Olga73 Project for the middle group “Golden Autumn” Prepared by: teacher Voronina E. G. MBDOU general developmental kindergarten 10 “Herringbone” - presentation

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Information and research project “Autumn Leaf”

09/05/2015 2321 478 Grishaeva Anastasia Vladimirovna Information and research project “Autumn Leaf” Contents 1. Project passport 2. Relevance 3. Stages of project implementation 4. Abstracts

I. Project passport

Name of the project Project activity “Autumn Leaf” Main developers Teachers of the middle group: Grishaeva Anastasia Vladimirovna The purpose of the project is to enrich children’s knowledge about a natural object - a leaf of a tree, to develop an active vocabulary in children through the organization of various types of activities: gaming, communicative, cognitive-research, productive, perception of fiction, musical and aesthetic. Objectives 1. Give children a basic understanding of trees and their significance for the world around them. 2. To form children’s cognitive activity when conducting observations and research. 3. Enrich children's vocabulary on this topic. 4. Master various ways to depict an autumn leaf. 5. Develop emotional responsiveness to musical and literary works and vivid natural phenomena. Duration of the project One week, 21.10-27.10 Participants Group teachers Music teacher Children of the middle group Parents Evaluation criteria Expected results 1. expanding children's knowledge about the characteristics of trees and their role for the world around them; 2. enrichment of children’s active and passive vocabulary through words: “multi-colored”, “yellow”, “red”, “sad”, “cold”, “happy” and others; 3. development of cognitive interest and observation skills in children; 4. taking active part in productive activities; 5. manifestation of emotional responsiveness. Stages of the project Stage 1. Organizational and preparatory: cognitive. 1. Setting the goals and objectives of the project. 2. Conversations with children to identify knowledge about trees. 3. Preparation of poems, nursery rhymes, chants, riddles, games, illustrative material, using tree leaves, development of GCD for speech development and familiarization with the environment. Stage 2. Basic: theoretical and practical. — organization of various types of children's activities: motor activity, cognitive and communicative activity, musical activity, productive activity, work with parents. Stage 3. Final: reflective-analytical. 1. Summing up the project. 2. Organizing an exhibition of children's creative works “Autumn Forest” 3. Holding the “Autumn” holiday. 4. Show parents the video “Week with an autumn leaf”

II. Relevance The relevance of the development and implementation of the project: in the fall, the leaves on the trees change color and fall off. We tried to draw the children's attention to this. And help them see the change in trees and show how autumn affects them.

III. Stages of project implementation Direction of work Forms of cooperation and their content Deadlines Responsible 1 block. Educational Information and advertising activities 1. Design of the “Vogogor Chozh” corner. (Seasons.) 2. Replenishment of the pocket “Learning by heart” with poems, songs, calls on the autumn theme. September, October, November Educators Work with teachers 1. Planning a project with a music teacher. October Educators Work with children 1. Conversation with children to identify knowledge of autumn signs. 2. Walks in the fresh air to get acquainted with the first signs of autumn. 3. Examination of the folder “trees of the Komi Republic” 4. Introduction to the NOD on artistic creativity with the figures of an oval and a circle. September Educators Work with parents 1. Conversations with parents about the necessary participation, about a serious attitude towards the educational process in the preschool educational institution. October Teachers 2 block. Practical Information and advertising activities 1. Children's works produced during the project. October Educators Work with teachers 1. ECD in music “Leaves are flying.” 3rd week of October Educators Music teacher Work with children 1. physical school, 2. complex of morning exercises “Hello, Autumn”, 3. outdoor game “Listen carefully 4. GCD for speech development in the first junior group “In the autumn forest”, 5. ECD for familiarization with the surrounding world “Leaf Fall”, 6. reading and learning poems, nursery rhymes, chants about trees with children, 7. didactic game “Whose leaf? " 8. artistic creativity (modeling) “Birch leaf”, 9. artistic creativity (drawing) “Aspen leaf”, 10. collecting autumn leaves for the herbarium, 11. artistic creativity (applique) “Carpet of leaves”. 12. learning the round dance song “Leaves are falling, falling.” 13. observation of leaf fall, 14. research during a walk “Which leaves fall from the trees first?”, 15. observation of the life of 1 tree during the week. 3rd week of October Educators Work with parents Making a “mystery leaf” for a miracle tree at home with children. 3rd week of October Teachers 3rd block. Creative Information and advertising activities Design of the exhibition of children's creative works “Autumn Forest”. 4th week of October Educators Work with teachers Organization of the autumn holiday. November 1 Educators Music teacher Work with children 1. Conversation to identify the knowledge gained over the past week. 2. Autumn Festival “Oseniny”. 4th week of October Teachers of Music. Head Work with parents Presentation of the video “Week of the Autumn Leaf”. November. Genus. meeting Educators

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Project with children of the middle group on ecology “Why do the leaves turn yellow and fall?”

