Calendar planning in the middle group on the theme of the week “Health Week”

Calendar planning in the middle group on the theme of the week “Health Week”

Olga Viktorovna Mukhortova

Calendar planning in the middle group on the theme of the week “Health Week”

Day of the week Mode Joint activities of adults and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas Organization of a developmental environment for children’s independent activities (activity centers, all group )

Interaction with parents/social partners

Group , subgroup Individual educational activities in special moments

1 2 4 5 6 7 8


Morning Morning exercises.

Conversation with children “How I spent the weekend”

Goal: learn to conduct dialogic speech.

Situation “What are we made of”
(skeleton, muscles)
Goal: Expand knowledge about the structure and functions of body parts

Individual work to develop attentiveness, activate vocabulary. Game “Tell us, we’ll guess”
(Dasha, Lavrenty)
S/r game
“Hospital for Animals”
. Goal: develop the ability to take on a role, conduct role-playing dialogues, use substitute objects

Talk with parents about the well-being of their children.

Individual consultation upon request.

Direct educational activities 1. Music - according to the plan of the music director .

2. Familiarization with the outside world - Conversation “I love vitamins - I want to be healthy !”

- identify children’s ideas about the benefits of vitamins and products containing them, teach the child to take care of their
health .

Observation of transport Purpose: to teach to distinguish transport by appearance.

P.I. “Colored cars”

. Objectives: to teach to follow the rules of the road; consolidate knowledge about trucks.

S. r game "Drivers"

Games. ex. "Throw - catch"

with Veronica.

Goal: learn to throw a ball from the chest and catch it with both hands. Situational conversation : “Do you need to know how to dress yourself?”


Fix the sequence of dressing and undressing.

Independent activity of children during a walk, games of their choice. Pay attention to the relationships between children and ways out of conflict situations.

Evening: Awakening gymnastics.

Afternoon snack

D. and. “What is healthy to eat and what is harmful”

.Goal: to introduce healthy food products.

Examination of illustrations to the works of: K. Chukovsky “My Dodyr”


Goal: to consolidate with children knowledge about cultural and hygienic skills.

Conversation about the daily routine and its impact on health with children - Vika S. r. And. “Let’s help Aibolit cure the animals”

.Goal: to teach children how to care for the sick and use medical instruments, to cultivate attentiveness and sensitivity in children, to expand their vocabulary: introduce the concepts of

Pictures on the topic: “Healthy foods”


Day of the week Mode Joint activities of adults and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas Organization of a developmental environment for children’s independent activities (activity centers, all group )

Interaction with parents/social partners

Group , subgroup Individual educational activities in special moments

1 2 4 5 6 7 8


Morning Morning exercises

Conversation “Why do exercises?”

.Goal: to form children’s idea that physical education is necessary for
health .
Looking at illustrations about various sports.

Goal: to form a stable habit of physical activity, interest and need for physical self-improvement. Jumping exercise for children - Ksyusha and Lisa. D. and. "Collect a sign"

Goal: to consolidate children’s knowledge of road signs and traffic rules; develop logical thinking, attentiveness; Foster a culture of safe behavior for children on the road and in public places. Games with dolls and cars.

Examine illustrations about various sports. Talk with parents about the well-being of children.

Individual consultation upon request.

Direct educational activities 1. Physical education - according to the physical plan . instructor.

2. Reading thin. Literatures - “The Magic Walrus”
(see T. A. Shorygina)

Observing the work of the janitor. Purpose: to continue observing the work of the janitor; contribute to the enrichment of vocabulary; cultivate love and respect for the work of a janitor; instill a love of nature and a caring attitude towards the environment .

S/r game: “Geese”

.Goal: to develop dexterity, the ability to act on a signal.

P. and. "Through the Stream"

.Goal: To develop dexterity in children, to practice jumping on both legs.

