Summary of educational activities on cognitive development Topic “Me and my family”

Open lesson at the preschool educational institution “My Family”

  • June 15, 2010

Competition “My Pedagogical Initiative”

  • To consolidate the idea of ​​a family as people who live together, love each other, take care of each other (children should know the names of all members of their family).
  • Cultivate a desire to care for loved ones.
  • Strengthen the skill of coherent speech.
  • Reinforce your knowledge of proverbs about family.

1. Org. moment (In a circle)

All the children gathered in a circle. I am your friend and you are my friend. Let's hold hands tightly and smile at each other.

– I’ll look at your faces, who should I make friends with here? I am Lyudmila Nikolaevna, and who are you? Tell me what your affectionate name is (Dasha, Mishenka...).

- Hello, dear children, you are the most beautiful in the world. I invite such good, handsome ones to play.

2. Conversation about family (Sitting at tables)

– Tell me, guys, where are you in a hurry in the evening after kindergarten? That's right, home. And why? Yes, your family is waiting for you!

– It’s so good that you all have a family! You are the happiest children in the world, because in your families they love each other, everyone lives cheerfully and amicably together. The main thing is that there is always peace, friendship, respect, and love for each other in the family. A family may be small - for example, a mother and a child, but if they love each other - this is a real family. It's good if the family is big. Who lives in your families?

– Tell me the best words about your mother, what is she like (caring, hardworking, gentle, affectionate...)?

– What can mom do? (sew, cook, wash, wash...)

- What about dad? (strong, brave, hardworking...)

- What can dad do? (tinkering, sawing, digging, vacuuming...)

3. Story from pictures

The teacher shows the children pictures that depict scenes from life (a sick child lies, his mother gives him medicine, etc.)

- Let's make a story based on the pictures. Tell us what you see in the picture, who is depicted, what are they wearing? What are they doing? What do you think, what can they say to each other? Bring the picture to life!

– So, what is a family? (children's answers)

Conclusion: a family is adults and children who live together, love each other and take care of each other.

4. Valeological pause “Big family” (In a circle)

There lived a large family in the house, I’ll name them all for you, kids: My beautiful mother lived in the house, and was known for her kindness and intelligence. Dad is a strongman, a daredevil athlete, the support of the family - a real father! Grandma lived with them - an old lady - and could knit all day long! An old grandfather lived in that house and fished at the dacha in the summer. Well, there was also a little son in the family - such a lively and nimble little naughty boy. In the morning and afternoon, even in the evening, the boy was jumping like a rubber ball. My son ran, jumped through puddles, and in the evenings he painted the landscape: The sun, and a cloud, and it’s raining... But sometimes the baby gets tired. That big family didn’t know how to get bored - they drank tea with jam in the evening. Delicious tea, delicious jam... It's time to finish the poem! I’ll just add one thing - this is a very friendly family!

5. Game to develop creative imagination

- In the evening, the whole family gathers at home - and this means that you can play a fun game: Let's think about what mom's saucepan could turn out to be? What about daddy's shoe?

6. Conversation on proverbs (On chairs)

– The family has been revered since ancient times, people have created many proverbs.

“It’s warm in the sun, good in the mother’s presence” (to be agreed)

“There is no sweeter friend than your own mother”

– How do you understand the meaning of these proverbs?

– What proverbs do you know about family?

Game: “What would you like to wish your family?”

(children's wishes to their family)

7. Finger gymnastics (standing)

Raise your hand with your palm facing you and, in accordance with the text of the verse, bend your fingers in a certain sequence, starting with the ring finger, then the little finger, index finger, middle and thumb.

I know that I have a friendly family at home: This is my mother, This is me, This is my grandmother. This is dad, This is grandfather. And we have no discord.

8. Making a flower from wire (At tables)

– Now let’s create magic, let your wishes settle in the petals of this wonderful flower that we are about to make (making a flower from corrugated paper and wire).

– I want to wish you that this flower brings a piece of warmth and light from our lesson to your family. Thank you for your help, goodbye!

