Sample of writing a lesson in a dow according to the Federal State Educational Standard. Consultation “requirements for nodes according to Federal State Standards”

Sample of writing a lesson in a dow according to the Federal State Educational Standard. Consultation “requirements for nodes according to Federal State Standards”

Tatiana Pylnova

How to correctly prepare a GCD outline in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard

How to properly prepare a GCD outline

in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard

Some teachers have difficulty preparing GCD notes. I suggest you remember how this is done. We'll start with the title page.

The full name of the preschool organization is indicated at the top of the title page. In the middle of the sheet is written the topic of the summary, educational area, age group. Below the title of the abstract, on the right, the surname and initials of the author, his position, and group number are indicated. At the bottom of the title page, in the middle, the city is written, and even lower is the year when the summary was written.

The next sheet begins with the gcd goal. What is a goal? Target

– this is the end result, what we strive for.
It is recommended to define the goal as a noun from a verb: creating conditions, forming, educating, strengthening, etc. Tasks
should be formulated with a verb in an indefinite form: creating, strengthening, educating, implementing, etc.

A task is something that requires execution or solution. Tasks in relation to the goal are:


(it is written what we will teach children in this lesson). Remember not to write the verb “teach”. Write more competently - promote, develop skills, create conditions, develop, etc.


(it is written that we will consolidate, clarify, not forgetting the development of mental functions and various properties).


(what mental, aesthetic, moral and volitional qualities will be formed in this lesson).

Remember that each new task is written on a new line.

After the tasks, we write down what preliminary work

with children (conversations, observation, reading fiction, where we went on excursions, what we learned, etc.).

The next thing we prescribe is methods and techniques

(game, visual, practical activities for children, verbal questions for children, didactic games, use of fiction, etc.).

Next we prescribe materials and equipment

– lists what equipment will be used at this GCD (for example: tape recorder, flannelograph, easel, wall board, cubes, stands, etc.).

Then we indicate the demo material

, where not only all benefits are listed, but also their authors, quantity, and size are indicated.

Describing the handout

, it is necessary to list what material is taken, indicating the size and quantity.

I. Introductory part – 3 minutes.

II. The main part is 15 minutes.

III. The final part is 2 minutes.

Class time depends on the age of the group.

And finally, a description of the progress of the GCD begins. GCD move

written in direct speech. Be sure to write down all the words that the teacher will say, the expected answers of the children, and the teacher’s generalizations. If during the lesson the teacher needs to perform some actions, this is indicated in the notes.

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The goal is to summarize and systematize children’s knowledge about winter, teach them to answer questions, develop word formation skills, and instill a love for.

How to correctly prepare a GCD outline in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard

Knis A.N. senior teacher of MBDOU “Kindergarten No. 3 “Smile” in the city of Kalach-on-Don, Volgograd region.

Some teachers have difficulty preparing GCD notes. Let's remember how this is done. Let's start with the title page.

The full name of the preschool institution is indicated at the top of the title page. Approximately in the middle of the sheet there is an inscription: Synopsis of direct educational activities in (Area) on the topic: “………………..” for children of senior preschool age. Below the title of the abstract, on the right, the surname, initials of the author and his position, group number are indicated. At the bottom of the title page, in the middle, the city is written, and even lower, the year when the summary was written.

The next sheet begins with the gcd goal. What is a goal? Target

– this is the end result, what we strive for.
It is recommended that the goal be determined by a noun from a verb: creating conditions, forming, educating, strengthening, etc. And tasks are formed by verbs in an indefinite form: create, strengthen, educate, implement, etc.
The goals and objectives of the lesson replace the program content. A task is something that requires execution or solution.
Tasks in relation to the goal are and are: 1. Educational
tasks (it is written what we will teach children in this lesson).
Do not write the verb “teach” in the tasks! It is more correct to write “to promote”, “to form skills”, “to create conditions”, “to develop”, etc. 2. Developmental
tasks (it is written that we will consolidate, clarify, not forgetting the development of mental functions and various properties).
3. Educational
tasks (what mental, aesthetic, moral and volitional qualities will be formed in this lesson).
It should be remembered that each new task is written on a new line. When the tasks are formulated, it is necessary to indicate what kind of preliminary work
with children, the entire scope of frontal and individual work with children (Conversations with children, observation, reading fiction, where they went on an excursion, what they learned, etc.)
Methods and techniques :
Game, visual, practical activities for children, questions for children, verbal, didactic games, use of fiction, etc.

