Pedagogical Council "Modern pedagogical technologies in preschool institutions"
Currently, teaching staff of preschool educational institutions are intensively introducing innovative technologies into their work. Therefore, the main task of preschool teachers is to choose methods and forms of organizing work with children, innovative pedagogical technologies that optimally correspond to the goal of personal development. Many technologies have quite a lot of similarities in their goals, content, methods and means used, and based on these common features they can solve the problem of forming a “competent personality” in accordance with the targets outlined in the Standard.
A fundamentally important aspect in pedagogical technology is the child’s position in the educational process, the attitude of adults towards the child. When communicating with children, an adult adheres to the position: “Not next to him, not above him, but together!” Its goal is to promote the development of the child as an individual.
Today we will talk about educational technologies and their effective use in preschool institutions.
You and I will be builders and we will build a house under the name, and we will give the name of the house when we resolve all the issues of our council.
To begin construction, the site must be cleared. The letters were scattered on it; they had to be assembled into a word.
This word includes methods, techniques, a sequence of operations and procedures; it is closely related to the means, equipment, materials used, or it is clear and unambiguous knowledge (usually in the form of a set of rules or an algorithm) that allows one to obtain the desired final result from the initial components ( technology).
Game "Collect the word."
The site for the construction of a house consists of the main word - technology. The foundation of our house will begin to build and consolidate our knowledge about modern educational technologies in a preschool educational organization, the senior teacher of the preschool educational institution “Modern educational technologies in the context of the Federal State Educational Standard.”
Let's review what the term “technology” itself means.
comes from the Greek words for "skill, art" and "law, science" - this is
the science of craftsmanship.
The core of any technology: goal - means - rules for their use - result.
Pedagogical t
technology functions both as a science that studies and designs the most rational way of learning, and as a system of algorithms, methods and results of activities, and as a real process of teaching and education.
Pedagogical technology
is a holistic, scientifically based project of a certain pedagogical system from its theoretical concept to implementation in educational practice, reflecting the procedural side of training and education and covering their goals and content. Forms, methods, means, results and conditions of their organization.
Pedagogical Council "Innovative technologies in preschool educational institutions" methodological development on the topic
Pedagogical Council
"Innovative technologies in preschool educational institutions"
- To clarify teachers’ ideas about pedagogical technologies, about innovative technologies of teaching and upbringing in a preschool institution;
- Introduce teachers to some modern technologies of preschool education;
- To promote the formation of motivation to use innovations in teaching activities.
Preliminary work:
1) A survey of preschool teachers on the question: “What innovations have you used over the past 5 years? (separately by year";
2) Testing of teachers:
a) a method for assessing the level of creative potential of an individual (Fetiskin N.P. Socio-psychological diagnostics of the development of the individual and small groups / N.P. Fetiskin, V.V. Kozlov. - M.: Publishing House of the Institute of Psychotherapy, 2002. - 490 With.);
b) methods for measuring rigidity (Raigorodsky D.Ya. Practical psychodiagnostics. Methods and tests: textbook / D.Ya. Raigorodsky. - Samara: BAKHRA-M, 2001. - 672 p.)
Pedagogical Council Plan:
- Theoretical information:
a) clarification of the concepts “method”, “technique”, “technology”, “innovation”, “innovative technology”;
b) social trends that contribute to the birth of innovations and their application in preschool education.
2) Analysis of data obtained during the survey and testing of preschool teachers.
3) Theoretical background: “Classification of innovative technologies.”
4) Presentation by preschool teachers of some modern technologies of preschool education.
Progress of the teachers' council:
I. Theoretical background.
1) Express survey of teachers.
Recently, when covering issues of modern preschool education, we constantly hear the terms: “pedagogical technology”, “modern technologies of preschool education”, “innovation”, “innovative technologies in preschool educational institutions”.
I ask you to raise your hands to those who understand well and have clear ideas about what pedagogical technology is and how it differs from the method and methodology, from the preschool education program, what innovative technologies exist in preschool education and what their essence is.
