Subject development environment in preschool educational institutions; methodological development on the topic

Good afternoon, dear readers! Today we have an interesting and important topic on the creative development of children. Decorating fine art corners is also an art. There is no doubt that the majority of preschoolers love to draw. This is how they discover and explore the world, learn new things. You can familiarize yourself with the corresponding useful publication by the author N.G. Panteleeva. Kids enjoy drawing and being creative in art classes. Some of the children like to look at albums with paintings by artists or folk crafts. The development of aesthetic taste and creativity is undoubtedly the most important point in education.

Pictures for a safety stand: safety corner in kindergarten design

A corner with visual materials on the topic of safety is an integral part of the overall design of each group in kindergarten. By studying useful pictures, instructive stories, tips and rules, young explorers learn to recognize danger both at home and on the street.

Proper design of the safety stand in the future will certainly protect many children from injury, and perhaps even save their lives.

To make it easy to create a stand with information interesting for kids, you can use ready-made pictures and useful materials for filling.

safety rules for children in pictures

Templates for stands and posters about safety for children:

safety pictures for children in kindergarten

Information in the “Your Safety” section of the stand:

summer safety pictures

safety at home and on the streets

promoting safety in preschoolers

about fire safety for children

pictures of rules of behavior for children

what to do if you get lost on the street

Design of fine art corners according to modern standards (FSES)

Respected educators can become wonderful assistants in the knowledge of beauty. An arts and crafts area must be included in the group for the development of creative activity in children. And the bright and colorful design of the fine arts corner will attract children to creativity faster. I would immediately like to recommend a series by I. Lykova on creative activities in the garden. I would like to recommend the next publication , as well as this manual . For the older group, good examples of work are also given to help.

It must be remembered that according to the standard, when creating a corner, a group passport will be required. It is stored directly in the documents of the teacher or in the activity area in the group. The passport includes a description of the group, its number, the age of the children, the purpose of its creation, and the assigned tasks. A list of furniture, tools and materials must also be indicated. It is necessary to mention the number and function of posters, diagrams and other visual materials.

Modern standards of the Federal State Educational Standard dictate certain conditions so that the design of the corners of the fine art is competent. It must meet hygiene requirements. The place where the corner items are located should be well lit. It is advisable to place it near a window. Also, chairs and tables should correspond to the growth characteristics of each age group. The choice of equipment and tools should meet the needs of children.

The fact is that each age group has a certain uniqueness. And the design of the corners of the fine art should be age-appropriate. For example, children in the nursery group are going through a process of adaptation. In this regard, teachers do not need to regularly change the design of the corner. There is no need for kids to be distracted by new objects. A familiar environment without frequent innovations contributes to a softer and faster adaptation for the child.

As for the middle and older groups, the color scheme and information about art are expanding more actively. The displays in the corner can be changed more often, presenting more complex objects. It is proposed to use scissors in work under the supervision of a teacher. It is also possible to use materials such as coal and sanguine in creativity. I recommend reading this software and methodological complex .

Pictures for stands for parents

On the walls of the corridors of kindergartens you can often find stands with educational information for parents. They are designed to teach parents important rules for the safety of their children, interesting aspects of raising and developing a child, as well as to promote a healthy lifestyle. Information stands can be supplemented with sections that will be taught by educators, a speech therapist, and a full-time psychologist.

stand templates for parents

memo to parents pictures

Pictures for sections on child safety

pictures of the alphabet of health

pictures of psychologist's advice

pictures of advice to parents

pictures of speech therapist for children

Anti-terror pictures for the stand

The Anti-Terror stand highlights important topics that help children learn to recognize danger in the form of terrorist criminals, as well as to behave correctly in the event of a terrorist attack.

