Article “New approaches to interaction with the family of preschool children within the framework of the Federal State Educational Standard”

Article “New approaches to interaction with the family of preschool children within the framework of the Federal State Educational Standard”

Leisure forms of organizing communication are designed to establish warm informal relationships between teachers and parents, as well as more trusting relationships between parents and children (joint holidays and leisure activities). Leisure forms of cooperation with the family can only be effective if educators pay sufficient attention to the pedagogical content of the event.

Cognitive forms of organizing communication between teachers and families are intended to familiarize parents with the characteristics of the age and psychological development of children, rational methods and techniques of education for the formation of practical skills in parents.

The main role continues to belong to such collective forms of communication as meetings, group consultations, etc. The principles on the basis of which communication between teachers and parents are based have changed. These include communication based on dialogue, openness, sincerity in communication, refusal to criticize and evaluate the communication partner.

Cognitive forms of organizing communication between teachers and parents are designed to play a dominant role in improving the psychological and pedagogical culture of parents, and therefore contribute to changing the views of parents on raising a child in a family environment, and develop reflection.

Visual and informational forms of organizing communication between teachers and parents solve the problem of familiarizing parents with the conditions, content and methods of raising children in a preschool educational institution, allow them to more correctly evaluate the activities of teachers, revise the methods and techniques of home education, and see more objectively the activities of the teacher. Visual information forms are conventionally divided into two subgroups. Familiarizing parents with the preschool educational institution, the features of its work, with teachers involved in raising children, and overcoming superficial opinions about the work of the preschool educational institution. The objectives of one of them - information and awareness-raising - is to familiarize parents with the preschool educational institution, the features of its functioning, the activities of teachers, etc. The tasks of the other group - information and education - are close to the tasks of cognitive forms and are aimed at enriching parents’ knowledge about the features of the development and upbringing of preschool children. Their specificity lies in the fact that the communication between teachers and parents here is not direct, but indirect - through newspapers, the organization of exhibitions, etc., therefore we have identified them as an independent subgroup, and not combined with cognitive forms.

“Open Days” are especially popular, during which parents can visit any group - this makes it possible to introduce parents to the preschool institution, its traditions, rules, features of educational work, to interest them in it and attract them to participate.

The main forms of organizing interaction between preschool educational institutions and families in the context of the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education

 The goal of a modern preschool educational institution is the comprehensive formation of a child’s personality, taking into account his physical and mental development, individual capabilities and abilities. But such development cannot occur without close interaction between the preschool educational institution and the family. Family is the first institution in a child’s life.

The further development of the child depends on the joint work of parents and teachers. And it is the quality of work of preschool educational institutions, in particular teachers, that determines the level of pedagogical culture of parents, and, consequently, the level of family education of children. Therefore, modern family and preschool education should not be considered as autonomous areas of preschooler development.

The federal state educational standard for preschool education meets new social demands, one of which is the interaction of a preschool institution with children’s families for more successful implementation of the basic general education program of a preschool educational institution. The Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education places new demands on improving the content, forms and methods of interaction between the social partnership of the family and the preschool educational institution, which must be considered as a resource for the sociocultural development of the child.

The Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education states that work with parents should have a differentiated approach, taking into account social status, family microclimate, parental requests and the degree of parental interest in the activities of the preschool educational institution. The Federal State Educational Standard for Education is the basis for assisting parents (legal representatives) in raising children, protecting and strengthening their physical and mental health, developing individual abilities and the necessary correction of their developmental disorders.

Today, the leading and organizing role of the kindergarten in relation to the family is characterized by a complex of factors:

- systematic, active dissemination of pedagogical knowledge among parents;

‒ practical assistance to families in raising children;

‒ organizing the promotion of positive experiences in public and family education;

- involving parents in teaching activities.

What forms of organizing interaction between preschool educational institutions and families are relevant today? And the forms can be used as traditional ones:

- parent meetings;

‒ individual consultations at the request of parents with teachers and specialists;

‒ information stands where consulting material is selected on topics of interest;

‒ photo reports and filming of various activities in each group and the entire preschool educational institution.