Depending on the result of the express survey:
- if there are many hands, the task of the pedagogical council is to update our ideas about innovative pedagogical technologies in preschool education and consider some of them in detail, get acquainted with the experience of our colleagues in using some innovative technologies in practice;
- if there are few hands, the task of the pedagogical council is to form ideas about innovative technologies of preschool education in general and get acquainted with some of them.
2) Work on clarifying the concepts of “method”, “technique”, “pedagogical technology”, “innovation”, “innovative technology”.
— Question to educators: “What is a method?”
(a method is a set of techniques and operations; a way to achieve a goal. For example, a teaching method is a way of joint activity between children and an adult, as a result of which children acquire knowledge, skills and abilities. The method of education is the interconnected activity of a teacher and students, aimed at achieving educational goals).
— Question to educators: “What is the methodology?” (a methodology is a set of methods that provide a solution to a specific problem. For example, a methodology for teaching literacy).
— Thus, schematically the relationship between methods and methodology can be expressed as follows (Appendix 1).
— Question for educators: “What is pedagogical technology?” (Pedagogical technology is an optimally selected set of methods, techniques, tools and an algorithm for their use to solve a clearly formulated problem).
What then is the difference between methodology and technology, if both are a certain set of methods and techniques for solving a specific problem?
Let's try to express the relationships between method, methodology and technology schematically (Appendix 2).
The essential features of pedagogical technology are (Appendix 3):
- Initial detailed information about the condition of each child;
- Clear logic and consistency of rules;
- It is always represented by stages of activity, each of which has its own goal. The first stage of any technology is always the diagnostic stage;
- Monitoring the achievement of results (from stage to stage). Only when children achieve the result does the transition to the next stage occur;
- Detailed detail, strict algorithm;
- Detailed definition of the final result. Guaranteed receipt of the planned result.
The essence of technology is methodology.
— Thus, the differences between the method, methodology and technology are (Appendix 4):
- A method is a set of techniques; methodology is a set of methods; technology is an optimal set of methods and means;
- Methodology and technology differ in the initial object: for the method it is an “average” child, for technology it is detailed information about the initial state of each child;
- Methodology and technology differ in the degree of elaboration and detail: methodology is the general direction of activity (for example, methods of teaching literacy), and technology is a detailed route with clearly indicated tools (for example, problem-based learning technology);
- Methodology and technology differ in content: methodology is the core, the essence of technology, its internal content, and technology is the tools around the core (methodology), which can change, speeding up processes, but the essence remains the same. (for example, a methodology for teaching literacy is an essence, and a set of the most effective techniques, an optimal algorithm, etc., together with a methodology, is a technology);
- The method and technology differ in the result: the outcome of the method is difficult to predict, because it depends on many factors (including the personal qualities of the teacher); the technology guarantees the achievement of the planned result; its application is less influenced by subjective factors due to detailed regulation of activities.
— Question for educators: “What place does the educational program of preschool education occupy among methodology and technology?” (The preschool education program determines the tasks and content of a preschooler’s education, and technology is the toolkit with which these tasks are solved. Technology is born from experience and can subsequently become the basis for creating a program).
The location of the preschool education program can be shown schematically (Appendix 5).
— Pedagogical technologies are classified into traditional and innovative (Appendix 6).
Traditional teaching technology is explanatory and illustrative teaching. The main methods are explanation combined with visualization, and the types of children's activities are listening and memorizing. This technology has its advantages and disadvantages.
Innovative technology contains an innovation component.
Innovation (innovation, change, renewal) is the activity of creating, mastering, using and disseminating something new.
Innovative technology is a new component for the education system.
Thus, innovation is not synonymous with innovative technology. We may use some kind of innovation in our work, but not necessarily innovative technology.
3) Social trends that promote the introduction of innovative technologies in preschool education.
— Why in recent years have we often begun to hear and use the concept of “innovative technology”? There are objective circumstances for this. Life itself dictates the need to use innovations and innovative technologies.
A number of social trends are identified that contribute to the creation and dissemination of innovative technologies. This:
- Requirements for the humanization of the educational process;
- High level of quality of education in connection with the implementation of FGT and Federal State Educational Standards;
- Focus on cultural and moral values;
- Competitive relations between educational institutions;
- Actively responding to the diversity of interests and needs of children and their parents.
