Thematic week in the senior group on the topic “Space”


Planning educational work

Topic: “This Mysterious Space”

Goal: to form ideas about outer space, the solar system and its planets, human space exploration, to give an initial concept of the universe.

Final event: Educational quiz “Space Experts”

Goal: Systematize the acquired knowledge about space, about planet earth, about the spaceship.

Working with parents: Creating a moving folder “Mysterious Universe: what to tell children about”

Developmental environment: A selection of books and illustrations about space. Attributes for role-playing games on the theme "Space"

Joint activities of adults and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Organization of a developmental environment for children’s independent activities (activity centers, the entire group room)

Educational activities in special moments

"Inhabitants of Space." (Smooth

movements of astronauts in zero gravity to “cosmic” music.)

“Make a picture from parts” (space theme).

Goal: develop imaginative perception, the ability to finish what you start

P/n “Take a seat in the rocket.”

Goal: To consolidate the rules of the game, the ability to act on a signal.

Creating conditions for independent activity in the book corner. Select books to read and look at:

“About stars and planets”, “Myths of the starry sky”, encyclopedias about space, “Steps over the planet”,

“I’m going into space” by A. Leonov, looking at illustrations about space, albums.

Direct educational activities

Speech therapy (according to the plan of the teacher - speech therapist).

Physical development: (according to the plan of the physical education instructor)

Weather observation (sun).

Goal: to continue to expand and deepen children’s understanding of the sun.

Creating cognitive motivation “Why doesn’t the sun shine all the time?”

Goal: Encourage children to draw conclusions and conclusions.

P./n: Game “We are one team.”

Goal: team unity and building

effective team interaction.

P/game: “Walk without falling.”

Goal: To develop balance and coordination of movements.

Simulation of the size of the sun and the earth (large and small ball).

Goal: To systematize children’s knowledge about the planets of the solar system, their features, location of the sun and earth.

Invite children to help the janitor

Goal: to develop basic work skills.

Independent games for children with external materials

Work before bed

Cultural and hygienic procedures. - “Wonderful combs” - strengthening children’s knowledge that personal hygiene items should be individual and kept clean, promoting neatness.

Reading by K.A. Portsevsky “My first book about Space”

(according to the music director's plan)

Gymnastics after sleep. Walking along massage paths.

Viewing electronic presentations:

"Planets of the Solar System".

D/I “What kind of object?” (space)

Goal: to teach children to correctly name an object and describe it, tell what it is used for, who uses it most often.

Offer new coloring pages for shading depicting planets

mental activity of children, promote their logical thinking, develop spatial imagination

Construction game "Cosmodrome"

Goal: Continue to teach independently, find new constructive solutions when completing tasks according to the conditions and in accordance with the general plan, strengthen children’s ability to play with buildings using small toys.

Observing the evening weather - compare it with the morning.

P/i "Forward to the stars"

Goal: Develop running strength and endurance.

Joint activities of adults and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Organization of a developmental environment for children’s independent activities (activity centers, the entire group room)

Educational activities in special moments

“A piggy bank of wise thoughts” Purpose: learning proverbs, sayings, riddles about space and astronauts.

D/i “What first, what then”

Goal: To introduce children to the history of aircraft.

D/game “What should we take with us on the flight?”

Goal: To expand children's knowledge about the items needed by an astronaut.

Independent play activities in employment centers.

Exhibition “Space” in paintings by artists; materials and tools for drawing, modeling, applique, artistic work.

Direct educational activities

NGO "Cognitive Development" FEMP:

Introduction to fiction.

Topic: Nagibin Yu.M. "Stories about Gagarin". Purpose: To introduce the biography of Yu. Gagarin. Learn to comprehend the content of what you read, cultivate a sense of pride in the first space explorers, and lead to an understanding of such moral and volitional qualities as kindness, perseverance, fearlessness, and hard work.

NGO "Artistic and Aesthetic Development" Drawing. Topic: “Fly the rocket to the stars”

Goal: to teach children to depict a rocket using an elongated triangular or oval shape, to apply small parts to it (porthole - window, antennas); as well as the starry cosmic sky.

Expand children's knowledge about the world of technology around us. Develop creative imagination

Observation of the spring sky and floating clouds

Goal: Expand the understanding of natural phenomena.

P/game “Take a seat in the rocket”

Goal: To promote the ability to navigate in space.