So and non-traditional:

‒ issues of intra-kindergarten newspapers, on the pages of which parents can share their experience of family education;

- exhibitions of family creativity;

‒ various master classes with the participation of parents;

‒ “feedback diaries”, where teachers and parents tell each other about their children’s achievements;

‒ organization of various joint projects (“School of a Caring Parent”, “Healthy Family”, etc.) in order to solve the problem of strengthening the family as a social unit;

‒ organizing family clubs that allow you to create a situation of success for each family, without exception, and which is accompanied by positive emotions of the participants in the parent-child team, allows you to take into account the individuality of each participant, both adults and children;

‒ using the kindergarten website to inform parents about the activities of the institution, provide advice on various issues, and organize feedback;

- joint holidays with parents and children.

Such forms of work will make it possible to organize a high degree of awareness of parents about the state of affairs in the kindergarten with the aim of better development and education of children not only in preschool educational institutions, but also at home, to intensify the willingness of parents to participate in all areas of the activities of the preschool institution, and to establish a positive psychological climate in relationships “ parents - children - teachers." But the most important thing in organizing interaction between preschool educational institutions and families is to retreat from formalism in organizing this activity. It is necessary to strive for dialogue, take into account the social demand (interests, needs and requirements of parents in matters of development and upbringing of children), organize the “openness” of the preschool institution for parents.

Today, of course, the initiative comes more from teachers, but we can already say that parents are increasingly responding to teachers’ proposals for cooperation and signs of renewal in the interaction of teachers with families are clearly occurring.

Our preschool institution, as part of the implementation of the federal state educational standard for preschool education, pays great attention to interaction with parents (legal representatives) of pupils. Together with the parents, we created a portfolio for each child, which contains the pages “Advise me” and “Ask, parents”, where the parents are

can ask a question that interests them, and specialists working with the child can give recommendations and help in resolving the issue that arises for parents.

Creative workshops with the participation of children and parents also resonated with parents, when mothers and their children demonstrate artistic creativity in productive activities and share their talent with other mothers. Holding joint creative competitions “Sorceress “Autumn”, “Christmas Tale”, “Winter Town” arouses genuine interest among parents and pupils and allows all family members to participate.

Parents of our students are happy to take part in organizing joint theatrical activities, holding “Round Tables” on various topics, and taking part in celebrations and entertainment. The campaigns “Bird Day”, “Tree in the Palms”, “Every Speck in a Basket”, “Joint Environmental Cleanup Day” are held with great desire. All of them are aimed at family cooperation within the framework of not only the formation of an environmental culture, spiritual, moral and patriotic qualities of preschoolers, the development of the child’s personality, but also increasing the responsibility and role of parents in raising their child.

The organization of joint sports events “Autumn Family Marathon”, “Winter Spartakiad”, “Mom, Dad, Me - a Healthy Family” is aimed at creating the foundations of a healthy lifestyle for adults and children, improving the psychological climate of the family and the institution.

Many of these events have become traditional for the kindergarten and parents.

Thus, the use of various forms of interaction between the preschool educational institution and the family - two important social institutions for the socialization of the child - produces positive results. With all their work, the teaching staff of the kindergarten proves to parents that their involvement in teaching activities, their interested participation in the educational process is important not because the teacher wants it, but because it is necessary for the development of their own child. And the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education makes it possible to organize the joint activities of the kindergarten and the family more effectively, which allows parents to be not spectators and observers, but active participants in the life of their child.


1. Magazine “Preschool Education Management”, 2013.

2. Lyubchik S. A. Basic forms of organizing interaction between preschool educational institutions and families / Preschool educational institutions management. 2013. No. 6.

3. Federal state educational standard for preschool education - M., 2013.

Regulations on interaction with families of pupils in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for Educational Education


Accepted: Approved:

By decision of the head of the kindergarten

Pedagogical Council No. __ No. 10 of the village of Uspenskoye

from "___" __________ 2015 _________________ E.Yu. Tayibova


1. General provisions

1.1. This Regulation defines the conceptual basis for the interaction of teachers, their students and parents, goals, objectives, principles, mechanisms and directions of joint activities

1.2. The regulation was developed in accordance with the current legal and regulatory documents of the education system: Federal Law dated December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation”, Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education (Approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated October 17, 2013 N 1155), the Charter of the preschool educational institution, the Main educational program of the preschool educational institution.