Games ex. "Tell someone else"

with Timur and Andrey. Goal: learn to pass the ball to someone standing next to you in a circle. Work. Collecting stones on the site. Goal: to continue to instill in children a desire to participate in work and restore order.

Independent play activities under the supervision of a teacher

Evening: Gymnastics after sleep.

Afternoon snack

Conversation “Microbes and Viruses”

.Goal: to give children a basic understanding of infectious diseases and their causative agents
(germs and viruses)
. A game to harmonize relationships
“Call me affectionately”
to strengthen psychological comfort in
group D. And. “My daily routine”
Purpose: to form an idea of ​​the sequence of actions during the day.

Day of the week Mode Joint activities of adults and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas Organization of a developmental environment for children’s independent activities (activity centers, all group )

Interaction with parents/social partners

Group , subgroup Individual educational activities in special moments

1 2 4 5 6 7 8


Morning Morning exercises

Discuss the topic of the week .

Goal: to develop children's interest in the upcoming activity.

Conversation We want to be healthy !”


Memorizing proverbs Health is more valuable than gold

“ No amount of money can buy health

Goal: learn to explain the meaning of proverbs; develop reasoning and dialogical speech.

Individual conversation “How I helped at home”

.Goal: to develop speech skills - Sonya Introducing material on
the topic of the week .
Looking at books and albums about sports.

Goal: to clarify ideas about different sports, the concept of “sport”

, about why people engage in physical education and sports; develop speech. Talk with parents about the well-being of their children.

Individual consultation upon request.

Direct educational activities 1. Music - according to the plan of the music director .

2. Hood. Creativity – Modeling “Children doing exercises”


Goal: to consolidate children’s ability to depict a human figure in sculpting; learn to depict a person in motion.


Observation: properties of air. Objectives: to help, during observations, confirm knowledge that air has no taste, no smell, and can be of different temperatures.

Healthy walking around the territory of the kindergarten. Objectives: improve the ability to change the speed of movement, promote the development of race walking techniques. Develop endurance, strengthen leg muscles, promote children's health

Conversation “Rules of behavior on the road”


Objectives: consider various situations, discuss them. Individual work on the development of basic movements: “Don’t knock down the flag”

.Goal: to teach how to walk like a snake around objects without knocking them over
(Ksyusha, Vanya)

P/i “Migration of birds”


Objectives: to contribute to the improvement of game actions, to develop the ability to compare their actions with the rules of the game, to teach them to monitor their posture. Independent play activity of children. Objectives: to develop skills related to the communicative and regulatory functions of speech. Learn to act as organizers of game interaction.

Evening: Gymnastics after sleep, hardening.

Goal: to create the need for a healthy lifestyle.

— Game – experimentation “Dirty and clean hands”


Purpose: to reinforce the idea that water and soap cleanse.

"Conversations about health "

work on FEMP (Sasha)
“Name the days
of the week. Tasks: practice naming the days
of the week from any day . S/r i. “Hospital”
.Tasks: teach how to perform various tasks. roles acc. with the plot.

Day of the week Mode Joint activities of adults and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas Organization of a developmental environment for children’s independent activities (activity centers, all group )

Interaction with parents/social partners

Group , subgroup Individual educational activities in special moments

1 2 4 5 6 7 8


Morning Morning exercises

S/r game "Polyclinic"


Conversation “Get ready to exercise!”


Objectives: to consolidate children’s knowledge about the importance of physical education. exercises for health . Reading sayings and proverbs about health . Construction of the "Stadium"


Goal: continue to consolidate the ability to use previously acquired knowledge in your work; independently organize your activities. Be on duty in class.

Objectives: to teach how to independently perform the duties of duty officers, to see the importance of work. Talk with parents about the well-being of their children.

Individual consultation upon request.

Direct educational activities 1. Physical education - according to the physical plan . instructor.

2. Entertainment


P/i "Crucian carp and pike"


Watching the janitor as he removes the remaining snow from the playgrounds.

Goal: Appreciate the work of others.

