Calendar planning for the summer health period in the middle group. Thematic week “Week of Friendship and Politeness”

Weekly plan “Me and my friends”

Lena Butyrina

Weekly plan “Me and my friends”

GROUP: medium

TOPIC OF THE WEEK : “Me and my friends

GOAL: Creating a joyful mood from meeting with friends , with kindergarten.

FINAL EVENT: Collage “My friends


Tasks for the week , taking into account the integration of educational areas:

Summarize and expand children’s knowledge about concepts such as “friend”

learn to compose short stories of 6-8 sentences; to ensure that children acquire the ability to evaluate the feelings and actions of peers in joint games and situations, to motivate, to explain their judgments; develop social feelings, conscious goodwill; desire to support friends and take care of them. Teach children to say “No”
if an older friend tries to involve him in a dangerous situation. Continue to arouse interest in productive activities and develop imagination. Improve motor skills and abilities, develop their independent use. Improve your ability to take care of yourself and your appearance. Strengthen the ability to build according to the proposed elementary drawing diagram or implement your own plan. Learn to create a collective craft by combining children’s individual buildings. Strengthen the ability to compare the number of objects, compare objects by size, combine them by attribute; consolidate knowledge about geometric shapes. Continue to develop children’s interest in the plant world; cultivate a love for plants, a desire to care for them.


subgroup Individual educational activities in special moments

Monday , 09/07/2015 Morning: Morning exercises.

Looking at illustrations depicting children, friends , animals.

P/n “Find yourself a match”


With Nikita Ch. and Zhenya Ch., develop the ability to lay out and fold teaching aids. Conversation: “Our friends !”

D/i “Add a word”
. Adding illustrations and board and printed games for children’s independent activities.


Speech development (SD)

“How to behave with strangers?”
(surprise moment, teacher’s story, conversation on issues, game
“I am your friend...”
, physical exercise, drawing with pencils
“Gift for a Friend”

Development of musicality.


Observing the sun.

Sweep the veranda and remove large dry twigs.

P/i "Mousetrap"

“We are funny guys
. Pin with Kostya G. and Darina R.

the ability to walk in pairs. Conversation about the sun: the sun is shining - it’s warm. The sun is huge, hot, warms the earth, sending it its rays. Bringing in toys, scoops, buckets, brooms, dolls dressed for the weather, balls, coloring books, colors. pencils.

work before bed Reading S. Marshak “Uncle Styopa”


Strengthen the skills of maintaining a neat appearance.

Evening: Health-improving gymnastics after sleep, walking along massage paths, breathing exercises.

D/i "One - many"

Reinforce with Artem P. and Kirill S. the main signs of summer and autumn. S/r game “Polyclinic”
: parents bring their children to see a doctor
(conversation, demonstration, personal example)
Introducing substitute items for the s/r game “Polyclinic”

Walk Observing the work of the janitor.

Sweep the path leading to the site. P/i "Cars"


With Arseny M. and Styopa Ch., strengthen the ability to throw the ball up and catch it with both hands.


subgroup Individual educational activities in special moments

Tuesday, 09/08/2015 Morning: Morning exercises.

Looking at the painting “Building a House”


D/i “Paired pictures”

Train the ability to draw a horizontal line with Bogdan P. and Nikita Ch. Situational conversation about how people find friends Adding coloring books , colored pencils.

Physical development according to the plan of the physical education instructor.

Cognitive development (CDEE)

“Books are my
friends (art word,
“Recognize by Voice”
, experimenting with paper, conclusions).

Artistic and aesthetic development. Modeling “Treat for a friend”



Examination of a flower bed, comparison of 2 flowering plants. Digging up flowers and transplanting them into boxes for further observations in a corner of nature. P/i “Find your house”

"Birds in the Nest"
. Exercise running under a cord for Vlad V, Katya S. Conversation about the sun, that when the sun is shining, it’s warm outside. Introducing molds, spatulas, flower boxes, small toys.

Evening: Health-improving gymnastics after sleep, walking along massage paths, breathing exercises.

Dramatization of R. n. With. "Spikelet"

Repeat with Masha O. the previously learned poem. S/r game "Shop"

choosing a gift for a friend.

Adding attributes for the s/r game “Shop”


Walk Observing the weather conditions (whether there is sun or clouds in the sky)


P/i "Sparrows and the car"

"Take care of the object"

D/i "Living - Nonliving"


Collecting stones on the site.


subgroup Individual educational activities in special moments

Wednesday, 09.09.2015 Morning: Morning exercises.

Looking at pictures from the series “Children Play”


D/i “Wonderful bag”

Consolidate the compilation of individual groups of objects with Danil M. and Ilyas M. Memorization of “Mirilka”
. Adding coloring books, colored pencils and pictures.


Speech development. Certificate. Topic: “Talking about toys”

(Surprise moment, teacher’s story, conversation on issues, physical exercises, children’s independent story, d/i
“Call me affectionately”
, drawing up a table
friends ).

