respect for it. While walking with your child, pay attention to the following points: - sun - the sun rises higher, shines brighter, its rays warm more. Invite your child to play with the “sunny bunnies” and try to catch up with them. Read the poem: “Under the Sun” by G. Dyudin It’s a miracle to live under the sun! To man, beast, bird - the Sun is given to all its pets one particle at a time. An ant, a sperm whale and a flower in a pot with a tray are given maternal care by the gentle sun. He bakes Easter cakes in the sand with the kids in the hot summer and sprinkles them all over his cheeks with freckles. Now he plays blind man's buff with us, now he wants to hug us with rays, now he playfully tickles our noses, like a straw. Living under the sun is a miracle! Under his radiant gaze. It's far away from here, but it always seems to be nearby. The sun is the light in the window and in the wide open door. It is impossible to live without the sun, just like without a heart! - snow melting - the amount of snow decreases every day. You can check this with a ruler or stick by placing them in the snow. It will be noticeable how the amount of snow decreases by the divisions on the ruler or stick. Every day the color of the snow becomes darker, from white and fluffy it has turned into gray and dirty. Read the poem: N. Antipina Where did the snow go? Recently He was the most, most important thing here: He lay on the roofs, on the paths And stuck to my boots, He hung on the branches of poplars, He melted in people’s palms, He hid the forest under the white fluff, And recently he disappeared. We walk along the wet streets, Water, water, water all around. - icicles - when snow melts and water rolls off roofs, icicles are formed; due to changes in air temperature, the water either melts or freezes, due to which the icicle increases in size. Remind children that icicles falling from roofs are dangerous. Read the poem: Ya. Yakovleva The sun is warming up hotter, The snow is already melting on the roof, Five icicles began to cry, Two melted and fell. - streams - when the air temperature rises, intensive snow melting occurs; the ground has not yet thawed and cannot absorb moisture, so the water seeks its way and, forming streams, rolls down into the lowlands. Invite your child to launch the boat and watch it and the speed of the stream. Read the poem: “A trickle” by K. Balmont A trickle, a trickle, a trickle, You go like a thread. The sand glitters beneath you. You are cheerful, even if you are shallow. Little stream, little stream, You go away and sing. Bees hover between the stems, A furry bumblebee buzzes. You run faster, faster. Suddenly, captivity among the stones - Foaming louder, more cheerfully, You will murmur: “Stranded, stranded, stranded!” You are not wide, little stream, You are not deep, so what! Little stream, little stream, You run and you sing! - birds - draw the child’s attention to the fact that both wintering and migratory birds chirp cheerfully, pleasing our ears. Consider what the birds look like, how they differ from each other in size, shape of beak, and legs. Listen to the singing of birds with your child and offer to count them. Read the poem: Vitaly Gasnikov A bird sat on the window - So it’s already light there! Birds sing in the morning - They give the joy of beauty! In the summer I went out in the morning - not for cars, but for the birds of Ra! The sun is shining, the sky is golden, and birds are trilling from the trees! The bird is like a friend, comrade, brother. Everyone is happy about it in their soul! - trees - roots intensively draw in moisture, trees buds swell and leaves appear, which produce the oxygen we breathe. Trees are the “lungs” of planet Earth. Read the poem: E. Grudanov How warm! There is a feast in nature! The buds have opened, and sticky leaves look out at the world. — the first flowers are dandelions, mother and stepmother, snowdrops. Flowers delight us with their beauty and variety of aroma. Bees collect pollen from them. And people have their own secret - using plants as medicine. Read the poem: “First Flowers” ​​Mischievous Little Fox The days have become longer and brighter, The slanting winter is fading into the shadows. The snowdrifts are melting. The living Earth is crawling out from under them. She breathed in the sun and has already sprouted the first blades of grass. And so, like a yellow jelly bean, Flowers scattered along the path. I will stroke these first flowers with a wet hand... I was waiting for the birth of beauty And I imagined it like this: Breaking through the snow and ice, Breaking the witch's spell, Sprouts of quiet beauty Warm people's hearts!.. - insects - ants, butterflies, mosquitoes, beetles awaken and begin to be active life. Remind children that bites from insects such as ticks can be life-threatening. Read the poem: “Merry Ball” Galina Galina In the meadow a merry ball was opened in the spring: The mosquito played on the trumpet, the shaggy bumblebee danced with the blue fly. And the breeze swirled, playing with the leaves. And the flower swayed to the beat, bending its green stem slenderly. The dragonfly rushed easily. Watching nature is a very interesting and educational activity. During these observations, children develop qualities such as intelligence, observation, the ability to compare and draw conclusions. Thanks to such communication, children will learn to notice the beauty in the world around them! Good luck to you, dear parents, in the development and upbringing of your children!

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