Conversation “Why are road signs needed” outline of a life safety lesson (senior group)

Class hour "Road signs"

Presentation "Road Signs"

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Class hour "Road signs and their groups"


— create conditions for consolidating and expanding junior schoolchildren’s knowledge about road signs


introduce road signs and their groups.

develop the ability to independently use the acquired knowledge in everyday life.

Foster a sense of responsibility for your life and the lives of other people on the road by following traffic rules.


Computer, projector. — computer presentation; — illustrations of road signs made by children to decorate the board;

- colored circles (red, yellow, green) according to the number of children, signs with the words “Warning”, “Prohibiting”, “Service Signs”, “Prescriptive”, road signs cut into pieces for the game “Assemble a road sign”, postcards - reminders with traffic rules.

Planned results

Personal skills:


- realize your own achievements when mastering the educational topic.

- cultivate interest and respect for the general law of roads and streets;

— develop attention, activity, discipline, responsibility;

Meta-subject skills:


— reveal the meaning of the concept “road alphabet” and justify your opinion;

- use acquired knowledge when completing a learning task.


- complete a learning task using the rule;

—perform self-tests, mutual checks and mutual assessments when completing a learning task;

— correlate the set goal and the obtained result of the activity.

Communication skills:

— act according to the rules of cooperation, taking into account the positions of partners;

- formulate correct statements using terms;

- negotiate and come to a common decision when working in a group.

Subject Skills:

— introduce students to the rules of the road: crossing the street, playing in the yard;

- learn to understand traffic lights,

- introduce, remember and recognize road signs: pedestrian crossing, bus stop, bicycle path, children crossing the road;

- develop street behavior skills;

— expand students’ knowledge of traffic safety;

- be able to classify signs according to their purpose.

Class progress

Introduction (introductory speech by the class teacher)

Slides 2-4

- Look at these photographs - the streets of our city (3-4 photographs). Active movement of various types of transport; pedestrians going about their business; passengers at city transport stops, waiting for a trolleybus or bus - we see all this every day. You and I are also pedestrians on the road and passengers in transport.

Every year more and more vehicles appear on the roads of our city. Who on the roads helps us and car drivers move correctly and choose a safe route?

(children's answers: traffic lights, road signs and marks)

Karaoke for children MP4 / 22.97 MB

— Imagine that all the traffic lights in our city suddenly went out. And all the inspectors regulating traffic and road signs have disappeared somewhere. What consequences might there be? (Discussion of the issue).

— Caution and compliance with traffic rules by drivers and pedestrians is the basis for safe movement on the street.

— We devote our class hour to traffic rules.

The class teacher asks the children to take one circle and break into three teams by color: red, yellow, green. (In the future, the team that gives the correct answer to the questions or completes the task correctly receives points)

Main part.

Journey into the past

- Guess the riddle:

I blink my eyes tirelessly day and night,

I help cars and I want to help you. (traffic light)

- Guys, do you know what a traffic light is for? (children's answers)

— Who knows where and in what year the world’s first traffic light was installed?

(In 1868 in London) Slyad 5. — When and in what city was the first traffic light installed in Russia?

(In 1930 in Leningrad and Moscow) Slyad 6.

The traffic light got its name from a combination of two words: the Russian word “light” and the Greek word “foros” - to carry. A traffic light is the best friend of drivers and pedestrians. Let's remember all his signals and sing the song "Traffic Light".

Performance of the song “Traffic Light” - karaoke for children. Slide 7.

Road ABC

A trained student reads a poem


The city in which you and I live can rightfully be compared to a primer.

With the alphabet of streets, avenues, roads, the city gives us a lesson all the time.

Here it is, the alphabet, - Above your head: Signs are hung along the pavement.

Always remember the alphabet of the city, so that trouble does not happen to you.

- What alphabet is talked about in the poem? (road signs)

All road signs can be divided into groups. They vary in shape and color.

View slides with road signs, read poems about these signs - Slides 8-23.

Road signs perform some task on the road. Signs in red triangles are called warning signs. (Plate with the word “Warning”)

"Children" sign:

There are children in the middle of the road, We are always responsible for them. So that their parent does not cry, Be careful, driver!

Slippery road sign:

This sign says sternly: “Very slippery road. Don’t joke with the road, don’t turn the steering wheel in vain!”

Road Works Sign:

Road works sign. Someone is fixing the road here. You will need to slow down, there are people on the road.

Wild Animals Sign:

Moose, wolves, and rhinoceroses roam here in the middle of the road. You, driver, don’t rush, Let the hedgehogs pass first!

– There are also red signs, round ones. Here is a “No entry” sign, and here is a “No traffic” sign. They prohibit, which means they are... prohibiting. (Sign with the word “Prohibiting”)

No movement sign:

This sign is very strict, since it is on the road. He tells us: “Friends, you can’t drive here at all!”

No entry sign:

The sign scares drivers and prohibits entry for cars! Don't try to rush past the brick!

Sign “Pedestrian traffic prohibited”:

No pedestrians walk here in rain or shine. The sign tells them one thing: “You are prohibited from walking!”

