Summary of the lesson “My Small Motherland”. (senior group) lesson plan (senior group)

My little homeland. Summary of integrated educational activities

Topic: “My small Motherland”


integrated educational activities

on the topic: “My small Motherland”

Prepared by: senior group teacher Margieva Dinara Dilyaverovna


overview of direct educational activities
Topic: “My small Motherland”
Goal: to develop feelings of patriotism and love for one’s Motherland.
During the lesson, tasks are implemented in the following educational areas: Educational areas “Cognitive development” and “Socio-communicative development”
- introduce children to the concepts of: family, clan, relatives, large and small Motherland;
— enrich children’s knowledge about their small homeland - the Republic of Crimea; - develop an emotional and value-based attitude towards the natural environment and attractions of the native land. — to cultivate in children a love for the big and small Motherland and a desire to enhance the natural, cultural and historical heritage. Educational area “Speech development”
- strengthen children’s skills to correctly correlate a noun with an adjective: big and small Motherland, native country, native Crimea, favorite village;
dear mother, close relatives; gentle sea, basking country, ripe grapes, bunches of grapes, grapevine, sweet raisins. — teach children to expressively narrate the works of Crimean and Russian children’s poets. Educational area “Artistic and aesthetic development” -
strengthen children’s skills in drawing a bunch of grapes with their fingers
Educational area “Physical development”
develop fine motor skills, motor activity of children through finger and folk games; develop physical qualities, coordination, flexibility.

Methods and techniques

: - visual: map of Crimea, illustrations of grape varieties, dummies of grape bunches; - verbal: conversation, literary word, story of a legend; — practical: tasting juices, raisins; finger painting; individual work to consolidate the pronunciation of words from an active dictionary, expressive reading of poems using facial expressions and gestures.

Preliminary work:

conversation about Russia, Crimea. Reading proverbs and sayings, poems, legends about the Motherland, about Crimea, looking at photographs of the sights of the native land, excursions around the native village.


audio recording of the children's song “Our Land” lyrics. Prisheltsa A., composer Kabalevsky D.; poster Crimea, bunches of grapes, illustrations using ICT.

The teacher reads a poem:
There are many mothers in the world, Children love them with all their souls, There is only one mother, She is dearer to me than anyone else!
Who is she? I will answer: My dear mother! Question
: What kind of mommy?
- Dear! Let's repeat gently and affectionately: - dear mother_ How do you understand the meaning of the word dear? Children's answers. Educator:
Native means dear, close, beloved, sweetheart.
Question: Who or what else can we call family? Answers
: dad, brother, sister, uncle, home, kindergarten, country, city, region.
Generalization: A place where everything near and dear can be called your homeland in another way. Educator:
Each of us has a big Motherland and a small Motherland. The Big Motherland is our big country. What is it called? (Russia).

Play audio recording “My Motherland”


. That's right - we are part of Russia, this is our big Motherland. But everyone also has their own small homeland. Diana, Nastya and Karina know poems about their small Motherland, let's listen to them. Poem: Small Motherland is an island of land. Under the window, the currants and cherries blossomed. There is a curly apple tree, and under it there is a bench. My affectionate little Motherland! Motherland is a big, big word! Let there be no miracles in the world, If you say this word with your soul, It is deeper than the seas, higher than the skies! It fits exactly half the world: Mom and Dad, neighbors, friends. Dear city, dear apartment, Grandmother, kindergarten, kitten and me! (Tatiana Bokova)


How did you understand what a small homeland is? Children. I think that the small Motherland is the house in which I live, these are my parents, the village, the city. Educator. Guys, where is your little homeland? Children
. My little homeland is here, in Shkolnoe. Our village is in Crimea. A small country basks in the palms of the gentle sea, The mountains protect its sleep, The wave sings a lullaby... Crimea is a health resort and a miracle garden. Crimea is fruit, it is sweet grapes. Crimea is the sea, it is a paradise. Crimea is a steep southern mountain. Crimea is steppes and protected forests. Crimea is a fairy tale that looks into your eyes. So, guys, I want to tell you one such fairy tale: Let us try to travel to the distant, distant past, when people had not yet appeared on earth. A strong earthquake occurred and the earth's land rose from the sea waters. This is how our Crimea appeared. The wind and birds brought seeds of various plants to the Crimean land. Among them are grapes. But the grapes are wild, with small, black and sour berries. Birds and animals eagerly feasted on wild grapes. But then people appeared. Gradually they learned a lot: to build houses, grow plants. And then they paid attention to the wild grapes. They began to choose larger and sweeter ones. Over time, cultivated grapes were developed from wild grapes. Until now, scientists are developing new varieties of grapes: there are seedless grapes, with round, oval berries and many, many other varieties. Now think and tell me, who is a winegrower? This is a person who grows grapes. A piece of land on which grapes grow is called a “vineyard.” Our Crimean land is very suitable for growing grapes. If you drive along our peninsula, you will see many vineyards. There are many different varieties of grapes. Today we have three varieties: “Muscat”, “Isabella” and “Rkatsiteli”. Now it’s late autumn and we won’t be able to try them. When something is tasted to determine the taste or smell, it is called tasting. But now we will have a tasting of grape juice.