Goal: To develop running, attention, and the ability to quickly respond to a signal.

Practice throwing in various ways and the ability to catch the ball with both hands.

Experimenting with snow “Making a Rocket”

Goal: To consolidate the properties of spring snow, to develop imagination and creativity.

Labor - cleaning the territory.

Goal: to teach to work together, to achieve the completion of a task through joint efforts.

children's activity in the area.

Work before bed

Cultural and hygienic procedures. Conversation “Do you have a napkin?” To form the necessary ideas about the rules of behavior at the table. Learn to use napkins as a necessary serving attribute.

View electronic presentations: “Animals in space.”

Gymnastics after sleep. Hardening procedures.

Making up riddles about the stars and planets.

Goal: to develop creative imagination, fantasy, and the ability to improvise;

Thematic and didactic game “Polyclinic for future cosmonauts.”

Goal: To cultivate in children curiosity, focused attention, creative activity, independence, and a sense of emotional satisfaction.

D/i “Building rockets” - fix geometric shapes from which you can build a rocket, exercise the ability to build rockets from counting sticks.

Game visualizer “Connect the object with the shape”

Goal: develop the ability to find the original shape of objects

Creating gaming cognitive motivation

Children receive a letter from the heroes of the Russian cosmonauts, who invite them to join the corps of young cosmonauts.

Watching the wind

Goal: Expand children's understanding of inanimate nature, establish relationships with living nature, and strengthen the ability to identify Sioux and wind direction.

P/n “Take a seat in the rocket.”

Goal: To consolidate the rules of the game, the ability to act on a signal, to develop speed and reaction.


Project "Cosmos"

Kindergarten preparatory group

Project content

Project name: "Space".

Project type : educational, creative, informational.

Duration : medium-term (1 month).

Content : research-creative, informational (practice-oriented).

By the nature of contacts : child-parent, within the preschool educational institution.

Participants: children of the preparatory group, teacher, parents.

Educational areas: “Cognitive development”, “Socio-communicative development”, “Speech development”, “Artistic and aesthetic development”, “Physical development”.

Problem: Arseny (pupil of group No. 2) brought an encyclopedia about space to the group. Looking at the illustrations in the encyclopedia, the children did not understand much. It turned out that preschoolers know little about the history of human space exploration and about outer space in general.

We tried to solve this problem using the project method. It is easier for children to understand complex material about space through a joint search for a solution to the problem with an adult (teacher or parents).


An important means of understanding the surrounding world is not only the surrounding nature, but also the unknown world of the Universe. It attracts his attention, forces him to include various senses in the process of observation, and therefore activates the initial moments of cognition - sensation and perception. Currently, it is necessary to form cognitive activity in children through various forms of activity: games, experiments, experiences, observations.

Curiosity and cognitive abilities do not arise on their own; they must be developed. Unfortunately, we noticed that in the “Origins” Program edited by L.A. Paramonov, T.I. Aliev, A.N. Davidchuk et al. in the preparatory group do not sufficiently cover the section “The World We Live In” on the topic “Space”, so there was a need to work on the “Space” project.

And we decided to organize the Cosmos project.” We believe that this methodological development will allow preschool children to develop an integrated picture of the world (an idea of ​​outer space , the solar system and its planets, human space exploration ) , a sense of patriotism, pride and respect for their country.

Project goals: to create conditions for children to develop an idea of ​​the world around them, so that the world becomes a source of knowledge and mental development of the child (an idea of ​​outer space, the solar system and its planets, human space exploration); promote the development of cognitive and intellectual abilities of children together with parents (legal representatives).

Project objectives:

  • To form and expand children’s ideas about the history of the development of astronautics;
  • Form initial ideas about space, the solar system, planets, the diversity of outer space, etc.;
  • To form children’s knowledge about the people who discovered space to humanity;
  • To promote the formation in children of interest in space and its knowledge;
  • Develop the creative abilities of preschoolers in various activities;
  • Develop the skills to analyze, reason, generalize, compare, contrast, and draw conclusions;
  • To cultivate respect for people who opened a “window” to space for humanity;
  • Foster love for your country, feelings of patriotism and pride in the country.

For parents:

  • Involving parents in the pedagogical process in preschool educational institutions, strengthening parents’ interest in cooperation with the kindergarten;
  • Help parents establish emotional contact with their child, expanding the range of their nonverbal communication;
  • Promote emotional bonding between parent and child.