"No Bicycles" sign:

The sign looks strictly at everyone, It strictly forbids us to ride bicycles and their relatives - mopeds.

- But the signs are blue. What can the blue circle tell us? (Allows). Or rather, it prescribes, recommends. Such signs are called prescriptive. (Plate with the word “Prescriptive”)

Bicycle path sign:

This sign is like a red light, there is no way for cars here. The kingdom here is of bicycles, pedestrians and mopeds.

Pedestrian crossing sign:

There is a land crossing here, people walk all day long. You, driver, don’t be sad, let the pedestrian pass!

Sign “Underground pedestrian crossing”:

Every pedestrian knows about this underground passage. It doesn't decorate the city, But it doesn't interfere with cars!

"Go straight ahead" sign:

The sign tells us stubbornly: Just go straight!” But we won’t harm ourselves if we back up.

- And these are service marks. They tell us what services they can provide us. (Plate with the word “Service Marks”)

Food station sign:

If you need food, then come here. Hey driver, pay attention! Food station coming soon!

Gas station sign:

You can't get to the cafe and store without gasoline. This sign will tell you loudly: “There is a gas station nearby!”

First aid station sign:

If someone breaks their leg, doctors here will always help. They will provide first aid, and they will tell you where to go for further treatment.

Maintenance sign:

Ah ah ah! What a pity! Something suddenly broke with us. This sign tells us: “Here is machine-made Aibolit!”

— We met some of the signs, but there are many more. There are 233 characters in total, we will get to know them next time.

Game "Collect a road sign"

Students need to assemble a road sign, which is cut into several parts. After the team has been able to assemble a sign, it needs to be glued onto a piece of paper and determined what it means.


Traffic rules are the laws of streets and roads. Drivers and pedestrians are required to know these rules and follow them. The driver must know what awaits him ahead on the road. Road signs tell him this.


Slide 24.

— Where will we need the knowledge gained in class?

— What new did you learn in class today?

Calculation of points scored in teams. Rewarding teams (all students) with postcards with traffic rules.

Next, the class teacher invites the children to go outside and see what road signs there are near our school.

Going outside.

Resources used:

Three traffic lights. Didactic games, quizzes. M: Enlightenment, 1998

Guys! Always be careful and careful! Follow the traffic rules!

When leaving home or school on the street, remember:

You must always be an example in observing traffic rules and demand this from your comrades.

Cross the street along pedestrian paths and only when the traffic light is green, and where there is none, in the absence of nearby traffic.

Don't suddenly run out onto the road because of stopped vehicles, because... it blocks visibility and you could get hit by another car.

When waiting for a bus, trolleybus or tram, stand on the sidewalk or landing area.

Do not ride your bicycle on the street if you have not learned the rules of the road and, especially if you are under 14 years old.

Remember the kids. Having appeared on the street, they start dangerous games on the pavement. To save their life and health, take them off the road.

Summary of a lesson on traffic rules in the senior group “Road rules, signs”

Summary of a lesson on traffic rules in the senior group “Road rules, signs”

Topic: “Road rules, signs.”


To consolidate children’s ideas about the purpose of a traffic light and its signals; clarify what its colors mean: red, yellow, green; to form in children an idea of ​​the organization of pedestrian traffic on the road and ideas about traffic safety and correct behavior on the roadway. Develop speech and motor activity of children. Develop the ability to apply acquired knowledge in everyday life.

Preliminary work:

looking at illustrations and talking about traffic lights, looking at road signs, solving riddles.

Progress of the lesson:

Educator: Hello, guys.

Children: Hello.

Educator: Today I was in a hurry to meet you and witnessed an unusual situation - I’m standing at a traffic light, the light is red for pedestrians, green for cars. One of the pedestrians came out onto the roadway and began to cross it... Cars were driving along the roadway and began to honk at the pedestrian, the pedestrian did not react to the car signals and continued moving... Who broke the rule in this situation - the pedestrian or the driver?

Children's answers: -O-

Educator: Guys, do you know what the pedestrian violated?

Children: Rules of the road.

Educator: Are you familiar with the rules of the road? Do you follow them? Let's imagine that you and I are walking through an unusual country called “The Country of Traffic Rules.” There are many streets in this big beautiful country. Many cars, trucks and buses move along them and no one bothers anyone. Let's go to such a country (didactic table) - the didactic game "Polite driver, wise pedestrian."

Educator: Guys, let’s play out on our table a situation that happened to me in the morning at a pedestrian crossing. All the guys were great, they did a good job.

Educator: Guys, there are clear and strict rules for car drivers and pedestrians, and in order to preserve our health and life, we must strictly follow the traffic rules. And the most important traffic controller on our streets is...

If you guess the riddle correctly, you will find out who...

Three colorful circles

Flashing one after another

They light up, blink -

They help people.

Children: Traffic light.

(Play with a traffic light) – there are traffic lights for cars and for pedestrians, they are slightly different, let’s look at how...

Educator: Why do you need a traffic light, guys?

Children: To regulate movement.

Educator: Children, at what traffic light can you cross the road?

Children: On the green light.

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