Speech at the Moscow Region on the topic: “Modern pedagogical technologies within the framework of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard”

Modern pedagogical technologies in the context of the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard for Education

Irina Shchepetinnikova

Modern pedagogical technologies in the context of the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard for Education

The term " educational technology "

very popular in recent years.
The concept of
educational technology can be represented by three aspects: scientific, procedural-descriptive and procedural-effective.

Pedagogical technology is maximally connected with the educational process: the activities of the teacher and children, its construction, means, forms and methods.

It has the following structure: a conceptual basis, the content of the educational process (the goals of teaching and upbringing, the content of educational material, the technological process , including the organization of the educational process, forms and methods of work of the teacher , the activities of preschoolers, diagnostics of the educational process.

Any pedagogical technology is a synthesis of the achievements of pedagogical science and practice . Its sources and components are: pedagogical , psychological, social sciences, advanced pedagogical experience , new pedagogical thinking .

In relation to preschool education, it is advisable to consider pedagogical technologies as a means of developing the child’s personal qualities (his activity, independence, creativity, etc.)

Classification of pedagogical technologies at the present stage :

Personally-oriented pedagogical technologies

Self-development technologies

Technologies that involve building the educational process on an active basis

Technology that involves building the educational process on a personal-semantic and emotional-psychological basis

Gaming technologies

Health-saving technologies

Technology of project activities

Research technologies

Information and communication technologies .

Personality-oriented technologies : aimed at providing comfortable, safe, conflict-free conditions for personal development . The child's personality is the goal of the educational system and the focus of the teacher's . Her uniqueness and desire to realize her capabilities are taken into account in a variety of situations. An example of student-centered technologies is Pedagogy of Collaboration

as a special type of embodiment of new
pedagogical thinking . It includes: the transition from pedagogy of demands to pedagogy of relationships , a humane-personal approach, the unity of education and training. Contents: a new look at personality, personal orientation of the educational process, the formation of moral values ​​(kindness, mercy)
, hard work, dignity, citizenship) .
Humanization and democratization of pedagogical relations : faith in the child, tolerance for children's shortcomings, encouragement, stimulation of cooperation, the child's right to make mistakes. The main style of communication between teacher and students : not to force, but to convince; not to prohibit, but to guide, not to limit, but to provide freedom of choice. The individual approach today also has a new interpretation: the formation of a personality’s self-concept, the use of psychological and pedagogical diagnostics of personality, forecasting personality development, the creation of individual development programs. To form a self-concept it is necessary : see each child as a unique personality, respect, understand, and optimistically believe in her;
create situations of success and support; accept the causes of children's ignorance and misbehavior and eliminate them without harming the child's dignity; provide children with the opportunity to realize themselves; develop creativity and individuality. Self-development technology . An analysis of scientific research by M. Montessori, G. K. Selevko, I. S. Yakimanskaya made it possible to determine the conceptual provisions of this technology : the formation of self-governing mechanisms of the individual, the education of personal self-development. The teacher must help the child self-actualize and self-determinate. Didactic foundations of this technology : educational material must ensure the identification of the content of the child’s experience and must be organized so that the student has the opportunity to choose when completing tasks; the presentation of knowledge by the teacher should be aimed at transforming the existing experience of each child; providing opportunities for self-development and self-expression; developing skills to evaluate the results obtained and plan your work.

Technologies that involve building the educational process on an activity basis. The activity approach was studied by: L. S. Vygodsky (psychological study of activity, A. N. Leontiev (basic principles of the general psychological theory of activity, D. B. Elkonin (explained the concepts of leading activity of age stages)

Activity is considered as a means of formation and development of the child’s subjectivity. The focus is on the joint activities of children and adults to implement selected goals and objectives. The principles of the activity approach: the principle of subjectivity of education, the principle of taking into account leading types of activities, the principle of taking into account sensitive periods of life, the principle of determining the zone of proximal development, the principle of amplification, the principle of design, the principle of high motivation, the principle of moral enrichment, the principle of cooperation. Requirements for the technology of organizing and carrying out the activities of preschoolers: Subordination of the objective result to the educational result in the form of qualitative changes in personality. Adequate attitude towards the surrounding world. Creating conditions for positive emotions. Formation of socially valuable motives of behavior and activity. Subordination of activities to rules determined by volume , place, time, etc.
Technologies that involve building the educational process on a personal, semantic and emotional-psychological basis. Basic requirements:

The teacher must master methods of self-regulation (relaxation, auto-training, education of optimism, developed attention, imagination, speech; build relationships based on mutual understanding, the leading type of relationship is stable and positive; carry out developmental pedagogical interaction based on the model of “subject-subject connections”

Pedagogical interaction is implemented on the basis of the principles: dialogization, individualization, problematization, personification (inclusion of emotions and personal experience, achieving positive openness, ensuring subjective freedom ( “Knowledge not for the sake of knowledge, but for the sake of development”
, overcoming anxiety, fear through positive evaluative activity
( creating a situation of success)
.The teacher must be prepared to organize and conduct targeted work on the development of the emotional-volitional sphere of preschool children, using emotional-symbolic and relaxation methods, kinesthetic
techniques , a variety of games: role-playing, communicative, games and tasks related to the development of volition, imagination.The use in the pedagogical process of methods of pedagogical suggestion and persuasion, based on trust, expediency, pedagogical tact , laconicism of verbal influences. Persuasion is effective: within the framework of a single need or several of equal strength, with low intensity of emotions.
Game technologies : Game pedagogical technology is the organization of the pedagogical process in the form of various pedagogical games . The main goal is to create a full-fledged motivational basis for the formation of skills and abilities depending on conditions of the preschool educational institution and the level of development of children. The objectives are to achieve a high level of motivation, a conscious need to acquire knowledge and skills through the child’s own activity; select means that activate children’s activities and increase their effectiveness. Basic requirements: technological diagram - description of the technological process divided into logically interconnected functional elements; scientific base – reliance on a certain scientific concept of achieving educational goals; systematicity - logic, interconnection of parts, integrity; controllability – planning, step-by-step diagnostics, varying means and methods; efficiency – achievement of a certain standard of training, efficiency in terms of results, optimality in terms of costs; reproducibility - application in other preschool educational institutions. The main component of gaming technology is direct and systematic communication between the teacher and children . Play activities take place in an emotionally favorable psychological environment, an atmosphere of goodwill, freedom, and in the absence of isolation of passive children. Gaming technologies help children relax, gain self-confidence, and more easily master material of any complexity. Methodological foundations of gaming technology : created with the help of gaming techniques and situations that act as a means of inducing and stimulating the child to activity; is carried out in a certain sequence (the didactic goal is set in the form of a game task, educational activities are subject to the rules of the game, educational material is used as a means, successful completion of the didactic task is associated with the game result); covers a certain part of the educational process, united by common content, plot, character; games and exercises that form knowledge from the educational field are included sequentially. The management when organizing gaming technology must meet the requirements: choice of game, proposal of the game, explanation of the game, gaming equipment, organization of the gaming group, development of the gaming situation, ending the game. Game pedagogical technologies include various methods and techniques for organizing the educational process in the form of a variety of pedagogical games . Unlike games in general, a pedagogical game has an essential feature - a clearly defined goal of education, development and training, a pedagogical result . The game form of classes is created using game techniques and situations.

Classification of educational technologies

Differentiation of PT by type depends on the selected classifying feature. Let us consider in the summary table the classification according to the main characteristics:

Classification signType of pedagogical technologyExplanation
content and structureeducationalThe learning process provides in-depth knowledge of one or more subjects
educationalThe main goal is not training, but education
general educationTraining is carried out within the framework of the main academic disciplines
form of organizationindividualEducation is based on individual communication between teacher and student. Example - tutoring
groupA prototype of classroom teaching technology. Initially, students are a group of people of different ages and levels of training. Modern classroom technology assumes that groups of students consist of people of approximately the same level of training
differentiatedA combination of individual and group training
approach to the learnerauthoritarianA student is a subordinate object in the “teacher-student” chain. Characterized by rigid organization of the learning process, suppression of initiative and independence of the student
personalEducation is built on the recognition of the student as an individual. The goal is to reveal and increase the student’s potential
cooperativeThe basis of the pedagogical process is equal cooperation between teacher and student
predominant teaching methodexplanatory and illustrativeTraining is carried out on the basis of explanations with simultaneous presentation of visuals
reproductiveThe essence of learning is “drilling and rote learning”
developingTraining is based on the rapid development of thinking, achieved by the comprehensive development of the student
gamingThe learning process takes place in a game format
problem-searchThe teacher sets a problem, students find solutions during a collective discussion

Each of the existing pedagogical technologies can be classified according to several criteria at once.