Materials and equipment:

It lists what equipment will be used on this GCD (for example: tape recorder, flannelograph, easel, wall board, cubes, stands, etc.).
Next, the demonstration material is indicated, which lists not only all the manuals and paintings, but also their authors, quantity, and sizes. When describing handouts, it is necessary to list what material is taken, indicating the size and quantity. The following describes the structure and methodological techniques used in the lesson. The parts of the lesson and specific methodological techniques are indicated. For example: I. Introductory part
- 3 minutes.
a) reading the poem “Autumn” by A.S. Pushkin; b) watching the autumn sky from the window; c) verbal didactic game “Come up with a word” (selection of adjectives for the words sky, autumn, foliage). II.
The main part is 15 minutes.
a) conversation about weather phenomena in autumn; b) looking at weather calendars; c) physical minute; d) writing stories about autumn weather; e) children naming autumn signs and sayings about autumn; f) didactic game “Which tree is the leaf from”... etc. III.
The final part is 2 minutes.
a) generalization by the teacher; b) GCD analysis (about what knowledge the children showed). And finally, a description of the progress of the GCD begins. The GCD move is written in direct speech. Be sure to write down all the words that the teacher will say, the expected answers of the children, and the teacher’s generalizations. If during the lesson the teacher needs to perform some actions, this is indicated in the notes. For example: Progress of GCD: 1.Reading the poem “Autumn” by A.S.
Pushkin; Educator: “Children, would you like me to read you a poem by A.S. Pushkin's "Autumn"? Children: “Yes, we want!” Educator: “October has already arrived - the grove is already shaking off the last leaves from its naked branches; The autumn chill has blown in - the road is freezing...” So further on all points of the GCD structure.

So, if we briefly describe all of the above, then the structure of the GCD outline is as follows: If there is a title page, then the second page begins with the Objective,

if without a title page, it looks like this:

Topic: “Snowflakes outside the window”

(Times New Roman 16) (Secondary group No. 1, Ivanov I.I.) (Times New Roman 14)
Educational area
: Artistic and aesthetic development
Purpose: Objectives:
Educational: Developing: Educational:
Preliminary work: Methods and techniques
Materials and equipment: GCD structure: I. Introductory part: II. Main part: III. Final part: GCD progress:
Thank you for your attention.

Selezneva Anastasia Vyacheslavovna

Consultation “Requirements for GCD according to the Federal State Educational Standard”


«Requirements for GCD according to the Federal State Educational Standard


With the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard

preschool education, the approach to organizing and conducting direct educational activities with children is changing.
There is a rejection of traditional classes built in the logic of the educational model. The lesson is understood as an exciting activity with children, during which the teacher solves program problems. The role of the teacher is being rethought, becoming more of a “coordinator”
than a direct source of information. The position of a preschool teacher in relation to children changes and takes on the nature of cooperation when the child acts as an equal partner in a situation of joint activity and communication with the teacher.


to the formulation of goals and objectives of direct educational activities

focus of the goal on the expected and diagnosable result of educational activity;

compliance of the GCD goal with psychophysical capabilities, abilities, and needs

pupils of this age;

the reality of achieving the set goal throughout the entire educational activity;

presentation of the tasks of the educational activity as a system of actions of the teacher to achieve the goal of educational activity;

the presence of educational (oh, developing )

and educational
. It is recommended to formulate tasks with a verb in an indefinite form: consolidate, generalize, form, develop, educate, etc.;

clarity and specificity in the formulation of tasks (not just expand (fix)

children’s ideas about winter, and what exactly children learn
about winter within the framework of this lesson).
This also applies to the formulation of developmental tasks: not just the development of children’s mental abilities, but which ones specifically (list)
The task should reflect the stage of work with the content (introduce, clarify, enrich, systematize, generalize, etc.)

