Summary of the open integrated lesson “Mom - Tuchka and children - Droplets”


"Magic clouds"

for preschool children.

Description of the material: the manual was made with the aim of developing children's fine motor skills, sensory development, creative imagination, attention, logical thinking, as well as counting skills. Can be used for individual work and for group lessons with children. This manual is multifunctional and consists of felt clouds of various colors with strings attached to them.

Also, the manual includes droplets of different colors, which are made of felt.

Didactic game “Count how many drops? "

Goal: develop counting skills within 10.

Progress of the game: the teacher asks the child to count how many drops are on the cloud. Or place the intended number of drops on the cloud.

Assignment: “How many drops are there on a cloud? ", "Hang 5 drops on a cloud."

Didactic game “Pick the right droplet by color”

Goal: developing the ability to correlate the color of an object.

Progress of the game: the teacher invites the child to look at several clouds and suggests choosing a droplet that matches the color of the cloud. The child completes the task and names the color of the droplet used.

Assignment: “Choose the drop of color you need.”

Didactic game “Correct the mistake”

Goal: development of attention and logical thinking of children.

Progress of the game: the teacher invites the child to look at a cloud with droplets, where among the drops of one color there is one or more drops of a different color.

Assignment: “Find the mistake and correct it.”

Didactic game “Find out where there is more? »

Goal: to develop children’s mental abilities, counting skills, to consolidate the ability to find one or many objects.

Progress of the game: the teacher offers to find out which cloud has more drops by first counting them. For younger preschool children, the teacher places many drops on one cloud, and only one on the other, and asks them to determine where there are many and where there is one drop.

Assignments: “Count the droplets and find out which cloud has more droplets? ", "Look at the clouds and tell where there are many drops and where there is only one."

Didactic game “More - less? »

Goal: to consolidate knowledge about color and size.

Progress of the game: the teacher offers to look at the clouds and say which of them have large drops and which have small ones.

Game option: the teacher suggests correlating the size of the drops with the size of the clouds and placing them accordingly.

Didactic game “Show your imagination”

Goal: development of creativity and imagination.

Progress of the game: the teacher offers tasks: “Dress up the cloud,” “Make the cloud bright and beautiful.” Children use the color scheme of drops of their choice and name the color.

Assignment: “Decorate the cloud with bright droplets and name the colors.”

Didactic games for children of early and young age

Didactic games

“Clouds and droplets”, “Sun”

on the development of elementary mathematical concepts

(sensory development).

A set of games for children from 2 years old.

  1. General tasks of the complex.

To form elementary mathematical concepts in the child:

  • Learning the concepts of “big – small”
  • Learning the concepts of “many and little”
  • Knowledge of the primary colors of the rainbow spectrum

Develop in a child:

  • Speech
  • Memory
  • Attention
  • Logical thinking
  • Fine motor skills
  • Interest in learning and playing
  • Perseverance
  • Observation
  1. Guidelines.
  • Give the child knowledge sequentially, from simple to complex.
  • Do not overload your child with information, trying to give all the tasks at once. This can lead to a decrease in the child's interest in learning.
  • Praise the child for the correct answers and do not scold if the child did not complete the task - help him find the right solution.

Rules of the game.

Game "Clouds and Droplets".

Goal: To teach children to correlate and group objects by size.

To form visual coordination, the concepts of “big - small”, “many - small”. Develop fine motor skills and logical thinking. Develop auditory attention and speech.

Material: two figures - clouds of the same color, but different in size; figures of large and small droplets of the same color.

Progress of the game.

First option:

We read a poem about rain:

“The sun was shining cheerfully, the wind was tilting the branches.

It spun and spun - a large cloud drove in, large drops fell.”

The teacher takes one of the nearby figures (a large cloud):

“What size is this cloud? What drops fell from this cloud?

The teacher invites the child to select the necessary droplets and place them under a large cloud.

When the child has completed the task, the teacher asks: “What droplets are left?

Under what cloud should they be placed?

The child is asked to take the remaining cloud (small) and arrange droplets corresponding in size to this cloud.

Repeats several times.

Second option:

Having previously mixed the figures - droplets, the child is asked to arrange the droplets: place many droplets under the cloud with a smile, and place few (one) droplets under the gloomy (angry) cloud.

Repeats several times.

Third option: Complicated

This version of the game is aimed at knowing basic colors and emotions.

As a complication, the teacher invites the child to place umbrellas under a small cloud with a smile: red, green, yellow. And under a small gloomy (angry) cloud, place umbrellas: white and black.

Repeats several times.

Game "Sun"

Goal: To teach children to correlate and group objects by size.

To form visual coordination, the concepts of “big - small”, “many - small”. Develop fine motor skills and logical thinking. Develop auditory attention and speech.

Material: two sun figures of the same color, but different in size; large and small ray figures of the same color.

Progress of the game.

First option:

We read a poem about the sun:

“Sunshine, look out quickly,

Keep our kids warm!”