Main topics that can be presented at the stand:

  • Rules of conduct with strangers. Is it possible to have conversations with them and what to do if your parents are not around.
  • What to do if you are alone at home.
  • We learn our names, addresses, and phone numbers of our parents.
  • Dangerous situations on the street: strange objects.
  • Campaigning for a world without war.
  • Actions in the event of a threat of a terrorist attack.

children's pictures anti-terror

anti-terror pictures for kindergarten

danger signs pictures

pictures and information for the mobile folder at the Antiterror stand

Firefighter stand clip art

Posting information about fire safety is one of the ways to inform kindergarten students and their parents. The fire stand in kindergarten is decorated with text and graphic information. Its main task is to convey information in an accessible form on how to prevent a fire, and if one occurs, how to avoid negative consequences.

In a preschool educational institution, the fire stand consists of several sectors, for example, it could be information about fire prevention, types of fire extinguishing agents, propaganda leaflets, evacuation recommendations. For each section it is necessary to select suitable information material in pictures.

In preschool educational institutions, on fire safety stands, it is advisable to place educational pictures on the topic:

  • dangerous actions and consequences of a fire;
  • actions in drawings during a fire;
  • images of fire extinguishing equipment.

Pictures for decorating a stand in kindergarten

where to call fire

fire safety rules in the forest

pictures for children about fire

templates for fire safety stand

folder moving in dow for parents

An interesting part of the fire stand is a sliding folder with information presented in a concise form and with beautiful illustrations. You can fill such a folder with the following materials:

Many functions in unison

Considering that the group is a small room, you need to make the most of every meter. And the playing area can be changed depending on the initial circumstances. The tools and materials in this case should be easily modified for a new game presentation. You can also sometimes combine zones with similar themes. Let’s say that an “artist’s workshop” and a puppet theater coexist well.

Also, the main argument of the corner is its safety. Furniture, toys, materials must be of high quality and harmless. More dangerous items (sharp, cutting) should be stored in closed containers. Carrying out creative activities using tools should be carried out under the supervision of a teacher.

And another important point, of course, is to take into account the interests of girls and boys. Let there be different objects in the corner that are attractive separately for boys and girls. For example, these will be coloring pages with dolls, butterflies and coloring pages with robots and cars.

Traffic regulations pictures for the stand

Preschoolers, due to their age, do not yet understand the level of danger awaiting them on the road. In addition, kids are very active and inquisitive, which increases the risk of ending up on the road. It is precisely in order to teach children how to cross the road correctly, not to ride a bicycle and not to play in dangerous places near moving vehicles that illustrated stands are created in kindergartens. They help preschoolers consolidate the material they have learned about traffic rules in life safety classes.

Stand templates and ready-made posters in pictures of traffic rules for preschoolers

Road signs - pictures for the traffic rules stand

Pictures for designing sections of the traffic rules stand

Unique design of the corner and didactic games for the art corner

For example, when taking into account the age of younger preschoolers, attention should be paid to the peculiarities of their perception. For example, a small number of flowers is enough for such kids. These are blue, red, green, yellow, black. At first, there may be pencils and markers in the corner. Then, as the kids get older, you can add other materials. Such as wax crayons, watercolors, charcoal. Or, for example, little pupils mastered drawing with cotton swabs. Then you can put them in the art corner.

A didactic game for any age group plays an equally important role in education. Games of this nature develop preschoolers’ independence in problem solving and curiosity. Most importantly, they contribute to the ability to play in a team. Another interesting point for the teacher is that you can organize a stand for children’s work. Here children can hang their drawing or applique. Parents will also be very pleased to see the work of their children. I invite you to get acquainted with the publication , which contains examples of creative work with children.

Pictures season summer

Summer is the period of the most vivid childhood impressions and emotions. Some people go to the sea, some go on a hike, some go to the river... Whatever the childhood holiday, it is always memorable and unique. To capture the storm of these wonderful memories, the preschool educational institutions set up summer stands. They are a free platform for imagination, ideas and impressions. What to put on the Summer stand?! Everything related to the summer months, for example, such fellings:

  • Hello summer!
  • Summer months and what they are rich in.
  • Summer rest.
  • Riddles, proverbs, poems about summer.
  • Summer games on the sand and in the water.
  • Tips for parents on how to spend a healthy and safe summer.

Summer stand templates

Pictures for filling stands

Useful information for parents

A mobile folder for the Summer stand will help remind children of summer memories. Proverbs, stories, riddles in pictures will be useful for its design.

