Dramatization of the fairy tale “Kolobok” in a new way.material (senior group)

Fairy tale-remake “Kolobok” for a Wedding, Anniversary, Holiday.

Attributes: Kolobok - a large yellow scarf and draw a big smile with red lipstick. Old woman - scarf and skirt. Old man - beard and wand. Hare - ears on head. Wolf – wolf mask. Bear - black fur coat. Fox - red tail and hat. Window - the actor holds his hands like a wheel and depicts a window. Window sill - will squat bent over and hold a board on his back.

Host: Our holiday continues, But there’s something I don’t like, It’s a little boring, Gentlemen - just a minute,

Let's mentally go back to childhood quickly, What did we love there, What did we forget about?!

This is about fairy tales, Ladies, gentlemen, so, I propose to act out a fairy tale, Now I will give out roles,

The fairy tale is simple - “Kolobok”, Just a couple of lines for everyone!

(the presenter distributes roles and paraphernalia) (while the presenter is reading the text of the fairy tale, all the characters must perform actions, for example, the hare squinted his eyes - the hare brings his eyes to his nose, the wolf scratched the back of his head - scratches the back of his head, when the dialogue is spoken - we open our mouths or you can distribute the text to the actors choice)

Presenter: (grandfather and woman come out, two chairs are placed, the window sill is also sat down and there is a window next to it) Once upon a time there lived a grandfather and a woman, And here is the grandfather early in the morning, He approaches the grandmother and says: “Something in my stomach is rumbling, Well, how about making me a kolobok?” ", Grandma immediately went, swept the bottom of the barrel and made a bun! She put it on the windowsill, so that the flour product could cool down, sat down with her grandfather, and forgot about this matter!

(The bun sits on the windowsill and looks out the window, then crawls through it and runs away) And the bun lay on the windowsill, Yes, I measured the size of the window, And I decided that he could crawl through, So that his old grandfather could not eat him, And he climbed through the window and rolled far away !

Grandma and grandfather burst into tears, but then they ate yesterday’s cabbage soup!

And the bun is rolling through the forest, and suddenly the hare grabs its side! (the hare runs up and plucks the bun)

The hare looked sideways, He just recently drank beer, And he said to the kolobok: “I don’t want to eat you, So I pinched you - don’t be offended!” And immediately said goodbye!

The bun rolled further, a wolf appeared on the road, and said: “I’ll eat you!”, Kolobok: “Don’t you want problems?! After all, my grandfather has a huge gun?!”, The wolf got scared and ran away, Then the bear stuck to the kolobok! He began to tell him: “Let’s share the bun, at least give me a ruddy barrel, otherwise I have nothing to drink tea with!”

And the bun answered him: “I would give it - there is no market, Only the grandmother baked, The salt poured into me, So much that I myself am in shock, So I’m running away!”

And the bun rushed, quickly, quickly as fast as he could!

And then the fox runs up, wags her red tail, and says cunningly to the kolobok: “Oh, pie, I can’t, Something got into my eye there, I’ve shed quite a few tears, You won’t look, dear, I won’t remain in debt to you!".

Kolobok sat on her nose (on her lap), and answered: “No question! Now I’ll bandage your mouth and look at your fly!”

(bandages the fox’s head, seals its mouth)

Kolobok knew in advance what was waiting for him at the end of the fairy tale, so he realized in advance and thus deceived the fox, got a fly out of her eye, and quickly ran away, to our table for the holiday, now I’ll show it to you!

(at the end the presenter takes out a pre-baked bun and treats everyone)

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A fairy tale in a new way “Kolobok”


Come on, grandma, don't joke, we won't be able to find Kolobok!

Grandma (wailing)

Eh, my little grandpa, my little grandpa, the little bun rolled away, How many years have we been living with you - All together, and all together... There is no daughter, no son.


Not really Kolobok Do you want to adopt?

Grandma (sighing)

Maybe, grandfather, maybe! He was just born. Oh, why did he roll away and where will he go now? He will disappear, he will disappear!