Project with middle group children on the topic:

“Why the leaves turn yellow and fall off in the fall.”

Type of project: group, short-term, research and creative, aimed at studying nature in the autumn with seasonal changes.

Project participants: middle group children (4-5 years old).

Duration: from November 1 to November 15, 2021

Relevance of the project:

Every autumn day there are fewer and fewer leaves on the trees, and children during a day walk ask why this is happening and why they turn yellow.

In the middle group of kindergarten, we must create conditions for the formation of children's interest in nature. Encourage curiosity when exploring the natural world. Create conditions for organizing children's experimentation with natural materials. Encourage children's initiative in exploring objects and natural phenomena. Support the manifestations of children's research activity. Learn to establish connections between objects and phenomena and make simple generalizations. To cultivate a caring attitude towards nature, to love it, to form the simplest environmental ideas. Teach children to notice seasonal changes in nature in the autumn.

Formulation of the problem:

Children do not have enough ideas about objects and natural phenomena, about the correct attitude towards the natural world around them, about interaction with it.

While walking, children often ask why the leaves on the trees turn yellow and fall off? We answered, if children want to learn about this, then we need to study it.

We used a three question model:

- What do I know?

-What do I want to know?

-How to find out?

Objective of the project:

To form children's knowledge that winter is coming soon, trees are beginning to prepare for hibernation.


Deepen your understanding of changes in nature in the fall, that there is less sun and less chlorophyll is released, in the fall trees get rid of harmful substances, which is why they shed their leaves. And in the fall, trees are saved from drying out and from death; a special detachable layer is formed at the petiole.

Methods and forms of work:

artistic and productive activities, reading fiction, gaming and leisure activities.

Expected Result:

Deepening and expanding children's knowledge about autumn changes in nature, leaf fall, and how trees prepare for hibernation.

Activation of vocabulary, development of coherent speech and spatial orientation.

Development of all mental processes.

Development of creative abilities.

Project product:

Exhibition of drawings on the theme "Fairytale Tree", "Golden Autumn".

Long-term work plan for the project:

Types of children's activities Methods, techniques
Artistically productive Application “Basket of mushrooms”

Modeling “Plums and Lemons”

Drawing “Fairytale tree”, “Golden autumn”

Cognitive activity Reading fiction: “Bunin I.A.

“The sky was already breathing in autumn”, M. Prishvin “Already the sky was breathing in autumn”, T. Skribitsky “Autumn”.

Learning by heart: M. Prishvin “Autumn Leaves.”

Examination of I. Levitan’s painting “Golden Autumn”.

Compiling a descriptive story according to the “Autumn” scheme

Herbarium design with autumn leaves.

Play activity Outdoor game "Find a pair." Didactic game “Which tree is the leaf from?”

Role-playing game "Vegetable shop"

Leisure activities Matinee dedicated to autumn.

Stages of work on the project:

Preparatory stage Drawing up a plan for collaboration. Selection of materials and equipment for classes, conversations and games with children. Determining the content of the activities of all project participants.
Main stage Determining the source of information. Determining ways to collect and analyze information. Determine how to present results. Establishing procedures and criteria for evaluating results and process. Distribution of tasks and responsibilities among group members. Reading fiction, watching a presentation on the topic: “Autumn.” Conducting didactic games. Carrying out a matinee dedicated to the autumn holiday.
The final stage Designing an applique exhibition with children on the theme: “Basket of Mushrooms”, an exhibition of drawings on the theme: “Fairytale Tree”, “Golden Autumn”.

Project performance:

The goal of the project activity was to expand and systematize children's knowledge about autumn changes in nature, how trees prepare for winter hibernation. Therefore, our product was an exhibition of children’s works on the theme “Fairytale Tree” and “Golden Autumn”. Thanks to the project, the children became acquainted with a variety of educational games, became acquainted with the more detailed structure of a leaf through a magnifying glass, learned many autumn songs and poems, became acquainted with fiction, where autumn signs were fixed.

Perspective: Children have a desire to also get acquainted with another season in winter, which will enrich their knowledge about seasonal changes in nature and will contribute to a sustainable cognitive interest in learning new things, learning poems and songs.


1.Golitsyna N.S. “Environmental education of preschool children. Long-term planning of work with children 3-7 years old.” Methodical manual M: Mosaic-Synthesis 2006.

2.Ivanova A.I. "Living ecology. Environmental education programs for preschool children" TC Sfera. 2009.

3.Kolomina N.V. “Education of the fundamentals of environmental culture in kindergarten. Lesson scenario "M.TC Sfera. 2005.


Examining the structure of a leaf under a magnifying glass.