Juice tasting

Berries grown together, side by side, are called a bunch of grapes. An ancient legend tells where grape brushes of different colors came from. You and I have already read legends, and we know that this is a fairy-tale story about something that actually exists.

The Legend of the Grapes

“Grapes appeared on Earth a very, very long time ago. His mother was the Earth, his father was the Sun. At the time of the birth of grapes, their clusters did not take a month or two to ripen, as now, but quickly - from the day before dusk (evening), and those that managed to ripen by dawn borrowed its gentle blush from the morning dawn and turned pink. The grapes, ripened during the day, became golden yellow - they took over the gold of its rays from the sun shining brightly in the sky. The southern night imparted its dark or velvety blue tones to the berries that ripened late in the evening.” Nowadays, grapes ripen for several months: the first ripens in mid-summer, and the last, late grapes are harvested in mid-autumn. But the earth and the sun are still the parents of grapes. Without the sun, neither a grain nor a berry can ripen. The earth provides nutrition to the roots of the grape bush. But the stem and branches of a grape bush are called “vine”. Repeat this word and try to remember. The vine is flexible, long and thin. To prevent it from breaking due to the weight of the grape clusters, winegrowers tie the vine to a post. Birds, insects, and animals love grapes just as much as humans. Bees, wasps, and ants love to eat grapes. Hamsters hide grape berries in their cheeks and carry them into their underground storage room. And sparrows, rooks, and crows peck sweet berries directly from the vine. Let's play the outdoor game "Birds and Grapes."

Dynamic poise “Birds and Grapes”

Children pretend to run (“fly”) as birds. The leader (“watchman”), on the command “The watchman is coming,” begins to catch the “bird” children. At all times, people have valued grapes. In the old days, when wars raged on our peninsula, the victors dug up grapevines and took them home. After all, grapes provide not only delicious berries. Juice and wine are made from grapes. And also a delicious treat. Here it is. (Showing raisins). Do you know what this is? These are raisins - dried grape berries. For raisins, choose seedless grapes. Let's have a raisin tasting.

Raisin tasting

It turns out that grapes can still cure some diseases. And it also cleanses the human body, giving it strength and health. Let's draw a bunch of grapes. But first, let's prepare our fingers for work. These are the ones we will draw with.

Finger gymnastics “Grapes”

The index finger is the most inquisitive. He can press buttons, he can pick holes. And it depends on the owner how to use the craftsman. We'll train our finger and he'll draw grapes. Children clench their right hand into a fist, extend their index finger, press it onto the palm of their left hand and make rotational movements in one direction and the other. Then the same is done with the left hand.

Drawing “Bunches of Grapes”

Play the audio recording “My Motherland Without Words”

Children draw grapes with their fingers on a sheet of paper with a leaf, tendril and twig drawn on it. The teacher draws the children's attention to the fact that you can achieve different sizes of berries by changing the pressure of your finger. You can invite children to choose the color of their grapes. Pay attention to the shape of the thunderstorm: there are more berries on top, the lower, the fewer berries.


1. How do cultivated grapes differ from wild grapes? 2. Who are winegrowers? 3. What is the trunk of a grape bush called? 4. What color are grape berries? 5. Retell the legend about the grapes. 6. What is made from grapes? 7. What are raisins called? 8. Who, besides man, loves grapes? By the way! Have you noticed that our Crimea is shaped like a bunch of grapes? Crimea is our Motherland, remember this! Do not spare your soul for her sake, Let the peaceful, kind sun rise over this green island!

Kindergarten "Zvezdochka"

Methodological development of the lesson:

Subject: The world around us, speech development.

Type of lesson: combined, a lesson in consolidating previously acquired knowledge (about the “Small Motherland”; about the native village of Okhotsk) with a lesson in the creative use of skills (drawing using stamps).

Topic: “My small Motherland”

Age: 6 years


  1. Author's presentation “My dear Okhotsk”
  2. Standard graphic editor "paint"


The lesson “My Small Motherland” was developed in the direction of “Education of moral and patriotic feelings” with the integration of educational areas:

– socialization;

– cognition;

– communication;

- artistic creativity.

The lesson was conducted by me in the music room in a group of 6-year-old children as an open lesson on the moral and patriotic education of children, for parents (legal representatives) of students and colleagues. The group consists of 10 people. The children of the group have fairly smooth psycho-emotional development; According to the diagnostic examinations carried out, they are distinguished by a good level of development of cognitive, mental, and intellectual abilities.

