Summary of visual activities in the preparatory group on the topic: “Safe road. Traffic Laws".

summary of GCD in the middle group in fine arts "Pedestrian crossing sign"

Nikishina Irina Vyacheslavovna

MBDOU No. 16, Vyborg

Position: teacher

Abstract of GCD artistic and aesthetic development with children of the middle group “Pedestrian crossing”

Educator: Nikishina Irina Vyacheslavovna


consolidate children's knowledge of traffic rules.

Program content:

Learn to draw a “Pedestrian crossing” road sign, strengthen your skills in drawing with gouache, and strengthen your knowledge of traffic lights.

Develop attention, speech, memory.

Improve safe behavior skills on city streets.


: brushes, gouache (watercolor), water jars, napkins, paper, demonstration material.

Children look at the “Crossroads” poster on the interactive board. The teacher asks them questions.

• What does the poster show?

• What types of transport do you see in the picture?

• Where are the cars located?

• Why did they stop?

If the traffic light is red for cars, what signal is at the traffic light for pedestrians?

How do people cross the road?

What stripes do you see on the road?

Educator. Now guess the riddles. Listen carefully, guess carefully.

Who always walks?

Guessed it?... ( Pedestrian)

Striped horses lay across the roads -

All the cars stopped if we passed here. ( Transition)

It will oblige us to drive quietly, a turn close will show us

And it will remind you what and how you are on your way... ( Road sign)

I blink my eyes tirelessly day and night,

I help cars and I want to help you. ( Traffic light)


Well done, you know how to solve riddles, you guessed all the riddles correctly.

The teacher draws attention to the urgent letter that was sent to him on his phone. “Guys, I received an urgent message from Dunno, who lives in a magical city. And he doesn’t know at all what the “Pedestrian Crossing” sign looks like, and therefore he is afraid and does not know where he can cross the road. Let’s draw and give him this road sign so that he can put them up in his city and will no longer be afraid to cross the road.”

On the screen there is a picture of a road sign “Pedestrian crossing”.

Now let’s draw a road sign “Pedestrian crossing”. What geometric figure does this sign resemble? Who is in the center of the sign? What color background is the pedestrian walking against? What color is the pedestrian painted? What color are the zebra stripes? Now get to work.

physical education minute.

We are walking down the street. Children are marching, raising their knees high.

And we raise our knees.

Raise your arms above your head - Raise your arms up.

The guard was surprised. Moves hands left and right

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

Summary of a lesson on traffic rules in the middle group “Country of Traffic Rules”.

Systematize children's knowledge about traffic rules, signs and their meaning.

consolidate children's knowledge about traffic lights and their signals; systematize children's knowledge about road signs and their meaning; consolidate knowledge about land and air transport; develop observation and visual skills.

Lesson notes for children and parents “We follow the rules of the road.”


Traffic rules in children's drawings

I. Statement of the problem

“Keep order, and order will keep you” Latin saying

The motorization of cities, the mobility of the population, and the aging of road transport infrastructure occur against the background of an indifferent attitude towards the possible consequences of road traffic injuries, a lack of adequate understanding by road users of the causes of accidents, and insufficient involvement of the population in activities to prevent road accidents.

The problems arising in connection with this require the development and implementation of preventive measures to prevent an increase in the number of accidents involving children, and propaganda work with the families of pupils.

Children are a special category of road users.

An analysis of modern methodological literature has shown that when teaching children the rules of behavior on the streets and roads, explanatory and illustrative methods are most widely used: conversations, didactic games, stories, reading works of fiction. They allow you to convey a large amount of information in the shortest possible time, pose problems to preschoolers and indicate ways to solve them, evoke vivid pictures and traffic situations in the mind, and activate memory and feelings.

II. Project goals and objectives

The goal of the creative project “Road Rules in Children’s Drawings” is to ensure that children consciously learn the rules of safe behavior on the streets and roads of the city and develop stereotypes of law-abiding behavior of road users.

Tasks on the way to achieving this goal:

  1. expand children's understanding of the rules of safe behavior on the streets and roads of the city through active forms of cognition: design, drawing, artistic and speech activities.
  2. teach children to reflect in their drawings their knowledge and ideas about the Rules of the Road, and share their experiences with others.
  3. to form stereotypes of law-abiding behavior among road users and to promote road safety.

III. Project participants

Project type: internal, group, interdisciplinary, mid-term.

Authors of the project: teachers of the 2nd junior group Shayakhmetova A.R., Sharafeeva Z.V.

Project participants: kindergarten children, teachers, senior teacher (project leader), music directors.

The project is carried out within the framework of integration of educational areas:

  1. "Safety",
  2. "Artistic creativity"
  3. "Communication",
  4. "Educational field of music".

IV. Project implementation timeframe

Project duration: November-December.

Project implementation stages:

  1. Stage 1 – search (2 weeks),
  2. Stage 2 – analytical (1 day),
  3. Stage 3 – practical (1-1.5 weeks),
  4. Stage 4 – presentation (1 week),
  5. Stage 5 – control (4 days).

