“Methods and techniques for introducing preschool children to art.”

A long-term plan for introducing preschoolers to various genres of painting

Long-term plan for familiarization

preschoolers with various genres of painting

(from first junior to preparatory group)

First junior group

No. Month Genres of painting Painting Target
1 10. Decorative and applied Filimonovskaya toy Introduce children to the Filimonov toy as a bright representative of the traditional folk art of our homeland
2 01. Small sculptures Duck with ducklings or others. Developing interest in creativity, familiarization with the structure of birds
3 03. Matryoshka - Russian souvenir Semyonovskaya matryoshka To cultivate a love for folk art, respect for the folk artist who creates beauty for the joy of people
4 04. Animalistic Suteev V.G. Illustrations for children's books To develop knowledge about the animalistic genre in the fine arts, to evoke an emotional response to the beauty of the animal world.

Second junior group

No. Month Genres of painting Painting Target
1 09. Fabulously epic V.M. Vasnetsov “Alyonushka” To form an idea of ​​the fairy-tale genre in painting using the example of the work of V. Vasnetsov
2 10. Splint Kazan cat Learn to see the artistic and aesthetic originality of Russian popular prints and competently talk about it in the language of fine art; get an idea of ​​lubok and the technique of its implementation
3 11. Decorative and applied Filimonovskaya toy Introduce children to the Filimonov toy as a bright representative of the traditional folk art of our homeland
4 12. Still life N.S. Petrov-Vodkin “Apples on a red background” Ensuring a holistic perception of the picture
5 01. Scenery I.I. Shishkin “Winter” Introduce children to the genre of painting - landscape
6 02. Portrait B. M. Kustodiev “Portrait of Irina Kustodieva with the dog Shumka” Cause an emotional response to portraiture and a lasting interest in it
7 03. Matryoshka - Russian soul Tverskaya, Semenovskaya; Vyatka To cultivate a love for folk art, respect for the folk artist who creates beauty for the joy of people
8 04. Animalistic E. Charushin illustrations for the books “Different Animals” (1930), “Wolf”, “Vaska”, “Bear Cubs”, “About the Magpie” To develop knowledge about the animalistic genre in the fine arts, to evoke an emotional response to the beauty of the animal world.
9 05. Domestic B.M. Kustodiev “Morning” Learn to look closely at a work, understand the relationships between the characters in the picture, and compare what the artist depicts in the picture with reality. Understand the emotional mood of the work

Middle group

No. Month Genres of painting Painting Target
1 09. Fabulously epic Vasnetsov V.M. "Princess Frog" To form an idea of ​​the fairy-tale genre in painting using the example of the work of V. Vasnetsov
2 10. Small Tretyakov Gallery F.V. Sychkov “Difficult transition”, “At the hedge” Getting to know the artist's work
3 11. Decorative and applied Filimonovskaya, Dymkovskaya toys To acquaint children with the originality of Filimonovskaya and Dymkovo paintings, as a bright representative of the traditional folk art of our homeland
4 12. Still life I.E. Repin "Apples and Leaves" To arouse in children active interest and emotional responsiveness to a painting, pleasure from the perception of still lifes. To form ideas about still life as a special genre of painting
5 01. Scenery I. I. Levitan “Winter in the Forest” To develop in children interest and emotional response to an artistic painting, the skill of perceiving the figurative language of painting, the ability to carefully examine the landscape and see in it the unity of content and means of expression
6 02. Portrait I. E. Repin “Nadya Repina, the artist’s daughter” To develop an interest in portraiture and an “observation” of works of this genre. Compare two works, highlight means of expression that help artists convey the mood of the depicted children, their feelings
7 03. Matryoshka - Russian soul Tverskaya, Semyonovskaya, Vyatskaya To cultivate a love for folk art, respect for the folk artist who creates beauty for the joy of people
8 04. Animalistic A.M. Laptev illustrations “Krylov’s Fables” To develop knowledge about the animalistic genre in the fine arts, to evoke an emotional response to the beauty of the animal world.
9 05. Domestic A. K. Savrasov “The rooks have arrived” To evoke in children an emotional response to the spring manifestation of nature, aesthetic feelings and experiences, to develop the ability to relate what they see with the experience of their own perception of spring nature; teach artistic perception of a landscape painting, stimulate the desire to carefully examine its experiences, develop the ability to correlate what is seen with the experience of one’s own perception of spring nature; to teach the artistic perception of a landscape painting