The teacher takes one of the nearby figures (a small sun):

“What size is this sun? What rays should this sun have?”

The teacher invites the child to choose the necessary rays and place them under the small sun.

When the child has completed the task, the teacher asks: “What rays are left? Under what sun should they be placed?

The child is invited to take the remaining sun (large) and arrange the rays corresponding to the size of this sun.

Repeats several times.

Second option:

Having previously mixed the figures - rays, the child is asked to arrange the rays: for the big sun, arrange many rays, and for the small sun, place few (one) rays.

Repeats several times.

At the end of any of the games presented, the teacher must praise the children!

Have fun learning and playing!

Developed and prepared:

teacher of the highest qualification category

Lobova O.I.

Didactic game "Droplet's Journey"

Lomonosova Tatyana Viktorovna

Didactic game "Droplet's Journey"

Didactic game

«Droplet's journey»

This game in an entertaining way promotes the development of cognitive interest, memory, thinking, and speech. The game allows you to feel a sense of responsibility for the state of the environment and understand your role in protecting the environment.

Goal: Development of cognitive interest in the surrounding world, environmental culture.


1. To form ideas about ecological culture, the water cycle in nature, and initial knowledge about sorting waste into classes.

2. Develop the ability to establish cause-and-effect relationships.

3. Foster respect for water.


Didactic game " Travel of a droplet "

consists of four elements (puzzles that are independent, but united by a common theme. The game set includes small elements (chips, hint cards, pointer arrows, felt-tip pens. The
game is made of materials that allow you to supplement the game with different elements and complicate the tasks. Methodological recommendations :
The proposed game options are designed for individual, subgroup and group activities.

It is better to start the game under the guidance of an adult, gradually complicating the tasks.

Game “Find identical droplets

Goal: To develop children's powers of observation and the ability to find similarities and differences in objects. To activate children's vocabulary: different, identical.

Game rule. Select only identical droplets .

Game action. Search for identical droplets .

Progress of the game. The teacher invites the children to look at a puzzle with the image of drops and clouds , a few drops , outside the playing field. The teacher asks to find and apply identical droplets to each other . Among the droplets there may be similar , but not identical.

Complication. Count the number of dots on the droplets .

Game "Collect garbage on Goose Lake"

Goal: To introduce children to the concept of “garbage sorting”, to promote the formation of an environmental culture that you can save water not only by saving it, but also by not clogging it. Develop the ability to classify objects.

Game rule. Determine the material shown on the chip and sort the chips into baskets.

Game action. Sorting chips into baskets.

Progress of the game. The teacher suggests looking at a puzzle with a picture of trash cans and chips on the playing field. Explains the environmental situation: “People came for a picnic to the lake and left garbage behind. Help us sort it into containers: “Paper”

“Food Waste”

Complication. Children name objects made from the material shown on the chip before putting them in the basket.

Game "Help Droplets go through the maze"

Goal: To develop visual perception, voluntary attention, fine motor skills. Train determination and perseverance.

Game rule. Draw the desired path with a felt-tip pen.

Game action. Search for the desired track.

Progress of the game. Explain to the child the essence of the game. First, the child must carefully look at the picture. Then he must look for the desired path by tracing it with his finger. And only then can you ask him to draw the desired path with a felt-tip pen; to work with the maze, it is better to give the child an easily erasable felt-tip pen. This will make it easy to correct the mistake and not get confused by incorrectly drawn lines. When working with a felt-tip pen, you need to make sure that the child stops before each turn and thinks through the future path, and does not draw a line at random. It is important, especially at first, to ask the little pioneer to tell him as he moves along why he chose this or that path.

Game “What can you do with water, what can’t?”

Goal: To introduce children to the concept of water conservation, that fresh water is a limited resource; there is a shortage of clean drinking water all over the world. Form in children norms and rules of behavior with water. To encourage children to imagine and be creative, to make them want to make their own contribution to saving clean water.

Progress of the game. Show the signs located on the puzzle, reminiscent of the rules of behavior with water in kindergarten and at home, and invite the children to tell what each sign means. Ask the children why they should act one way or another.

Complication. Children are given the task of coming up with their own rules, and with the help of the teacher they come up with a sign for them. In a given element, an invented sign is depicted; at the initial stage, you can offer to draw it on a larger sign.

Game " Droplet's Journey "

Goal: To develop children’s initial knowledge about the water cycle in nature and its significance.

Progress of the game: Show the clue cards to the children. Offer to determine the properties of water based on the clue cards and the basic senses of a person: nose - smell, eye - vision, lips, tongue - taste, hand - you can touch.

Perform a task:

Smell the water. Can you smell it? (Water has no odor)

Take a sip of water from the glass. Does it taste? (Water has no taste)

Pour water into a transparent glass and place any object. What do we see? (The water is clear)

Touch the water What kind of water is it? (Water is wet)

Invite children to describe what is shown on individual puzzles and place the arrows indicating Droplet’s Travels

from the cloud further, explaining his choice. At the initial stage, the teacher guides the children and suggests conclusions.

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