V. Project implementation mechanism

Stage I – search

The main tasks of the search stage will be to search and analyze the problem, update the existing knowledge and experience of preschoolers, and set goals.

To achieve these goals, the following activities are planned:

  1. Organizing an excursion to a children's library in order to select books to read according to the rules of safe behavior on the streets and roads of the city, the history of transport.
  2. Conducting conversations with children to solve problem situations: “Rules and road safety”, “Being an exemplary pedestrian is allowed!” etc.
  3. Consolidating knowledge gained from books in didactic games “Road Signs”, “House, Street, City”, “Road and Safety”.

Stage II – analytical

The main tasks of stage II will be the analysis of available information and resources, the construction of an activity algorithm.

To achieve these goals, the following activities are planned:

  1. Clarification and classification of traffic rules
  2. Coming up with plots, discussing compositional solutions.
  3. Preparation of materials and equipment.
  4. Construction of an activity algorithm.

Stage III – practical

The main task of stage III will be the implementation of the planned technological operations.

To solve this problem, the following activities are planned:

  1. Drawing illustrations for the book “Road Rules in Children’s Drawings.”
  2. Children compose descriptive stories and comments on the plots of drawings.
  3. Design of the book for children and adults “Road Rules in Children’s Drawings.”

IV stage – presentation

The main tasks of stage IV will be the presentation of the project and the study of the possibilities of using project resources.

To achieve these goals, the following activities are planned:

  1. Presentation of the creative project “Road Rules in Children’s Drawings.”
  2. Making desk calendars with drawings from the book “Road Rules in Children’s Drawings.”
  3. Participation in campaigns to promote road safety.

Stage V – control

The main task of stage V will be to analyze the results of the project and formulate conclusions.

VI. Expected results

  1. Expanding preschoolers’ understanding of the rules of safe behavior on the streets and roads of the city.
  2. Children’s ability to reflect in drawings their knowledge and ideas about the Rules of the Road, compose descriptive stories, and share their experiences with others.
  3. Creation of the book “Road Rules in Children’s Drawings”, which makes it possible to promote road safety and form stereotypes of law-abiding behavior among road users.

VII. Evaluation of results

Studying the level of development of children in the educational field “Fundamentals of Life Safety”, the formation of ideas about the rules of safe behavior on the streets and roads.

The success of the creative project will be evidenced by the compilation of the book “Road Rules in Children’s Drawings.”

VIII. Further development of the project

In the future of the kindergarten:

  1. Making desk calendars with drawings from the book “Road Rules in Children’s Drawings.”
  2. Participation in campaigns to promote road safety.

Notes on drawing on the topic “Road signs”

Road signs

Drawing lesson notes



  • Give children an idea of ​​various road signs and their purposes;
  • Improve skills in performing images using various visual media;
  • Develop the ability to sketch a drawing in pencil before using color.


  • Develop a sense of composition, teach children to harmoniously arrange the intended drawing on the plane of the sheet;
  • Develop creativity, learn to come up with a drawing and translate your idea on paper, independently choosing visual media.


♦ To develop the ability to independently use existing knowledge and previously developed visual skills.

Lesson materials

  • Sheets of paper in A3 format;
  • Colored and simple pencils, felt-tip pens, markers;
  • Watercolor paints and brushes, jars of water;
  • Lime chalks;
  • Erasers;

♦ Various paintings and photo illustrations with images of streets, various city symbols;

♦ A set of road signs or their images.

Progress of
the lesson
Teacher's story about road signs


— Guys, look at these photo illustrations, at the pictures. I want to draw your attention to something that we previously paid little attention to - various symbols on city streets.

Various traffic signs hang along the streets. Some you know. For example, what do these signs mean?

Children are presented with signs familiar to them - “Passage”, “Underground passage”, “Overground passage”, “Caution, children”, “Transmission prohibited”.

Look, for some reason all these signs are different in shape and color. There are round, triangular, square, on blue and white backgrounds. Do you know why they are so different? (Listens to the children’s answers.)

These signs in red circles are prohibitory.

Look: “No passing”, “No bicycles”, “No pedestrian traffic”, “No turning”. These are the strictest signs.

But these signs - in red triangles - are warning signs.

They warn the driver about some danger: “Slippery road”, “Rough road”, “Dangerous turn”.

But these signs on the blue circles are prescriptive.

The driver must do what is written on them.

Signs on square blue plates are informational

we all know the well-known signs “Transition”, “Telephone”, “Bus Stop” and others.

After display, all signs are removed

Today I invite you to think and draw your own road sign. First, figure out what it will mean. Then imagine which image best explains it. Perhaps your sign will be very serious and strict, or perhaps humorous.

I suggest you first make a pencil sketch and only then start working with color. Everything you need is on this table.

Making drawings

Children draw to calm, quiet music.

Conclusion. The works are placed at the exhibition. The teacher invites the authors of several works. First, he asks the children to guess what the drawn sign means. Then the floor is given to the author. He talks about the purpose of the sign, why this particular image realizes the purpose of the sign better than all others.

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