Household work in the preparatory group “Washing the designer”

Household work in the preparatory group “Washing the designer”

Construct of joint educational activities

according to PM 02 Organization of various types of activities and communication of preschool children

Ovechkina Svetlana Nikolaevna

specialty 44.02.01 Preschool education for students of group 33 “B”

Date of:



Kindergarten No. 86

Age group:

preparatory group


Zakharova Irina Nikolaevna


Kokovina Oksana Vasilievna

Head of practice:

Temereva Lyudmila Petrovna

Educational area:

cognitive development, socio-communicative development.


Washing the designer

GCD form:

household labor


playful, productive

Form of organization:



development of work skills, a sense of teamwork in the process of joint work to wash the construction set

Planned results:

· Children are motivated, take an internal position towards the upcoming activity

· Children know the features of the appearance of the construction set, the properties of the materials from which it is made;

· Children know about the sequence of actions to wash the constructor;

· Children know the features and purpose of tools for different types of work and clarify what tools are needed to wash the construction set;

· Children know safety precautions, culture of behavior in the process of work;

· Children know how to form teams and distribute work responsibilities among themselves using lots;

· Children carry out basic labor activities such as washing the construction set,

· Children treat peers with respect while working in a team;

· Children know how to clean up after work (labor)

· Children analyze the process and result of joint activity, formulate a conclusion;

· Children are focused on independent activity in restricted moments


educational program

Tasks taking into account the individual characteristics of group students


· develop the ability to clean the workplace;

· cultivate perseverance and interest in domestic services;

· cultivate emotional responsiveness and goodwill;


· develop a respectful attitude towards peers while working in a team

· develop the ability to analyze the process and result of joint activities, formulate a conclusion


· consolidate knowledge of the features of the appearance of the designer, the properties of the materials from which it is made

· consolidate the ability to learn the sequence of washing the constructor

· consolidate knowledge about tools and their purposes

Maxim - send to joint labor activities to wash the designer

Semyon - to motivate more for joint activities to wash the designer

Principles of preschool education (FSES DO):

· building educational activities based on the individual characteristics of each child, in which the child himself becomes active in choosing the content of his education, becomes a subject of education (hereinafter referred to as individualization of preschool education);

· assistance and cooperation of children and adults, recognition of the child as a full participant (subject) of educational relations;

· supporting children's initiative in various activities;

· formation of cognitive interests and cognitive actions of the child in various types of activities;

· age adequacy of preschool education (compliance of conditions, requirements, methods with age and developmental characteristics

Principles of education:

formation of a personal style of relationships with peers and teachers, creation of a positive emotional background and an atmosphere of emotional uplift, education through interaction.

Principles of training:

principle of accessibility, principle of visibility, principle of activity.


construction set, basin with water, towel, rags, aprons


plasticine, oilcloths for modeling, stacks, stands

Education methods:

a method of stimulating and correcting the actions and relationships of children in the educational process, a method for children to comprehend their social experience, motivation of activity and behavior, methods of forming social experience.

Teaching methods:

story, explanation, demonstration, showing, game situation, practical work.

List of information sources:

· From birth to school: an approximate general educational program for preschool education/N. E. Veraksa, T.S. Komarova, M.A. Vasilyeva "MOSAIKA-SYNTHEZ PUBLISHING HOUSE", Moscow 2014. -340 pp., Federal State Educational Standard

· Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education [Text]: approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated October 17, 2013 No. 1155. – Kamensk-Uralsky: GBOU SPO SO “Kamensk-Ural Pedagogical College”, 2014. – 36 p.

Progress of joint educational activities

Stages Methods Activities of the teacher Children's activities Planned result
1. Motivation for joint activities


motivate children to work together;

interest children in the upcoming activity.

Conversation encourages further activities. The teacher invites the children to go to the carpet

-Hello guys. Today we have an unusual activity.

Guys, you know that there are services that come to help people. What services are these?


police, ambulance, fire service).

-That's right guys, there are household services. What services do you think this service provides? (Children's answers)

- That's right guys, service representatives clean apartments, wash windows, wash things

Guys, would you like to work in the consumer service and help people? Would you like to organize your own household service in a group?

-Who do you think, in our kindergarten, in our group, who would be helped?

- That's right guys, we can help the junior teacher

-Guys, tell me, what can we do in a group?

-I suggest you wash the construction set today, since we have a lot of it, and we have only one junior teacher.

Children approach the teacher, listen, and express their assumptions. Children are motivated and take an internal position towards the upcoming activity.
2. Main stage.