1.3. The system of interaction between teachers and parents provides an integrated approach to the formation of value guidelines among students.

1.4. The basis of the interaction between the MADOU kindergarten 3 10 in the village of Uspenskoye and the family is cooperation, initiated by the kindergarten teachers.

2. Purpose and objectives of interaction

2.1. Goal : to unite parents and kindergarten teachers and form common guidelines for preschool children in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for Educational Education.

2.2. Monitoring tasks :

— improving the pedagogical culture of parents and the formation of traditions of family culture;

— development of common views and pedagogical guidelines for the education of value orientations in preschool children by means of introducing pupils to traditional culture;

— identifying effective forms of cooperation between parents of pupils and increasing the effectiveness of interaction between parents and teachers in the field of forming the basis of children’s personal culture;

— harmonization of parent-child relationships, assistance in organizing family leisure;

— increasing the legal literacy of parents in the field of protecting the rights and dignity of the child;

- increasing the pedagogical competence and educational culture of parents in all fundamental principles of education: physical, social-moral, artistic-aesthetic, cognitive, based on the principles of non-violence pedagogy;

— organization of comprehensive support for the interaction of the kindergarten with the family by specialists: teacher, music director.

- creating conditions for the exchange of pedagogical and family experiences, establishing friendly relationships between families.

3. Basic principles of kindergarten work

The principles of the kindergarten’s work contribute to achieving the goals and objectives:

— its functioning as an open system;

- active involvement of parents of pupils in the pedagogical process using modern technologies and interactive methods of interaction between kindergarten and family;

— understanding, recognition and acceptance of the child and his family;

— priority of the cultural approach to determining the goals and content of children’s upbringing;

— reorientation of teachers from the transfer of knowledge, skills and abilities to the formation of value orientations and the cultivation of relationships that contribute to their more productive assimilation;

— formation of value-semantic orientations (goodness, beauty, knowledge, healthy lifestyle), moral aesthetic values, ideals of artistic taste and creative self-realization of folk artists, ideas about the meaning of life of an individual and an entire people by means of introducing children and their families to traditional Russian culture ;

— amplification of the child’s development in the process of organizing developmental interaction with adults (parents and teachers) and other children;

- tactfulness and respect for the rights of parents to play a leading role in the upbringing and education of the child and understanding of the inevitable subjectivity of the teacher’s point of view;

— a person-centered approach and the rules of “pedagogy of non-violence”,

- the principle of accessibility (everyone can participate in events, collective affairs) and openness (on the kindergarten website you can read the Charter, Agreement with parents, Regulations on the Council of the institution and other local acts, historical information of the institution and current information);

— the principle of goodwill of all participants in the community, adherence to the moral and ethical charter, developed to form positive relationships between parents and teachers;

— the principle of voluntariness (in the process of implementing the tasks and content of the educational program of the preschool educational institution, no coercion is allowed).

4. Priority areas of work on organizing interaction between kindergarten and family

The following areas of work are priority:

— studying the family in order to clarify its capabilities in the field of forming value guidelines;

— grouping families according to the principle of the possibility of their influence on the process of forming value guidelines through the means of traditional culture and museum pedagogy at home and in conditions of cooperation with a kindergarten;

— analysis of intermediate and final results of joint educational activities and the community of family and kindergarten.

5. Organization of work

5.1. The pedagogical council of the preschool educational institution approves the work plan for organizing interaction between the kindergarten and the family for the school year. Its content is determined by the tasks facing the preschool educational institution and the specific conditions of its work.

5.2. Organization of interaction between kindergarten and family involves the following stages of work:

— study of the family in order to determine its capabilities for raising children;

— grouping families according to the principle of the possibility of their moral potential for raising their child and the children of the group;

— drawing up a program of joint actions between teachers and parents;

— analysis of intermediate and final results of their joint educational activities.