For example, PT in secondary schools in our country can be classified (with a few exceptions) as general education, group, authoritarian, explanatory. In principle, this is a classic model of “education for all”, which has confirmed its right to exist with more than 400 years of experience.

Modern pedagogical technologies use both classical methods and techniques used for centuries, as well as innovative ones (including original ones). The choice of a specific PT is dictated by the circumstances of the current situation or the approved provisions of the educational institution.

I’ll explain with an example: let’s say a child comes to study at a music school. He has wonderful hearing and a magnificent voice. It would seem that practice vocals with him, and do not “torment” the child with other objects.

But the status of a music school implies that the student must receive a full set of knowledge in all musical subjects: in the specialty (learning to play a musical instrument), in solfeggio (hearing development), in choral singing, in musical literature.

This is a unified standard that provides a fairly clear framework for teachers in choosing educational technologies. Based on the completed course of study at a music school, the graduate is issued a state-issued certificate.

If the parents sent the child to study at a music studio for vocals, then he will be taught there mainly in singing. This course is not standardized, so the teacher has complete freedom regarding the choice of pedagogical technology. He can “give” the student a voice using the classical method or use the author’s method.

Modern educational technologies and methods in the educational process

Irina Nikitushkina

Modern educational technologies and methods in the educational process

Children are explorers by nature. They participate with great interest in a wide variety of research work. Project Method is widely used.

The basis of the project-based learning system is the creative assimilation of knowledge by schoolchildren in the process of independent search activity, that is, design. The design product is an educational project , which can be the text of a speech, an essay, a booklet, a photo album, a presentation, etc. The
basis of any project is to provide the child with the opportunity to be a researcher, transformer , experimenter. At the same time, conditions must be created in which he receives satisfaction from his activities.

The purpose of research project activities is to obtain answers to the questions: “Why does this phenomenon exist?”

“How can it be explained?”
. During project activities, the child not only assimilates what the teacher tells him, but turns into a researcher, while the teacher creates conditions in which the child himself receives an answer to his question.

Research project activities of schoolchildren are often individual in nature and involve the involvement of the child’s immediate environment (family, friends)

into his area of ​​interest.
Such a study can be carried out with a small subgroup and involves certain stages. During the first stage, a situation is created in which the child has the question: “What do I want to know?”
. The second stage involves the active involvement of the child in project activities, conducting experiments, analyzing literature, etc. The third stage is defending the project, during which the child demonstrates the results of his work and shows how he understood the topic.

To summarize, it can be noted that the relevance of project activities is due to the fact that it allows one to expand the social and cognitive space of children, develop their creative activity, general intellectual abilities, and form cognitive motivation. Therefore, project activities must be included in the educational program as often as it is appropriate and convenient .

The child must be at the core. This means he must be interested. Project topics can come not only from an adult, but primarily from a child - what he is interested in learning. When we talk about project activities at school according to the Federal State Educational Standard, we must remember that in project activities with students, the teacher’s position changes, and he becomes a partner for the children. Partnership activities between an adult and children should be built on a very meaningful point: reading fiction, play, productive activity, cognitive-research activity - but the teacher does everything together with the children. You should always pay attention to 4 main positions in which the teacher becomes a partner for the child:

1) The teacher’s involvement in activities on an equal basis with the children. The teacher sits at the table with the children and looks through the literature together with them, looking for illustrations. This is not the position of a teacher who showed techniques and stepped aside.

2) The second condition is the child’s voluntary participation in the activity without psychological and disciplinary coercion.

3) The third position is free communication.

4) The fourth position of partnerships is an individual pace of work on the project, which provides each child with his own level and stages of mastering some educational field .