2.1 Activity planning

Objectives: to clarify children’s knowledge of the features of the appearance of the construction set and the properties of the materials from which it is made; consolidate knowledge about the sequence of actions for washing the designer; clarify children’s knowledge of the features and purpose of tools for different types of work; clarify what tools are needed to wash the construction set; continue to acquaint children with safety rules and culture of behavior in the process of work; develop in children the ability to unite into teams and distribute work responsibilities among themselves using lots.

Conversation, demonstration, demonstration of actions by the child, creation of a problem situation The teacher invites the children to go to the table with the designer. Suggests considering the constructor

- Guys, but look, we have a lot of construction kit, but what is it made of? (children's answers)

- That's right guys, plastic and wood, and today we will wash the plastic one

-Guys, do you know how to wash a construction set?

The teacher listens to the children's answers and offers to tell the sequence of actions.

- That's right guys, we will first wet the large construction set with a cloth and wring it out and wipe it with a damp cloth, and we will wash the small construction set differently, we will soap the cloth, scrub and rinse in clean water and wipe with a dry cloth.

-Guys, what tools do you see here? Which ones do we need?

The teacher draws attention to the table and asks what tools you see ( aprons, brushes, a watering
can, a basin of water , scissors, rags, rags, a towel, clothespins, oilcloths)
- Guys, do we need all the tools?

The teacher removes unnecessary things

-Where can they be useful to us? (Children's answers)

Guys, before we start washing the construction set, tell us what will happen if we spill water? (you can slip) What will happen if we throw wet rags? (let's wet the clothes)

The teacher listens to the children's answers

But everything will be fine if we follow the rules of behavior and help each other

-Guys, we need to wash the constructor and to do it faster, I suggest uniting in teams. Look at the containers, there are colored cards attached, and there are also colored cards on the table. I suggest you choose a card and go to the team that has the same colored cards

The teacher observes the formation of children into teams

-Guys, look at another card in front of you, which depicts the action that you will do, so that we all work hard and are real representatives of the service. I suggest you choose a card and find out what action you will perform

-Do you agree?

The teacher observes the repeated drawing of lots

-We looked at which construction set we needed to wash, chose the tools we needed, remembered safety precautions, formed teams and distributed responsibilities among ourselves. Have we done everything to start our work? (Yes)

-Now we are ready to work, all that remains is to put on aprons.

Children cooperate with the teacher, enter into dialogue, become interested, and establish a cause-and-effect relationship. Children know the features of the appearance of the construction set, the properties of the materials from which it is made; children know about the sequence of actions about the washed constructor; children know the features and purpose of tools for different types of work; children clarify what tools are needed to wash the construction set; children know safety precautions, culture of behavior in the process of work; Children know how to form teams and distribute work responsibilities among themselves using lots.
2.2 Implementation of labor activity

Objectives: to teach children to carry out basic labor activities such as washing construction toys, to observe safety precautions and a culture of behavior; develop a respectful attitude towards peers while working in a team; teach children to clean up after work (labor)





The teacher organizes the elementary work activities of children in caring for indoor plants. Watches them. If necessary, shows a sample action, provides guidance and corrective assistance.

-Guys, you and I have taken the trouble to wash the entire construction set, but we need to put things in order in the workplace, I suggest doing this in teams. It is necessary to wash and put away the tools and put our constructors in their places

The teacher monitors the children and provides assistance

The teacher offers to remove the aprons and hang them in place

- Guys, we have cleaned and tidied up the workplace, now you can take off the aprons and hang them in place

Children perform labor activities and clean up the workplace. Children take off and hang up their aprons Children carry out basic labor activities of washing the construction set; children observe safety precautions and good behavior; children treat peers with respect while working in a team; children know how to clean up after work (labor)
3. Summing up.


Develop the ability to analyze the process and result of joint educational activities, formulate a conclusion

Conversation, demonstration The teacher invites the children to go to the carpet and stand in a circle

-Guys, today we were real representatives of the consumer service, look at our construction sets are beautiful and we enjoy looking at them and playing with them

-Who did we help?

- Guys, how did we achieve the result?

-What difficulties did we encounter?

-How did we overcome them?

-What were you and I like?

Children listen and answer the teacher’s questions, analyze the process and result of work activity Children analyze the process and result of joint activities, formulate a conclusion
4. Openness

Objective: to orient children to independent activity in restricted moments

Conversation The teacher organizes a conversation with the children

- Guys, what else can you wash?

-That’s right, there are a lot of toys in the group and they also need to be washed

— I suggest you help the junior teacher, parents, and grandparents more often

Listen to questions and answer them Children are focused on independent activity in restricted moments

Summary of the lesson “Household Services”

Household work in the preparatory group

"Household Service"


To develop in children the simplest labor skills, skills that are manifested in everyday activities.