Positive factors for using innovative technologies:
- Improving the quality of children's education;
- Growth of professional skills;
- Ability to carry out research activities;
- Increasing the competitiveness of the institution.
Difficulties in implementing innovative technologies:
- Increased complexity of work;
- Expanding the range of job responsibilities;
- Insufficient resources to implement innovations;
- Study overload.
II. Analysis of data obtained as a result of questionnaires and testing of teachers.
— Introducing teachers to data
— Rigidity is difficulty (up to complete inability) in changing the program of activity planned by a person in conditions that objectively require its restructuring. Rigidity - a tendency to preserve one’s attitudes, stereotypes, ways of thinking, inability to change personal point of view
— Professional mobility is the ability and readiness of an individual to quickly and successfully master new equipment and technology, to acquire the missing knowledge and skills that ensure the effectiveness of new career guidance activities.
— Conclusion based on the data.
III. Theoretical information
— Classification of innovative technologies (Appendix 7).
— The main innovative technologies used in preschool educational institutions are (these technologies are highlighted in the classification scheme in a different color):
- Health-saving technologies;
- Project-based learning technology;
- Technology of developmental education;
- Interactive technology, ICT technology;
- Gaming technology;
- Problem-based learning technology.
IV. Presentation by preschool teachers of some innovative technologies
— Speeches by teachers.
- List of literature on technologies - put on the table for reference.
1. Atemaskina Yu.V. Modern pedagogical technologies in preschool educational institutions / Yu. V. 1. Atemaskina. – M.: Detstvo-Press, 2011. – 112 p.
2. Borodina O.N. Methodological support for innovative activities of preschool teachers / O. N. Borodina // Teacher of Kuzbass. – 2014. – No. 1 – P.8-11.
3. Panfilova A.P. Innovative pedagogical technologies. Active learning / A. P. Panfilova. – M.: Publishing house. , 2009. -192 p.
4. Pidkasisty P.I. Pedagogy: textbook / P. I. Pidkasisty. – M., 2006. – 608 p.
5. Raigorodsky D.Ya. Practical psychodiagnostics. Methods and tests: textbook / D.Ya. Raigorodsky. – Samara: BAKHRA-M, 2001. – 672 p.
6. Fetiskin N.P. Socio-psychological diagnostics of personality development and small groups / N.P. Fetiskin, V.V. Kozlov. – M.: Publishing House of the Institute of Psychotherapy, 2002. – 490 p.
Report on the topic: “Modern educational technologies in teaching preschoolers
Topic of the pedagogical council:
Modern educational technologies in teaching preschoolers
“Modern educational technologies in teaching preschool children”
Performance date:
In 2014, the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard for Education began, and from 2021, the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard for Education began.
What principles does the Standard proclaim?
- The principle of individualization, when the child himself becomes the subject of education;
- The principle of age adequacy;
- The principle of supporting initiative and independence;
- The principle of developmental education;
- The principle of joint activity between children and adults.
Accordingly, technologies are needed that are based on an activity approach, in which the child is included in the processes of self-development and self-regulation, demonstrating his cognitive activity. Why is it important to master preschool education technologies?
Pedagogical technology allows you to intensify the creative activity of children, show a subjective position to the child, allow you to form the qualities indicated in the target guidelines of the Federal State Educational Standard for Education, prerequisites for educational activities, which are so necessary at subsequent stages of education.
Due to the fact that one of the principles of the Standard is taking into account individual and age characteristics, modern preschool education requires new approaches to the design and construction of educational activities, completely different approaches to the educational process.
And, most importantly, we need teaching staff capable of developing original programs, projects and introducing preschool education technologies, adapting them to their conditions. Pedagogical technology (from ancient Greek τέχνη - art, skill, skill; λόγος - word, teaching) - a special set of forms, methods, methods, teaching techniques and educational means, systematically used in the educational process on the basis of declared psychological and pedagogical principles , always leading to the achievement of the predicted educational result with an acceptable standard of deviation.
Health-saving technologies
Educators mistakenly believe that any implemented technology already contains health-saving technology. This is wrong. Sometimes, putting forward such categories as education, training, personal development, and health care fade into the background. Although the principle of “do no harm” is inherent in every technology.