Any project must take place in a problem situation. A problematic situation can be formulated by both an adult and the child himself. Not everything can be called a project, not all topics of project activity are suitable. Not every joint activity of a teacher and children related to a specific topic can be translated into the framework of project activities. For the project, we select only the situation that cannot be solved by direct action, for example, “let’s go and read about it in a book”


Project-based learning, at its core, is student-centered, which means it allows students to learn from their own experiences and the experiences of others. This stimulates the cognitive interests of students, makes it possible to gain satisfaction from the results of their work, and to realize the situation of success in learning.

In this regard, the problem of searching for new teaching technologies . New technologies should help the teacher organize educational activities so that students are the subjects of their own activities: they are aware of and can identify the problem themselves, they can set a goal for studying a particular issue, they themselves formulate problems, solve them, and apply the acquired knowledge in practice. The system-activity approach to education includes a number of educational technologies that enable the teacher to create and search. This approach allows you to work for high results. The fragmentary inclusion of lessons-lectures, seminars, and tests in the practice of teaching social disciplines at the secondary level logically grows into a modular system of teaching in high schools. Therefore, in order to create sustainable motivation and cognitive interest in the subject as a whole, each lesson in discovering new knowledge is built using technology and ICT. technology is suitable for work in different classes: both at the middle level and at the senior level. It allows you to maintain interest in the lesson, children independently formulate the problem, the purpose of the lesson, make plans, and draw conclusions. methodology is based on the idea that every lesson should contribute to both the assimilation of new information and the formation of skills and abilities to process this information . Specially designed questions and tasks of a problematic, logical nature develop in students the need for systematic preparation of homework and study of additional literature. What is new in comparison with the traditional teaching system is the organization of reflection in lessons in order to identify and evaluate one’s own successes and failures.

The use of ICT is given great importance at certain stages of the lesson. The use of color, graphics, sound, video allows you to influence all the child’s senses. Students take tests on computers, watch teacher presentations, and watch video clips. The presence of a multimedia projector in the classroom made presentation using Microsoft Power Point an integral part of any lesson.

critical thinking technology techniques can help create conditions that maximally stimulate the development of schoolchildren’s intellectual abilities According to G. Selevko, critical thinking is one of the types of human intellectual activity, which is characterized by a high level of perception, understanding, and objectivity of approach to the information field surrounding it. The features of the conceptual approaches of this technology are as follows: it is not the volume of knowledge or the amount of information that is the goal of education , but how the student knows how to manage this information: search for it, assimilate it in the best way, find meaning in it, apply it in life;

not assigning "ready"

knowledge, but the construction of one’s own, which is born in
the learning process ; the communicative-activity principle of teaching, which provides for a dialogue mode of classes, a joint search for solutions to problems, as well as “partnership”
relations between the teacher and students; objective assessment of the positive and negative aspects of a cognizable object.

Thinking critically means showing curiosity, using research methods , asking yourself questions, systematically searching for answers, developing your own point of view and the ability to defend it with logical arguments, paying attention to your opponent’s arguments and their logical comprehension.

In critical thinking there is a technological aspect that allows you to clearly organize the educational process and at the same time comprehensively solve the most important educational and educational tasks - discipline, clear and attentive completion of tasks.

The technological effectiveness of critical thinking teaches students the ability to independently process information and forms independent thinking; critical thinking develops communication skills, dialogue skills, and the ability to work in a team. This technology incorporates the technique of mutual learning. It is known that the easiest way to learn is by teaching others. Students are given the role of teacher. This raises their self-esteem and makes them believe in their abilities - this technique is most effective when working with informative text. Transferring information to each other develops various types of perception: analytical, visual, auditory, reflective; critical thinking develops students' ability to self-regulate learning activities and self-education in general . Reflective analysis of problems mastered by students is a necessary condition for their development of techniques for independently setting problems, hypotheses and plans, solutions, and criteria for evaluating the results obtained.

List of sources used:

1. Selevko G.K. Modern educational technologies : textbook . – M.: Public Education , 2004

2. Sennovsky I. B. Modular pedagogical technology at school : analysis of conditions and results of development. – M. 1995

3. Tretyakov P. I., Sennovsky I. B. Technology of modular teaching at school, M., New School, 2001

4. Choshanov M. A. Flexible technology of problem-modular learning: Method . allowance. – M.: Public Education , 1996

5. D. Halpern “Psychology of critical thinking”

. – St. Petersburg. Peter, 2000

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