New technologies in working with parents in the aspect of implementing the Federal State Educational Standard for preschool education

New technologies in working with parents in the aspect of implementing the Federal State Educational Standard for preschool education

Over the thousand-year history of mankind, two branches of education of the younger generation have developed: family and public. Currently, the first link of the general education system is public preschool education. Meanwhile, modern science has numerous data indicating that without harming the development of the child’s personality, it is impossible to abandon family education, since its strength and effectiveness are incomparable with any, even very qualified education in a kindergarten or school.

The idea of ​​the relationship between public and family education is reflected in a number of regulatory documents, including the “Concept of Preschool Education”, the Law “On Education in the Russian Federation”, “Federal State Educational Standards for Preschool Education”.

In accordance with this, the position of the preschool institution in working with families is also changing. A preschool teacher is not only a teacher of children, but also a partner of parents in their upbringing.

One of the advantages of the “Kindergarten – House of Joy” program (author N.M. Krylova), which I implement, is a well-thought-out holistic system of cooperation with the family, which includes not only psychological and pedagogical education, but also direct participation parents in the educational process of the group. The inclusion of the family as a partner and active subject in the educational environment of a preschool educational institution qualitatively changes the conditions of interaction between teachers and parents. This union is based on a unity of views on the educational process, jointly developed common goals and educational objectives, and ways to achieve results.

In order to positively influence the desire of a particular family to participate in the work of the group, the teacher needs to know all the parents of his group well and take into account the individual characteristics of not only different families, but also the members of each family. Studying a student’s family allows me, as a teacher, to get to know him better, understand the family’s lifestyle, its way of life, traditions, spiritual values, educational opportunities, the child’s relationship with his parents, and predict a strategy for interaction with the family.

I think the most effective methods for studying families are:

— At the beginning of the school year, I organize an acquaintance with each family in the form of “Parent meetings”, for participation in which each parent, together with his child, prepares a presentation on the topic “Me and my child.”

— Establishing contact with parents (friendly conversation, specific, accurate answers to parents’ questions).

- Identifying the structure of the family and its psychological climate (collecting information, observing the relationship between parents and children during the reception and care of children), I suggest parents write an essay on the topic “My child, his individual characteristics.”

When interacting with parents, I do not abandon traditional forms: parent meetings, individual consultations, conversations. I organize these events in such a way that information is absorbed not in a passive mode, but in an active one, using problem situations, “round table”, psychological trainings, “Meeting with specialists”, etc. They are aimed at introducing parents to the “program” according to which the kindergarten operates, the age characteristics and capabilities of the children, etc.

But I consider non-traditional forms based on cooperation and interaction between teachers and parents to be more effective in building constructive relationships with parents, such as the implementation of projects, parent master classes, interactive games, maintaining a group and individual child’s Portfolio. In such forms of interaction with parents, the principle of partnership and dialogue is implemented.

I will dwell briefly on each of them.

One of the most common forms of including parents in the educational process of a preschool educational institution is the project method, as a result of which the activity of parents in the affairs of the group increases. And the child is constantly in the zone of proximal development; what he did today with the help of an adult, he will do on his own in the future. Our group organized projects in accordance with thematic planning:

— Complex: “Pushkin’s Tales”, “Who to Be?”;

— Group: “How I spent this summer”, “Good fairy tales”;

— Individual: “My hobbies”;

— Research: “The Journey of a Droplet.”

The usual topic ceases to be abstract and takes on a direction consonant with the children’s experience. After all, it’s one thing to talk and look at the illustrations, and quite another to tell how interesting it is to fly to another country, how fun it is to go with mom and dad to visit grandma by train. Children have a lot of impressions, while working on a project they are “refreshed”, and you can share them with friends: clarify something, expand some impressions, or learn about something for the first time.

The results of the projects were: the publication of a newspaper, presentations, and art exhibitions.

My practice of using the project method shows that the attitude of parents to the content of their children’s activities is changing.