During the implementation of the “Space” project, children of senior preschool age will form ideas about space; Concretizes knowledge about the planets of the solar system, constellations, meteorites, and generates interest in unknown facts from the history of space. Children will learn to analyze existing facts, establish cause-and-effect relationships, and draw conclusions.

This work will bring visible results provided that it is implemented in close cooperation between the family and the preschool educational institution.

Expected result:

  • Children’s assimilation of knowledge and ideas about space (idea about outer space, the Solar system and its planets, human space exploration);
  • Development of an active, independent, creative personality;
  • Raising a patriotic feeling in a preschooler, the desire to be brave, strong and resilient;
  • Involving parents in joint activities with the child.

Stages and timing of the project:

Work on the project was carried out in stages:

Stage 1 - Information and accumulation stage

(1 week - from March 19 to March 23, 2021):

  • Identification of the level of knowledge about space in children of senior preschool age (diagnostics);
  • Conduct a survey of parents on the topic of the project;
  • Prepare folders with illustrations on the project topic;
  • Select poems, riddles, active and didactic games on the topic of the project;
  • Develop notes for educational activities with older children on the topic of the project;
  • Collection and analysis of methodological, popular science, children's and fiction literature for adults and children, illustrated material on the topic;
  • Development of a work plan for project implementation;
  • Including project cycles in the long-term work plan;
  • Involve parents of students in active interaction, intensify interaction in the “teacher-child-parent” system.

Stage 2 - Organizational and practical stage

(2 weeks – from March 26 to April 6, 2021):

  • Reading methodological and fiction literature;
  • Examination of illustrations, photographs on the topic of the project;
  • Conducting a series of thematic classes;
  • Working with parents to replenish the RPPS group on the topic of the project;
  • Watching presentations, educational and animated films for children about space in preschool educational institutions and beyond;
  • Organization of an exhibition of joint creative works of children and parents;
  • Identification of the level of knowledge about space in children of senior preschool age (final diagnosis);

Stage 3 – Presentation and final stage

(1 week – from April 9 to April 13, 2021):

  • Exhibition of children's activity products;
  • Exhibition of card files “The Universe and Its Secrets”, “Great Cosmonauts”, “Planets of the Solar System”;
  • Exhibition of creative activities of children and parents “Space and Its Inhabitants”;
  • Presentation of the “Space” project to preschool teachers.

The implementation of the “Cosmos” project made it possible to form in children the necessary ideas about space (the idea of ​​outer space, the solar system and its planets, human space exploration), the development of children’s cognitive and intellectual abilities, the creation of conditions for the development of cognitive speech activity of preschoolers, the desire for independent knowledge .

Educational areas : social and communicative development, cognitive development, speech development, artistic and aesthetic development, physical development.

Joint activities of children and teachers.

Goal: to activate cognitive interest in space, to consolidate children’s knowledge about the diversity of outer space; encourage search skills; enrich children's speech.



"What is space?" Purpose: to give children an idea of ​​the planets of the solar system, the sun, stars, the first flight into space, to find out children’s knowledge on this issue;

"Blue Planet - Earth." Goal: explain to children what a telescope and outer space are, show how beautiful our Earth is from space;

"The Moon is the Earth's satellite". Goal: to find out children’s ideas about the Moon, month, expand knowledge about the lunar surface, a. Goal: expand children's understanding of the planets of the solar system;

“The sun is the source of life on Earth.” Purpose: to clarify children’s knowledge about the sun, its shape; explain what it consists of;


Cognition “I want to be an astronaut.” Purpose: to introduce the biography of the first cosmonaut Yu. A. Gagarin; expand your understanding of modern professions; talk about the work of Russian cosmonauts in space these days.

Communication “Nagibin Yu.M. Stories about Gagarin. Purpose: to introduce the biography of Yu. Gagarin. Learn to comprehend the content of what you read; cultivate a sense of pride in the first space explorers; lead to an understanding of such moral and volitional qualities as kindness, perseverance, fearlessness, and hard work.

Reviewing illustrations and encyclopedias on the topic of the project;

Watching videos “Underwater World”.

Experimental activities:

Experiments: “How to see stars without rays”, “Why you can’t see stars during the day”, “Why the Moon doesn’t fall on the Earth”, “Who ate the moon”, “How the change of day and night occurs.”