Author: Lyudmila Nikolaevna Shkaeva, teacher of the MDOU Compensatory Kindergarten No. 13 “Kalinka”, Arkhangelsk.

Photo by the author


Speech development in the second group of early age topic “family”

Summary of an open lesson on speech development “My Family”

in the second group of early age (2-3 years).


Give children an idea of ​​the family, that everyone in the family cares and loves each other.


— Formation of children’s idea of ​​family.

-Develop children's speech as a means of communication.

-Help children answer the simplest questions “Who?”, “What is he doing?”

-Develop visual and auditory attention, memory.

-Develop fine motor skills of hands and fingers.

-Cultivate love and caring attitude towards your family members.


Subject picture “Family”, flannelograph, pictures with images of family members: grandfather, grandmother, mother, father, son, daughter. A picture of a round table.

Progress of the lesson:


In the morning the kids got up,

They came to kindergarten.

We've had guests here since morning,

Say hello, friends!

Surprise moment: Knock on the door, Bunny ( soft toy)

): Hello guys!
How fun it is here, just like it is at my place. I also play so happily with my brothers, the bunnies. I thought my family was here. Guys, do you have a family? (children's answers)

Now, we will tell you about our family. You sit down and listen carefully.

Educator: Tell me guys, who brought you to kindergarten today? (children's answers)


: Yes guys, each of you has grandparents, mom and dad, who has a brother or sister. How can you call everyone in one word?




Right. This word is family. Each of us has our own family. These are our relatives whom we love most.

Finger game

This finger is grandfather, (We bend the fingers on one hand according to the text of the poem)

This finger is grandma

This finger is daddy

This finger is mom,

This finger is me

Together - a friendly family (Unclench and clench your fist).


Family is home, it is a place where we are loved and welcomed. Family is our relatives, whom we love most.

Guys, let's look at the picture (The teacher hangs a story picture depicting a family on the board: grandmother, grandfather, mother, father, son, daughter)

A friendly family is depicted here. This is a grandmother, this is a grandfather, this is a mother, this is a father, this is a boy-son, this is a girl-daughter. They are smiling. This is a friendly family.

Now say: “What is shown in the picture?


(children may find it difficult to answer)

Well done!
Now answer: “Who is this?” (point to each family member)

This is grandpa, etc..

Educator: Guys, let's show what our dads can do.

Articulation game “What dad can do”

Saw - whack-whack,

Hammer a nail - here, there,

Card index of didactic games on the topic “My Family” card index (senior group)

"Our friendly family"

Goal: Name family members, understand and use generalizing words “family” in active speech.

Material: beautifully decorated box; finger theater, cut out to show finger performances.

Progress of the game:

Open a photo album and invite your child to look at a family photo. Ask him a question, pointing in turn to the image of each family member: “who is this?”

Ask the child what the name of his mother, father, grandmother, grandfather, etc. is. Invite him to tell him what kind of mother he is? (kind, beautiful, good). What kind of dad (tall, strict, handsome). What grandmother? (old, kind).

Place a beautifully decorated box in front of your child and invite him to see what is hidden in it. (Carved heroes of the finger theater). Invite your child to play with the heroes of the finger theater.

This finger is grandpa, (bend your thumb)

This finger is grandma, (bend your index finger)

This finger is daddy, (bend your middle finger)

This finger is mommy, (bend your ring finger)

This finger is me, (bend your little finger)

This is my whole family! (rotate your hands with your fingers apart)

At the end of the game, praise the child, saying that his family is really very friendly.

“Who is hiding behind the door” (riddles)

  1. He didn't work out of boredom,

His hands are calloused

And now he is old and gray-

My dear, beloved...grandfather.

  1. Who never gets tired of loving

pies for baking,

Delicious pancakes?

This is our... grandmother

  1. Who is the cutest in the world?

Who do children love very much?

I’ll answer the question directly:

- Our mother is the sweetest of all...

  1. The photo is worth

In a gilded frame,

Whose gaze warms the sun?