Based on the recommendations of N.M. Krylova, I developed algorithms for preparing and conducting parent master classes. A parent master class is a form of joint partnership activity when a parent acts as a teaching adult. The teacher here is an assistant to the parent-master; together with the children, he participates in the tasks proposed by the master, thereby setting an example of a culture of communication and relationships with adults. The subject of master classes in our group, as a rule, is the professions of parents, their hobbies, family traditions, achievements, etc. For example, over the past 2 years, our group has organized master classes “Merry notes”, “In the chess kingdom”, “Where does Mishka wear his pants from”, “My dad is a rescuer”. In particular, in the educational field “Artistic Creativity” in the senior group, we conducted a parent master class “Unusual Drawing”, during which the mother of a student in my group showed the children unconventional drawing techniques, as a result we got the collage “Winter Fun”.

Organizing parent master classes requires careful preparation. When inviting a parent to conduct a master class, it is necessary to take into account his individual characteristics (temperament, communication culture), his relationship with his own child and with children in general. A master parent should not only be a professional in his field, but also an interesting conversationalist; he should really like what he does, because only a truly passionate person can captivate others. Grandparents and close relatives of the students are also invited masters.

A master parent must understand the significance of his participation in the upbringing of his child and all children in the group. Therefore, it is so important to inform parents in a timely manner about what we do in kindergarten. These are not only information stands, photo exhibitions “And in our kindergarten”, videos, but also invitations to classes, joint events (entertainment, holidays, hikes, etc.).

We broadcast the results of parental master classes through the release of videos, wall newspapers, exhibitions of creative works, the creation of collections, photo albums, and we record children's stories in their speech diaries.

In my opinion, this form of interaction with parents, aimed at implementing the basic general education program of a preschool educational institution, is very effective. The most important thing is that the role of the parent changes from an observer or controller to a subject of their child’s education. For children, this is an expansion of the boundaries of cognitive and social experience. The teacher is given the opportunity to solve a number of important psychological and pedagogical problems.

A new, interesting form of interaction with the families of pupils is an interactive game, which allows parents to know and understand the structure and cause-and-effect relationships with their child better than in the complex real world. Through interactive play, parents can be more effectively shown and taught new ways to interact with their children and test their ideas. Both my parents and I are attracted to this form because it is playful in nature, awakens curiosity, willingness to take risks, creates a challenging situation and gives the joy of discovery. I organized the following games: “This is my child”, “100 to one”, “Lucky chance”, the purpose of which was to choose the tactics of the correct attitude of parents to the individual characteristics of their child. During the game, parents are offered: an exhibition of drawings, a video recording of children's statements about the family, about objects and about the world around them. During the game, each parent thinks about whether in the everyday bustle he has lost his main purpose - motherhood and fatherhood.

I consider maintaining a group and individual child’s Portfolio as another effective form of involving parents in the educational process of a preschool educational institution. I suggest parents fill out information about their child, select photographs together with him and write stories from the child’s perspective. Gradually, the Portfolio is replenished with photographic materials and publications about the life of children in kindergarten and at home.

In the course of such cooperation, I noted the activity of parents, as well as the desire to participate in the pedagogical process, such quality indicators as initiative, responsibility, and the attitude of parents towards the products of joint activities of children and adults grew. After analyzing the work, it is clear that according to the diagnostic results, the number of parent activists in the group increased by 30%; The number of executing parents increased by 40%, and the number of observer parents decreased by 50%.

I would like to end my speech with the words of V.A. Sukhomlinsky: “For a child, a family is a source of social experience. Here he finds role models and here his social birth takes place. And if we want to raise a morally healthy generation, we must solve this problem “with the whole world”: kindergarten, family, public.”


  1. Evdokimova E.S. Pedagogical support for families in raising a preschooler.
  2. Kisileva L.S., Danilina T.A., Lagoda T.S... Zuikova M.B. Design method in the activities of a preschool institution: A manual for managers and practical workers of preschool educational institutions.
  3. Krylova N.M. Kindergarten - House of Joy. Sample basic general education program for preschool education. –M.: Sphere shopping center, 2013.
  4. Mayr A.A., Davydova O.I., Voronina N.V. 555 ideas for involving parents in the life of a kindergarten.
  5. Pastukhova I.O. Creation of a unified space for child development. Interaction between preschool educational institutions and families.
  6. Federal state educational standard for preschool education.