Goal: Fostering moral and patriotic feelings for the native land and small Motherland.

Main objectives of the lesson:

  1. Activate:

− nominative vocabulary in children’s speech on the topics: “The Small Motherland is...”; "Our Okhotsk"; "Call me kindly"

-knowledge about the surrounding world

  1. Teach children:

– distinguish between coats of arms and flags;

– have an idea of ​​the importance of the right to a name;

- instill love and kindness towards others.

  1. Shape:

- the ability to independently draw conclusions;

-civic-patriotic feelings.

  1. Develop:

– emotional-volitional sphere of pupils

- need for knowledge.

  1. Train memory, attention, logical thinking.
  2. Foster independence, self-discipline, and concentration.
  3. Help relieve psychomotor stress in preschool children.
  4. Stimulate children's creative activity.

Materials for the lesson:


– Russian flag;

-ball, colorful flower;

- paper for each child;

– stamps for each child;

  1. Demo material:

- map of Russia;

– image of the flag and coat of arms of the village of Okhotsk;

-author’s presentation “My dear Okhotsk”

Equipment: (laptop, projector, pull-out screen, stereo system)

Progress of direct educational activities:

Educator : Guys, look how many guests we have today. Let's welcome them:

Hello, golden sun.

Hello, the sky is blue.

Hello, free breeze.

Hello, little oak tree.

We live in our native land, I greet you all!

Educator : Guys, today we will talk about our small Motherland and family.

Now listen to this wonderful poem:

In the wide open space before dawn

Scarlet dawns have risen over our native country,

Every year the dear lands become more and more beautiful,

There is no better Motherland in the world, friends!

Educator: What about, guys? Did I read you a poem? Every person on earth has a small homeland.

Exercise “Small Motherland” (children pass the flag to each other and say...)

– the small Motherland is the place where we were born and live;

-small Motherland is the land on which our grandfathers and grandmothers lived and worked;

-small Motherland is our village of Okhotsk;

– the small Motherland is a place. Where do people close and dear to us live: dad, mom, brother, sister;

-small homeland is the place where our kindergarten is located;

-Small Motherland is a place that people miss when they are in a distant land, on a foreign side.

Educator : Now look at the map, how huge our country is, how vast its borders are! All this is our big Motherland, but there is a place in our country where we were born and grow. This is our native village in which you and I live. Okhotsk (show on map)

Each city has its own flag and coat of arms, let's remember and find the coat of arms of Okhotsk.

Game “Be careful” (choose from the proposed flags and coats of arms, the flag and coat of arms of our village of Okhotsk, children tell what is depicted on the coat of arms and flag.)

Educator : Guys, I know that you love to travel and I suggest you take a walk around our village of Okhotsk. You are ready? Yes!

Diana: My Okhotsk! I'm happy that I was born here, you might find me useful

My grandfather and father were proud of you, and now I’m proud of you too!

The clouds are jumping like white valanches dissolving in this blue

I sit and look at the dandelions, it’s so easy and joyful for me here!

I haven’t fully grown up yet, I’m still going to kindergarten,

But this village is wonderful, anyway, guys, I love it!

Educator : Guys, what city did Diana read us a poem about? (about Okhotsk), where is our village located, what is the name of our region?

– (Khabarovsk)

Game : “What is our Okhotsk” (the teacher throws the ball, the children catch it and answer the question “what is our Okhotsk”

(big, beautiful, magnificent, green, best, clean, with wide streets, low houses....) Well done!

Educator : Well, let's go for a walk further. (come to the screen) presentation “My dear Okhotsk” is shown

Ball game "Tell me your home address!" (children name their home address and pass the flag to each other)

Educator: Okay, guys, you see how different the streets and houses are in our village, but together they make up our little Motherland, our native village of Okhotsk. What are the main streets in our village? (Lenin St., Lunacharskogo St., Gagarin St., Partizanskaya St.)

Educator : What administrative buildings are located on these streets (Sberbank, post office, creative arts center, shops, kindergarten, cultural center, administration building, pharmacy, Atlant...)

Masha Pushkarskaya : We live, we grow, in our native city,

For some it is big, but for us it is huge,

Let it live, let it grow, our modest town!

Educator: Well, then let’s take a walk around our Okhotsk. Game Call it affectionately” (the teacher throws the ball to the children, they call the noun with a diminutive suffix and throw the ball back)

  1. House-house 5. Town-town
  2. Street-street 6. Road-path
  3. Street-street 7. Lawn-lawn
  4. Square 8. Garden
  5. Bridge-bridge 9. Village-village

Educator: And now I, guys, suggest we go back to kindergarten (they sit down at the table, the teacher lights a candle)

Forests grow like families in the mountains, seagulls fly in flocks,

Fishes in schools in the seas, clouds in a flock in the skies...

