Project methods in kindergarten
A short-term project in the preparatory group for the Federal State Educational Standard can have a variety of topics, taking into account the predisposition of the children. Educators try to use problem-based learning to develop logical thinking in their students. Short-term projects in the preparatory group are aimed at modeling non-standard situations, solving puzzles, and conducting experimental research activities.
"World of Water"
By implementing this short-term project, children not only become familiar with the most important substance on Earth, but also learn to respect water resources.
The teacher tells his kids that they are 90 percent water. To attract the attention of preschoolers to the topic of the project, he can tell them a fairy tale about a droplet, which during its journey turned into steam, then into ice, then back into a droplet. This way the children will get acquainted with the aggregate states of water and its circulation in nature. There is also a practical part to this project. Kids learn to “turn” water into ice using refrigerators. Aesthetic skills are also required in this activity. Armed with ordinary sheets of white paper and scissors, young designers create snowflakes of unusual shape and size. Together with the teacher, the children attach threads to the finished products, and such homemade decorations are used for New Year trees.
The “World of Water” project involves the involvement of a music worker from a preschool educational institution. He introduces the children to songs that mention water, snow, ice. The result of such cooperation will be learning a song about water, snow, rain. Everyone chooses a song together: the teacher, the music worker, the children.
Features of preschool age
This period is the most fertile time for learning and education. Preschoolers absorb information about society, the surrounding nature, and relationships between adults like a sponge. At this age, active knowledge of the world is developed. Short-term projects in the preparatory group are aimed at enriching the child’s personal experience, developing his independence, and the ability to work in a team.
Examples of projects in preschool educational institutions
We suggest considering the short-term project “Winter” in the preparatory group. The main purpose of it is to introduce children to the seasons. First, the teacher tells the children about what is typical for such a time of year as winter. The teacher pays special attention not to the climatic features of a given period, but to the traditions with which this period is so rich. As homework, children are invited to remember New Year's traditions together with their parents and come up with riddles about the New Year. In the second lesson, the guys share the information they managed to find. The teacher introduces the children to “different” Santa Clauses. This can be done using a computer presentation. In addition, preschoolers will learn about the New Year traditions that exist in different countries.
This project is best carried out in November-December. The second homework will be making New Year's toys. But first, the teacher introduces children to the types of Christmas tree decorations and how to make them.
The final lesson for the “Winter” project will be a presentation of New Year’s decorations and hanging them on the Christmas tree. After the Christmas tree is decorated with hand-made toys (with the help of parents), the kids will find themselves in a fairy-tale forest, where treats and fun games await them.
The purpose of projects in preschool educational institutions
The main goal of any project is to expand the knowledge of preschoolers on a specific topic. Short-term projects in the preparatory group of kindergarten are aimed at developing patriotic qualities in young citizens. From birth, a child becomes an explorer of the world that surrounds him. He sees snow, rain, rainbows for the first time, and encounters joy and grief. At the age of five, little “why girls” try to find answers to numerous questions that interest them. Teachers and parents should help them with this.
Classification of projects in preschool educational institutions
How are short-term projects divided in preschool educational institutions? The preparatory group works according to new federal standards. They involve the classification of projects by the number of participants, target setting, and duration.
The following options are mainly used in preschool institutions:
- Creative and research forms. Children conduct interesting experiments, presenting the results in the form of newspapers, theatrical performances, and role-playing games.
- Role-playing and game projects. They contain individual elements of games in which children play the main roles.
- Practice-oriented information works. The kids collect the material and then design it.
- Creative projects involve holding children's parties and excursions.
Stages of project activities in preschool educational institutions
The transition of a kindergarten to project technology is carried out according to a certain algorithm. It involves several stages:
- conducting classes using problem situations, a small experiment;
- conducting complex block-thematic classes;
- integration of theoretical and practical knowledge on a specific topic.
A short-term project in a preparatory group on ecology, for example, involves familiarization with natural phenomena, their explanation, and study.
Project topics
Integrated learning for preschool is innovative. It is aimed at developing the child’s personal qualities, creative and cognitive abilities. Topics for short-term projects in the preparatory group may be related to pets. For example, the teacher introduces children to the image of a dog in the works of Russian writers and poets, artists and filmmakers. After the theoretical part of the project is presented, preschoolers receive assignments in groups. One team is asked to portray a pet, the second - to write a fairy tale, the third - to come up with riddles related to the dog. At the final stage of the project, each group presents the result of their activities; the final result of the lesson is the creation of a complete picture of man’s best friend.
Such short-term projects in the preparatory group are aimed at the artistic and aesthetic development of the younger generation.
Preparatory group. Senior preschool age. Children 6-7 years old
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