Card index of didactic games based on applications for preschool children

Victoria Lysova

Card index of didactic games based on applications for preschool children

Junior group

"Merry little engine"

Goal: To develop the ability to pre-lay out (according to a certain sequence)

finished parts on a sheet of paper.

Material: Applique locomotive and parts .

Progress of the game: Consider the illustration of the locomotive in advance. Pay attention to the details of the locomotive (wheels, door, pipe, windows)

the application in front of the child , the teacher asks: What part is the train missing? Let's “fix”
the train and
wheels to it.

"Colored Cups and Saucers"

Goal: Learn to select objects by color.

Material: Ready-made parts for cups and saucers (according to the number of children )


Progress of the game: Children are asked to choose a cup and saucer of the corresponding color and name the color. Or the child chooses a saucer and a cup to go with it.

"Funny Beads"

Purpose: To learn to use glue carefully: spread a thin layer of it with a brush on the back side of the figure to be glued (on a specially prepared oilcloth)

; apply the side coated with glue to a sheet of paper and press tightly with a napkin.

Material: Circles cut out of colored paper in different colors; finished craft.

Progress of the game: We provide the child with a finished craft and ask him to assemble the circles in the same sequence. And glue the beads.

“Show me the same ball”

Goal: To introduce children to the art of applique , to develop interest in this type of activity.

Material: Multi-colored balls.

Progress of the game: The teacher puts balls on the table and mixes them, selects one ball and asks the child to find the same one. For example, “I take a green ball, and you show me the same ball.”


"Color Path"

Goal: To consolidate knowledge of the shape of objects and their colors.

Material: Large multi-colored circles cut out of colored paper, as well as small squares. Lays out a multi-colored path. The distance between circles is 50 cm.

Progress of the game: The teacher shows and gives the child a card , for example, green, the child finds a green circle and places a card of the same color .

Middle group

“Collect animals from geometric shapes”

objects depicted in (birds, animals, flowers, insects, houses, both real and imaginary) from ready-made forms.

Material: Geometric shapes, animal cards .

Progress of the game: Children are asked to choose a card of any animal and use geometric shapes to assemble the animal.

"Magical Animals"

Goal: To foster interest in the application .

Material: Animal cards , geometric shapes (small shapes)


Progress of the game: Children are invited to choose a picture of any animal and decorate it with geometric shapes.

"Funny nesting dolls"

Goal: Continue to develop children's in visual arts.

Material: Pictures of nesting dolls , colored strips long and short and glue.

How to play: Children are asked to choose card and decorate it with long and short stripes.

“Make objects from strips”

Goal: To develop the ability to create images of different objects from stripes (fence, bench, ladder, tree, bush, etc.)

Material: Strips of different lengths, item templates.

Progress of the game: Children are invited to choose any template and lay out an outline from the stripes.

"Decorate the Christmas tree"

Goal: To teach to be friendly when evaluating the work of other children .

Material: Cone made of colored paper, geometric shapes of different sizes.

Progress of the game: Children are asked to choose a cone (Christmas tree)

and decorate it with different geometric shapes.

Senior group

"Let's decorate the mittens"

Goal: To develop aesthetic perception, teach to contemplate the beauty of the world around us.

Material: Ready-made mittens, geometric shapes, strips of different lengths.

Progress of the game: The teacher invites the children to take and decorate the mittens with geometric shapes and stripes.

"Collect transport"

Goal: To teach to convey in an image not only the basic properties of objects (shape, size, color)


Material: Ready-made geometric shapes of different sizes.

Progress of the game: Children are asked to choose geometric shapes and assemble vehicles.

"Make a Clown"

Goal: Improve visual skills and abilities.

Material: Geometric shapes of different sizes.

Progress of the game: Children are invited to choose geometric shapes and make a cheerful clown.

"Fairytale vases"

Goal: To encourage the creation of subject and subject compositions, supplementing them with details that enrich the images.

Material: Ready-made vases, circles.

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