Yes, he came out too lively!


Oh, the boy will have a lot of trouble. Kolobok would return home, my son! And all of you! Ooh, heartless!


Why are you always nagging me? It's not my fault. Grandma, bake pancakes!

Act two

Kolobok rolls out from behind the trees on the left.


I'm scraping the box, I'm sweeping the bottom, My side is ruddy. I am a cheerful Kolobok!

A Hare comes out from behind the trees on the right to meet Kolobok.


The little gray bunny loves to skip and run through the forest! Listen to everything with your ears, eat everything with your teeth! You're completely fresh, wait, I'll eat you!

The bun jumps to the side.


I don’t want to be dinner, I left my grandparents! I won’t get into trouble, I’ll leave you, Oblique!

The bun quickly rolls past the Hare and disappears behind the trees on the right. The hare runs after him.




Race for at least half a day, you won’t catch me!

After some time, Kolobok appears again from behind the trees on the left.


I'm scraping the box, I'm sweeping the bottom, My side is ruddy. I am a cheerful Kolobok!

A Wolf comes out from behind the trees on the right.


He wants to grab the top with his teeth, put it in his mouth, and then in his tummy. You are absolutely fresh! Wait, I'll eat you!


I don't want to be lunch! I left my grandparents, You wouldn’t scare me, I ran away from the Hare! There's no point in catching up with me

I will run away from the wolf too!

The bun quickly rolls past the Wolf and disappears behind the trees on the right. The wolf runs after him. The bun appears again from behind the trees on the left.


I'm scraping the box, I'm sweeping the bottom, My side is ruddy. I am a cheerful Kolobok!

A Bear comes out from behind the trees on the right.


Loves crumpets with honey. The clumsy bear eats them. You're absolutely fresh! Wait, I'll eat you!


I don't want to be lunch! I left my grandparents, You wouldn’t scare me, I ran away from the Hare! There is no point in catching up with me, I also ran away from the Wolf. I won't get into trouble, I'll leave you, Bear!

The bun quickly rolls past the Bear and disappears behind the trees on the right. The bear runs away after him. The bun appears again from behind the trees on the left.


I'm scraping the box, I'm sweeping the bottom, My side is ruddy. I am a cheerful Kolobok!

The Fox comes out from behind the trees on the right.


Have you heard about the fox? There is no one more cunning than me in the forest. For the edification of all children, I will now eat Kolobok!

Musical fairy tale "Kolobok"

Script for a theater group. Elementary School.

Musical fairy tale "Kolobok".


Once upon a time there was a grandfather and a woman, they ate porridge with milk, and decided to dine with milk at their leisure.


I don’t want overseas caviar or overseas fungus, I want to taste the rosy Kolobok.






That's not a big problem. Mark the bottom of the barrel and collect the torments. Then I’ll fill the kneader, leave it warm, and that’s all there is to it! It will be ready in an hour.


Don’t make containers and bars, Better put your own gas stations.

Grandfather and grandmother work and sing:

We'll mark the bottom of the barrel and collect the torments. Let's collect, let's collect, We'll collect the torment

And then we’ll pour some water, knead everything and sing. We will sing, we will sing, We will knead everything and sing.

Put Kolobok in the oven. He is neither short nor tall. Not high, not high, He is not low, not high.

Bake quickly, Bake quickly. Quickly, quickly, bake quickly!

We're leaving to rest, leaving it to cool down. Cool, cool, Leave to cool.


Oh yes grandma, oh yes grandfather! They want to eat me for lunch! I don’t intend to die in my prime, no, no, no! I stop cooling down - I need to get away from here!


And the smart Kolobok, through the canopy and the threshold - Feet in hand - and ran away.

Kolobok sings to the melody of the song “Traffic Light” from the repertoire of V. Leonyev.