Egor: It’s very difficult to live alone, everyone needs a family,

I feel bad without mom and dad, mom and dad without me!

Educator: My dear guys, right now I want to talk to you about family, about respect and love for loved ones. Remember, some of you said that the small Motherland is where people dear to you live, mom, dad, all your relatives. Guys, tell me how you understand the expression -

Educator : “Loving your family - what does that mean”? (respect everyone, help mom, dad, put away your toys, respect elders, don’t be rude, don’t quarrel...)

Educator: Well done, guys! You correctly understand respect and love for your family.

Slide number 1 SUN, MONTH, STARS

– Yes, all the heavenly bodies are one big family. The sun shines during the day, like a mother who never knows rest. Always in care.

A month on guard at night. He can be compared to the man of the family, the father, because he is not afraid of the dark. The stars are their children who burn

Sometimes they are bright, sometimes they fade, like children whose behavior either upsets or pleases their parents. Old people say that every person has his own star.

Educator: Guys, put your hand to your heart, can you hear how it beats? What a blessing to live and enjoy life.

Educator: I have cards in my hands - this is the number 7 and the letter “I”, I will add “I” to the number seven, what will happen? Children: (FAMILY)

– Educator: A family where everyone loves me and caresses me, and there is nothing better than a family.

That's all. The ones I love so much have the right to a family!

Educator: In every family, everyone should love and respect each other, adults take care of the little ones. Now I invite you to feel how nice it is to take care of someone and what a responsibility it is.

Psycho-gymnastics: “Warm the kitten”

Educator: Imagine that you picked up a small kitten on the street. It's cold outside and it's snowing. Here

The kitten is frozen and shivering from the cold! Take him in your hands! To warm it up, breathe in your palms. (Pause).

Hold him to your chest... Now, look at your kitten, is he warm? Look at him with tenderness and love. Smile at him and he will smile back at you. Now, let go! Look, he ran home to his family.

Educator: So you and I gave our love, warmth and affection to the little kitten. He warmed up and ran to his mother.

– It’s so good when everyone has their own family, where they love, wait, take care and come to the rescue. I really want you guys to value your loved ones, never upset them, and take care of them the same way they take care of you.

(Brownie comes in. He has a sad face and sits down on a chair)

Brownie: I am a brownie. They don’t call me anything, they just call me brownie! Nobody gave me a name. I heard you playing merrily here, so I wandered in to see you.

Educator: Children from birth receive the right to a name: imagine that all names disappear, only boys and girls, men and women, grandparents remain, but no one has a name. We won't even be able to communicate with each other. You see how a person needs a name. Your parents give you a name at birth.

Brownie: And I am a fairy-tale hero. That's why no one gave me a name.

Educator: Brownie, don’t be upset. The guys and I will come up with a name for you. Really, guys, let's figure out what to call our hero? (Kuzya)

Educator: Brownie, do you like the name Kuzya?

Brownie: I really like it. Thanks guys.

Educator: They know, everyone in the world knows, adults and children know -

Everyone is given a name, and everyone has one!

Vera Kim: Everyone has a different name: the cat Purr, the dog Barbos,

Even our goat’s beautiful name is Rose.

Nastya, Vika and Danila all have their own name!

Educator: Guys, who wants to tell you about their name?

Diana: I am Diana. My name means Divine

Diana is a kind soul, charming, open and pretty, maybe I’ll be famous!

Yura Rud: I am Yuri - my name means “sunny”

Look, Yurochka, in the radiant mirror,

I’ll definitely see a sunny face there!

Dima Nurzhanov: I am Dmitry, what does “great” mean?

This is my strength! Even to work for three, even to love for four -

There is enough strength for everyone, apparently the name helps!

Educator: You know, Kuzya, at birth all children in our country receive a document. It is called

"Birth certificate"

- Every little girl has this little book.

And at any time of the day, everything will tell about you!

(Shows “Birth Certificate”) This document secures the child’s right to a name. Kuzya, the guys and I want to give you a gift. Now the guys will draw beautiful certificates, and you will choose the one you like best. And I will write your name in it.

( Drawing)

Children use stamps to create a “Birth Certificate” frame. Brownie Kuzya chooses the certificate that he liked best.

Educator: Our beloved Kuzya, we give you this certificate. Now you have a fabulous testimony.

Kuzya: Thank you guys, I’m very glad. I'll go show this testimony to my friends. Guys, can I take all the evidence that you drew. I have many friends, but they also do not have a “Birth Certificate”. They will be delighted with the gift. (Picks it up and leaves)

Educator: It’s nice that our little brownie left happy. And we had an extraordinary lesson, where you talked a lot and know about your small homeland, and also know that you need to love and respect your family. And now I will give out “medals” for your knowledge and skills. Thanks guys. For an interesting activity.

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