5.3. Requirements for organizing interaction between kindergarten and family:

— purposefulness (each event is aimed at achieving a specific goal to prevent typical mistakes of parents);

- planned and systematic (continuity, consistent complication and expansion of the range of problems, an integrated approach to the formation of a system of value guidelines and the development of the child’s personality);

- a specific and differentiated approach (taking into account differences in the system of universal and traditional values ​​for a particular culture, nation or religion).

5.4. General pedagogical and specific conditions for organizing interaction between kindergarten and family:

— a combination of an individual approach to each family with the organization of work with all parents of the group;

— the relationship between different forms of work with parents;

-simultaneous influence on parents and children, allowing the formation of value-oriented relationships;

— ensuring a certain consistency in working with parents, a system for coordinating personal, individual and social, universal values;

— taking into account the unique living conditions and values ​​of each family, the age of the parents, the level of preparedness to resolve issues of education based on introducing children to the values ​​of traditional culture;

-value-oriented nature of the relationship between preschool employees and parents: trust in the relationship between the teacher and parents;

- observance of tact, sensitivity, responsiveness towards parents.

5.5. Methods and forms of organizing a joint educational process with parents:

— visiting families;

— visual propaganda of pedagogical knowledge (stands with recommendations for parents);

- active parent meetings (showing classes and conversations, discussing what they saw and ranking their impressions, developing common values, distributing memos on the topic of the meeting);

— consultations;

— workshops;

— conferences for parents;

— open days (open viewings of educational activities);

- oral journals;

— round tables;

— business game;

- joint holidays, leisure, entertainment, performances;

5.6. Organization of methodological work with teachers:

— workshops, consultations for teachers (issues of preparing and conducting parent meetings, ways to increase the activity of parents and the formation of value-oriented communication between children and adults in the family and kindergarten, recommendations for preparing and conducting non-traditional forms of work with parents, modern methods of education and teaching children).

5.7. Methods and techniques for cooperation between kindergarten and family:

— activation methods, which are divided into methods for identifying and forming parents’ requests, searching for forms and methods of implementation, adjustments;

— methods of organizing joint activities (planning, organization and control);

— methods of forming reflection (self-analysis and self-assessment, collective discussion of the results of cooperation, expert assessment), etc.

5.8. Internal and external interaction between family and kindergarten.

5.8.1. Internal interaction - active interaction of all participants in the educational process in a preschool institution, the formation of a partnership community of employees, children and parents;

Conditions for internal interaction:

— creation in the preschool educational institution of an atmosphere of community of interests of teachers and parents, their emotional mutual support;

— reorientation of teachers in relationships with parents from edification and teaching to partnership and support of their pedagogical capabilities, mutual insight into each other’s problems;

— compliance with the principle of unity of educational influences of the preschool educational institution and the family;

- tactfulness and respect for the rights of parents to play a leading role in the upbringing and education of the child and understanding of the inevitable subjectivity of the teacher’s point of view.

Forms of such interaction: joint holidays, leisure activities, family excursions,

protection of parent-child projects, creative workshops, a kindergarten website with the necessary information for parents, materials from past events.

5.8.2. External interaction is the interaction of the child-parent and teaching staff of a preschool institution with public and social structures: a comprehensive school, a historical museum, a cultural center, etc.

6. Control

6.1. Control over the organization of interaction between kindergarten and family groups and in preschool educational institutions is assigned to the head of the institution.

6.2. The coordinator of the internal and external interactions of the preschool educational institution and the development of the space is the Council of the Institution - a collegial self-government body, to which employees of the preschool institution, parents, and representatives of the Founder are elected.

The institution's council has powers not only of an advisory nature, but also of a real nature; it manages the processes of functioning and development of an educational institution, cooperation with parents of students and public organizations. It determines the development strategy of the kindergarten, helps it become an open and dynamic system, and increases the role of the parent community in the educational process of the kindergarten, settlement, and district.

6.3. The Parents Committee, a representative body of the parent community, acts as a public organization.

The parent committee is called upon to assist the kindergarten in its work and organize the fulfillment by all parents (legal representatives) of the legal requirements of the preschool institution, to promote pedagogical propaganda for the successful solution of the task of the comprehensive development of pupils.