Direct educational activities include three parts:

1. Introductory part:

the mood of preschoolers for the upcoming activity,

ensuring the psychological readiness of students for upcoming activities;

organizing children's attention,

motivation for upcoming activities for children to understand and accept goals, objectives, and enter into the problem;

establishing connections with children's past experiences (if possible)


2. Main part:

updating existing knowledge and ideas of children;

creating a situation in which there is a need to acquire new ideas, skills, abilities;

solving the main problems of GCD through the use of various techniques and forms of work, the use of ICT in work;

creating conditions for a variety of active activities for children.

3. Final part:

consolidation and generalization of what children have learned and learned;

summing up educational activities, assessing their results, involving children in self-assessment (the content should be aimed at children understanding the dependence of the results obtained on the quality of the work, taking into account the specifics of the type of activity, the level of interaction of children, and the manifestation of the necessary personal qualities).


to the content of direct educational activities:

selected in accordance with the assigned tasks, including educational ones;

should be interesting for children, accessible, moderately challenging,

should be aimed not only at consolidating and clarifying what children know and can do, but also at expanding, enriching children’s experience, and developing new ideas;

If possible, a single line of content is thought out (if the GCD is plot-based)


there must be a practical focus (connection of content with life, discussion of where it is found, where it can be used);

includes the presence of integrative connections with other educational areas in order to update existing knowledge and skills from other types of activities;

provides for the implementation of a gender approach (if the content allows)


has an educational orientation (formation of a positive attitude towards what children learn, development of cooperation skills, formation of personal qualities).

For high-quality implementation of direct educational activities, it is necessary:

maintain children's interest throughout the entire educational activity;

comply with requirements

health-saving pedagogy;

ensure the implementation of an individually differentiated approach;

to activate independent cognitive activity of children;

create conditions for the development of children’s ability to interact, organize communication aimed at solving cognitive and practical problems, solving problem situations;

pay attention to teaching children the ability to listen to each other, not interrupt, and come to help if necessary (educational task)


create conditions for mastering methods of mental activity (analysis, synthesis, comparison, generalization, classification, concretization, seriation, abstraction, etc., development of mental processes, creative abilities, skills to think, reason, identify relationships and interdependencies, establish cause-and-effect communications;

organize children’s search for solutions; detection of patterns, cause-and-effect relationships; establishing dependencies;

searching for similarities and differences between the content of the lesson and similar phenomena studied earlier;

direct efforts to develop concepts; search for evidence; putting forward and testing a hypothesis.

In the process of carrying out direct educational activities, it is necessary to use:

problem situations, research situations (training in research activities, integrative tasks (combining knowledge, skills around and for the sake of solving an issue, understanding an object or phenomenon);

methods, techniques, technologies, and forms of working with children that contribute to the development of children’s initiative, independence, volition, responsibility, etc. (depending on the age of the children)


a combination of individual, group and frontal forms of work, in accordance with the age of the children;

a system of interrelated questions and tasks that help guide children to answer a question or solve a problem situation;

ensure children’s meaningful assimilation of information (it is necessary to think through the content of the conversation and practical activities for children to consciously perceive information);

competently summarize children’s answers, direct their attention to understanding the essence of the content of educational activities;

carry out reflective-corrective activities that ensure the formation of basic self-control skills.

Tips for educators on organizing educational activities:

Don’t rush to answer, do it for the children, correct it.