Effective technologies for working with families and methodological recommendations for their implementation

September 12, 2011

Social technology is a set of methods, techniques and influences used by social services, individual social service institutions and social workers to solve various kinds of social problems and ensure social protection of the population. (42, p.260)

The features of social technology are:

  • the presence of a strategic program within the framework of which a specific social problem is solved;
  • algorithm for the sequence of operations to achieve a specific result;
  • availability of criteria for assessing the successful performance of a specialist;
  • continuity of contact with the social work client;
  • dynamism of content, forms and methods of social work.

In social work, family is becoming increasingly important. This is quite consistent with the orientation of social work on man and his environment. This means that a person can be understood and helped only in the context of those immediate systems of which he is a member. Most people have two families—the here-and-now family of which they are a member, and the family from which they came.

A family is a small social group, the most important form of organizing personal life, based on marital union and family ties. As a system, the family is connected with other social systems by many threads. It is no coincidence that the ecological approach to family social work aims to change the relationship between the family and its environment so that family members have greater power and control over major areas of their lives.

By recognizing that families are influenced by intergenerational connections, their potential can be harnessed for positive change. The source of information about connections between generations is a genogram - a family map of kinship ties, which reflects the entire history of the family and the main family events. It reflects the system of views, beliefs, values ​​of life and the family’s perception of the world around them.

The current state of the family system also requires the attention of a social worker. Based on the specific situation, he can use the aspect of working with the family that is relevant.

The family as a social institution performs a variety of functions: household, sexual and erotic, emotional, primary social control, educational, spiritual and cultural communication.

The family can be both a powerful factor in the development and emotional and psychological support of the individual, and a source of a person’s mental trauma and various associated personality disorders: neuroses, psychoses, psychosomatic diseases, sexual preversions and behavioral deviations.

A person is sensitive to the family atmosphere, its condition, and prospects throughout his entire life. However, the family has the greatest influence on the developing personality. In the family, the child’s attitude towards himself and the people around him is formed. It is where the primary socialization of the individual takes place, the first social roles are mastered, and the basic values ​​of life are laid. Parents naturally influence their children: through the mechanisms of imitation, identification and internalization of patterns of parental behavior. Family upbringing has related feelings as a unique catalyst. Family upbringing is individual and therefore irreplaceable by any surrogates of anonymous upbringing. Ego absence or defects are difficult to compensate for in a person’s subsequent life. (16, p.119)

The educational potential of a family is its ability to implement the function of raising, developing and socializing a child. Most researchers associate it with the psychological atmosphere, the system of interpersonal relationships, the nature of the attitude towards children, their interests, needs, the level of psychological, pedagogical and general culture of the parents, the family’s lifestyle, structure, and individual typological characteristics of the parents.

Based on the importance of the family and family education, the social teacher considers the family as one of the main objects of his professional activity, the most important component of the social situation of the child’s development. He must be prepared for various types of work with families: family diagnostics, family counseling, psychological and pedagogical education of parents, correction of parent-child attitudes, family psychotherapy.

Models of assistance to modern families. There are various models of family assistance that a social teacher can use in his activities.

  1. The pedagogical model is based on the hypothesis of a lack of pedagogical competence of parents. In this case, the subject of the complaint is usually the child. The consultant, together with the parents, analyzes the situation and outlines a program of measures. Although the parent himself may be the cause of the problem, this possibility is not openly addressed. A social teacher focuses not so much on the individual capabilities of the child’s parent, but on methods of raising a child that are universal from the point of view of pedagogy and psychology.
  2. The social model is used in cases where family difficulties are the result of unfavorable circumstances. In these cases, in addition to analysis of the life situation and recommendations, the intervention of other specialists is required.
  3. The psychological (psychotherapeutic) model is used when the causes of the child’s difficulties lie in the area of ​​communication and personal characteristics of family members. It involves an analysis of the family situation, psychodiagnostics of the individual, and family diagnostics. Practical assistance consists of overcoming barriers to communication and the causes of its violations.
  4. The diagnostic model is based on the assumption that parents have a deficit of special knowledge about the child or their family. The object of diagnosis is the family, as well as children and adolescents with behavioral disorders and deviations. The diagnostic conclusion can serve as the basis for making an organizational decision.
  5. The medical model assumes that illness is at the root of family difficulties. The task of psychotherapy is diagnosis, treatment of patients and adaptation of healthy family members. (50, p.22)

A social educator can use various models of assistance to a family, depending on the nature of the reasons causing the problem of child-parent and marital relationships.