7. Documentation

— plans for working with parents of preschool educational institutions, groups for the academic year;

— minutes of general parent meetings (minutes are stored in the head’s office);

— minutes of group parent meetings (minutes are stored in the group);

— notes of events;

- results of teachers on conducted pedagogical observations and diagnostic studies, questionnaires with conclusions, comparative analysis of monitoring of preschool educational institutions.

- minutes of meetings of the Parent Committee, the Council of the Institution (stored in the files of the preschool educational institution in the office of the head).

Kindergarten and family: aspects of interaction in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard for preschool education

Author: Kubashova Nina Viktorovna

Currently, Russian preschool education is going through a turning point. The reason for the upcoming changes is changes in the law “On Education in the Russian Federation” and the accompanying Federal State Educational Standard (hereinafter referred to as Federal State Educational Standard) for preschool education (hereinafter referred to as DO)

The Law provides that in solving complex multifaceted problems related to the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard for Education, an exclusive role belongs to the family. Article 44 of the Law defines for the first time the rights, duties and responsibilities of parents for the education of a child. In this regard, it is necessary to take a fresh look at the interaction of a preschool educational institution (hereinafter referred to as the preschool educational institution) with parents, in order to create a unified educational space “family - kindergarten” for their equal and interested partnership. New tasks facing the preschool educational institution presuppose its openness, close cooperation and interaction with parents and other social institutions that are transforming kindergarten at the present stage into an open educational system with a more flexible and free learning process. The problem of involving parents in a single space for child development in preschool educational institutions is solved in three directions: - working with the kindergarten staff on organizing interaction with families, familiarizing teachers with the system of new forms of working with parents; — improving the pedagogical culture of parents; - involvement of parents in the activities of preschool educational institutions, joint work on the exchange of experience. Main tasks of the work: - establish partnerships with the family of each pupil; — join efforts for the development and education of children; — create an atmosphere of mutual understanding, community of interests, emotional mutual support; — to activate and enrich the educational skills of parents; — maintain their confidence in their own pedagogical capabilities. Principles of interaction between preschool educational institutions and parents: 1) friendly style of communication; 2) individual approach; 3) collaboration rather than mentoring; 4) thorough preparation for each event; 5) dynamism Advantages of the new system of interaction between preschool educational institutions and families: - positive emotional attitude of teachers and parents to work together on the development and upbringing of children; — taking into account the individuality of each student; - independent choice by parents of the direction in the development and upbringing of the child - strengthening intra-family ties, emotional communication, finding common interests and activities; — the possibility of implementing a unified program for the development and upbringing of a child in a preschool educational institution and in the family; - the ability to take into account the type of family and style of family relationships - the openness of the kindergarten to families; — cooperation between teachers and parents in the development and upbringing of children; — creation of an active developmental environment, active forms of communication between children and adults, ensuring unified approaches to child development in the family and preschool educational institutions; — diagnosis of general and specific problems in the development, education and upbringing of a child Functions of the work of a preschool educational institution with the family: 1) familiarization of parents with the