Summary of work activities in the senior group. Scheme of a summary of the organization of labor activity. Summary of a lesson on labor activity.

Summary of work activities

Topic: “Cleanliness is the key to health”

Software tasks:

Improve children's ability to wash toys and dry them. To consolidate and expand ideas about how to care for indoor plants. Form the habit of a healthy lifestyle; the ability to interact in a team, agree on the scope of everyone’s work, and bring the job started to completion. Foster a caring attitude towards plants and a desire to care for them; cultivate hard work, responsibility for the assigned work, accuracy, and collectivism.

Methods and techniques: explanations, reminders, conversation, game time, advice, demonstration, positive example, practical cleaning actions; encouragement, artistic expression, musical accompaniment, experimentation

Previous work: Introduction to the rules of collaboration; with proverbs and sayings; conversations: “Our house - let’s put it in order”, “A small task is better than a lot of idleness”; figurative-plastic sketch “Guests have come to us”; listening to music: Polish song “Boots”, music. R. Boyko “It Was in Carolina”; reading V. Dragunsky “Top to bottom, diagonally”, Y. Akim “The Incompetent”, S. Mikhalkov “All by myself”, A. Barto “The Dirty Girl”

Equipment: watering cans, napkins, sponges, basins, aprons, sticks for loosening the soil, spray bottle, toys, indoor plants.


Buratino (toy) sits in the group and sneezes.

Educator: Guys, look, Pinocchio came to visit us, but he doesn’t look very healthy! Pinocchio, are you sick? Why are you sneezing all the time?

Pinocchio: Yes, I caught a cold!

Educator: Weren’t you taught that patients should be treated at home and not spread infections and germs?

Pinocchio: Who are these microbes?

Educator: These are those who spread various diseases.

Pinocchio: I didn’t bring anyone.

Educator: You didn’t bring it, but you sneezed without covering yourself with a handkerchief. The microbes scattered throughout the group, we will now show you how this happens.

Demonstration of experience with a spray bottle.

Pinocchio: Oh. How many microbes I brought to you, what should I do now?

Educator: You, Pinocchio, should go home and get treatment, and let’s think about what we can do?

Pinocchio leaves.

Children: You can wipe the dust on the shelves in the closet, wipe off the toys, and arrange them beautifully. We also know how to wash building materials...

We can wash the flowers and water them so that they enrich the air more with oxygen.

Educator: These are the things we will do.

I suggest you think about what equipment you will need to wash building materials. What is more convenient for wiping toys?

Before starting work, I suggest you remember the basic labor rules:

You can't be distracted.

Carry out any task carefully, bring the work started to the end.

Help your comrades if they refuse help, do not interfere.

I distribute the guys into groups and give each group a task.

I suggest distributing the work yourself. (Turn on music)

The children get to work. The teacher and the Storyteller help with advice and sometimes show the method of action.

If necessary, the teacher redistributes work responsibilities.

After work, children clean up after themselves with napkins, sponges, and aprons.

When assessing the children’s work, the teacher summarizes:

Educator: Guys, you did a good job. They did a lot of useful things, worked together, helped each other. It’s not for nothing that people say: “Friendly - not burdensome!” And they also say “Patience and work will grind everything down!” The group became clean, beautiful, and flowers from proper care will delight everyone with beautiful greenery and flowers. And most importantly, we got rid of germs!

Labor education includes the formation of skills and moral qualities necessary for future professional activity and pursues the achievement of many goals: the development of a positive attitude towards work and the desire to work in children, the development of basic labor skills. In kindergarten, these goals are achieved in a playful way, and the complexity of the tasks depends on the age capabilities of the children and their ability to perceive information. Labor education can contribute to the development of other skills. If the teacher organizes group work, this will allow children to learn to work in a team. Each child will bear greater responsibility for their actions and learn to work for the benefit of the team.

Organization of labor activities in the senior group of kindergarten

Labor activity implies not only the formation of skills, it develops attentiveness, activity and composure in children. In kindergarten, preschoolers are introduced to the work of adults and introduced to activities that are feasible for them.

There are several functions of labor education:

  • Educational – develops the child’s practical skills and abilities.
  • Developmental - ensures the physical, social, mental development of the child.
  • Educational - forms the child’s hard work, collectivism, discipline and attentiveness.

Types of work activities of older preschoolers

The types of work activities of preschool students can be divided into several groups:

  • Self-service.
    In the older group, self-care tasks become more complex. The teacher, as before, teaches the children to do a certain job, but now he also helps them correctly approach the implementation of a difficult task, explains how to complete it as quickly and best as possible. Control is being strengthened to ensure that each item is in a certain place, and children put away their toys. To achieve results, the teacher makes constant demands on the children. In the older group, the child must change clothes independently
  • Labor in nature. This type of work is incredibly beneficial for children's development. It is not only fascinating, but also allows you to learn a lot of new things about the world around you. The child can directly become acquainted with nature and its characteristics, thanks to which he develops respect and caring attitude towards plants and animals. Working in nature allows you to effectively solve problems of sensory perception, and also helps to form a general idea of ​​natural objects.

