Development of a lesson on the topic “Reading the Russian folk tale “Kolobok””

MAGAZINE Preschooler.RF

Author: Ozerova N.A. teacher of the 1st qualification category Moscow 2014 Types of children's activities: productive, gaming, musical and artistic, reading fiction, communicative. Goals: to consolidate children's knowledge of Russian folk tales; arouse interest in listening to a literary work. Objectives: educational: develop children’s speech, enrich vocabulary; consolidate knowledge of the characters of the fairy tale, the sequence of events of the fairy tale, encourage children to participate in reciting the text of the fairy tale together with the teacher, and its dramatization; continue to learn to coordinate movements with speech, distinguish between emotions, and depict them using facial expressions, gestures, and movements. developmental: development of interest in theatrical games, development of the ability to act on command, develop emotionality of speech, attention, mental operations; educating: evoke an emotional response, cultivate a love of nature, folk art, a desire to help; develop the ability to work in a team. Methods: verbal, visual, practical, game; methods that increase emotional activity (stimulating the manifestation of cognitive interests), reproductive methods (cognitive activity). Techniques: immersion in a game situation, group work and individual work, questions, asking riddles, a surprise moment. Preliminary work: familiarization with the text of the fairy tale; examination of illustrations for a fairy tale, illustrations on the topic “wild animals”; artistic creativity: modeling a “bun”, drawing “a gingerbread man is rolling along the path”; conducting outdoor games using emblems of wild animals (fox, hare, wolf, bear); Leisure time for physical development “Visiting the Kolobok”. Material (equipment): flannelgraph, music center, fairy tale characters (planar), emblems of bunnies and foxes (fox hat), toy bun, floor Christmas trees. Progress of the lesson: Educator: Everyone stand in a row, Let's play together. Get your ears and eyes ready, Let's begin our fairy tale: “Once upon a time there lived a cheerful little bun, He left his grandmother, He left his grandfather, he rolled down the path and ended up in our group.”

(the teacher removes the bun from the flannelgraph). (The phonogram sounds: oh-oh-oh, we see the bun that ended up in our house). Educator: Who is that hiding in the house? (Kolobok). Kolobok: Yes, I am a Kolobok, hello children (the children greet the Kolobok). Educator: Kolobok, Kolobok, how did you get into our house? Kolobok: It didn’t lie on the window, it rolled along the path. I got a little lost, so I ended up in your kindergarten... It’s nice here, cozy and warm, with a lot of toys. I like it here, can I stay with you? Educator: The bun will stay with us and tell us his fairy tale. Kolobok: Okay, just help me, tell a fairy tale with me! (the teacher and the children begin their journey into a fairy tale). Kolobok: We have a long journey ahead of us, let’s play a little, show me guys how I turned out (Finger gymnastics)

I am a bun, a bun (circular movements with palms)

Scraped along the bottom of the barrel (with the right hand they “scrape” the left hand)

Sweeping around the barn (simulate sweeping)

On sour cream meshen (make circular movements with your right hand)

Sazhen into the stove (show two arms extended forward)

It's cold on the window (they show the window with both hands)

I left my grandmother, and I left my grandfather (the index and middle fingers of the right hand run along the palm of the left).

Educator: Along the path, along the path, (Children run in a circle)

Between the pines left, right,

Very fun, playful

The bun rolled.

He rolled around, got lost, and met a hare: Hare: hello dear little bun, what are you doing in the forest? Kolobok: I am a cheerful Kolobok, I have a ruddy side, I didn’t lie on the window, I rolled along the path. I left my grandmother, I left my grandfather, I got lost in the forest, I can’t get home, guide me, scythe!

Bunny: what should I do with you, oh well, I’ll see you off, just play with me! (children play the outdoor game “The little gray bunny is sitting” 2-3 times). Kolobok rolled on, and the bunny hopped and hopped with him!

Educator: He rolled there,

Where I have never been.

He rolled, didn’t get bored,

The bunny was jumping nearby, suddenly a wolf came out from behind the bushes to meet them!

Wolf: Hello, hare! who is your friend?

Kolobok: listen, gray Wolf, answer: I have no secrets! I am a cheerful Kolobok, I have a ruddy side, I did not lie on the window, I rolled along the path. I left my grandmother, I left my grandfather, I got lost in the forest, take me home!

Educator: the bun rolled further, next to it was a gray wolf. They met a bear (They depict a bear).

Bear: what are you doing in the forest? (the bear says to the kolobok).

Kolobok: I am a cheerful Kolobok, I have a ruddy side, I didn’t lie on the window, I rolled along the path. I left my grandmother, I left my grandfather, I got lost in the forest, take me home!

Bear: Bear is very angry

He stamped his big paw.

-You left your grandmother (they shake a finger),

And he left his grandfather (they shake a finger),

Rolled around, got lost,

You are so naughty! We need to take you home!

Kolobok: don’t be angry, bear, let’s play with you! (game “The clumsy bear walks through the forest...”).

Educator: the bun rolled further, next to it was a clumsy bear. Here to meet them, a fox!

Fox: - Hello, bun! How cute you are! Where are you going?

Kolobok: I am a cheerful Kolobok, I have a ruddy side, I didn’t lie on the window, I rolled along the path. I left my grandmother, I left my grandfather, I got lost in the forest, take me home!

Fox: play with me, my friend! (game "Fox and Hares"). Educator: He began to play with the little fox and run away quickly. There is no red fur coat in the forest, There is no more cunning beast in the forest. Don't joke with the Fox, but run home quickly (the bun runs away from the fox). Kolobok: Well, guys, we told a fairy tale, and we played with the fox.

Educator: Guys, let's play with the kolobok and remember which heroes he met in the forest. Physical education minute. It was baked from flour, (we make a pie with our hands) It was mixed with sour cream. (knead the dough) He was chilling in the window, (we blow on his palms) He rolled along the path. (we run in a circle) He was cheerful, he was brave. (we smile, we walk) And on the way he sang a song (we sing a song, la-la). A little bunny met him (we jump like a bunny). Gray wolf and brown bear (show the wolf, waddle around like a bear). And when the baby is in the forest (we walk). I met a red fox (we show the habits of a fox). He ran away from her. Educator: Well, we’ve played, it’s time for the bun to return to the fairy tale, grandparents are waiting for him. Let's say goodbye! kolobok. Kolobok: Kids, I thank you! And I say “thank you” to everyone! Now I'm hitting the road, I'll definitely come back to you. Children: Goodbye! Educator: Grandfather and grandmother are very glad that Kolobok has returned to them and they have prepared a treat for the children and guests (the children sit at the tables where a treat has been prepared for them in advance).

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