Planning in the preparatory group for “International Women’s Day”
In order for the “Mother’s Day” week to be useful for children, this time must be carefully planned and a program of daily activities must be thought through.
The celebration is held in all groups
When organizing any thematic week in kindergarten, it is necessary to determine the goals and objectives of the week, identify the topics that will be covered during it, and plan events, including the final one.
The week dedicated to “Women’s Day” in kindergarten is characterized by the following goals and objectives:
- To form in children ideas about the value of family in a person’s life.
- Teach children to respect their mothers and other family members, as well as teachers, doctors, etc.
- Enable children to understand gender roles and gender expectations.
- Develop a caring attitude towards others.
Events are going according to plan
Lexical work
Children are preparing for the transition to a new stage of education, in which they will have to cope with a significantly larger amount of information that will need to be perceived and remembered. Children will need a developed vocabulary, good memory and the ability to perceive information in both written and oral form. Therefore, an integral part of each thematic week spent in the preparatory group is lexical work.
The most successful format for lexical work in the preparatory group during the thematic week dedicated to “Women’s Day” is expressive reading and learning of poems that foster a reverent attitude towards mother and other female family members.
For your information. Excellent examples of poems that are suitable in this case are “A Mother Lived in the World” by Kayum Tangrykuliev, “Let’s Sit in Silence” by Elena Blaginina, “A Simple Word” by Igor Maznin, “Damp, Gloomy Outside the Window” by Ovsey Driz, “Mother” by Vladimir Borisov and many others.
Final event
As a final event of the week dedicated to Women's Day, there should be a concert to which family members of the children will be invited. It is very important for the children to have the opportunity to demonstrate the results of their work, share love and warmth with their mothers, and congratulate them.
For your information. At the concert, you can perform performances, which will include an expressive reading of poems dedicated to mothers, the performance of musical compositions, and at the end, children will present their mothers with gifts that they made with their own hands.
Card index and goals of reading fiction in younger groups
It can be:
- applications;
- origami;
- flower crafts;
- postcards;
- drawings and so on.
At the end of the working calendar week, it will be possible to prepare an information stand that will contain photographs from this time.
Reading poetry is required
Planning on the topic “International Women’s Day” in the preparatory group
Galina Vladimirovna Vasilyeva
Planning on the topic “International Women’s Day” in the preparatory group
Topic: " International Women's Day "
Objectives: Organize all types of children's activities (play, communication, work, cognitive - research, productive, musical - artistic, reading) around the theme of family, love for mother, grandmother.
Cultivate respect for teachers and other kindergarten employees. Expand gender ideas, develop the idea among boys that men should treat women with care and respect. Involve children in making gifts for mother, grandmother, and teachers. Cultivate a caring and sensitive attitude towards those closest to you, the need to please loved ones with good deeds. RPPS: ECT, paintings, postcards, riddles, sayings, equipment for experiments, didactic games, role-playing games Time interval: 02/25/19 -03/07/19 Date : 02.25.19 Day of week Monday
Morning. SOD
Directions Morning exercises According to the plan of the physical education instructor
Social-communicative, cognitive, speech, physical, artistic and aesthetic development
Social-communicative, cognitive, speech, physical, artistic and aesthetic development
Social-communicative, cognitive, speech, physical, artistic and aesthetic development
Conversation: " International Women's Day "
Objective: To expand knowledge about the history of the March 8 holiday.
Offer children counting sticks for the game “Make a Shape from Sticks”
Objectives: to promote the development of thinking and spatial orientation.
D/game “Guess who called” Goal: development of auditory attention, sense of camaraderie
Dining duty. Tasks: to help improve children’s skills in table setting
P/i "Carousel"
Goal: improving the ability to walk in a circle
OOD – 1. Speech development (Speech development)
Topic: “Conversation “Let's talk about mom”
Objectives: to reveal to children the multifaceted image of the mother, to cultivate love and a caring attitude towards her, to continue to develop the ability to conduct a coordinated dialogue
between the teacher and the child, between children , to cultivate moral and aesthetic feelings Source G. Ya. Zatulina “Summaries of complex classes on speech development in preparatory group ", p.
117 OOD – 2. Physical culture (Physical development)
Topic: according to the plan of the physical education instructor Tasks: according to the plan of the physical education instructor Source
Observing the weather Tasks: invite children to find and list the signs of winter; lead children to understand the connection between seasonal phenomena and the choice of clothing for a walk:
P/n: “Stop Objectives: to contribute to the improvement of game actions, to develop the ability to compare one’s actions with the rules of the game.