content and methodology of the educational process organized in the preschool educational institution; 2) psychological and pedagogical education of parents; 3) involvement of parents in joint activities with children; 4) assistance to individual families in raising children; 5) interaction of parents with public organizations of the city; 6) distribution of duties and responsibilities in work (parents - teacher - methodologist - medical staff - head - specialists) In the process of working with families in preschool educational institutions, tasks related to the revival of the traditions of family education, the involvement of parents, children and teachers in associations of interests and hobbies are solved , organizing family leisure New forms and methods of work of preschool educational institutions with families: - “Round table” on any topic; — interviews, diagnostics, tests, surveys on any topic, questionnaires; — interviews with parents and children on certain topics; — thematic exhibitions; — consultations with specialists; - oral journal for parents - family sports meetings; — mail and telephone helpline; — family talent competitions; — family projects “Our Pedigree”; — open classes for parents to watch; — tests for parents; — auction of parenting secrets; - parents' living room; — portfolio of family success Important points: a) all materials for review must be aesthetically designed; b) the content of materials must be regularly updated, otherwise parental interest in this information will quickly disappear; c) the design of materials must be done in such a way as to attract the attention of parents (text on colored paper, photographs of children in the group, pictures-symbols); d) the content of the proposed material should be really interesting to the majority of parents Working with parents is a process of communication between different people, which does not always go smoothly. Naturally, problematic situations may arise in the relationship between teachers and parents: conflicts between parents over children, parental complaints against teachers on various issues, complaints from teachers about the passivity of parents, inattention of parents to the recommendations of teachers due to the lack of authority of the teacher due to his young age or little experience Today's parents will carefully consider consulting a specialist: psychologist, speech therapist, doctor. But when it comes to education, many consider themselves literate in these matters, have their own vision of the problem and ways to solve it, without taking into account the experience and education of the teacher. To prevent such situations, the administration of a preschool institution from the first days of a child’s stay in kindergarten must support the authority of the teacher, demonstrate that she highly values ​​the knowledge, abilities, skills and pedagogical achievements of the teacher. Ways to increase the authority of the teacher: - solemnly present a certificate of honor for merit at a parent meeting for Preschool Worker's Day or for high performance at the end of the year; — arrange a beautiful congratulation for the teacher’s birthday — organize a letter of gratitude from the parents of graduates; — decorate the hall with photographs of the best kindergarten teachers with a brief description of their personal achievements. Conclusion .
An important point in preventing problematic situations is the establishment of personal contact between the teacher and parents, daily information about how the child spent the day, what he learned, and what successes he achieved. The lack of information gives rise to parents' desire to receive it from other sources, for example, from other parents, from children in the group. Such information may be distorted and lead to a conflict situation. The interaction of the kindergarten with the family can be carried out in different ways. It is important to avoid formalism. In order to plan work with parents, you need to know well the relationships in the family of your students. Therefore, it is necessary to start with an analysis of the social composition of parents, their mood and expectations of their child’s stay in kindergarten. Conducting surveys and personal conversations on this topic will help to properly organize work with parents, make it effective, and choose interesting forms of interaction with the family. comments powered by HyperComments

