Reading poems by S. Ya. Marshak from the series “Children in a Cage”

Unconventional ways of learning poems

Before learning a poem, you need to do some preliminary work. It involves introducing children to objects and phenomena that correspond to the content of a work of art.

The methodology for memorizing a poem in class includes the following structural components: preparing children to perceive the poem; expressive reading of a poem by a teacher (2 times); conversation on the content of the poem; repeated reading of the poem by the teacher (third time); reading a poem by children.

To facilitate the memorization of poetic works, you can use auxiliary methods, including non-traditional memorization techniques.

1 way.

Method of illustration.

Even K. D. Ushinsky wrote “Teach a child some five words unknown to him - he will suffer for a long time and in vain, but connect twenty such words with pictures, and he will learn them on the fly.”

It has been proven that in preschool age visual-figurative memory predominates and memorization is mainly involuntary. Children's memory has an amazing property - exceptional photographic ability. The visual image preserved in the child after listening, accompanied by viewing the drawings (the action of involuntary attention and involuntary visual memory), allows you to remember the poem much faster.

This method involves establishing a semantic connection between a word or sentence and a picture. The picture helps the child understand the meaning of the poem, remember key rhyming words, keeping the sequence of actions and events.

According to this method - the method of illustrations, the content of one, two or four lines of a poem is indicated by a certain picture that most clearly reflects this description.

For children in the senior group, the selected verses are depicted in 4-5 pictures, for children in the pre-school group – 7-8.

Let’s show this using the example of L. Sorokin’s poem “The clubfooted bear hears...”

Method 2.

Learning poetry in motion.

Using this method, the teacher expressively reads the entire text, and then offers to act it out, depict it in motion. For example, “The sun is shining (we draw a large circle in the air with our hands, and we depict a smile on our face), the leaves are whispering (we put our hand to our ear, as if listening to the whisper), etc. The teacher shows what movements the children will make in response to the words of the text. (You can come up with movements yourself or the children). Children, together with the teacher, pronounce words and perform movements.

Or, in another way, the teacher invites the child to take a large thick thread and “wind a ball out of the poem.” Together with him, rhythmically, we seem to “wind” line by line onto a “reel” in our head. Reeled in? And now we tell it again and unwind it, and then rewind it again. Then we hide the arms together with the ball behind the back and “wind it up for fun.” The main principle here is that we give a kinesthetic child (that is, one who needs not only to look, but also to touch) the support necessary for memorization - we reinforce the memorization with a motor act. As a variation of this method, you can invite your child to place marbles in the dish. Stitch the ball, and then take it out one at a time and put it back in again. Or string beads on a thread.

Summary of a lesson on speech development in the senior group “Reading poems by J. Rodari”

(The teacher draws the children’s attention to a box (standing on the table), in which there are various pieces of fabric and jars with odors: medicines, oils, paint, vanillin, onions, fish, etc.)

- Guys, look, there is something in this box. It seems these jars smell of something... Let us remember how to sniff unfamiliar substances or objects that have a smell?

(Unfamiliar substances or objects should be sniffed carefully, directing the stream of smell with a slight wave of the palm to the nose)

- Well done, let's carefully smell these objects.

(Children take turns sniffing)

— Guys, what do you think these smells are?

(Children's answers)

Vocabulary work

— I’ll tell you a secret, this box contains the smells of various crafts. How many of you know what a craft is?

(Craft is the work of a person to produce various items needed in the household)

That’s right, craft is the work of a person to produce various items needed in the household! Who is a craftsman?

(A craftsman is a person who creates with his own hands items necessary for the household)

Right. A craftsman is a person who creates with his own hands the objects necessary for the household. Guys, do you know that each of us has one artisan friend? His name is Yazychok and he works every day. Please come to me and listen to the story.

(Children are located in front of the model, as it is convenient for them)

Articulation gymnastics

(The teacher stands near the model)

“Once upon a time there was a tongue, he was all alone. He had nowhere to live, and therefore often caught colds and was sick. But one fine day, Tongue found a home. Where do you think Tongue settled?

(The tongue has settled in our mouth)

- Right! The tongue was happy and decided to put things in order.

“After all, my house is my fortress,” thought Tongue, “and he placed two doors: the first door is the lips,

guys, touch them with your tongue, like this...

(The teacher demonstrates the movements on the model, the children repeat)

- And the second door is teeth,

touch them with your tongue.

(The teacher demonstrates the movements on the model, the children repeat)

“The new house had no windows, but there were walls, although they were very unusual; they could inflate and deflate like balloons. It was the cheeks

, touch them with your tongue, like this..

(The teacher demonstrates the movements on the model, the children repeat)

-The ceiling was solid and was called the palate.

It was uneven and resembled a dome.

(The teacher demonstrates the movements on the model, the children repeat)

-Yazichka really liked the house. It was cozy and warm, but it was often damp. I wonder why?

(Children's answers)

Yazychka often had to do repairs in the house.
He opened the doors, after which he wiped them from the outside and inside (exercise “Let’s brush your teeth and lips” by moving your tongue over your lips from left to right, then over your teeth from right to left).

