My kindergarten
Goal: To teach children to emotionally and actively perceive a fairy tale, to participate in a dramatization game. Objectives: Learn to understand the meaning of riddles. (H.L.) Make children want to use words and expressions from the fairy tale. To develop the ability to correctly use tempo, volume (intonation) of speech, and clearly pronounce sounds, words, and phrases. (TO). To promote the development of skills in expressive and emotional transmission of playful and fairy-tale images: a bear is walking, little mice are running, a bunny is jumping. (M) promote the development of cognitive, creative activity, logical thinking, attention in children; identify the creative talent of students; bring children joy and pleasure from dramatizing a fairy tale. Foster a sense of teamwork and friendship.
Material: mouse, frog, bunny, fox, wolf, bear hats. House-teremok. Music for every hero.
Preliminary work: Storytelling by R.N.S. “Teremok”, examination of illustrations for the fairy tale, d/i “Who is screaming?”
Progress of the lesson
I Organizational moment V-l. Look how many guests we have. Say hello to them! Greeting: all the children gathered in a circle. I am your friend and you are my friend. Let's hold hands together and smile at each other. Hello, golden sun! Hello, blue sky! Hello my friends! I'm glad to see you all! asks a riddle: There is a painted house, It is so beautiful. The animals walked across the field, They stayed in the house to live. They lived together, did not grieve, and lit the stove in the house. The bear destroyed the house and almost crushed his friends. -What fairy tale are we talking about? Topic message – Today we will play with the fairy tale “Teremok”. Here is a magic chest: “I’ll make a riddle, guys, try to guess them, if the answer is correct, the fairy tale will come to us again.” Main part: Stage I
- If there is a fire in the house, it will get to the food. Sugar, cheese and crust - Everything will be dragged down the hole!
Gray baby. Who is this? ( Mouse ) (I take out the mouse’s cap) - How does the mouse squeak? -Who will be the little mouse? What voice does the mouse speak in? (subtle)
2. Jumps on land and swims on water. (frog) How does a frog croak? -Who will be the frog? What voice does the frog speak in? 3 . He loves to gnaw carrots, He eats cabbage very deftly, He gallops here and there, Through the fields and through the forests, Gray, white and oblique, Who, tell me, is he? ( Hare ) - Who will be the running bunny? How does our bunny jump? 4. The prickly impatiens live in the thicket of the forest; there are a lot of needles, but not a single thread? (hedgehog) - How does a hedgehog snort? Who will be the hedgehog? 5. The cunning and dexterous red-haired cheat got into the barn and counted the chickens. (fox) How does the fox walk? – Who will be the little fox-sister? What voice does the fox speak in? 6. Who walks around angry and hungry in the cold winter. (wolf) - Who will be the gray barrel top? What kind of voice does the wolf speak in? (fat) 7. In winter he sleeps in summer, he stirs up the hive. (Bear) Who will be the clumsy bear? What voice does the bear speak in? (Draw the children’s attention to the intonation of speech) The children are given animal hats.
Physical education minute:
Stage II A dramatization game is carried out. V-l with the children stand in a circle. The center of the circle is the tower. V-l with the children walk in a circle, while saying the words: “There is a teremok-teremok in the field. He is not short, not high, not tall. Here a mouse (frog, bunny, fox, wolf, bear) runs across the field, stops at the gate, says...” All the heroes, in turn, go out into the middle of the circle with the words: “Knock, knock, who lives in the little house...” Vospt. : The animals began to live together, They began to live and not bother. They live together, have fun, and sing a song about friendship. There is a mansion in the field, a mansion, It is very, very tall. You can’t live here without fun, Friends live in the mansion! We all sing the song “Smile” together. Result: – What fairy tale came to visit us today? – You liked playing and showing the fairy tale. Let's be as friendly and kind as the mouse, frog, bunny, fox, wolf and bear in the fairy tale "Teremok".
Author: Yudakina Valentina Viktorovna , teacher, Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution Kindergarten N3 “Bell”, Nizhny Novgorod region, village of Diveevo.