Give children the opportunity to assume, speculate, bring their thoughts to their logical conclusion, do not rush to give a ready answer yourself.

Lead children to conclusions and generalizations.

Notice the contradictions between the children's answers and your conclusion.

Do not forget about ensuring the subjective activity of children.

Carry out games, exercises, and use tasks that primarily affect the development of children.

Provide a change in activities in order to captivate, interest, and retain the attention of children as much as possible.

Ask your children more often to clarify what was said (pretending that it is important, but it is still unclear, to explain it differently.

After the children complete the tasks, talk with the children about how you managed to achieve the result, who succeeded and why.

When summing up the results of educational activities, it is important to note successful children, emphasizing how it was possible to achieve a positive result, to support shy, shy ones, and to pay attention to those children who are already doing something better in comparison with their previous results. At the same time, special emphasis should be placed on the manifestation of personal qualities and interaction skills. Take an interest in what you remember, liked during the lesson, what was difficult or very easy and be sure to ask “Why?”

. Ask the children questions:

What helped you complete the task?

What did you learn today?

What new did you learn?

Where will this be useful?

A positive point is the presence in the final part of an emotional mood for subsequent activities, for the use of the information received, acquired skills in independent activities.

Competencies of a preschool teacher

Educators must have the basic competencies necessary to work with preschool children.

These competencies require:

1) ensuring the emotional well-being of children through:

Direct communication with each child;

Respectful attitude towards each child, his feelings and needs


2) support for children’s individuality and initiative through:

Creating conditions for children to freely choose activities and participants for joint activities;

Creating conditions for children to make decisions, express their feelings and thoughts;

Non-directive assistance to children, support for children’s initiative and independence in various types of activities (play, research, project, cognitive, etc.)


3) establishing rules of behavior and interaction in different situations:

Creating conditions for positive, friendly relationships between children, including those belonging to different national, cultural, religious communities and social strata, as well as those who have different (including disabilities)

health opportunities;

Development of children's communication abilities, allowing them to resolve conflict situations with peers;

Developing children's ability to work in a peer group;

Establishing rules of conduct indoors, on a walk, during educational activities carried out in sensitive moments (meetings and farewells, hygiene procedures, meals, naps, direct educational activities and others, presenting them in a constructive ( without
accusations or threats)
and understandable children's uniforms;

4) construction of variable developmental education, focused on the level of development of each child, through:

Creating conditions for mastering cultural means of activity;

Organization of activities that promote the development of thinking, speech, communication, imagination and children's creativity, personal, physical and artistic-aesthetic development of children;

Supporting spontaneous play of children, enriching it, providing play time and space;

Assessment of children's individual development;

5) Interaction with parents (legal representatives)

on issues of child education, directly involving them in educational activities, including through the creation of educational projects together with the family based on identifying
and supporting the family’s educational initiatives.

One of the indicators of a teacher’s professional competence is his ability to self-educate, which manifests itself in dissatisfaction, awareness of the imperfections of the current state of the educational process and the desire for self-improvement.

Olga Pykhova

The structure of classes in preschool educational institutions according to the Federal State Educational Standard


as a form of organizing education in a preschool educational institution.
The form of organization of training is a joint activity of the teacher and students, which is carried out in a certain order and established mode. Preparing the teacher for classes
Classes have a certain structure
, which is largely dictated by the content of training and the specifics of children's activities: beginning, course of
the lesson (process)
and ending.
The triune task of the lesson

Activities of the teacher Activities of the child

Motivation for activity The emergence of interest in the upcoming activity, readiness to perceive

Presentation of educational material Perception

Consolidation of educational material Comprehension

Summing up the lesson

, individual assessment of children The emergence of a feeling of satisfaction with cognitive activity

Definition of new goals Emerging interest in the upcoming new activity, anticipation of it

Non-traditional forms of conducting classes

Activity - creativity
Activity - gatherings
Activity - experiment, etc.