Project in the middle group of the preschool educational institution “Favorite Poems”

  • May 30, 2019

Fast remote online competitions
Competition “Project activity of a teacher in a preschool educational institution”


In the methodology of speech development, a special place is occupied by work aimed at instilling in children a love of poetry, familiarization with poetic works, and development of the ability to perceive and expressively reproduce poetry.

Memorizing poems is one of the means of mental, moral and aesthetic education of children. In preschool age, it is important to teach children to perceive and evaluate a poetic work, and to cultivate artistic taste. By perceiving poetic images, children receive aesthetic pleasure. Poems affect the child with the power and charm of rhythm and melody; Children are attracted to the world of sounds.

The wonderful poems of Agnia Barto, Korney Chukovsky, Samuil Marshak are of great benefit for preschoolers: memorizing poetic works broadens the child’s horizons, rhyme makes it possible to find inner harmony, memory develops, and the cultural level of the little person is formed. Each verbal work, assimilated by the child’s memory, enriches the vocabulary fund that forms his own speech. Expressive performance develops speech technique: diction, breathing.

The most favorable period for memorizing poems is the age of 4-5 years. It is during this age period that the baby’s memory begins to develop especially quickly. And, if until the age of four we do not set the child the task of memorizing a piece, but simply “read” a number of them - what he remembers, he will remember, then after four years it is necessary to purposefully teach the child to memorize the text by heart. And the more a child learns by heart, the more memory he will develop for further learning.

Project goal: To develop in children and parents the interest and ability to memorize and read poetry expressively.

Project objectives:

1. Teach children to read poetry expressively.

2. To form emotional and figurative perception in children through artistic expression.

3. Provide information to parents about the importance of memorizing and expressively reading poetry as a means of developing attention, memory, expressiveness of speech, developing the child’s self-awareness, and the all-round development of the child.

4. Inspire parents to exchange information and share experiences.

Project participants: Children of the middle group (4-5 years old). The project provides for the active participation of parents, children and educators.

Project typology:

Creative, group, practice-oriented, medium duration (2 months).

Predicted result:

  • Development of children’s ability to perceive and expressively reproduce poetry, enrichment of vocabulary, development of speech technique, increase in children’s memory capacity.
  • Increasing parental competence on the presented problem.
  • Participation of families of pupils in the educational process.
  • Developed methodological and didactic support for this section.
  • The implementation of the project will help instill in preschoolers a love of poetry, their native language, the development of creative imagination, humor, which is invaluable in the further self-realization, adaptation, and study of our students at school.

Author: Elvira Galievna Berdinskaya, teacher at Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution “Kindergarten No. 29”, the city of Sterlitamak, Republic of Bashkortostan.

Project Favorite Poems

Methods of memorizing poems

ensure memorization

teach how to read expressively in front of an audience,

cultivate a love of poetry.

All these tasks determine the construction of lessons and the choice of basic techniques for better assimilation and memorization of the text by children.

When selecting poems for memorization, their volume is taken into account: 1-2 stanzas for younger groups, slightly more for older groups. Lists of works recommended by the “Kindergarten Education Program” provide a selection of works for children to memorize. In addition, the teacher can select poems from the newly published ones, taking into account the interests of the children. On average, children memorize 1-2 poems within a month (in class). Some works (rhymes, rhymes, songs) are remembered by children involuntarily, during games and walks.

With those who want, the teacher can memorize poems beyond the program. Children can read the poems they have learned at the matinee, which will be a surprise for the group. The teacher also needs to be interested in what poems the children have learned at home; Some can be listened to in classes or leisure evenings.

2. Techniques that promote expressive reading of poems

The following techniques are aimed at developing expressiveness:

example of expressive reading,

example of a child's expressive reading,

reading assessment,

hint of the required intonation.

A reminder of a similar incident from a child’s life, reviving the feelings experienced; explanations and directions for expressive reading; Characteristics of characters that help you choose the right intonation.

A child’s expressive reading depends on proper speech breathing (deep inhalation, long exhalation), the ability to regulate the strength of the voice, the pace of speech, and good articulation of sounds and words. Expressiveness of performance requires the development of speech technique: diction, breathing; mastering orthoepy.

For this purpose, various exercises are carried out to develop speech hearing, clear pronunciation of sounds and words; exercises to develop intonation expressiveness, develop the ability to determine the meaning of logical stresses, etc.

3. Class structure

The process of memorizing poems is quite difficult both for children, since they have to repeatedly refer to the same text, and for the teacher, who must take into account the individual and typological properties of their memory. The teacher must know which of the children remembers quickly, who slowly, who remembers firmly, who weakly, who is helped by speaking the text out loud, etc.

The structure of a lesson on memorizing poems has much in common with the structure of lessons on retelling, where children also learn to expressively convey the text they have heard. First, it is advisable to prepare children for the perception of the poem: conduct a short introductory conversation. The teacher turns to the children’s figurative, emotional memory, helps them remember a consonant image (pictures of a cheerful holiday, golden autumn). You can show an object, a toy, a picture that is close to the theme of the poem. Then the teacher expressively reads the poem and repeats it. In older groups, before re-reading, children are warned that the poem will need to be memorized (this setting increases the quality of memorization), and a short explanatory conversation is held about the poem itself, about the form of its reading.

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