Lesson summary “Dramatization of the Russian folk tale “Teremok”
Elena Baikalova
Lesson summary “Dramatization of the Russian folk tale “Teremok”
Abstract “ Dramatization of the Russian folk tale “
Teremok ” (senior group)
Educator – Baikalova E. F.
Educational areas: "Socialization"
“Cognition”, “Music”
“Reading fiction”
Goal: creating favorable conditions for creative activity in children through theatrical activities.
of dramatization in children , coordinating the words and actions of the character.
2. Develop coordination of movements, plastic expressiveness, imagination, and encourage active participation in theatrical play.
3. Strengthen children's knowledge about the theater.
4.Materials: house - mansion , table, chairs for heroes, broom, 2 axes, cast iron, wooden spoon, masks.
Methodological techniques: surprise moment, physical exercise, dramatization game , round dance, summing up.
- Children! We walked along the path and found a beautiful box. And the box is not simple, it’s magical – that’s what it is!
The fairy tale is hidden in a riddle.
Well, try to guess.
If the answer is correct
The fairy tale will come to us again!
1. Who rustles behind the wall, squeaks in a thin voice, you can’t hide the cheese from them, everyone knows this (mouse)
4. Who walks around angry and hungry in the cold winter? (wolf)
5. Straight across the field, a white collar jumps, long, long ears. (hare)
6. In the summer in the swamp you will find it, a green frog, who is it? (frog)
7. In a forest clearing
There was a painted house,
I could hide all the animals,
What kind of house? / Teremok/
Teacher. - Guys, what fairy tale is hidden in our magic box? ( Teremok )
-Now we’ll do some physical exercise.
2. Physical exercise (We go in a circle, depicting little mice, hares, foxes, wolf cubs, bear cubs)
3. Dramatization of the fairy tale “ Teremok ”.
Presenter (child)
Listen to the story , my friend. A gray mouse, Norushka, went out into the field for a walk, to look for sweet grains. He sees: a miracle tower In an open field, alone.
The mouse was very surprised, came up, stopped, and asked. Mouse (child) - Terem , teremok ! Who lives in the little house ? Nobody responds.
Presenter - The mouse entered the little house and began to live in it . (Sewing clothes.)
A frog-frog
galloped up to
the tower I, little mouse, and who are you?
- And I, frog-frog! –
Synopsis “Dramatization of “Teremok”
Mektepaldy dayarlyk trampoly ұyimdastyrylgan oқу іс-әрекінін інінінінісі
Summary of organized educational activities in the preparatory group
Event notice/Date:
Bilim take salas/Educational area:
Overall/Cross-cutting theme:
"In a single family"
“Dramatization of the Russian folk tale “Teremok”
1.Tarbielik - educational:
education of correct behavior in the theater
2. Damytushylyk developing:
development of coordination of movements, plastic expressiveness, imagination, encourage active participation in theatrical play.
Teach children to dramatize a familiar work, to coordinate the words and actions of the character.
Pedagogical technology / pedagogical technology:
communicative - linguistic, personality - oriented
Resurstarmen kamtamasyz etu/Resource support:
fairy tale heroes masks
Koptildik. Multilingualism:
teremok - teremok - Teremok
Uyimdastyrylgan oku kyzmetinin Barysy
1.yimdastyrushylyk kezeni/organizational moment
Conversation with children about the theater. –
Children, what is theater?
(This is the building where performances are shown) –
Who works in the theater?
(Artists, cashier, controller). -What are the names of those who come to the theater to watch the performance? (Spectators.) –
How do audiences get to the theater?
(They buy tickets and find their seat.)
How should you behave in the theater?
(In the theater you cannot make noise or talk over each other. You must clap for the actors at the end of the performance, leave the hall calmly without jostling.)
2. Negіzi bolіmі/main part
Role-playing game "I'm going to the theater."
-Today we will go to the theater and watch an interesting fairy tale. Artists take your place, and you spectators buy tickets and take your seats. The price for the ticket will be politeness. Anyone who is not polite will not be given a ticket.
The cashier (child) sits down at the table.
Each child says: “Please give me a ticket.” Then he says: “Thank you.”
The controller (child) enters: “I am the controller. I'm checking the tickets." He walks along the hall - a row of children - and collects tickets, placing them near the ticket office.