P/n “Find yourself a match”
Goal: developing the ability to act on an auditory signal
Race walking Objectives: teach children to follow the technique of race walking, develop endurance, strengthen leg muscles, promote children's health
II half of the day. SOD
Hardening activities
Walking on massage mats, breathing exercises Purpose: strengthening the health of children
Memorization: “Mom is the best friend”
P. Sinyavsky. Task: to cultivate intonation expressiveness when reading poetry
Individual work with Rita, Polya L, Oleg to practice writing a story based on the painting “Gift for Mom”
Task: To develop the ability to come up with a beginning and an end to the depicted content
Work “We love order in everything”
.Tasks: improve the skill of maintaining order in cabinets with toys; work together, agree on the distribution of responsibilities
Experimental games “Smell, taste, touch, listen”
Task: to consolidate children’s ideas about the senses and their purpose
Construction game: "Animals"
.Tasks: to consolidate the ability to work with natural materials using diagrams.
Walk Observation: snow Purpose: development of curiosity, cognitive interest, find out why the snow became soft
P/i "Fishing Rod"
The task is to consolidate jumps on two legs up.
Interaction with the family Individual conversations with parents about the well-being of children
Date: 02.26.19 Day of week Tuesday
The first half of the day. SOD
Directions Morning exercises According to the plan of the physical education instructor
Social-communicative, cognitive, speech, physical, artistic and aesthetic development
Social-communicative, cognitive, speech, physical,
Social-communicative, cognitive, speech, physical, artistic and aesthetic development
Conversation: “Mom is the most precious person in the world”
. Objectives To cultivate feelings of love and affection for the closest and dearest person - mother.
Reading: E. Blaginina “Let’s sit in silence”
.Task: To replenish literary baggage, instill sensitivity to the poetic word.
Independent gaming activity: involve in board games “Mosaic”
.Tasks: suggest making different patterns; promote the development of aesthetic perception, imagination, fine motor skills.
Class duty
Tasks: continue to teach independently and responsibly fulfill the duties of a class attendant; teach children to help the teacher prepare the necessary items on a separate table; foster independence
P/i "Cat and Mice"
Objective: teach to follow the rules of the game
OOD – 1. FEMP (Cognitive development)
Topic: Objectives: Continue to learn how to compose and solve arithmetic problems involving addition and subtraction. Improve counting skills by changing the base. Strengthen the ability to sketch geometric shapes on a sheet of paper in a checkered pattern. Develop attention, memory, logical thinking. Source by I. A. Pomoraeva, V. A. Pozin “Formation of elementary mathematical representations”
, No. 6, p. 113
OOD – 2. Drawing (Artistic and aesthetic development)
Topic: “Mom and I are smiling”
Task Continue learning to draw a paired portrait.
Arouse interest in the search for visual and expressive means that allow you to reveal the image fully, accurately, individually. Source by I. A. Lykov “Art activities in kindergarten”
p. 152
OOD – 3 Music (Artistic and Aesthetic)
according to
the music director's
plan Walk
Watching the wind. Experiment “Air Movement”
Objectives: Develop interest in observation. Take a piece of paper and wave it in front of the children's faces. You felt a chill - this is the wind, learn to determine the direction of the wind
P/n: “Paints”
Objectives: teach children to be attentive; form friendships
P/n “Whose unit will gather sooner?”
Task: practice the ability to form a circle.
P/i "Sly Fox"
Task: - repeat the rules of the game; Be careful
II half of the day. SOD
Hardening activities
Walking on massage mats, breathing exercises Purpose: strengthening the health of children
Introduce the proverb: A mother’s heart warms better than the sun. Objectives: enrich children’s knowledge with proverbs, teach them to understand the meaning.
P/i “Traps with ribbons”
Task:; develop spatial orientation skills.
Individual work with Pasha, Sasha, Egor L - work with scissors Objectives: practice the ability to work with scissors correctly.
To get interested in gaming activities based on interests. Objectives: to develop independence, activity, communicative-personal and regulatory functions of speech; improve the ability to spend time interestingly and usefully.
D/game “Dangerous - not dangerous”
Objectives: to teach children to distinguish dangerous life situations from non-dangerous ones; be able to foresee the outcome of a possible development of the situation
Observing passers-by Goal: - strengthening the ability to determine mood, developing attention
Game “Guess who called?” Purpose: education of auditory attention, sense of camaraderie
Interaction with the family Consultation for parents “Fundamentals of moral relations in the family”
Date: 02.27.19 Day of week Wednesday
The first half of the day. SOD
Directions Morning exercises According to the plan of the physical education instructor
Social-communicative, cognitive, speech, physical, artistic and aesthetic development
Social-communicative, cognitive, speech, physical, artistic and aesthetic development
Social-communicative, cognitive, speech, physical, artistic and aesthetic development
Conversation: “What does my mother do?”