I am Kolobok, Kolobok, Kolobok, So big, beautiful, But why, why, why am I unhappy in life? I keep running and running... running away. I'm running from my grandfather, I'm running from my grandmother. I'm running away from my fate!

The bun runs further and the Hare appears on the stage.




Why did you stop?


: Because I decided to eat it!


: Don’t eat me with a scythe, you’d better listen to the song.

Kolobok sings to the tune of “Songs about Hares” from the movie “The Diamond Arm.”

In a dark blue forest, where aspen trees tremble, Where foliage flies from the sorcerer oaks. In the clearing, hares mowed the grass at midnight and sang strange words at the same time.

A bunch of hares sing along with the chorus and dance.


But we don’t care, but we don’t care, We are not afraid of the Wolf and the Owl, Let’s resist at least once in this terrible hour, All misfortunes will come to us!

Kolobok runs away.


The hares sang, danced, missed Kolobok, and in a sad crowd they wandered home... Kolobok's legs were tired on the way. He wanted to sit down, but suddenly the Wolf rushed at full speed. Wolf: I smelled a juicy smell! I need to eat you urgently!


Take your time, toothy uncle, let’s sit down to rest. Let's talk about life, I'll sing you a song Better than Mireille Mathieu.

Kolobok and the Wolf sing a duet.


You don't eat me, lone wolf. Now, like you, I am alone in life.


Poor Kolobok! Poor Kolobok!


Alone in life!


: I'm lonely in life!


Lone wolf!

Wolf :

Poor Kolobok! Woohoo!


When the Wolf came to his senses, Kolobok was suddenly not found. The Wolf looked sad, he set sail for home.

Kolobok is on the road again And my legs are tired again. He just wanted to sit, and a bear came towards him from behind a bush.


Stop, round rosy-cheeked one! Let's get off the high road. Let's talk about this and that, Let's have lunch together.


: Maybe. Let's sing a song!


I haven’t been able to sing since childhood, I’ve been deaf in the ear since I was a child.


Then take the ball and look straight at me. Don’t blink or yawn, imitate my movements.

Kolobok sings to the tune of the song “Olympic Farewell.” A. Pakhmutova.

It becomes quiet in the clearing, The bunnies, the mice, the owl are sleeping, And I need to say goodbye to you, Goodbye, Mishutka, bye!

Go away, go away without turning back And don’t you dare ever catch my eye. OK?


Lull Mishuk to sleep - twice two for Kolobok!


Sleep, Mishutka, go to sleep, don’t forget Kolobok!


The bun rolls on, playful and cheerful, just like at the beginning. He sings about meadows, forests, and Lo and behold, a fox near a tree.


Stop, honey, stop. Don't be alarmed, I'm not a lynx. More honey and jam. I love solo singing.


I know from the potty that you ate Kolobok. That bun was my grandfather. Now give me the answer.


People say, I haven’t seen your grandfather’s Kolobok on a platter. You better sing a song, my friend.


Pay money for a song, but if you don’t have it, then go!


Okay, I'll tell the truth - I go a day without food. It’s churning in my stomach, I have no peace anywhere


Look how Liska spun around, as if she had eaten too much Whiskas.
Okay, you’re wearing “Pedigripal”, and I’m here so I don’t see you! Author:
Pedigree grabbed the fox, purred like a pussy, wagged her tail cutely, and drove away. And our Kolobok got bored...


I'm already tired of walking, I should lie in sour cream, and not swallow dust on the road.


:Suddenly from a distant forest He hears a voice from Grandfather...


Kolobok, Kolobok! Answer our son,


Here I am a woman, here I am a grandfather, I send you my greetings! I saw countless fears, they wanted to eat me in the forest!


Don't be afraid, my dear, I brought a gun with me!


Let’s not part now, Kolobochek, believe us. Let's go home now. The three of us will live together.

Everyone sings together to the melody of “Our locomotive, fly forward...”.

Our Kolobok roll forward, There is a stop in the hut, Let everyone run away from the path, We have a rifle in our hands.

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