    Types of activities include being on duty in a corner of nature and creating bird feeders. These tasks develop not only the child’s artistic skills, but also respect for nature.

    When creating a bird feeder, a preschooler can participate in its design

  • Teamwork. This type of work develops social skills and teaches preschoolers to work together.
    The teacher can organize one common task in which all children will participate, for example, cleaning a group room or washing toys. This will allow each child to feel like an important link and begin to take more responsibility for their actions. The types of tasks may vary. After finishing your joint work, you can play group games.

    An example of a group game "Mousetrap". Children are divided into two groups. One of the groups stands in a circle, tightly holding hands and raising them up. The second group of children is in the middle. Their task is to run back and forth between the hands of children standing in a circle as many times as possible. Those standing in a circle sing a rhyme: We are all tired of mice! Cheese and sugar - we ate everything. Beware of the cheat! You can't escape from a mousetrap. As soon as the teacher claps his hands, the children standing in the circle lower their hands and squat down. Those kids who remained in the circle are considered “caught.” They stand in a circle and the game continues.

    Completing collective tasks teaches children to act together

  • Handmade and artistic work.
    This type of work aims to develop in children a sense of beauty and aesthetic taste. This includes working with art materials, modeling, wood carving, creating crafts from cardboard and paper, working with fabric and origami. Children give the fruits of their creative work to their parents, friends or loved ones. This helps in developing moral qualities and a positive attitude towards others. Working with paper teaches accuracy and develops fine motor skills
  • Household work. Such work develops in children a desire to maintain cleanliness and order in the environment.
    Children learn to work collectively to achieve a common goal, determination and organization are formed. In this area of ​​labor development, the main role is played by the teacher, since it is from him that the children will take their example. Preschoolers should do the work themselves, and not watch the actions of an adult. The teacher organizes their activities and directs them in the right direction. Examples of household labor include cleaning the room, washing dishes and washing clothes.

    Clearing snow from paths teaches children to have order and care for others

  • Duty. This work involves the work of a group of children or just one child for the benefit of the others. Often, duty requires incredible composure and commitment from the child, so if such work is carried out for the first time, the teacher must conduct a special training session. You can also create a duty corner. The equipment for duty is varied, it depends on the age of the children and their commitment. But there are still basic tools and items that children must have at their disposal. These are aprons, scarves, small brooms, rags, buckets of water, gloves and several small spatulas. The work itself has many directions:
      Preparation for classes: children lay out pencils, bring glasses of water and paints.
  • Dining room duty: students clear the table and arrange the dishes.
  • Preschoolers are responsible for being on duty

Abstract on the organization of household work “Book Workshop” in the senior group

Notes on the organization of household work “Book Workshop” in the senior group.
Compiled and conducted by the teacher: Levchenko Tatyana Vitalievna. The material is provided and will be useful for kindergarten teachers. Goal: consolidate and improve skills previously acquired in work. Integrated tasks: Educational: continue to teach children how to repair books, teach how to properly handle a book; Developmental: development of fine motor skills of the hands, eye, development of labor skills, consolidation of the ability to bend a strip in half, cutting paper along the fold of a strip with scissors; Educational: to cultivate in children a sense of kindness, a desire to participate in joint work activities, independence and accuracy, to bring the work started to the end, to cultivate a desire to work for the benefit of others, to cultivate a caring attitude toward books; -nurture friendly relationships between children, find common interests; develop responsiveness and help younger people. Preliminary work: We learned in classes the simplest skills and abilities: cutting paper of a given size, careful work with glue and scissors. As a result of assignments, we mastered the skills of maintaining order in the book corner, cultivated socially oriented motives for collective work, and during ethical conversations emphasized the importance of social work , the need to work not only for yourself, but for everyone. We read S.Ya. Marshak’s poems “How our book was printed”, “A book about books”. Children were introduced to the rules of working with a book, with proverbs and sayings about the book. Equipment: books that need to be “treated”; scissors - 12 pieces; glue - 12 pieces; lining sheets - 12 pcs., paper napkins - 12 pcs.; 12 strips of white paper, a suitcase for books, a sign “Book Workshop”, a recording of the phonogram of a physical education session.