: Organize children’s activities to master the skills of caring for indoor plants, repairing books and developing skills in washing doll clothes.


: Promote the development of communication skills through the ability to collaborate in small groups.


To cultivate the habit of work effort and such personality traits as independence, accuracy, mutual assistance, caring for each other, and responsibility for a common cause.
To form in children a positive attitude towards work, its results, and a desire to work for others .


Application cards with images.


3 basins of water, 5 rags, 2 sponges, 2 brushes, 2 empty basins,

2 trays;


Aprons for all children, 3 pairs of arm sleeves, soap, soap dish,

2 tablecloths

Methods and techniques


• Visual - observations, looking at pictures.

• Practical - training in certain methods of performing labor operations (how to wring out a cloth so that water does not flow down the sleeves, etc.).

• Verbal – questions, conversations, use of literary words, directions.

Preliminary work:

learning proverbs and sayings about work, participating in the game “Household Services”, getting to know professions.

Progress of the lesson:

Guys, you know that there are services that come to help people. What services are these? (Answers).

Well done. And there is a service that provides services to people. This is a household service. What services do you think this service provides? (Washes, washes,...) Yes, this service cleans apartments, washes windows, washes and cleans things. What do welfare workers do? (Help people). — Guys, did you want to work in the consumer service and help people? Would you like to organize your own household service in our group? In our kindergarten, in our group, who do you think we could help? (To the junior teacher). How can we help Anzhelika Romanovna? — Do you know how welfare workers organize their work? (Answers).

They fulfill requests received from people. Our consumer service also received applications from Anzhelika Romanovna. To complete these requests, we need to split into 3 teams. Every team must have a captain. Let's choose captains, and they will choose their assistants, who wants to be captain? (Children choose captains.)

Captains, pull out job applications for yourself. Approach your teams and discuss together what do you need to do your job? (Discussion in progress).

- Which team will work here and repair our books? First we need to measure a strip of the required length. To do this, you place the strip in front of you, place the book on the strip with the spine facing you .

Align the spine of the book and the edge of the strip well
Make a mark with a pencil, then cut along the mark line.
First bend this strip in half, ironing the fold well, and then straighten it again, apply glue to the inside. Now you need to very carefully fold the pages in the book and straighten everything out evenly. Place the strip coated with glue on the lining. Place the book with the spine on the strip so that the pages are facing you .
Place the book up to the fold of your strip, then fold the other half of the strip and glue it to it. Use a napkin. Now press down well so that the glue does not seep out from under the paper. Here the book is glued.

— Who will wash the window sills and water the flowers? We will water our plants, wipe the large leaves with a cloth, wipe away the dust from the fleecy ones with a dry brush, and spray the small leaves. Let's put on aprons. We will wipe the large leaves of the sansevieria with a wet cloth. We take a cloth, wet it in a basin of water, then wring it out thoroughly and spread it on the palm of our hand. We support the sheet from below with one hand, and with the other we wipe the sheet from above, then from below. Carefully brush off the dust from the violet's fuzzy leaves with a dry brush. We will spray plants with small leaves, such as nephrolepis and chlorophytum. - Is everything clear to everyone? Then we begin work and choose the flowers that we will care for.

— Which team will be responsible for washing the prepared linen? But first we need to prepare our work area and get ready to do the laundry. Spread out the oilcloth. For what? (so as not to wet the tables). We put basins, pour water, put on aprons. Now everything is ready.

The teacher offers to go to their workstations and start working. But before they started working, the children, together with the teacher, remembered the rules for safe handling of objects of work. During work, the teacher gives advice, helps with organization, and gives instructions on how it is more convenient to stand near the basins so as not to disturb each other. He asks the children to tell and show the techniques for washing by hand (wet the item, soap it, rub it, rinse off the soap, wring it out). I remind you that you also need to start rinsing with white laundry. I show you how to rinse. What should you do with rinsed laundry? That's right, straighten it, shake it and hang it on a rope. (A recording of cheerful music sounds)

- Now, please, clean up your work places and throw out the water. Now come to me and let's see if all the requests have been completed. —Whose team put the toys in order? Captain, please tell us how you worked? Were there any difficulties? — Who washed the clothes? Have you done everything yet? Well done!

— Did the team washing the window sills complete their task? Good - It turned out that everyone did their own little thing, but everyone did one big thing together. Our group now has cleanliness and beauty. Let's now call our Angelica Romanovna that she accepted your work. Anzhelika Romanovna, are you satisfied with the work of our consumer service? Have all your requests been completed? (Answer from the junior teacher) and presentation of medals to team captains. — Guys, did you like helping? Then let's keep our group clean.

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