Pictures of the season autumn

With the arrival of September, the information in the sections on the Autumn information stand becomes relevant. What will be interesting for parents to read and for kids to see at the autumn stand:

  • Autumn months and gifts of autumn.
  • Riddles and signs about autumn.
  • Advice for parents.
  • What to read to your children on autumn evenings.

To make the stand colorful and attract the attention of children, it is decorated with beautiful pictures, bright posters and fascinating folders. Ready-made material templates for the Autumn stand can be found below.

Pictures season winter

The entertaining Winter stand delights kindergarten students with every section, because there you can meet a Snowman, Santa Claus, interesting winter riddles and rhymes. There will be a lot of important information at the stand for parents: safety while walking in winter, prevention of ODS, hardening, etc. Also at the stand there will be a lot of information about the winter months, New Year holidays, winter games.

Mobile folder for parents at the Winter stand

Visual materials in the fine arts area

Visual materials play an important role in the corner. That is, these can be reproductions of famous artists, portraits of the authors themselves. It is also recommended to post materials on applied arts. For example, these will be albums on the themes “Khokhloma” or “Gzhel”. It is good to replenish the area of ​​fine art materials that were studied in classes with children.

It is recommended to add several toys from folk crafts to the design of the fine art corners. For example, it will be a matryoshka doll and a carved horse. Undoubtedly, postcards, perhaps dedicated to passing holidays, will be a good decoration for the Fine Art corner. Such as March 8, Victory Day, New Year, etc.

Pictures of the season spring

Preschoolers perceive information better not in verbal form, but in the form of a schematic image. Therefore, the concept of the seasons is presented in the form of pictures and diagrams, which can be found on special thematic stands. The Spring stand provides general information about this season: signs of spring, its gifts, months and their features, information about animals and birds, seasonal riddles and signs.

Poster templates and pictures with useful information

Materials for sliding folders at the Spring stand

Anime pictures for stands

Preschool educational institutions must have themed corners that help children learn, gain important life skills, simply play, have fun and bring their creative potential to life. To design such corners, educators need visual aids and all kinds of pictures. To make the corner special and unique, you can complement it with anime pictures on different topics.

Leisure in kindergarten and holidays

Traffic regulations, fire safety and health protection


Aesthetics, beauty and creative change

We introduce beauty from an early age. The Fine Art corner should be not only practical, but also beautiful. It needs to be designed so that preschoolers can admire its appearance. That is, they learn to appreciate beauty and acquire the ability to enjoy it. The inclusion of children in the design of toys and children's works also plays a big role. This is how we begin to develop “childish” design in children.

Of course, if the objects in the corner do not change for a long time, the children will begin to lose interest. From time to time, as you study a new topic, you need to change and add materials. Also, conditions for children’s creativity must be created in the corner. Children should have the opportunity to sit next to a corner, color a picture or look at an album with creative works.

Menu for kindergarten templates pictures

Both parents and children study the menu in kindergarten with interest, because it is interesting to know what the pupils will be treated to today. Each group updates the form with the proposed menu daily, which is placed on the stand. It is especially pleasant to look at the menu, which is beautifully and stylishly designed. To do this, they set up a stationary stand on the wall, and then change the colorful insert templates on which the menu is written every day.

Stand templates with pictures for little ones

Ready-made menu forms for printing

Recommendations and final words

Of course, after setting up such a corner in the group, it is necessary to introduce the kids to it. You need to tell them about its purpose and structure. Tell children the rules that must be followed when using materials from this area. Also, the children need to be told how and what they can use, how to look at the pictures. Tell the kids that they can take albums and illustrations, but only with clean hands, do not tear or crush them. After the child has looked at what he wanted, he must put everything back in its place. That is, it is necessary to teach the children the rules and accustom them to order right away.

Conclusion one: the design of fine art corners in a group is extremely necessary. Therefore, dear readers, educators and parents, let's use our imagination. Together we will create a wonderful introduction to the world of art for our children. This will be a great joy for both our children and us.

Sincerely, Tatyana Sukhikh! Till tomorrow!

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