Objectives: To cultivate interest in various professions, paying special attention to the profession and place of work of the mother.
Reading: S. Prokofieva “The Tale of Mother”
.Task: To replenish literary baggage, instill sensitivity to the poetic word.
P/i "Rucheek"
.Goal: development of gaming activities and cooperation between couples
Dining duty Tasks: to strengthen children’s ability to set the table, teach them to act consistently and accurately, discuss the importance of work; continue to develop work skills,
Independent motor activity. Objectives: improve the ability to independently organize outdoor games, use sports attributes
OOD – 1. Speech development (Speech development)
Topic: “Reinforcing the sound K (K1, letters K. Work on a sentence.” Task: Teach children to clearly pronounce the letter, read syllables, determine the location of the sound in a word. Practice various intonations to convey their feelings Source D. G. Shumaeva “How good be able to read"
No. 24, p. 69
OOD – 2 Lepka (Artistic and aesthetic development)
Topic: “Flower for Mom”
Objectives: Continue to teach children how to sculpt decorative objects; Develop the ability to complete a task in an exact sequence; continue to consolidate the ability to decorate a product using stacks.
Source Koldina D.N. “Modeling and applique with children 6-7 years old”
, p. 43
OOD – 3. Physical culture (Physical development)
Topic:Tasks: according to the plan of the physical education instructor
Cloud watching. TRIZ “What do clouds look like?”
Objectives: to create a desire to admire the sky and clouds; develop creative imagination and fantasy;
P/n: “Homeless Hare”
Goal: development of attention, speed of reaction to a signal
P/n “We are funny guys”
Objectives: teach to follow the rules of the game, act quickly and deftly
Game – relay race “Strong - Agile”
Objective: exercise running, develop agility, cultivate friendliness
II half of the day. SOD
Hardening activities
Walking on massage mats, breathing exercises Purpose: strengthening the health of children
Individual. work with Nikita, Egor S “Pictures for writing a story”
Goal: development of speech creativity
P/i "Carousel"
Objectives: teach children to form an even circle, clearly pronounce the text, stop at a signal
In the theater corner - place the attributes for staging the fairy tale “The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats”
Goal: development of creativity.
Educational and research activity “Colors of Spring”
Objectives: teach children to mix paints, obtain the necessary colors and shades; learn to draw conclusions
Independent play activity of children with a large construction set Goal: developing the ability to make sustainable buildings, fostering friendliness
Transport monitoring Goal: expanding knowledge about ground transport, its classification, purpose
Game "Who called?"
Goal: development of hearing, attention
Interaction with the family Involving parents in the design of the exhibition “Traffic rules are our best friends”
Date: 02.28.19 Day of week Thursday
The first half of the day. SOD
Directions Morning exercises According to the plan of the physical education instructor
Social-communicative, cognitive, speech, physical, artistic and aesthetic development
Social-communicative, cognitive, speech, physical, artistic and aesthetic development
Social-communicative, cognitive, speech, physical, artistic and aesthetic development Conversation: “How I help my mother”
.Objectives: discuss with children why it is very important to help elders. Cultivate respect for mother's work.
Individual work with Rita, Oleg, Egor L, Leroy d\i “Broken Phone”
.Objectives: to develop children’s auditory perception, attention, to develop the ability to regulate voice volume, to pronounce words clearly
D/i “Sharing candy with mom”
Task: to coordinate nouns with the numerals
Dining duty: Laying out napkins Tasks: learn to lay out napkins in napkin holders carefully so that they are easy to get out; cultivate diligence and accuracy
P/i "Red, yellow, green"
Objectives: consolidate knowledge about the meaning of traffic lights; develop attention
OOD – 1. FEMP (Cognitive development)
Topic: Tasks: Continue to teach yourself how to compose and solve arithmetic problems involving addition and subtraction. Strengthen the ability to move in a given direction in accordance with symbols. Develop attention and logical thinking Source: V. A. Pomoraeva, Pozina V. A. No. 7, p. 115
OOD – 2. Drawing (Artistic and aesthetic development)
Topic: “Vase with branches”
Objectives: Learn to draw from life, conveying the shape of a vase, the design of branches, and beautifully positioning an image on a sheet of paper. Strengthen the ability to outline the shape of a vase with a pencil, then paint everything with paints. Develop aesthetic perception.
