Why do teachers undergo certification?
Teachers are assessed for suitability for their position, and they receive the category voluntarily. Social media surveys have shown that they do this for the following reasons.
Raise your status
. This is the main reason cited by teachers themselves. If a teacher has a qualification category, it is easier for him to get a job, and he is more willing to be invited to speak at conferences and other events. The category shows that the teacher has experience and makes him more authoritative.
Raise salaries
. The category allowance varies greatly depending on the region. In the Tver region, for the first category they pay an additional 70% of the salary, for the highest - 40%, in the Trans-Baikal Territory for the highest category they pay an additional 15% of the salary. In some regions, getting a category is really profitable. Especially for young teachers who do not yet have bonuses for their experience.
They think it's necessary
. Some teachers are certified for a qualification category because everyone does this. But not everyone needs to receive a category - there are preschool teachers who are able to create comfortable conditions in the group, but at the same time they do not want to broadcast their experience, participate in competitions or involve children in projects.
They are going because they were forced to.
. Sometimes the administration forces teachers to undergo category certification for the sake of indicators that are looked at during inspections. The administration is afraid that for the small percentage of certified teachers they will be issued an order, although this is unlikely to happen. If a teacher undergoes certification under pressure, he can do it formally.
Increase knowledge and experience
. To pass certification, a teacher needs to participate in competitions, undergo training, and broadcast experience. But not all courses can be included in the portfolio that is submitted to the certification commission. Sometimes a teacher receives more information in unlicensed courses than in official ones. Also, a teacher can gain valuable knowledge and experience through live communication with expert teachers or through internships in other kindergartens. And this is difficult to put into an attestation portfolio. Therefore, this reason is mentioned by the least number of teachers.