Leisure - KVN on traffic rules in the preparatory group Topic: “Green Light”

KVN in the senior preparatory group for traffic rules

Children. Yes

D.S. Now I’ll test your knowledge. Let's imagine that you are on a road where there are traffic lights, road signs and a path that you must follow, following all the rules. Each team will have its own path.

Leading. The first route for the Turbo team. While the road route is being prepared, team members must assign roles and vehicles.

(obstacle course - pedestrian path, traffic light, road signs, scooter, baby stroller, semaphore).

D.S. Is the team ready? I ask you to return to your starting position.

Turbo completes the task.

LEADING. The next task for the Lightning team. You should also assign roles while your itinerary is being prepared.

D.S. The route is ready. I ask the Lightning team to the starting position.

Lightning completes the task.

D.S. Well done boys. You have completed a difficult task. The jury will evaluate how you completed this task. And I have prepared another fun competition for you. It's called "Visiting a Fairy Tale." All fairy-tale characters also use vehicles from time to time. Your task is to guess the vehicle of each fairy-tale hero.

(a verbal competition is held)

Fifth competition “Visiting a fairy tale” Questions for the teams: 1) What did Emelya use to go to the palace to the king?8) (stove) 2) Leopold the cat's favorite mode of transport? (bicycle) 3) What did Carlson lubricate the motor with? (jam) 4) What gift did Uncle Fyodor’s parents give to the postman? (bicycle) 5) What did the fairy turn the pumpkin into for Cinderella? (carriage) 6) What did Old Man Hottabych fly on? (on an airplane carpet) 7) What did Kai ride on from the fairy tale “The Snow Queen” (on a sled) The object of Baba Yaga’s transportation? (mortar, broom) 9) What were the white-maned horses made of? (from the clouds) Presenter. While the jury sums up the results of past competitions, there is a musical pause.

Dance "Kapitoshka" cf. group

D.S. As a farewell, I want to play the game “Road Sign” with you. I have two envelopes in my hands, for each team, which contain road signs, cut into pieces. Your task: collect the sign and tell everything you know about it.


Each team is offered an envelope containing one of the road signs, divided into 9 parts. It is necessary to compose it and give as much information about it as possible. Who is faster!

Children's answers.

D.S. I made sure that you know the rules of the road and can be calm for you. Goodbye, guys. Be careful on the roads.

Leading. Goodbye, Uncle Styopa. And we continue our competitions. We have one last competition left: “Homework”. Each team had to prepare an amateur performance on the topic “Road Rules”. The first number is from the Turbo team. I ask you to.

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