Household work on the kindergarten site with children's equipment.

Games with leaves.

Project “Sorceress Autumn” in kindergarten. Preparatory group

Implementation of the project “Sorceress Autumn” in a preparatory school group
Project passport Type of project: informational, creative, group. Duration: medium term. Participants: teachers, music director, preparatory group children, parents. Problem: Autumn is not just a time of year, it is the time when all life on Earth prepares for the transition from hot summer to cold winter. Preschoolers want to know how nature prepares for severe frosts, how animals, birds, insects prepare for winter, how do people prepare for winter? Children's age : 6-7 years. Relevance: Many great thinkers and teachers have written that the development of a child largely depends on the natural environment. And cultivating a careful and caring attitude towards living and inanimate nature is possible when children have at least basic knowledge about them, learn to observe nature and see its beauty. In the modern world, the education and development of preschool children is built on the individual development of a creative personality. From birth, a child is a pioneer. Sometimes he cannot find answers to questions that interest him on his own. To help the child, project activities are organized. Project goal: Expanding children's understanding of autumn as a time of year, about the life of animals and plants in autumn, about holidays and people's work in the autumn. Project objectives: 1. Expand and systematize children’s knowledge about autumn, changes in nature, teach to see and identify individual objects of autumn nature, develop the ability to observe living objects and inanimate natural phenomena; 2. Summarize and clarify knowledge about human work in nature in autumn, about autumn holidays and their traditions; 3. Improve visual skills and abilities, develop the ability to see the beauty of the surrounding natural world, the diversity of its colors and shapes. 4. Activate children’s speech, replenish and enrich children’s knowledge on lexical topics: “Autumn”, “Vegetables”, “Fruits”, “Mushrooms”, “Birds”, “Animals”; 5. Expand your understanding of the variety and benefits of vegetables and fruits that ripen in the autumn; 6. Cultivate sensitivity to the artistic word, love and respect for nature. 7. Nurture the moral and spiritual qualities of a child during his communication with nature. 8. To generate the activity and interest of parents in the pedagogical process. Expected result: After completing the project, children will acquire the following knowledge: 1. Expanding their understanding of autumn as a season (seasonal changes in nature, signs of autumn, its gifts, preparation for the cold of animals and vegetation).
2. Development of research activities of preschoolers in the course of joint practical activities with the teacher. 3. Development of an active, independent, creative personality in children. 4. Reflection of the knowledge accumulated during the implementation of the project in various types of activities (visual, theatrical, mental, gaming). 5. Fostering a sense of love for one’s native land and a desire to take care of the gifts of nature. 6. Formation of activity and interest in the educational process of children among parents. Project implementation stages.
Preparatory stage • drawing up a plan for joint work with children and parents; • development of OA notes; • selection of materials and equipment for OD, conversations, games with children; • selection of artistic material; • conversation with parents about their necessary participation in the project, about a serious attitude towards the educational process in the preschool educational institution; • Study of methodological literature. Practical stage. Educational areas. Types of children's activities. Cognitive development
Examination and examination of dummies and stencils of vegetables, fruits, leaves, illustrations and postcards dedicated to autumn.
Familiarization with the surroundings:
• “Signs of autumn” • “Visiting autumn”
“Why trees shed leaves”, “What autumn has brought us”;
"Autumn. What do you know about her? “Can vegetables be harmful to our health?” Situational conversation: “What fairy tales do you know where one of the characters is a vegetable or fruit?” “Why does a bear sleep in winter, but a hare doesn’t?” “Why do I like (dislike) autumn?” Cycle of observations:
“What happened first, what will happen next?”