Reading fiction

Y.K. Golovanov “The Road to the Cosmodrome”, V. Kashchenko “Constellation of Dragons”, P.O. Klushantsev “What the telescope told us”, O.A. Skorolupova “Conquest of Space”, N. Nosov “Dunno on the Moon”, poems about space, riddles about space.


Didactic games: “Magic Planets”, “Find the Differences”, “Labyrinth”, “Restore Order in the Solar System”, “Find the Extra One”, “Pick up the Constellation”, “Find the Missing Rocket”, “Where the Rockets Are Flying”.

Productive activities:

HER (construction) “Cosmonauts near the rocket.” Purpose: to study the name of the components of the rocket; independently construct a rocket and astronaut figures from natural materials, follow the rules of safe work with piercing and cutting objects.

HER (from activity) “Space fantasy”. Goal: expand children's horizons and knowledge about space; develop color perception; maintain interest in visual arts;

HER (applique) “Flight to the Moon”. Goal: learn to convey the shape of a rocket using the technique of symmetrical cutting out of paper, cut out figures of people in spacesuits from paper folded in half; consolidate the ability to complement the picture with objects that are suitable in meaning; develop a sense of composition and imagination.

Constructive games : “Cosmodrome” (from a wooden construction set), “Spaceship” (from a Lego construction set)

Story-based role-playing games “Space”, “Cosmonauts”, “Accident on a space station”, etc.

Physical development

Outdoor games: “Fast rockets are waiting for us”, “Space relay race”, “Rocket launch site”, “Weightlessness”, “Sun and rain”, “Sun champion”.

Project activity product:

For teachers:

  • Design of the folder “Methodological development. Project "Cosmos";
  • Creation of card files and visual aids “The Universe and its secrets”, “Great astronauts”, “Planets of the solar system”;
  • Creation of electronic files on the project theme (presentations: “Fascinating Astronomy”; “Conquerors of Space”; “April 12 - Cosmonautics Day”; video material: cartoons “Belka and Strelka”, “Treasure Planet”, “Dunno on the Moon”, “Monkeys in space", "Hedgehog in the Nebula" (Smeshariki), "Space Jam", documentary footage about the first human launch into space);
  • Formalization of the work as a project, presentation of it to preschool teachers.

For children:

  • Replenishment of knowledge and ideas about the history of the development of astronautics;
  • Formation of initial ideas about space, the solar system, planets, the diversity of outer space, about the people who opened space to humanity;
  • Introduction to games, poems, songs, literature on the topic “Space”;
  • Mastering the skills of comparing, observing, analyzing, asking questions, drawing conclusions;
  • Acquiring social communication skills with adults;
  • Showing respect for the people who discovered outer space to humanity;
  • Developing a sense of patriotism, pride and respect for your country.

For parents:

  • Involving parents in the pedagogical process in preschool educational institutions, strengthening parents’ interest in cooperation with the kindergarten;
  • Replenishment of the RPPS group with attributes for the plot-role-playing game “Space”;
  • Replenishment of the RPPS group with literary works : Poems by T. Larin “Heroes - Cosmonauts”, G. Sapgir “Comet”, Yu. Sinitsyn “Ursa Major”, “Constellations”, R. Aldonin “Saturn”, “Moon”, “Comet”, “Stars”, V. Stepanov “Yuri Gagarin”, G. Lagzdyn “Cosmonaut”, V. Lepilov “Space Tale”, V. Borodin story “Rocket”, N.I. Andreev “How a man learned to fly”;
  • Replenishment of the RPPS group with musical works : “You know what kind of guy he was” by A. Pakhmutov, “14 minutes before the launch ...”, “Earth in the porthole”, “Our Starship”, O. Emelyanova, “March of Young Cosmonauts” by Magidenko, music “ Magic Flight” by Ekam, composition “Flight” by the ensemble “Space”, “And apple trees will bloom on Mars” by V. Muradeli, “We are flying into Space to work”;
  • Replenishment of the RPPS group with video materials for joint viewing with children (cartoons of the USSR: Soyuz Cartoon) : “The Secret of the Red Planet”, “Mysterious Planet”, “Return”, “Return from the Stars”, “Main Star”, “Murzilka on the Satellite”, “ Dunno on the Moon", "Stories about Space";
  • Replenishment of the RPPS group with encyclopedias, illustrations, posters on the topic of the project;
  • Replenishment of the RPPS group with didactic games : “Magic Planets”, “Find the Extra One”, “Find the Differences”, “Labyrinth”;
  • Creating joint creative works with children to participate in an exhibition at the group level on the topic “Space and its inhabitants ”;
  • Emotional rapprochement between a parent and a child by introducing children to space outside the preschool educational institution.

