Thematic week “Road Rules” in the middle group
Thematic week “Road Rules” in the middle group
Prepared by: Kichigina N.A.
teacher of the highest qualification category
Madou No. 18 “Kindergarten “Ladushki”, Gai, Orenburg region
The relevance of preventive work on traffic rules
As before, one of the most important tasks of preschool education remains teaching children road safety rules.
Children's road traffic injuries are one of the most painful problems of modern society. Every year, tens of thousands of traffic accidents involving children and teenagers occur on the roads. Knowing and following traffic rules will help shape children's safe behavior on the roads. Therefore, daily work with children is necessary to formulate ideas about the importance of following traffic rules.
As part of preventive work to prevent child road traffic injuries, we have developed a thematic week “Road Rules”
Goals and objectives of the thematic week “Road Rules”
developing skills for safe behavior of children on the roads.
- creating conditions for children to consciously study traffic rules;
- developing in children the ability to foresee possible danger in a concretely changing situation and build adequate safe behavior;
- developing in children the habit of behaving correctly on the roads;
- raising children to be competent pedestrians.
In the reception area for children and parents, we organized an exhibition of children's drawings on the theme “Attention, the road!” A traveling folder “Tips for parents on traffic rules” was created directly for parents.
Advice for parents on traffic rules
Exhibition of drawings
For the children in the group, we organized a traffic rules corner “Traffic Light” and supplemented the subject-development environment with didactic games.
Traffic regulations corner
Coloring pages
Didactic games on traffic rules
Street layout
The “Young Pedestrian” laptop book introduced children to road signs and rules of behavior for children on the road
Road layout with road signs
Lepbook “Young pedestrian”
During the thematic week, the following conversations were held with children:
- “Why it is necessary to follow traffic rules”
- "Our helpers on the road"
- "The traffic light is our friend"
- "We are pedestrians"
- "Where children should play"
With the help of the outdoor game “Traffic Light”, children reinforced the meaning of traffic lights
"Traffic light"
During the week the following events were held for children:
- NOD for speech development “Truck”;
- GCD for drawing “Our assistant is a traffic light”;
- memorizing the physical education minute “We are pedestrians!”;
- guessing riddles according to traffic rules;
- reading fiction.
- purposeful walk to traffic lights;
- monitoring the roadway;
- examination of drawings and illustrations about road situations;
- role-playing games: “Chauffeurs”, “Road”, “Bus”, “Car Showroom”, “We are pedestrians”;
- outdoor games: “Colored cars”, “Sparrows and a car”.
As a result of the thematic week “Road Rules”, children received and learned knowledge about the rules of the road; got acquainted with some road signs and their meaning; remember the purpose of the traffic light. In addition, visual aids and materials were developed that have a developmental impact and cognitive stimulation on children and parents, developing in children knowledge about the culture of behavior on the road, instilling responsibility for the safety of their lives and the lives of other people.
Thank you for your attention!