Times change
With each passing decade, competition in the market gets tougher. According to Millennial Branding and Randstad US, Generation Z, born in the mid-90s in the West and early 2000s in Russia, is more conscious and goal-oriented about future work than their predecessors, Generation Y in the early 80s. 17% of them aspire to start their own business, this figure is 55% more than among generation Y. But many parents continue to follow the old pattern, when the child is left to his own devices until high school, and then in the 9th or 10th grade he is suddenly demanded of professional self-determination. There are happy exceptions when a child realizes his calling early and then confidently develops in the chosen direction. But you can seriously hope for this no more than winning the lottery.
Visual aids for career guidance for young children
In the process of teaching children in general and in career guidance in particular, the factor of visibility is very important. Children learn any information better if you give a good example and clearly show them an illustration. Technical means help in this - from projectors to ordinary computers - and “classical” school tools: presentations, books and others.
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If you work well on the element of clarity and present children with relevant and correctly illustrated examples, you can really increase the effectiveness of training and career guidance. This makes it easier for children to be involved in the process, and they themselves better assimilate information, and their knowledge is not mixed into a single stream, but systematized.
- Technical equipment. The most common technical means used for preschool children are:
- Projector.
TV or computer monitor.
- Interactive board.
The interactive whiteboard allows you to present presentations, videos and various illustrations to children. Moreover, children can interact with various slides and animations - move objects, draw different shapes, flip through the slides. This way, the information that needs to be conveyed to children can be made not only more visual, but also more colorful, it is more memorable, because the children themselves are directly involved in the educational process. Moreover, this way you can involve the whole group, and not just the most active children, because it is similar to the format of the game and is interesting for all children.
Using a projector, children can be shown presentations and videos that will detail all the nuances of any profession. For example, a wide variety of slides or an interesting video will help children clearly see what the teachers are talking about.
On a TV or monitor, children can watch videos, films and cartoons that tell them about professions. More and more of these are produced every year, and many consider the career guidance cartoon “Kaleidoscope of Professions” to be one of the best. It is important to remember that after watching it, you must communicate with the children to find out how they understood the material, answer their questions, and thus better consolidate new knowledge.
Broad outlook - from an early age
From an early age, it is necessary to develop the child’s horizons in the professional world, offer to try themselves in different directions, and introduce them to interesting people and their work. As part of the curriculum, the Careers Institute (the UK's professional body for careers advice) suggests starting vocational education at age 7. At this age, children can already understand the connection between the desired profession and the level of skills and knowledge that will be required to obtain it. It is also important that children who do not express an interest in STEM fields (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) before the age of 10 are unlikely to become interested in them later. This means that they will not put in enough effort to study complex subjects such as mathematics, engineering, and programming. Although many experts believe that STEM specialties will be the most in demand in the next 10-15 years.
The importance of early career guidance in preschool children
The first look at work and labor is very important for a child, because it significantly influences his understanding of the significance of the role of different professions in society.
The importance of early career guidance in preschool children
The whole world, society and, accordingly, the labor market are rapidly developing and changing. Of course, it is now unknown what will happen in ten years and what professions will be relevant and in demand. However, it is obvious that in such a dynamically changing world, a person’s flexibility, his ability to change the direction of career development and learn new things will be valued so that he can succeed in different areas and be realized in many of his endeavors.
This means that for modern children the factor of cognitive activity becomes very important, which determines the vector of efforts in preschool education.
And this is not about adults choosing a profession instead of a child even in preschool age, of course, but about giving the child a choice. So, it all starts with the child becoming familiar with work and professions in general. Only after getting acquainted with any field of activity, the child already learns new things and broadens his horizons. And the more such knowledge and skills he has, the easier it will be for him at a conscious age to choose a profession based on his skills and preferences.
Just as in the initial stages of career guidance, children are helped by their teachers, so they themselves become familiar with work through training sessions and various games.
Parents, of course, also actively participate in the development of their own children, helping teachers. By interacting with their parents, children learn new things, acquire norms of social behavior, improve communication and study skills, and, of course, get acquainted with work and various professions.
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However, the professions that you tell your child about in childhood may no longer exist when he grows up. Every year there is an infinite amount of research on the prospects for replacing people with robots. Their conclusions are similar: for example, according to research by Karl Frey and Michael Osborne, in the United States by 2033, 47% of jobs will disappear due to robotization. According to the World Bank, in China their share will be 77%. This does not mean that the child does not need to know about the variety of professions at the moment; his horizons need to be developed and his interests supported. After all, the parent’s task is to help the child find an inspiring activity that can develop into a profession that guarantees pleasure from work, as well as financial success and recognition.
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Early career guidance for preschool children in preschool educational institutions
This material will be of interest to teachers of older preschool age kindergartens, music workers, and organizers of children's leisure activities.
Key words: early career guidance, professional self-determination.
The modern system of preschool education sets the task for teachers to introduce preschoolers to the world of adult professions, so that in the future he can successfully realize himself as an individual in a professional environment and have the traits of a teacher, researcher, inventor, entrepreneur, economist. In pedagogy this is called the introduction of preschoolers to career guidance.