The implementation of the “Cosmos” project made it possible to form and expand the understanding of senior preschool children about space , to concretize knowledge about the planets of the solar system, constellations, meteorites, and the interest of preschoolers in unknown facts from the history of space was formed, as evidenced by the results of the final diagnostics to identify the level of knowledge in children senior preschool age on the topic of the project. Children learned to analyze existing facts, establish cause-and-effect relationships, and draw conclusions.

Children and parents showed interest in space in general and reflected their impressions in joint creative and research activities, which allowed them to emotionally become even closer to each other.

Thus, we recommend that preschool teachers develop and implement the “Cosmos” project for use in working with children and parents.


  1. Great encyclopedia. Space and astronomy: questions and answers. - M.: OLMA Media Group, 2013.
  2. Goryachev A.V., Klyuch N.V. Everything is spot on. A manual for preschoolers. - M., 2006.
  3. Donina O.I., Khamidullina L.A. Journey through the Universe. Classes on developing a natural-scientific picture of the world in preschoolers. — Publisher: ARKTI, 2009.
  4. Emelyanova E. Tell children about astronautics. - M.: Mosaic - Synthesis, 2015.
  5. Klushantsev P.O. What did the telescope tell you? – L.: Children's literature, 1980.
  6. Kochemasova E.E., Vakhrushev A.A. The world around us for older preschoolers. - M.: Balas, 2015. - 80 p.
  7. Levitan E.P. “The Birth of “Preschool Astronomy” // Earth and the Universe. - 2010. - No. 6.
  8. Mayorova G. Games and stories about space. – M.: List, 1999.
  9. Marupova E.V. Familiarization of preschoolers with the world around them. - M.: Detstvo-Press, 2014. - 128 p.
  10. Panikova E.A., Inkina V.V. Conversations about space. Methodological manual. - M.: TC Sfera, 2010.
  11. Skorolupova O.A. Conquest of space. — 2nd ed. - M.: Scriptoria Publishing House 2003, 2010.
  12. Tyatyushkina N.N., Ermak O.A. Paths of the Universe: methodological recommendations for the formation of basic astronomical knowledge in older preschoolers. - Mozyr: LLC Publishing House "White Wind", 2006.
  13. Shorygina T. A. Children about space and Yuri Gagarin - the first cosmonaut of the Earth: Conversations, leisure activities, stories. M.: TC Sfera, 2011. - 128 p.

Abstract of OOD on the topic: Space for children of the middle group of preschool educational institutions

Synopsis of the educational activity “Travel into Space” for children of the middle group.
Shirokova Alena Alekseevna, teacher of the Children's Educational Institution of Children's Educational Institution No. 10 of the city of Svobodny. This summary will be useful for teachers of secondary groups in preparing for a lesson on the topic “Space”. A video with a statement of the problem is attached to the OOD abstract. Enjoy watching!