Working with families in preschool educational institutions according to the Federal State Educational Standard

Description: this article is intended for kindergarten teachers. Purpose: dissemination of teaching experience. Objectives: Exchange of experience with kindergarten teachers. Family, as we know, is a role model. The child takes examples of behavior from his father and mother, brothers and sisters. Any pedagogy without family is impossible. Emotional and moral experience develops in the family; the family determines the level and content of the child’s emotional and social development. Therefore, it is so important to help parents understand that raising a child and development cannot proceed on its own. In accordance with the new law “On Education in the Russian Federation,” one of the main tasks facing a preschool institution is “interaction with the family to ensure the full development of the child’s personality.” A new federal state educational standard for preschool education (FSESDO) has been developed, which meets new social needs and in which much attention is paid to working with parents. The Federal State Educational Standard states that work with parents should have a differentiated approach, taking into account social status, family microclimate, parental requests and the degree of interest of parents in the activities of preschool educational institutions, improving the culture of pedagogical literacy of the family. Requirements for the interaction of the Organization of Work with parents are also formulated. It is emphasized that one of the principles of preschool education is cooperation between the Organization of work with the family, and the Federal State Educational Standard for Education is the basis for assisting parents (legal representatives) in raising children, protecting and strengthening their physical and mental health, in the development of individual abilities and the necessary correction of their impairments. development. One of the requirements for psychological and pedagogical conditions is the requirement to provide psychological and pedagogical support for the family and increase the competence of parents (legal representatives) in matters of development and education, protection and promotion of children's health. In accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard, a kindergarten is obliged to: • inform parents (legal representatives) and the public about the goals of preschool education, common to the entire educational space of the Russian Federation, as well as about the Program, and not only to the family, but also to all interested parties involved in educational activities ; (Modern education programs for preschoolers, such as “Rainbow”, “Development”, “Childhood” are built on the basis of the Concept of Preschool Education, modern achievements of psychology and pedagogy. However, parents, who act as social customers of educational services, often do not have in-depth knowledge in this area. Therefore, the goal and objectives of public education should be the subject of detailed discussion by teachers and parents, during which the teacher needs to convey to the family his vision of the result of raising a child and coordinate it with the pedagogical attitudes of the parents.) • ensure openness of preschool education; • create conditions for the participation of parents (legal representatives) in educational activities; • support parents (legal representatives) in raising children, protecting and strengthening their health; • ensure the involvement of families directly in educational activities, including through the creation of educational projects together with the family based on identifying needs and supporting the educational initiatives of the family; • create conditions for adults to search for and use materials that support the implementation of the Program, including in the information environment, as well as to discuss issues related to implementation with parents (legal representatives) of children. The search for new forms of working with parents remains always relevant. Our kindergarten carries out systematic, targeted work with parents, in which the following priority tasks are solved: • establishing partnerships with the family of each pupil; • joining efforts for the development and education of children; • creating an atmosphere of mutual understanding, community of interests, emotional mutual support; • activation and enrichment of parents' educational skills; System of work on interaction with parents Establishing cooperation and partnership between the kindergarten and the family is of great importance. Only by joining their efforts can parents and educators provide their child with double protection, emotional comfort, an interesting, meaningful life at home and in kindergarten, and will help develop his basic abilities and ability to communicate with peers. Having sufficient experience working with children (13 years), I am increasingly convinced that only through the joint efforts of the family and kindergarten can we achieve good results and achieve our goals. Therefore, I build my relationship with my parents on the basis of cooperation and mutual respect. I always remember that every child is unique. He cannot be compared with other children. But desire alone is not enough. New children come to our kindergarten every year because... The kindergarten is attended by children aged 1 to 3 years. Every year we have to establish contact with new parents. When parents come to kindergarten, they take a closer look at us. In its own way, the same adaptation is taking place. And how can we understand what special and interesting things our parents expect from us? Of course, a questionnaire helps in this matter. The survey is conducted at the beginning of the school year. The questionnaire helps to find out the social status, preferences of the child, the skills and abilities that the child has when he comes to the preschool educational institution, how many children are in the family and what the relationship is between them. Data analysis helps to get to know the child’s interests better, which in turn can have a positive effect on adaptation. Personal conversations also help to identify parents’ needs. Thanks to this organization, a rough plan for working with parents for the year is drawn up. Why exemplary, because after we get to know the children better, we will have questions with which we will need to go to the parents. This is already reflected in scheduling. Probably every teacher wants the parents of the group to be active participants, and not passive listeners. To achieve this, we use various forms of working with children. Parent-teacher meetings remain very effective. This traditional form is very effective; in addition, speeches by both a traffic police officer and a nurse are planned at parent meetings. It is mandatory to conduct surveys of parents on the annual tasks of the preschool educational institution. A good form of working with families is exhibitions of joint creativity of children, parents and teachers on various topics. Holding such exhibitions as: “Autumn Fantasies”, “Zimushka - Winter”, “In the Hands of Our Mothers” “Ah, Summer, Summer!” became a stimulus for the development of aesthetic feelings of our pupils, an incentive for joint activities of children and parents. We practice awarding diplomas to exhibition participants. I would like to talk about one important point in the system of working with parents. Every person, having done some work, needs to have his work evaluated. Our parents need this too. “Praise is useful if only because it strengthens us in good intentions,” wrote F. La Rochefoucauld, and in the modern world this is always and everywhere relevant. Don't forget to praise your parents. The regular organization of a photo stand with photographs “This is how fun we live” introduced parents to the life of the preschool educational institution and the activities of their children. Parents receive the necessary information on the issues of raising and educating children through visual information materials: screens, stands, sliding folders, booklets, flip-over system. Of course, modern parents are very busy. And here modern resources come to the rescue. Parents initiated the creation of a VKontakte group. In the group, the organizer lays out various topics for discussion for other parents. Photos from exhibitions of drawings and crafts made from plasticine. Parents can also obtain information through the kindergarten website. In addition, many teachers have their own personal blogs and mini-sites. The use of various forms of work with families made it possible to awaken a sense of affection and trust among parents in the kindergarten.

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