An educational model for working with parents. This model is based on the assumption that parents lack knowledge and skills in raising children. This model is preventive in nature. So-called problematic, dysfunctional families especially need it. It is aimed at improving the psychological and pedagogical culture of parents, expanding and restoring the educational potential of the family, and actively involving parents in the process of social education of children. For these purposes, various forms of work are used: psychological and pedagogical consultations, pedagogical assignments, pedagogical workshops.

Psychological and pedagogical consultations

  • The role of the family in the development of the child’s personality.
  • Family as a psychotherapist.
  • Educational potential of the family.
  • Family atmosphere.
  • Family roles and relationships.
  • Family as a system.
  • Family as a source of mental trauma.
  • A family with a broken structure.
  • Marital conflicts and the emotional state of the child.
  • Parental authority.
  • Personal example of parents.
  • Destructive, problematic family.
  • Conflict, immoral and asocial family.
  • Constructive, harmonious family.
  • Children as an absolute value.
  • How to love a child.
  • Rewards and punishments in the family.
  • Family cruelty.
  • Types of violations of family education and the character of the child.
  • Parental position and parental programming.
  • Age dynamics of parental attitudes towards children.
  • Child-parent conflicts; their prevention and resolution.
  • The role of the family in preventing academic failure and indiscipline in children.
  • Social and pedagogical neglect in childhood.
  • Deviations in the behavior of children and adolescents, their prevention.

Pedagogical assignments

  • Preparing a child for school.
  • Organization of home educational work.
  • Family reading.
  • Organization of work in the family.
  • Family economics.
  • Family hobbies.
  • Family hikes and excursions.
  • Family celebration.
  • New family tradition.
  • The daily routine of a child in the family.
  • Prevention of diseases in children.
  • Monitoring a child at home.
  • Family mutual assistance in difficult situations.
  • Analysis of family conflict.
  • Letter to my child.
  • Meeting your child's friends.
  • Family evening.

Pedagogical workshops

  • what kind of parent are you?
  • Experience of family education.
  • What kind of child do you have?
  • What worries parents?
  • Program for teaching and raising children in kindergarten.
  • School programs and textbooks.
  • Children's learning difficulties.
  • How to help your child learn.
  • Psychological characteristics of the child.
  • Family microclimate.
  • Are you treating your child well?
  • Children and parents: confrontation and cooperation.
  • Happy children and parents.
  • The perfect child and the perfect parent.
  • Are you fair to your children?
  • How to convey your love to a child.
  • List of complaints against the child.
  • How to share responsibility with a child.

The combination of theoretical knowledge, its consolidation in the experience of family education, discussions and workshops addressing the real difficulties of family education create a good basis for parental competence.

A humanistically focused approach to family counseling. The psychotherapeutic model of helping families is based on a humanistic, concentrated approach developed by the American psychotherapist K. Rogers.

This model is based on several premises: an individual approach to counseling work with families, reliance on the personal resources of the client and the consultant, patterns and psychotherapeutic potential of their communication in a dyad or group (including family); use of the need for help; her professional character.

Thus, this model assumes: firstly, establishing contact with a client who is healthy from a medical point of view, but is experiencing one or another problem in family life, needs help and asks for it; secondly, conducting psychological diagnostics aimed at identifying the causes of trouble and identifying possible forms of assistance; thirdly, the actual advisory work, correctional and psychotherapeutic measures aimed at relieving existing problems by activating the client’s own psychological resources or the family as a whole.

This model presupposes the consultant’s special attitudes towards active listening and understanding of the client, his unconditional acceptance, non-evaluative attitude, empathy towards the client, as well as the ability to be himself, without a touch of professional snobbery and mentoring. The humane qualities of a psychotherapist’s social behavior, active search efforts, and sincerity make him a model of mental balance, which positively influences the counseling process and its result.