3. Dramatization of the fairy tale “Teremok”.
Presenter (child): Listen to the fairy tale, my friend. The gray mouse, Norushka, went out into the field for a walk, to look for sweet grains. He sees: a miracle tower, alone in an open field. The mouse was very surprised, came up, stopped, and asked.
Mouse (child) - Terem, teremok! Who lives in the little house? Nobody responds. Presenter: The mouse entered the little mansion and began to live in it. (Sewing clothes.) A frog-frog galloped up to the tower and asked:
Frog (child) - Terem - teremok! Who lives in the mansion? –
Me, little mouse, and who are you?
- And I, frog-frog! –
Come live with me!
Presenter - The frog jumped into the mansion, the two of them began to live together. (The frog is cooking porridge) A little bunny runs past. He stopped and asked:
Bunny (child) - Terem - teremok! Who lives in the mansion? - I, the mouse, am a bitch! –
I, the frog, am a frog! And who are you? –
And I, the bunny, am a runaway!
- Come live with us!
Presenter - The hare hops into the tower! The three of them began to live together. (The hare is chopping wood.) The little fox is coming - her little sister. She knocked on the window and asked:
Fox (child) - Terem-teremok! Who lives in the mansion?
- I, the mouse, am a bitch! - I, the frog, am a croak! - I, the bunny, am a runaway! - Who are you? - And I, little fox, little sister!
- Come live with us!
Presenter: The fox climbed into the mansion. The four of them began to live together. (The fox is sweeping the floor.) A gray barrel top came running, looked into the door and asked:
Wolf - Terem-teremok! Who lives in the mansion? –
I, the mouse, am a bitch! - I, the frog, am a croak! - I, the bunny, am a runaway! - I, fox - sister! - And who are you?
-And I’m a gray side top! –
Come live with us!
The leader is a Wolf and climbed into the mansion. The five of them began to live together. (The wolf chops wood) They all live together in the little house and sing songs. Suddenly a clubfoot bear walks past. I saw the little house, heard the songs, stopped and roared at the top of my lungs:
Bear (child) - Terem, tower! Who lives in the mansion?
- I, the mouse, am a bitch! - I, the frog, am a croak! - I, the bunny, am a runaway! - I, fox - sister! - I, the gray side top! - And who are you?
- And I, a bear. The door should be unlocked.
The bear takes hold of the house and gently shakes it. The animals run behind the screen and hide there. And the bear sits on a chair and roars saying:
Bear - It’s bad, it’s bad, it’s boring alone, it’s boring alone!
The animals come out from behind the screen and call: “Come to us, little bear, we’ll live together!” The animals line up in one line and all say together: “We will live in the little house, be strong friends, together we will work, we will sing and have fun!” 4. Dance of animals.
3. Korytyndy/final part
Well done, everyone coped with their role. The time has come to part and say goodbye to the fairy tale. But don’t be discouraged, the fairy tale will come again. You were artists today. They showed us the fairy tale “Teremok”. Everyone tried their best, they were great. Give each other a hearty clap.
Scenario for dramatizing the fairy tale “Teremok” in the older group (5–6 years old)
Elena Smirnova
Scenario for dramatizing the fairy tale “Teremok” in the older group (5–6 years old)
Good afternoon, dear colleagues!
Just yesterday, April 11, my boys and I took part in the inter-district theater art competition “Theater of Childhood”.
Goal: to develop children’s coherent speech, to continue to develop children’s interest in theatrical play.
promote the development of dialogical speech;
improving the grammatical structure of speech: agreement of nouns with adjectives, verbs and numerals.
development of coherent speech utterance ;
development of perception, attention, thinking;
development of clear coordinated movements in interaction with speech;
development of a holistic perception of Russian folk tales ;
continue to develop in children the ability to create an expressive image in a dramatization game, develop the ability to imitate the characteristic actions of characters;
develop memory, visual and auditory attention, imaginative thinking, imagination.
creating an emotionally positive attitude in children, developing skills of cooperation, independence, and initiative;
nurturing love, kindness, and respect for the environment through fairy tales .
developing a sense of confidence when performing tasks;
formation of fine motor skills through self-massage.
Materials: animal costumes, small house , toy building materials.