Types of children's activities: play, communication, cognitive-research, motor, construction from various materials. Integration of educational areas: social-communicative, cognitive development, speech development, artistic and aesthetic development. Goal: To expand children's knowledge about space and space flights. Objectives: - development of children's artistic creativity, interest in independent creative activity (visual, constructive and model); — satisfying children’s needs for self-expression; — develop skills of friendly communication and interaction with peers; - evoke emotional pleasure in children from activities; activate children's imagination; — to form elementary ideas about space and outer space; - encourage active speech. Preliminary work: learning finger gymnastics “The Stars Are Shining”, physical. minutes “Cosmonauts”; looking at illustrations about space; conversation on the topic “Cosmonaut”; construction of a rocket from waste material. Planned results: Children express interest in creative activities, are friendly towards each other and the teacher;
have basic understanding of space and outer space; actively express their thoughts through speech. Content of children's organized activities
1. Introduction to the game situation Teacher: Guys, today we have guests. You need to say hello to them. I say hello everywhere - At home and on the street, I even say hello on the next street. Hello, blue sky, Hello, golden sun, Hello, light breeze, Hello, little oak tree, Hello, morning, Hello, day, I’m not too lazy to say hello. Teacher: Children, this morning I received an unusual email. Let's watch it together. What does Dunno ask us? Shall we help him? 2. Discovery of new knowledge. Conversation about space Teacher: Guys, look, this is a model of space. And it seems to me that something is missing in it? What do you know? Children: Stars. Teacher: That's right, kids. Space is a world of stars, it is very diverse. Stars appear small because they are far away. In fact, stars are huge hot balls of gas, similar to the Sun. Take a star each, let's place them in our space layout. What else is missing? Children of the Sun. Teacher: Find the sun. Look how big the sun really is. And the stars seem very small in comparison. Guys, there are also unusual balls near the sun. These are planets. Repeat... Nine planets revolve around the sun, listen to their names: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto. Look at each planet, they are all different, very beautiful and unusual. Now Dunno knows what planets are. Teacher: What planet do we live on? Children: Earth Teacher: That's right, guys. Why is our planet Earth called the blue planet? Because most of our planet is covered with water - seas and oceans, rivers and lakes.

3. Didactic game “Rocket”. Physical exercise "Cosmonauts". Teacher: Guys, Dunno, who knows nothing about space, really loves riddles. But he can’t solve one riddle. Listen. This bird has no wings, but one cannot help but marvel. As soon as the bird spreads its tail, it rises to the stars (rocket). Teacher: Guys, you are such space experts. I suggest you build a Dunno rocket out of geometric shapes to fly into space. Look, we have a rocket template. Let's try to lay out the same missiles. Well done! Let's relax with you. Teacher: One-two, there’s a rocket. (child raises his hands up) Three or four, take off soon. (spreads his arms to the sides) To fly to the sun (circle with his arms) Cosmonauts need a year. (grabs his cheeks with his hands, shakes his head) But on the road they are not afraid (arms to the sides, body tilts to the right and left) Each of them is an athlete (bends his arms at the elbows) Flying over the ground (spreads his arms to the sides) They will say hello to her. (raises his hands up and waves) 4. Game “Packaging Dunno for Flight” Teacher: They made a rocket for Dunno, but forgot to pack his luggage. There is nothing superfluous or random on the spaceship. Therefore, we will take only those things that are needed during space travel. I will show different objects, and you should clap your hands if this item is useful on the journey and hide your hands behind your back if this item is not needed (spacesuit, sled, ladle, first aid kit, flashlight, doll). 5. Practical part of the lesson. Making space in a jar Teacher : Guys, Dunno now knows a lot about space. And he is ready to become a real astronaut. You and I don’t yet have the opportunity to fly into space, we are small. I suggest you make your own space. Space in a jar. Teacher: To give our fingers a rest, let’s do some finger exercises. The stars are shining in the dark sky, an astronaut is flying in a rocket. Day flies and night flies And looks down at the ground. (Alternately connecting the thumb with the little finger, ring, middle and index fingers on stressed syllables.) Children, look carefully at the table. There is an empty jar in front of everyone. How can you make space appear in a jar? I will talk and show. And you do it with me. Agreed? Teacher: To create space in a jar we need: stars, cotton wool, a stick and water of two colors. Take the cotton wool and divide it into two equal parts. We place one part into our jar using a stick. Now let’s take some stars and put them in a jar on top of the cotton wool. Well done. Fill the cotton wool and stars with purple water from a test tube. Now let's repeat the same thing. Let's take the remaining piece of cotton wool and carefully place it in a jar using a stick, arrange a few stars, and fill it with blue water from the second test tube. Let's close our space tightly with a lid.

Over the Earth late at night, Just stretch out your hand, You will grab the stars: They seem nearby. Teacher: Look how great it turned out? You are truly smart. 6. Result of OOD Teacher: Guys, look, we received another email. Let's see? Dunno says thank you to us. Children, what new did we learn today? What is the name of our planet? What is the name of the space suit? How many of you want to be an astronaut? Well done guys, you were very attentive during class. You will make good astronauts.

We recommend watching:

Scenario of sports entertainment for Cosmonautics Day at a preschool educational institution. Middle group Summary of direct educational activities in the senior group of preschool educational institutions Summary of correctional and developmental classes in the preparatory group. Topic: “Space travel Summary of a physical education lesson in the senior group on the topic: Space

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