Such attitudes characterize the Rogerian interview. A consultant working in this vein does not think of his client as a weak, weak-willed, incapable of solving problems on his own and maladaptive person. On the contrary, a client-centered approach to counseling is characterized by a positive view of the person.

Family counseling technology. The counseling process includes cognitive and emotional aspects. During counseling, the problems of the client or the family as a whole are not only clarified and some ways to solve them on a rational level are found. Consultation is, first of all, communication, establishing emotional contacts with the family, a certain dynamics of these contacts, creating conditions for self-disclosure with the help of emotional and rational factors of the individual’s internal resources.

The counseling process can be divided into five phases: establishing contact, defining the problem, working phase, decision phase and feedback phase.

  1. Phase – establishing contact with the client. Result: defining the boundaries of interaction with him. Carried out in an initial consultation conversation. At this phase, the communication distance and its components are established. Even before the conversation, the consultant observes the family, contacts between the parents and the child. It determines the type of their behavior in communication with the child; notes the characteristics of the reactions of children and parents in the dyad; the nature of verbal and non-verbal contacts; ways to assess and regulate a child’s behavior. In the initial conversation, the nature of the parents’ relationship to the social teacher is determined (business, rental, play) and the boundaries of interaction with the family are established. An experienced consultant, already at the first meeting, can obtain information about the history of the child’s development, the educational potential of the family, the type of family education, and the pedagogical attitudes of the parents. This phase orients the client in the capabilities of the psychologist, in the procedures that will be performed; he receives the installation for serious, long-term work of the family itself. (4, p.49)
  2. Phase – identification of the client’s problem, family problem. Result: agreement between the client and the consultant in understanding the problem. At this stage, the client himself defines the problem in the language of difficulties. The consultant clarifies it by identifying it as a real problem. The client and consultant, discussing alternative hypotheses, come to a consensus. The client accepts the problem. The consultant may give the client the right to formulate the problem not on his own behalf, but in relation to “third parties”. It is important at this stage to come to an agreement in understanding the problem - the dilemma. Otherwise, you have to start the entire consultation process all over again. The nature of the conversation at this stage (guided or unguided interview) is determined by the goals of counseling, the individual characteristics of the client and the adopted theoretical approach.
  3. Phase – working. Result: new understanding by the client of the problem. This phase is characterized by the following dynamics: structuring the connection (rapport) between the client and the consultant, the creation of neurosis in controlled conditions, transference and resistance of the client, the client’s exit from the transference (transfer) and his acquisition of sovereignty.
  4. Phase – decision making and action. Result: effective client behavior in a natural situation. At this phase, based on a certain advisory theory, the specialist develops an action plan, a strategy for his behavior, which leads the client to search and find a way out of the current situation. Having found the optimal solution for himself, accepting it as his own, gaining independence and self-confidence, the client decides to act. Together with the consultant, he sorts out various courses of action, finally choosing the most acceptable option for himself. He then tests this variant under natural conditions. If successful, he transfers his decision to behavior as a whole.
  5. Phase – feedback. Result: client satisfaction with the counseling process and its results. (16, p. 122) Partially, the consultant receives this information already during the counseling process, when he observes behavioral signs of transference. He may also hold occasional follow-up meetings to clarify the situation. Focusing on the principle of feedback, he judges the correctness of the chosen strategy and tactics of consulting.

Technology of conducting parent correctional groups. Regardless of what the features of the main violation in the parent-child relationship are, parents who turn to a social pedagogue, as a rule, take an incorrect parental position, that is, their relationship with their children is ineffective.

Reasons for ineffective parenting:

  • Pedagogical and psychological illiteracy of parents.
  • Rigid parenting stereotypes.
  • Personal problems and characteristics of the parent introduced into communication with the child.
  • The influence of family communication characteristics on the relationship between parent and child.

All these reasons for the distortion of parental attitudes can be corrected with the help of psychotherapy and psychological correction. Parent groups are used for these purposes.

The goals and forms of group work are limited to the parent topic. The tasks of personal development of group members are not set. First of all, the group discusses the problems of raising children and communicating with them. Personal problems of group members are discussed only to the extent necessary to solve parental problems.