Progress of labor activity: 1. Organizational moment. Educator: It was simply invented by someone and wisely - When you meet, say hello - good morning! Hello, our guests! Guests: Hello, children! Educator: Guys, I want to tell you a riddle, and you listen to it and try to guess: A blizzard is walking outside the window, drawing a pattern on the window, And my beloved friend and I are warm, talking all evening. He showed me pictures, a children's camp, a forest, a fire. I took an ink eraser and erased all the stains from my friend. Then I bookmarked the sheets with a blue bookmark until tomorrow. He took his friend carefully with his hand and put him on the shelf in the closet. Children: Book! They knock on the door (a surprise moment.) (The teacher of the junior group, Inna Aleksandrovna, enters, holding a suitcase in her hands.) Inna Aleksandrovna: Hello, guys. You recognized me? (Yes) That’s right, I’m a teacher of the younger group and my name is Inna Aleksandrovna. Look what I brought - these are books. (takes it out of the suitcase) The kids in the younger group are very upset, their books are torn, but they are small children and cannot “fix” these books. And then I thought to go to you, maybe the guys from the older group could help us? Educator: Guys, what do you think: why did these books get sick? Children: (they were not taken care of, they were treated incorrectly). Educator: A lot of people are working on creating one book. A book goes a long way before it falls into our hands. Therefore, taking care of books means respecting the work of these people. Inna Aleksandrovna: How should you handle a book so that it is always in order? Children's answers: 1. Don't draw, don't write anything in books. 2.Do not tear out sheets or cut out pictures; 3.Do not bend books so that the pages do not fall out; 4.Look at the book with clean hands; 5.Do not read a book while eating; 6.Look at a book at a clean table; 7.Do not put pencils and pens in books so as not to tear their spines; 8.Use a bookmark. Educator: Children, why do we need books? (to read, look at pictures, learn something new, interesting, useful, learn letters....) Educator: Correct. A book is our best friend, we draw knowledge from it. Let's remember what proverbs and sayings we know about the book (whoever names a proverb rings the bell) 1. “A book is a small window, through it the whole world can be seen” 2. “A book is the best gift” 3. “One book teaches a thousand people " 4. “Who reads a lot, knows a lot" 5. “From time immemorial, a book raises a person” 6. “A book is a book, but move your mind” 7. “If you follow a book, you will gain intelligence” 8. “Live your whole life, your whole life read throughout your life, learn throughout your life” 9. “Gold is mined from the earth, and knowledge comes from a book” 10. “A book is the key to knowledge” Inna Aleksandrovna: Guys, what a great fellow you are. You know so many proverbs and sayings about books. Will you help me “cure” these books? Children: Yes! Educator: What do we need to repair them? Scissors, glue, paper. Then I will ask you to prepare your workplace. Ready. Educator: We have work to do to repair books, we need to gain strength. Let's all get up from our seats and do some physical education. Physical education lesson (performed to music) Educator: Now we can open our book workshop. (I hang a sign - an emblem on the board). BOOK WORKSHOP

Educator: What do we need to repair books? (white paper, scissors, glue...) It is necessary to remember the rules for safe work with scissors: 1. You should only work with scissors at your workplace. 2. Watch the movement of the blades while working. 3. Place the scissors with the rings facing you. 4. Feed the scissors rings forward. 5. Do not leave scissors open; store them in a case. 6. Don't play with scissors. 7. Don't put scissors near your face. 8. Keep scissors in a case. Independent work of children. Educator: Before you start repairing the books. We need to remember how we will make a new spine for the book. Rita will tell us about this. (First, we take a strip of paper, bend it along the grain, iron the fold, then put it on the table, smooth it out, then unfold it and cut it in half along the fold line, apply the strip to the book and cut it to the required length. Then take glue, lubricate the strip and stick it on the spine books). Teacher: (The teacher shows a torn book). “This book is sick: The kids tore it up. I’ll feel sorry for the sick woman: I’ll take her and glue her together.” Educator: Our group will have an unusual workshop today. Books imperceptibly begin to hurt: turn yellow, dry out, crumble into leaves. These are patient patients - they do not cry, do not moan, do not complain. And here you and I, their faithful friends, come to their aid. We will treat them and it will be nice to pick them up again. Let’s not forget the main rule: if you did it yourself, help someone else. Educator: Who will tell you how you can make a new cover for a book? Maxim will tell us about this. (We put the book on a sheet of paper, trace the book along the contour with a simple pencil, cut along the contour with scissors, grease it with glue, now glue it to the cover of the book and smooth it out) Educator: Guys, we’re finishing the work. Please pick up the books you have repaired. Children (read in chorus): “The books came out of the hospital, They repaired their pages, their bindings, their spines, and they put labels on them.” Inna Alexandrovna: Well done, guys! You did a good job, “cured” the books. Now they are neat and beautiful. They tell you: “Thank you very much, friends!” Now our books have “recovered” and we can return them to our kids. I’ll take these books to the kids and tell them how to handle the books so that they don’t “get sick” from them anymore. Children give books to Inna Alexandrovna.
And for your efforts, I will give you new books, which in your hands will be clean, neat and healthy.
From these books you will learn a lot of new and interesting things. (gives books to children)
Goodbye, children!
Children: Thank you very much! Educator: Our book workshop is closing. Thank you to all the children for your help in repairing books for kids! Thank you very much to the teachers for your attention.

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