Source: “Art classes in kindergarten”
T. S. Komarova p. 175
OOD -3 Music (Artistic and aesthetic development)
according to
the music director's
plan Walk
Bird watching. Tasks: to draw children's attention to the animated behavior of wintering birds (sparrows chirp cheerfully, the first ringing song of the great tit is heard)
Learn to understand the meaning of folk signs and proverbs.
P/n: “Mousetrap”
Objectives: teach children to choose using the
, clearly pronounce the text, act on a signal; develop attention
P/ and “Empty space”
Objectives: to develop in children the ability to run easily and rhythmically, energetically pushing off from support, and to maintain coordination of movements of the arms and legs.
P/n “Find yourself a match”
Goal: developing the ability to act on an auditory signal
II half of the day. SOD
Hardening activities
Walking on massage mats, breathing exercises Purpose: strengthening the health of children
Game situation “Kind words for mom”
Objectives: to develop a sensitive and caring attitude towards loved ones
Experiment “Why snow melts faster near a tree trunk”
Objectives: develop curiosity, logical thinking
Game exercise “Look and remember”
Tasks to develop memory, logical thinking
Reading the fairy tale "Cuckoo"
Objectives: enrich children’s reading experience with fairy tales
Create conditions for children to play independently with their favorite toys. Tasks: teach how to use toys for their intended purpose, use them to implement various play activities
Observing trees Objectives: develop interest in observation
P/i "Dwarves and Giants"
Goal: development of attention
Interaction with family Tips and recommendations for preparing costumes for the holiday
Weekly work plan
If the theme of the week is “Women’s Day,” in the preparatory group it should take place both in the mode of interaction between children and adults, and in conditions of children’s independence.
Sample plan for the week dedicated to Women's Day
- Morning work-out.
- Conducting a conversation on the topic of the upcoming holiday. The purpose of this conversation should be to inform children about the history and traditions of celebrating this day, and to generate interest in the upcoming event.
- Vocabulary lesson (pure sayings, sayings related to family values).
- Conducting a role-playing game “Family”, the purpose of which is to improve children’s abilities to interact and distribute roles in a team.
- Lunch time.
- Quiet hour.
- Creative time - introducing children to folk art (looking at Easter eggs) and the opportunity to practice on their own.
- Literacy training.
- Musical break - you will need to choose the songs that will be performed at the final event and begin the corresponding rehearsals with the children.
- Walk.
- Game activities (“Sharing candy with mom” - parallel teaching children to count).
- Reading a fairy tale out loud (for example, “Thumbelina”).
- Walk.
- Morning work-out.
- Conducting a conversation with children on the topic of helping their mother. The purpose of the conversation is to be able to explain to children how important it is to help their elders, as well as to foster a sense of respect for what their mothers do for them.
- Game exercises (the game “Look and Remember”, the subjects of which can be those things that are found in family life on an ongoing basis), the purpose of this exercise will be to develop the cognitive abilities of children.
- Educational time - the theme can be the world around us, special attention should be paid to pets. You can discuss what animals live in families, who takes care of them, and how they should be cared for.
- Walk.
- Lunch time.
- Quiet hour.
- Physical education class.
- Rehearsal of skits for the final event.
Charging always comes first
- Morning work-out;
- Conversation “How to affectionately call your mother”, the purpose of which is to form a reverent attitude towards mothers and grandmothers.
- Cultural program - presentation “The Image of Women in Art”, the purpose of such a presentation is to introduce children to beauty.
- A game exercise - gymnastics “Mom Cuts the Cabbage”, the purpose of which is to develop articulation.
- Walk.
- Lunch time.
- Quiet hour.
- Preparation for the holiday - rehearsal of reading poems by heart;
- Reading a fairy tale.
How to develop self-confidence and leadership qualities in a child
- Morning work-out;
- A conversation on the topic “Why do girls need to be protected?”, with the goal of strengthening concepts of gender roles and forming basic concepts of morality.
- Cultural program - study of folklore associated with mother (grandmother), recitation of proverbs and sayings.
- Cleaning the area for the upcoming holiday, the purpose of which is to develop the ability to aesthetically perceive the environment.
- Walk.
- Lunch time.
- Quiet hour.
- Game program “Chain of Words” - select words related to family values, this game is aimed at developing logical thinking and enriching children’s vocabulary.
- Rehearsing skits for an upcoming event.
- Reading books.
- Morning work-out.
- Final rehearsal before the concert.
- Conversation: “How to please your mother?”
- Creative work is a gift to mom.
- Walk.
- Lunch time.
- Quiet hour.
- Hygienic procedures related to preparation for the concert.
- Concert.
- Giving gifts to mothers.