According to the style of correction, the groups are structured. Topics for discussion, games and homework are suggested by the presenter. Thus, he occupies a more authoritarian and leading position in the group than in a free group. (17, p.34)

Rationale for the method: family is an integral system. That is why the problems of the parent-child dyad cannot be resolved only through psychocorrection of the child or parent. Parallel work allows you to increase the effectiveness of parent group classes. The specific effects of working in a parent group are an increase in sensitivity to the child, the development of a more adequate understanding of children's capabilities and needs, the elimination of psychological and pedagogical illiteracy, and a productive reorganization of the arsenal of means of communication with the child. Non-specific effects: parents receive information about the child’s perception of the family situation of their parents, the dynamics of his behavior in the group. The group consists of 10 to 15 parents (both or one). Classes are held once a week for 4 hours. The entire course (10 lessons) is 40 hours. At the same time, there is a children's group, which can accommodate 5-8 children from seven to ten years old.

Sample program of classes with parents

Parents present themselves and their difficulties (problems), requests and goals of participation in the group in the social circle (in the first lesson). Clarification of the tasks of parent groups.

Topics for discussion in subsequent classes:

  • We and our parents. Family lines. Reproduction of relationships and conflicts.
  • The role of parental expectations. What they can provoke and give rise to in children. How our fears become the fears of our children.
  • What parents should give to children and what children should give to parents. What is the essence of education – teaching or communication? What are the moral foundations of parenting.
  • How would our life be if we didn’t have children? Can a child interfere with our lives? The contradictory nature of our feelings when communicating with children. Optimal distance in communication with children.
  • Our conflicts with children (the element of playing roles is included).

Further topics arise from the discussion of playback materials:

  • Stereotypical interactions with children and their identification.
  • Introducing additional inadequate affect when communicating with children. Emotional “accounts” for a child.
  • How we punish children. How to punish children. The role of labels.

The following materials are influenced by children's information.

  • What signals and stimuli do children respond to? Verbal and nonverbal communication with children. The role of physical touch in communication.
  • How our children see us. Discussion of the drawings “Parents in the form of non-existent animals.”
  • Family as our children see it. Discussion of the game "Family Portrait".

The main method of group correction of parental relationships is cognitive-behavioral training, carried out using role-playing games and a video training program.

In parent groups, a variety of auxiliary methods of psychocorrection are practiced: discussion, psychodrama, analysis of family situations, actions, actions of children and parents, their communications in solving problems, testing for joint activities, as well as special exercises for the development of communication skills, the effectiveness of which can be tested using a special catalogue. Below are some of them.

The group discussion method used in the group increases the psychological and pedagogical literacy of parents, their general sensitivity to the child and his problems, and makes it possible to identify individual stereotypes of upbringing. As the discussion unfolds, you can include elements of playing out situations and video correction.

The video correction method consists of playing back the psychologist’s tasks in a video recording of the interaction between parent and child, followed by viewing, analysis and self-analysis.

Game method - helps to model and reproduce family situations under controlled conditions. An example are the following games: “Architect and Builder”, “Pleasant Memory”, “Unpleasant Memory”.

In the first game, a blindfolded builder, under the guidance of an architect who is prohibited from doing anything with his hands, must arrange cubes in a certain order on a large map. In this case, the parent and child must play different roles.

In the second game, you need to remember and talk about something pleasant for the parent and child and show how it happened.

In the third game, you need to remember and replay the last quarrel between a parent and a child, and then talk about the feelings of each of them.

The joint action method is based on the child and parent completing a common task. After completing the task, an analysis is carried out.

The method of constructive dispute helps to compare different points of view of parents on raising a child, resolving problem situations, teaches to listen to each other, choose the most rational and effective approaches based on cooperation.

The verbal discussion method teaches a culture of dialogue in the family, develops the ability to argue one’s own arguments and carefully consider the arguments of another person, including one’s own child.

Main directions and tasks of family psychotherapy. Currently, family psychotherapy is a fairly flexible approach and can include individual meetings with family members and work with individual family subsystems.