The look of your beloved...mother

  1. Who is not joking, but seriously

Will he teach us how to hammer a nail?

Who will teach you to be brave?

If you fall off a bike, don’t you whine?

And scratched my knee,

Don't cry? Of

  1. I'm not alone with my mother,

She also has a son

I'm too small next to him,

For me he is a big brother...

Objectives: improve children’s ability to solve riddles; enrich children's vocabulary on the topic “Family”.

Game progress No. 1: the teacher asks a riddle, the child names the answer and, opening the windows on the canvas, looks for the corresponding picture, answering why he chose it.

Game progress No. 2: the child selects the desired picture, explaining his choice, and places it in the desired window on the canvas.

"Guess who I'm talking about."

Objectives: to activate words denoting family members in children’s speech;

improve children’s ability to select definitions that characterize family members, answering the questions posed (Which one? Which one?).

Game progress No. 1: the teacher opens a window and offers:

1. Using the color image, guess and correctly name a family member (mom, dad, grandmother, grandfather, brother, sister, etc.), explain by what features you guessed.

2. Select definitions: which, which (caring, kind, hardworking, gentle, affectionate or hard-working, strong, brave, loved, caring).

3. Tell what kind of work he does around the house.

Game progress No. 2: the teacher (other children) lists definitions that characterize family members, and the child must guess who it is and open the required window.

  • Beloved, caring, gentle - mother;
  • Kind, affectionate, sweet - grandmother;
  • Younger, restless, pugnacious - brother;
  • Serious, strong, hardworking - dad;
  • Cheerful, smart, beautiful, diligent - sister;
  • Kind, serious, smart - grandfather.

Didactic game “My family is the most...”

Objectives: to replenish children’s vocabulary with definitions that characterize family;

continue to teach children to carry out analytical and synthesizing work.

Progress of the game: children take turns laying out pictures on the canvas, conventionally indicating members of their family and answering the questions: -What kind of family do you have?

-My family is the most fun (friendly, hardworking, reading, loves to travel, sports), because...

“Open the window I’ll name.”

Goal: to consolidate ordinal counting, to consolidate the ability to navigate in a small space.

Appendix No. 2

Solving problem situations using didactic canvas.

  • Who is related to whom in the family?
  • Who does what around the house?
  • Who is older, who is younger and why?
  • Responsibilities of men and women in the family?
  • What can a mother (father), grandmother (grandfather), daughter (son) do around the house and why?
  • Who in the family can we call elderly and young people and why?
  • Who is more important in the family, mom or dad and why?
  • What is family?
  • What does friendship mean, love for loved ones, home.
  • Who is your dad's grandmother?
  • Who is your dad's grandfather?
  • Who are your dad's grandparents?

Game rules.

  • Act on the teacher’s signal;
  • observe sequence, restraint;
  • Maintain partnerships by working in pairs.

Didactic game "Who lives in the apartment."

Objectives: to activate words denoting family members in children’s speech; learn to answer questions in complete sentences.

Progress of the game: children match the contour images of family members with color images that conventionally designate family members.

Question: - Explain why you think so?

Didactic game “Make a family from pictures conventionally depicting family members and tell about it.”

Objectives: to improve children’s ability to compose a plot story according to a plan (algorithm, mnemonics);

intensify the use of words and actions in children’s speech on the topic “Family”: the baby is growing, developing; teenager - growing, learning; young man (girl) – growing up, studying, working; adults: father (mother), uncle (aunt) - work, raise children; elderly people (grandfather, grandmother, old woman, grandfather) - help take care of their grandchildren.

Strengthen children's ability to coordinate the endings of adjectives with nouns.

Game progress No. 1: Different generations of the family are laid out on the canvas in the windows.

— At every stage of a person’s life, different changes occur, name them. The child needs to be told who it is and why.

  • The baby grows, develops;
  • Teenager - growing, learning;
  • Boy (girl) - growing up, studying, working;
  • Dad (mom), uncle (aunt) - work, raise children;
  • Elderly people (grandfather, grandmother, old woman, grandfather) help take care of their grandchildren.
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