One of the criteria for any technology is consistency. Therefore, it is very important, when implementing health-saving technologies, to systematically organize the work, having a scientific basis.
Types of health-saving technologies:
- medical and preventive technologies;
- health-saving technologies;
- technologies for the social well-being of the child; technologies for valeology training of parents.
Technologies of mathematics education
One of the current areas of education is the development of mathematics education. The Russian Federation has developed a Concept of Mathematical Education, the goal of which is to increase the level of mathematical education.
The main directions of implementation of the Concept in preschool education:
- provide a developing subject-spatial environment;
- provide an information environment;
- provide educational situations;
- ensure the formation of primary mathematical concepts used in life.
Developmental technology “Mnemotechnics” in the educational process
of preschool educational institutions.
“Teach a child some five words unknown to him - he will
suffer for a long time and in vain, but associate twenty such words with pictures, and he will learn them on the fly.”
MNEMOTECHNICS is the art of memorization through the formation of artificial associations using a system of methods and techniques that ensure effective memorization, preservation and reproduction of information, the purpose of which is the development of not only memory of various types (visual, auditory, motor and tactile), but also thinking, attention, imagination.
We easily incorporate this technology into all types of classes and I think that it is more rational to introduce it with children 4-5 years old, since they have accumulated a basic vocabulary. They use mnemonic tracks and mnemonic tables (schemes containing certain information). In classes on speech development, they are especially effective and are used as a support system for retelling fairy tales, short stories, and for composing descriptive stories. Also, with the help of mnemonic tables and mnemonic tracks, children can be introduced to the world around them during educational classes. For example, in environmental education of children, it helps them form the concept of “season as a time of year,” remember the signs of the seasons, learn the principles of writing descriptive stories about the seasons, describing wild and domestic animals, and various objects. You can depict anything that you consider necessary to reflect in this table, but in such a way that it is understandable to children. Thanks to teaching children mnemonic techniques, positive dynamics can be noted: the volume of visual and verbal memory significantly increases, the distribution and stability of attention improves, and mental activity is activated.
The most important principles of mnemonics.
The development of memory is based on two main factors - imagination and association. In order to remember something new, you need to relate this new thing to something, i.e. make an associative connection with some already known factor, calling on your imagination to help. Association is a mental connection between two images. The more diverse and numerous the associations, the more firmly they are fixed in memory. Strange, illogical associations promote better memory. Basic techniques:
- Formation of semantic phrases from the initial letters of memorized information
- Rhyming
- Finding bright unusual associations (pictures, phrases) that connect with memorized information
- Patterns
- Familiar numbers
The mnemonic device unloads information, making new material “easily digestible.”
Construction - modern pedagogical technology
LEGO technology
Lego technology is a modern technology that is built on integrative principles.
Lego construction is a practical creative activity. This is an activity that integrates a number of educational, educational and developmental tasks. With the help of Lego technology, the problems of speech development, socialization, development of mental abilities, spatial concepts, formation of independence and initiative are solved.
Robotics is a new modern technology. And, unlike Lego, technology is still poorly implemented in the educational process of preschool educational institutions.
The implementation of this technology requires, firstly, a material and technical base, that is, materials on robotics and programming, and secondly, trained teaching staff are required.
The technology is unique, it has good didactic capabilities:
- promotes the development of fine motor skills;
- develops the ability to interact in a team;
- develops design skills and basic engineering concepts; develops project presentation skills.
Design technologies in kindergarten
The design technology is based on joint activities, both adults and children, and children among themselves, who have agreed on the goals and methods of activity.
What could be the start of a project?
Spontaneity is the interest of a child, the interest of a group of children, a “point of surprise” in a developing subject-spatial environment.
The planned project involves the formulation of a problem, task, understatement of information, etc. The following types of projects are distinguished:
- creative projects;
- research; informational; gaming.
Creative projects do not have a clear project structure.
Research projects, on the other hand, have a clear structure. Setting goals, objectives, determining significance and relevance, as well as ways to achieve results.
Information projects are a type of project that requires working with given information (search, information analysis, synthesis and presentation).