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Innovative forms of working with parents in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for Education

Boldyreva Tatyana Yurievna Remneva Larisa Petrovna Pozhidaeva Ekaterina Anatolyevna educators MBDOU DO No. 28 “Ladushki”

Family and kindergarten are important institutions for the socialization of children. Their educational functions are different, but for the comprehensive development of the child’s personality, their interaction is necessary.

Pedagogical practice and scientific research data show that many families experience difficulties in raising children, which are explained by the personal problems of parents: fatigue, mental and physical stress.

Modern parents have a hard time due to lack of time, employment, lack of competence in matters of preschool pedagogy and psychology: they do not have sufficient knowledge of the age and individual characteristics of the child’s development.

Kindergarten teachers, in turn, find it difficult to establish relationships with parents, since many families are closed and are reluctant to introduce strangers to all the secrets of life, relationships and values.

All this does not bring the desired results. Therefore, there is a need to update an important area of ​​activity of a preschool educational institution - the interaction of a teacher with the parents of students.

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In the context of the implementation of new normative and meaningful approaches, preschool education has been set targets that require openness, close cooperation and interaction with parents.

Teachers have a goal: to make parents active participants in the pedagogical process, providing them with assistance in realizing responsibility for the upbringing and education of children.

To achieve this goal, to coordinate the activities of the kindergarten and parents, we are working to solve the following tasks:

  • Establish partnerships with the family of each student;
  • Combine the efforts of family and kindergarten for the development and education of children;
  • Create an atmosphere of mutual understanding between parents, students and kindergarten teachers, emotional mutual support;
  • Activate and enrich the knowledge and skills of parents in raising children;
  • Maintain parents' confidence in their own teaching capabilities.

Parents are active participants in the educational process, participants in all projects, and not just outside observers. Important for working with parents in the new conditions are:

  • Social analysis of family composition (which helps to properly structure work with parents, make it effective, and select interesting forms of interaction with the family);
  • use of video recordings of observations of the child’s activities, information wall newspapers;
  • joint work of parents and children in individual notebooks (helps them learn to overcome learning difficulties together);
  • open day (introduces parents to the tasks, rules and traditions of the preschool educational institution);
  • “round table” (discussion with parents of current problems of education);
  • Interactive leisure activities (all kinds of promotions, holidays, events both at the preschool and municipal levels, the participants of which are children, parents, teachers);
  • child-parent projects (where children not only discover something new, but also consolidate their knowledge);
  • master classes (where the leader can be not only a teacher, but also a child or parent);
  • meeting - a business game (intended to reveal during the game the parents’ ideas on the identified problem, ways and means of solving it);
  • meetings - competitions (at which parents, having received information for reflection, can also demonstrate their success in these areas);
  • meetings - workshops (teaches special exercises, helps to apply the information received in practice);
  • parent conference (not only parents, but also the public participate in them);
  • thematic consultations (organized to answer all questions on this topic that interest parents);
  • clubs for parents (this form of communication involves the establishment of trusting relationships between teachers and parents);
  • exhibitions, vernissages of children's works (demonstrating to parents the children's success in mastering the program).

In conclusion, I would like to note that, in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard, a kindergarten is obliged to:

  • Inform parents and the public about the goals of preschool education;
  • Provide and create conditions for parental participation in educational activities;
  • Support parents in raising children, protecting and promoting their health;
  • Involve families in educational activities;
  • Support the educational initiative of the family, which is what we are trying to do.

Thus, we observe the interest of adults in the life of the child, the activation of their parental potential. The criterion for the effectiveness of using various forms and methods in working with parents is the sincere manifestation of their interest in the life of the group, in the children’s activities, and active participation in parent-teacher meetings.

Parents learned to express admiration for the results and products of children's activities and to emotionally support their child. The nature of interaction between teachers and parents has changed, many of them have become active participants in all activities of the kindergarten and indispensable assistants to teachers. When faced with problems in raising children, parents are increasingly turning to preschool teachers for qualified help.

All this is a fairly high indicator of the effectiveness of organizing interaction with the families of pupils in preschool educational institutions.


presentation for the report.


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Participation – full-time

Section 3. “Interaction with the family through the introduction of active methods of organizing children's activities”

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