GCD structure taking into account the Federal State Educational Standard

. Methods and techniques of teaching.

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The structure of writing GCD taking into account the Federal State Educational Standard The structure of writing GCD taking into account the Federal State Educational Standard In order to correctly organize the GCD, you need to have a good understanding of some issues and identify the difference.

Sinarik Mkrtchyan

The structure of writing GCD taking into account the Federal State Educational Standard

The structure of writing GCD taking into account the Federal State Educational Standard

To properly organize GCD, you need to have a good understanding of some issues and identify the difference between “occupation” and “GCD”.

The distinctive features of GCD are primarily

Forms of its organization

In changing the position of the teacher in relation to children

In updating the GCD structure.

Initially, you need to think about the motivation with which GCD begins.

Motivation can be different - practical, playful, educational. It should contain something that will cause interest, surprise, amazement, delight in children, in a word, then after which the children will want to do “this.”

And so the structure of GCD

Introductory part.

1) Creation of a game situation (problem situation, target setting, any motivation that stimulates children’s activity in finding a solution to it.


2) designing solutions to a problem situation, performing actions. Children are given new knowledge necessary to solve a problematic issue based on the content of different sections of the program based on visualization, or children themselves obtain knowledge through research, search, and discovery.


3)Analysis of performance results, reflection. Summarizing.

Introductory part of GCD

, features of work on creating play motivation at different age stages.

Younger age

- you tell the children that something happened to some game characters, you turn to the children with a question, you agree

If they provide the required assistance, you gradually offer your children your

options for getting out of this situation...

Middle group

– you can bring a character because at this age children have already mastered roles or children take on a role and act in it. To do this, the teacher invites the children to play. Then, together with the children acting in the role, first a game task is set (we need to do something, and then a learning task (we will learn how to do it).

The older group - the main thing is not the characters, but the plots, plot structures (there is no character himself, but there is a letter, an SMS, a call). Plots can be long (travel in a time machine). During the GCD may

Use small paraphernalia, established roles, changing

In the preparatory group

— the need to create gaming motivation remains, but problematic situations can already be added here.

A problematic situation is a planned, specially conceived means by the teacher aimed at awakening children’s interest in the topic under discussion. In other words, a problematic situation is a situation in which a child wants to solve difficult problems, but he lacks data and must look for it himself.

You can also use games with rules as motivation; children make sure the rules are followed. The game used is a competition with the goal of winning. Give every child the opportunity to visit the world

situations of winning and losing.


Having outlined a task for joint implementation (children choose a goal or several goals for themselves, the adult, as an equal participant, offers all possible ways to implement it. In the process of activity itself, he gradually “sets” the developmental content, offers his idea or his result for children’s criticism; shows interest as a result of others; is included in the mutual assessment and interpretation of the actions of the participants; increases the child’s interest in the work of a peer, encourages meaningful communication, provokes mutual assessments, and discussion of emerging problems.

Do not evaluate children's answers - accept any. During the activity, V-l always asks the children “Why, why are you doing this, so that the child comprehends every step. If a child does something wrong, give him the opportunity to understand for himself: “What exactly is wrong, you can send a smarter child to help.


Results and reflection, up to 5 minutes.

First of all, this part is characterized by an “open end”; Each child works at his own pace and decides for himself whether he has completed the research or work or not. An adult's assessment of children's actions can only be given indirectly, as a comparison of the result with the child's goal: that is, what he wanted to do - what happened.

Don’t ask your children: did you like it or not? We need to ask “why did you do this? To understand whether the child has realized the goal. Or “Why did you need this? “Could you ever need this?”

Find someone to praise for something, not only for the result, but also for the activity in the process of work. The assessment must be differentiated.

When organizing educational activities, the professional position of the teacher is to respect any statement of the child regarding the content of the topic under discussion. We need to think in advance about how to discuss children’s versions, not in a harsh, evaluative form

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How to properly prepare a lesson summary. educational and methodological material on the topic

How to correctly prepare a GCD summary in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standards of a preschool educational institution. Some teachers have difficulty preparing GCD notes. Let's remember how this is done. Let's start with the title page.