Artistic and aesthetic development. Application “Bouquet for a friend”


Cognitive development. FEMP.Theme: “One is many. Big and small. Circle"

(Riddles and answers, game
“Connect correctly”
, physical exercise
“Teddy Bears”
, game
“Find and Color”


Observation of herbaceous plants, distinguishing between tall and short flowering plants.

P/n “Hit the target”

“By the bear in the forest”
“Geese, geese”

Collect branches that have fallen from trees. Develop the skill of catching a ball with two hands with Kira K. and Zhenya Ch. Conversation: “What are the seasons? What now?”

Bringing in toys, scoops, buckets, cars.

work before bed Reading p. n. fairy tales "Teremok"


Continue to strengthen the skill of rolling up your sleeves, taking soap from the soap dish and putting it in place.

Evening: Health-improving gymnastics after sleep, walking along massage paths, breathing exercises.

D/game “Don’t forget about your comrades.” Consolidate with Nikita Ch. and Kostya G. the exercise with the ball “I know five names of girls...”

. Games with large building materials, reinforcing previously acquired constructive skills. Introducing elements of a large designer.

Walk Note weather conditions. Is the sun shining clearly? What is the sky and wind like today?

We continue to collect twigs in buckets.

P/n “The king walked through the forest...”

"Catch me"


subgroup Individual educational activities in special moments

Thursday, 09/10/2015 Morning: Morning exercises.

Reading the story by K. Ushinsky “Together it’s crowded, but apart it’s boring”


Get into the habit of tidying up your closet. Strengthen with Darina R. and Vanya P. the ability to fold cut pictures from 8 elements. Board game for developing fine motor skills “Colorful clothespins”

. Introducing a game, a small construction set, a story.


Artistic and aesthetic development. Drawing "Flower of Friendship"


Cognitive development. FEMP.Theme: “One is many. Big and small. Circle"

(Riddles and answers, game
“Connect correctly”
, physical exercise
“Teddy Bears”
, game
“Find and Color”

Speech development. Memorization. E. Stekvashova Friends

(riddle; conversation about friendship; reading a poem; questions; physical exercise; reading a poem with children).


Tree watching.

We collect sticks that have fallen from trees and take care of broken branches. P/i "Silence"

"Cat and Mice"
. Strengthen with all children the ability to step over obstacles. Teacher's story about the structure of a tree. Bringing in toys, scoops, buckets, brooms, dolls dressed for the weather, balls.

work before bed Reading a fragment from the fairy tale “Little Red Riding Hood”


Strengthen the ability to undress and dress in the correct sequence.

Evening: Health-improving gymnastics after sleep, walking along massage paths, breathing exercises.

Listening to the song “Smile”


To consolidate with Lesha E. and Inna D. the ability to solve riddles based on visual information. D/i “Feed the doll lunch”

, we develop the ability to perform several interrelated actions in the game. Bringing in toys for children, songs.

Walk Observing the sky. Sweep the porch and benches.

P/i "In an even circle"

"Happy Runs"

Games with sand at the request of children.


subgroup Individual educational activities in special moments

Friday, 09/11/2015 Morning: Morning exercises.

Looking at the illustrations “Evaluate the action”


P/i "At the bear in the forest"


With Artem P. and Artem V., consolidate the skill of painting pictures without going beyond the outline. D/i “House of Friendship”
(to evoke sympathy for the game characters, to be able to help them)
. Contribution of illustrations, coloring books and colored pencils.


Speech development. Ecology. "My Green Friends "

(riddle, examination of the structure of a flower, game
“What’s extra?”
, work according to the scheme
“How does a plant grow?”
, physical exercise
, game
“What would happen if ...”

Cognitive development (CDEE)



Observe the cat, pay attention to the structure of its body.

We collect sticks that have fallen from trees and take care of broken branches. P/i "Sparrows and the cat"

"Ball Traps"
. Practice jumping on one leg with Arseny M., Bogdan P. and Styopa Ch. Guessing riddles about wild and domestic animals. Bringing in toys, scoops, buckets, brooms, dolls dressed for the weather, balls, coloring books, colors. pencils.

work before bed Reading a fragment from the fairy tale “Little Red Riding Hood”


Strengthen the ability to undress and dress in the correct sequence, carefully fold clothes.

Evening: Health-improving gymnastics after sleep, walking along massage paths, breathing exercises.

Collective storytelling “My friend in kindergarten”

With Danil P. and Katya S., reinforce the ability to alternate circles by color. S/r game “Family”
friend’s birthday)
we consolidate the ability to perform several interrelated actions in the game. Bringing in toys for playtime.

Walk Observing the flora, we continue to get acquainted with the structure of the tree.

Sweep the path leading to the site.

P/i "Happy Runs"

"Fox in the Chicken Coop"

Exercise children in snake


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