S/r game “Correspondents”

, interview topic.

TRIZ game “What will happen if...”


Goal: to promote the consolidation of knowledge about healthy lifestyle. Memorizing the poem “I eat a lot of vitamins”

.Goal: develop memory
(Vanya, Andrey)
Labor activity: clear the site of stones. Independent activity of children with external materials.

Evening: Gymnastics after sleep, hardening.

Goal: to form a positive attitude towards gymnastics.

— Reading the story “Exercising and Colds”

(see Shorygina T. A.,
“Conversations about
health ).

— Reading poems about health - develop a desire to take care of health .

Sit. conversation "Kingdom of Health "

.Goal: to expand understanding of the components of
healthy lifestyle and factors that destroy health (Dasha, Ksyusha)

Encourage you to take care of your appearance (Sonya)

D/game “Choose a word.”
Purpose: to teach to hear pronounced sounds in words.

S/r game “Healthy food store”


Goal: to consolidate children's knowledge about healthy foods ; develop role interaction

Day of the week Mode Joint activities of adults and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas Organization of a developmental environment for children’s independent activities (activity centers, all group )

Interaction with parents/social partners

Group , subgroup Individual educational activities in special moments

1 2 4 5 6 7 8


Morning Morning exercises

Conversation “I love vitamins, I want to be healthy

.Goal: to introduce children to the concept of
give children a basic understanding of vitamins and their need for health ; teach children to take care of their health , look at pictures depicting foods containing vitamins, look at the poster Health
Secrets .
D.I. “What’s extra?”
with Timur and Dima.

Goal: develop auditory attention; consolidate knowledge of the characteristics of different objects. D.I. “Healthy and unhealthy food”

Goal: To create conditions for children to develop ideas about healthy products on our table. Independent games at the request of children.

Pictures depicting foods containing vitamins, poster Health Secrets

. Talk with parents about the well-being of their children.

Individual consultation upon request.

Direct educational activity 1. Drawing - I/u “Draw health , illness”

Goal: develop abstract thinking; the ability to independently build associations; develop creative thinking; cultivate interest in non-standard activities.

2. Physical education on the street - according to the plan of the physical instructor


Weather observation Purpose: to develop interest in observation

P/n "Don't stay on the ground"

Goal: fostering friendliness and quick reaction.

S/r game “Daughters - Mothers”

. Individual work with Lisa and Vanya - learn a quatrain by L. Zilberg

“I never lose heart,

And a smile on your face

Because I accept

Vitamins A, B, C.”

Goal: development of memory, thinking, expressiveness of speech. Labor activity: feeding birds. Independent activity of children with external materials.

Evening: Gradual rise. Gymnastics after sleep.

Reading “The Tale about the Girl Masha and Grandmother Hygiene”

L. Korotkevich Goal: to develop the ability to analyze the actions and deeds of peers and correlate them with generally accepted norms of behavior Individual work with Lisa and Vanya - to learn the quatrains of L. Zilberg

“I never lose heart,

And a smile on your face

Because I accept

Vitamins A, B, C.”

Goal: development of memory, thinking, expressiveness of speech. S. r. And. "Kindergarten"

“Get in order, the animals are doing exercises.”
Goal: to involve children in a play situation, develop a desire to play together, and develop an understanding that exercise is necessary
for health .
Offer colored pencils, paper for

free drawing

- develop skills

possession of a pencil.

Continuing the theme of a healthy lifestyle in 2021

This booklet is aimed at instilling in preschoolers and their parents a sustainable interest in a healthy lifestyle! How can you understand and decide for yourself what a “healthy lifestyle” is?, and how to create the need for this lifestyle in yourself? You will find answers to these questions in our booklet.

The competition was held jointly with the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate of Chelyabinsk and the Drug Control Department of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Chelyabinsk Region.

Booklet by our teachers Sikovskaya E.A. And Bulatova A.A. was sent to Moscow to continue the competition at the Russian level.

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