The full name of the preschool institution is indicated at the top of the title page. Approximately in the middle of the sheet there is an inscription: Synopsis of direct educational activities in (Area) on the topic: “………………..” for children of senior preschool age. Below the title of the abstract, on the right, the surname, initials of the author and his position, group number are indicated. At the bottom of the title page, in the middle, the city is written, and even lower, the year when the summary was written.

The next sheet begins with the gcd goal. What is a goal? The goal is the end result, what we strive for. It is recommended that the goal be determined by a noun from a verb: creating conditions, forming, educating, strengthening, etc. And tasks are formed by verbs in an indefinite form: create, strengthen, educate, implement, etc. The goals and objectives of the lesson replace the program content. A task is something that requires execution or solution. Tasks in relation to the goal are and are: 1. Educational tasks (write what we will teach children in this lesson). Do not write the verb “teach” in the tasks! It is more correct to write “to promote”, “to form skills”, “to create conditions”, “to develop”, etc.2. Developmental tasks (it is written that we will consolidate, clarify, not forgetting the development of mental functions and various properties).3. Educational tasks (what mental, aesthetic, moral and volitional qualities will be formed in this lesson). It should be remembered that each new task is written on a new line. When the tasks are formulated, it is necessary to indicate what preliminary work was carried out with children, the entire scope of frontal and individual work with children (Conversations with children, observation, reading fiction, where they went on an excursion, what they learned, etc.) Methods and techniques : Game, visual, practical activities for children, questions for children, verbal, didactic games, use of fiction, etc. Materials and equipment: Lists what equipment will be used at this GCD (for example: tape recorder, flannelograph, easel, wall board, cubes, stands, etc.). Next, the demonstration material is indicated, which lists not only all the manuals and paintings, but also their authors, quantity, and sizes. When describing handouts, it is necessary to list what material is taken, indicating the size and quantity. The following describes the structure and methodological techniques used in the lesson. The parts of the lesson and specific methodological techniques are indicated. For example: I. Introductory part - 3 minutes. a) reading the poem “Autumn” by A.S. Pushkin; b) watching the autumn sky from the window; c) verbal didactic game “Come up with a word” (selection of adjectives for the words sky, autumn, foliage). II. The main part is 15 minutes. a) conversation about weather phenomena in autumn; b) looking at weather calendars; c) physical minute; d) writing stories about autumn weather; e) children naming autumn signs and sayings about autumn; f) didactic game “Which tree is the leaf from”... etc. III. The final part is 2 minutes. a) generalization by the teacher; b) GCD analysis (about what knowledge the children showed). And finally, a description of the progress of the GCD begins. The GCD move is written in direct speech. Be sure to write down all the words that the teacher will say, the expected answers of the children, and the teacher’s generalizations. If during the lesson the teacher needs to perform some actions, this is indicated in the notes. For example: GCD progress: So further on all points of the GCD structure. Type of GCD: (classes on communicating new knowledge; classes to consolidate knowledge, abilities, skills; classes on generalization and systematization; final; accounting and testing; combined (mixed, combined); complex; integrated) Type of GCD: (thematic, complex, combined, integrated, dominant, etc.).

So, if we briefly describe all of the above, then the structure of the GCD summary is as follows: If there is a title page, then the second page begins with the Objective, if without a title page, then it looks like this:

Topic: “Snowflakes outside the window” (Times New Roman 16) (Secondary group No. 1, Ivanov I.I.) (Times New Roman 14) Educational area: Artistic and aesthetic development Goal: Objectives: Educational: Developmental: Educational: Preliminary work: Methods and techniques: Materials and equipment: GCD structure: I. Introductory part: II. Main part: III. Final part: GCD move:

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