Career guidance for preschoolers is a new, little-studied direction in pedagogy. What is career guidance? This is a system of activities aimed at familiarizing preschool children with the maximum number of professions and helping the younger generation make a wise choice of profession, taking into account their individual capabilities, characteristics, abilities and interests.
You need to seriously prepare your child to choose his future profession. Early career guidance is not about imposing on him what he should become, but about introducing the child to various types of work, instilling a respectful attitude towards the results of other people's work in order to make it easier for him to make independent choices in the future. The more different skills a child acquires in childhood, the better he will know and evaluate his capabilities at an older age.
Preschool age is the preparatory stage in which the foundations for professional self-determination are laid.
We work to develop children’s ideas about the work of adults in the process of organized educational activities, carried out during regime moments, in the process of children’s independent activities and in the process of joint activities with the family.
In our soda, we began to develop career guidance skills. We introduce children to the specifics of various professions, and also ask what they want to become when they grow up. The more diverse information preschoolers receive, the easier it will be for them to make choices in the future that will determine their lives.
To familiarize children with the work of adults, we use traditional methods of teaching and upbringing:
- verbal (conversations using game characters and visuals, reading children's fiction);
— visual (observation of specific labor processes of people of different professions, examination of paintings and illustrations);
— practical (experimenting with different materials, experience in household work);
— gaming (role-playing games, didactic games, game situations).
To do this, they used a combination with each other in practical activities.
The system of work with preschoolers on early career guidance is carried out in three areas:
- bringing children closer to the work of adults;
- familiarizing children with the work of adults;
- joint activities of children and adults.
I. Bringing children closer to the work of adults . At this stage, we introduce children to professions, both in class and outside: we talk about the work of adults and show illustrations. We also organize a meeting in kindergarten with interesting people of some profession.
Our kindergarten uses the new “Group Guest” technology, which allows children to be introduced to a variety of professional activities of adults and their hobbies. The guests of our group were: a teacher, a fireman, a telecom operator, an ophthalmologist, an immunologist-allergist, a confectioner. And also on the kindergarten website we have introduced a new section “Early Career Guidance” in which parents tell their children about their profession in an accessible form.
Acquaintance with the profession takes place according to the following algorithm:
- Surprise moment (parent meets children)
2. Relieving emotional stress in children (the parent welcomes the children and invites the children to participate in an educational and gaming program).
3. Setting a game task for the children. ( The guest talks about his profession, asks interesting riddle games, does a warm-up: rhythmic gymnastics to music, plays games during which children take on the role of the profession).
4 . Result ( at the end of the event, children receive reminders)
II . Familiarizing children with the work of adults. At this stage, we organize excursions, observations, thematic meetings with people of different professions - at work (enterprise, institution). This direction is considered the most effective way to familiarize children with the work of adults and contributes to the accumulation of vivid emotional impressions.
The children and I visited the nurse's office (Anna Ivanovna told the children about her work, showed various equipment: scales, a stadiometer. She told them that vaccinations must be done. If you get vaccinated, you will get sick less. And there is no need to be afraid of vaccinations. Before leaving, the nurse treated the children with vitamins).
We visited the laundry room of our kindergarten, where they wash clothes for all the children in the kindergarten, and saw how the laundry workers manage to wipe so much linen, etc.
III. Joint activity between an adult and a child. This area of work with children includes role-playing games, didactic games, outdoor games, reading fiction, game situations and other forms of activity that can be implemented during scheduled moments of the day, in the free and joint activity of the teacher and the child.
Also, according to the age characteristics of children, workshops can function in preschool educational institutions, where the child can exercise his ability to observe, remember, compare, and achieve his goals in his independence and initiative. The workshop is a special development environment taking into account the specifics of each profession and creates the conditions for the game plot. The workshop aims to introduce children to a variety of professions and imagine what the professions of the future might be.
The “Builders” workshop is presented with construction kits, non-traditional materials, and small toys for playing with. Includes all construction professions: architect, bulldozer operator, mason, crane operator, carpenter, plasterer-painter.
The “World on the Roads” workshop is presented with game stands, an area with traffic signs, and road markings. Includes drivers of all types of transport, traffic police service, road repair professions, auto mechanics.
Workshop “Rescue Service”, which presents material equipment on the topic: “young firefighter center”, “EMERCOM service”, medical workers and game centers in groups.
Each workshop is equipped with special play equipment, teaching aids, children's literature, art materials, etc. Invaluable assistance in replenishing the subject-spatial development environment of a preschool educational organization is provided by parents, who must be actively involved in the work of familiarizing children with the work of adults.
Thus, the formation of preschoolers’ ideas about the work of adults is a necessary area of activity for a preschool educational organization. The ongoing career guidance work allows us to unobtrusively lead children to the important conclusion that work and professional activity are a significant area of life.
It is not without reason that they say that children are our future, and while our future is still small, we must help him with early career guidance.
- “Early career guidance for preschool children in preschool educational institutions” [Electronic resource]. — Access mode nsportal.ru›…na-temu-rannyaya-proforientatsiya…dou
- Modern educational technologies for early career guidance of preschool children [Electronic resource]. — Access mode: mdou28-korkino.ucoz.ru›…konsultacija…vospitatelej…
- “Modern educational technologies for early career guidance of preschool children” [Electronic resource]. — Access mode: s3-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com›ke-static/ds11-vzm/…