There are three levels of project activity.
The first level is performing, for children 3-5 years old.
The second level is developmental, for children 5-6 years old.
The third level is creative, for children 6-7 years old.
Information and communication technologies - ICT
information and communication technologies - ICT are methods and means of processing information and communication.
The possibilities of using ICT are determined by the software installed on the device - the computer.
The global Internet allows you to work with different sources of information - electronic libraries, various databases, file storages.
What didactic tasks are solved with the help of ICT?
- Individualization of training;
- Increased motivation;
- Visibility, accessibility, practicality;
- Activation of the learning process;
- Possibility of self-determination and goal setting;
- Flexibility of the learning process, mobility;
- Ability to create your own multimedia resources.
Distance learning technology is based on the use of modern means of information and communication technologies.
To achieve educational results, the following information technologies are used:
- Webinars;
- Video conferencing;
- Email;
- Electronic resources; Test programs;
- Cable TV.
Technology of active teaching methods and moderation
active teaching methods - AMO is a system of methods, techniques and means that ensure activity in various types of activities, allowing one to master educational material.
Those who use active learning methods must clearly understand that the student becomes not an object of learning - remembering and following instructions, but an active subject who independently determines his goals, objectives and learning outcomes. Active learning methods allow students to develop the qualities necessary for successful self-realization in a rapidly changing world.
The methods can be used both at individual stages of the event and at all stages.
Active learning methods are used to increase students’ motivation, cognitive activity, to develop the ability to work in a team, and communication skills.
Case technology as one of the AMO methods
“Case Technology” is an interactive technology for short-term training based on real or fictitious situations, aimed mainly at developing new qualities and skills.
The “photo case” includes:
- A photo whose subject reflects a problem.
- Text for a case that describes a set of events.
- A task is a correctly posed question. It must be motivated to solve the problem.
Conceptual ideas of “case - technology”:
- getting to know a real or simulated problem and presenting your view on its solution;
- have a great influence on the sensory, mental and speech development of the child;
- form children's communication skills.
This technology combines this complex reality and the learning task. Provides intellectual and moral development. Conclusion:
Today, a teacher does not have enough knowledge about existing technologies; he also needs the ability to apply them in practical activities. The demand for teaching masters is always high. To feel confident, a teacher must master at least three fundamentally different technologies: productive (subject-oriented), gentle (personally-oriented), and collaboration technology.
The same technology can be implemented by different performers more or less conscientiously, exactly according to instructions or creatively. The results will be different, however, close to some average statistical value characteristic of this technology. Sometimes a master teacher uses elements of several technologies in his work and applies original methodological techniques. In this case, we should talk about the “author’s” technology of this teacher. Every teacher is a creator of technology, even if he deals with borrowings. The creation of technology is impossible without creativity. For a teacher who has learned to work at the technological level, the main guideline will always be the cognitive process in its developing state. Modern educational activity is primarily the skill of the teacher. The use of elements of different technological approaches in the practice of teaching the subject, their critical analysis can become the basis for the formation of one’s own pedagogical style. Any educational technology must be reproducible and health-saving.
Analysis of the essence of pedagogical technologies allows us to draw the following conclusions:
— pedagogical technologies are focused on students and are aimed at ensuring the success of learning through their own activities; — pedagogical technologies allow you to achieve learning goals through personal development; due to its assimilation of goals and objective control and self-monitoring of the quality of vocational education.
List of recommended literature:
- Atemaskina Yu.V. Modern pedagogical technologies in preschool educational institutions / Yu. V. 1. Atemaskina. – M.: Detstvo-Press, 2011. – 112 p.
- Borodina O.N. Methodological support for innovative activities of preschool teachers / O. N. Borodina // Teacher of Kuzbass. – 2014. – No. 1 – P.8-11.
- Veraksa N.E., Veraksa A.N. "Project activities of preschoolers."
- Elena Kolesnikova: Ready-made portfolio albums for preschoolers by age Portfolio in preschool educational institutions: collection /author-comp. N. A. Kochkina - M.: 2012.
- Hakkarainen P. Game-based learning as a reliable foundation for development // Psychological science and education – 2010.- No. 3