Senior group

No. Month Genres of painting Painting Target
1 09. Fabulously epic Vasnetsov V.M. "Tsarevich Ivan on a gray wolf" To form an idea of ​​the fairy-tale genre in painting using the example of the work of V. Vasnetsov
2 10. Splint Folk pictures on popular subjects Learn to see the artistic and aesthetic originality of Russian popular prints and competently talk about it in the language of fine art; get an idea of ​​lubok and the technique of its implementation
3 11. Decorative and applied painting Filimonovskaya, Dymkovskaya, Gorodets, Polkhovskaya toys To acquaint children with the originality of Filimonovskaya and Dymkovo paintings, as a bright representative of the traditional folk art of our homeland. Acquaintance with the traditional motif of Gorodets painting, with the painting of Polkhov - Maidan
4 12. Still life I.T. Khrutsky "Flowers and Fruits" Introduce children to still life, develop active interest and emotional response to a work of art
5 01. Scenery I.I. Shishkin “Winter in the Forest” Introduce children to the reproduction of I. I. Shishkin
6 02. Portrait B.M. Kustodiev “Merchant's Wife at Tea” Strengthen children's knowledge about portraiture and its features
7 03. Small Tretyakov Gallery F.V. Sychkov “At work. Girlfriends", "Reaper" Getting to know the artist's work
8 04. Animalistic Yu. Vasnetsov illustrations for the books “The Fox and the Little Mouse”, “The Stolen Sun”, “The Cat, the Fox and the Rooster”, “The Wolf and the Little Goats” To develop knowledge about the animalistic genre in the fine arts, to evoke an emotional response to the beauty of the animal world.
9 05. Domestic I.I. Levitan "Hut in the Meadow" To instill in children an interest and love for Russian folk art

Preparatory group

No. Month Genres of painting Painting Target
1 09. Fabulously epic Vasnetsov V.M. "Bogatyrs" To form an idea of ​​the fairy-tale genre in painting using the example of the work of V. Vasnetsov
2 10. Splint Jellyfish Learn to see the artistic and aesthetic originality of Russian popular prints and competently talk about it in the language of fine art; get an idea of ​​lubok and the technique of its implementation
3 11. Decorative and applied painting Gzhel, Khokhloma, Zhostovo To form children’s knowledge about traditional Russian folk crafts (Gzhel, Khokhloma, and Zhostovo paintings)
4 12. Still life I. I. Levitan “Fallen Leaves” To develop in children interest and emotional response to an artistic painting, the skill of perceiving the figurative language of painting, the ability to carefully examine the landscape and see in it the unity of content and means of expression
5 01. Scenery Shishkin “Falled Tree” Getting to know the artist's work
6 02. Portrait B.M.Kustodiev “Portrait of F.I. Chaliapin” Introduce the great folk singer
7 03. Small Tretyakov Gallery F.V. Sychkov “Mordovian Teacher”, “Holiday Day” Help children develop a sense of love for painting
8 04. Animalistic E. Racheev, illustrations for the books “Crane and Heron”, “Dog and Wolf”, “A Man and a Bear”, “Three Bears” To develop knowledge about the animalistic genre in the fine arts, to evoke an emotional response to the beauty of the animal world.
9 05. Domestic B.M. Kustodiev “Maslenitsa” To instill in children an interest and love for Russian folk art.


1. R.M. Chumichova “Preschooler about painting” Moscow “Enlightenment”, 1992

2.Anikin, V.P. Russian oral folk art: textbook. / V. P. Anikin. – M.: Higher School, 2001. – 726 p. 3. Aseev, B. N. Russian Drama Theater from its origins to the end of the 18th century: textbook. / B. N. Aseev. – 2nd ed., revised. and additional – M.: Art, 1977. – 576 p. 4. Kuzmin, N. Russian popular print / N. Kuzmin // Folk art. – 2008. – No. 1. – P. 9-16.

5. N.A. Kurochkina “Acquaintance with still life” Publishing house “Aktsident” St. Petersburg, 1997

6. N.A. Kurochkina “Acquaintance with still life” Educational and visual aid St. Petersburg “Childhood-Press”, 2001.

7. N.A. Kurochkina “Children and landscape painting. Seasons" St. Petersburg "Childhood-Press", 2003. 8. Lotman, Yu. M. Artistic nature, Russian folk pictures / Yu. M. Lotman // Articles on the semiotics of culture and art. / Yu. M. Lotman. – St. Petersburg. : Academic project, 2002. – P. 322 – 339. 9. Rovinsky, D. A. Russian folk pictures: in 5 volumes / D. A. Rovinsky. – St. Petersburg, 1881. – T. 1-5. 10. Rodionova, L. V. Domestic history in pictures // L. V. Rodionova // Observatory of Culture. – 2006. – No. 3. – P. 106-112.

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