(the beauty and richness of autumn colors using the example of trees growing on the territory of a kindergarten), “Let's collect seeds of garden flowers”, “Is it necessary to collect seeds of wild plants?”, “What is the difference between spruce and other trees in autumn?”, “Why do birds fly in autumn?” to people’s homes?”, “Where do migratory birds fly?”, “Why did insects disappear?” Targeted walks: “Trees and shrubs of our kindergarten”, “Looking for signs of autumn” excursion around the territory of the preschool educational institution; experimental activity with autumn leaves; Quiz: “Let’s save the wonderful world of plants and animals.” D/i “Let’s bring back the memory of autumn”, “Which tree is the leaf from?”, “Who knows more about autumn?” Speech development. Reading fiction: - Proverbs, sayings, riddles about autumn. — I. Krylov’s fable “The Dragonfly and the Ant.” - I. Sokolov - Mikitov “Leaf Faller”. — M. Prishvin “Birds and Leaves.” — K. Chasheva “The trees are sleeping.” — Y. Tuvim “Vegetables.” - A. Pushkin “The sky was already breathing in autumn...” - A. K. Tolstoy “Autumn, our whole poor garden is crumbling...” - F. Tyutcheva “There is in the primordial autumn.” — N. Egorova “Falling Leaves.” Retelling, storytelling:
- Retelling the work of K. Ushinsky “Four Wishes” - Retelling the work of N. Pavlova “Openki” - Composing descriptive stories about vegetables and fruits.
— Creative storytelling on the topics “We walked in the area”, “What did I see in the park?” - Compiling a descriptive story on the topic “My Picture” - Retelling the work of N. Sladkov “Why November is Piebald” - Retelling the work of V. Chaplina “Forest in Autumn” Memorizing:
- A. Fet “The Swallows Are Missing.”
— E. Trutneva “Autumn.” — Memorizing poems with parents for the video “Poetic Autumn.” Artistic and aesthetic development.
Drawing: “Autumn still life”, “Rowan branch”, “Migratory birds are flying”, “Apple tree with apples”, “Riddles from the garden”.
Modeling: “For mushrooms in the autumn forest”, “Autumn tree”. Application: “Autumn twigs in a vase”, “Spikelet”, “Autumn forest”, “Applique of autumn leaves”. Listening to musical works: P. Tchaikovsky “The Seasons”, A. Vivaldi “The Seasons”, S. Prokofiev “The Autumn Fairy”. Physical development.
Finger gymnast “The rain came out for a walk”, “Leaves”, etc. Physical education, “We will go to the garden”, “A grain fell into the ground”, “Breeze”;
“Cabbage”, etc. breathing exercises “Breeze”. Outdoor games: At the bear in the forest”, “Owl”, “Migration of birds”, “One, two, three, take the named leaf”, “Who will collect the leaves faster”, “Let’s collect an autumn bouquet”, “Let’s go to the forest”, “ Tops and roots", "Owl". Relay race “Collect an autumn bouquet”. Social and communicative development:
Plot-role-playing games “Family - autumn chores”, “Harvest”;
“Growers”, “Gegetable shop”, “Flower shop”, “On a walk in the autumn forest”. Didactic games: “Edible and poisonous mushrooms”, “Stocks of animals”, “Seasons”, “Wonderful bag”, “What grows in the garden?”, “Autumn signs”, “Two baskets”, “Vegetables and fruits”, “ Find a pair”, “Which tree is the leaf from?”, “What’s extra.” Labor: Joint decoration of the group for the autumn holiday, collecting natural material on a walk and herbarium, providing all possible assistance in removing leaves from the site, cleaning the flower garden. Cultural and leisure activities: Autumn Festival “Autumn Fair”. Participation in all-Russian events “Harvest Day” and “Green Russia” Interaction with parents. Activities to work with parents: 1. Collection of natural materials. 2. Recommendations for parents to read fiction on the topic. 3. Recommend an excursion with children to the vegetable garden, garden, forest, park. 4. Conducting individual conversations in order to create interest and attract parents to making crafts 5. Consultations: “Vitamins in the garden and in the garden”, “Children’s clothes for walks in the fall.” 6. Assistance in preparing for the “Autumn Fair” holiday (making costumes, learning poems and songs). Final stage Products of project activities:
1. Holiday “Autumn Fair”;
2. Video “Poetic autumn”; 3. Album of children's drawings “Colors of Autumn”; 4. Autumn decoration of the group; Analysis of work results. Literature: 1. FROM BIRTH TO SCHOOL. Basic general education program for preschool education / Ed. N. E. Veraksy, T. S. Komarova, M. A. Vasilyeva. - M.: MOSAIKA-SYNTHESIS, 2010. - 304 p. Education. 2. Developmental activities for children 6-7 years old. / Ed. L.A. Paramonova. M.: OLMA Media Group, 2014. 3. “The Unknown is Nearby,” entertaining experiences and experiments for preschoolers. O.V. Dybina, N.P. Rakhmanova, V.V. Shchetinina, M., Sphere shopping center, 2005 4. “Development of imagination and speech of children 4-7 years old,” gaming technologies. — E.A. Alyabyeva, M., Sfera shopping center, 2006 5. “Organization of experimental activities for children 2-7 years old.” – E.A. Martynova, I.M. Suchkova, Volgograd: Teacher, 2013; 6. “Environmental projects in kindergarten” - Maslennikova O.N., Filippenko A.A. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2013 7. Bondarenko T. M. “Comprehensive classes in the preparatory group” 2008. Project implementation

Observations of changes occurring in nature in autumn.

Work on the site (cleaning the flower garden).

Application “Autumn Forest”

Leaves applique.

There is autumn in every drawing.

Setting up an exhibition of children's works in the hallway.

Rehearsal of the “Gypsy” dance for the “Autumn Fair” holiday. Thank you for your attention!

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