Summary of a drawing lesson Topic: “What has autumn brought us?”

Lesson notes for the younger group. Gifts of Autumn

Lesson summary on the topic: “What Autumn gave us”
Author: Svetlana Pavlovna Tkachenko Position and place of work: teacher of the State Budgetary Educational Institution Secondary School railway station Zvezda SP d/s “Ryabinushka” Bezenchuksky district, Samara region Description: lesson for younger children groups to consolidate knowledge and ideas about autumn.
Summary on the topic: “What Autumn gave us.”
Goals: - to teach preschoolers to distinguish changes in weather phenomena in the fall, - to expand the understanding that vegetables and fruits are harvested in the fall; - cultivate interest and respect for nature. Integration of educational areas: cognitive development, speech development, social and communicative development.
Progress of the lesson:
I. Organizational moment . To put the kids in a positive mood, we learn a simple, short poem! All the children gathered in a circle. I am your friend and you are my friend. Let's hold hands tightly and smile at each other. II Main part Educator: Now I’ll tell you a riddle! Listen carefully! Leaves fly off the branches, Birds fly away to the south.
“What time of year is it?” - we’ll ask. They will answer us: “This is...” (autumn) What a great fellow you are!
Very attentive! Smart! Guys, have you noticed how the weather has changed? (children's answers). It became gloomy outside, our beloved warm sun was hidden by dark clouds. And when the clouds start crying, big puddles appear on the paths! How did you and I start to dress with the onset of Autumn? (children's answers). We wear jackets, boots, hats, even gloves! Finger game: “Vegetables” Little girl Zinochka has vegetables in a basket (Children make their palms into a “basket.”) Here is a pot-bellied zucchini I put on a barrel, Pepper and carrot I cleverly placed, Tomato and cucumber. (They bend their fingers, starting with the thumb.) Our Zina is great! (Shows thumb.) Educator: But Autumn not only brought us wind, clouds and rain! Children, have you observed what people do in their gardens in the fall? (People harvest vegetables and fruits). Right! GAME “VEGETABLES AND FRUITS” (For the game you will need a basket of fruits and vegetables, preferably in different colors) Autumn gave us a lot of delicious vegetables and fruits! Who knows what vegetables and fruits there are! (Children say the names of vegetables and fruits that they know; the teacher can specify what colors the named fruits and vegetables are) And to help you, I brought a basket containing different vegetables and fruits. GAME “FAVORITE FRUIT” In this game, the teacher asks the children which fruit is their favorite! and why!? The kids will be happy to talk about their preferences, thereby relaxing and getting new impressions! Educator: Guys, let's look at this picture!

(visual material: autumn forest) Look what an artist Autumn is!
She painted the trees in different colors without paints and without a brush! You see how colorful the leaves are on the trees. Time is given for children to express their emotions and rejoice. III Summary of the lesson

Educator: Dear guys, today we learned how good Autumn is, it gave us so many different vegetables and fruits! And she can also paint leaves in different colors (children can be given a task so that on the way home they and their parents will collect colorful leaves and make a bouquet)!

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Lesson summary “What did autumn give us?”

Summary of a lesson in the younger group on the topic: “What Autumn gave us”


lesson for children of the younger group to consolidate knowledge and ideas about autumn.

Summary on the topic: “What Autumn gave us.”


teach preschoolers to distinguish changes in weather influences in the fall, - expand the idea that vegetables and fruits are harvested in the fall; - cultivate interest and respect for nature. Integration of educational areas: cognitive development, speech development, social and communicative development.
Progress of the lesson:

I. Organizational moment

. To put the kids in a positive mood, we learn a simple, short poem! All the children gathered in a circle. I am your friend and you are my friend. Let's hold hands tightly and smile at each other.

II Main part
Now I’ll tell you a riddle!
Listen carefully! Leaves fly off the branches, Birds fly away to the south.
“What time of year is it?” - we’ll ask. They will answer us: “This is...” (autumn) What a great fellow you are! Very attentive! Smart ones!

Guys, have you noticed how the weather has changed? (children's answers). It became gloomy outside, our beloved warm sun was hidden by dark clouds. And when the clouds start crying, big puddles appear on the paths! How did you and I start to dress with the onset of Autumn? (children's answers). We wear jackets, boots, hats, even gloves! Finger game: “Vegetables”
Little girl Zinochka has vegetables in a basket (Children make their palms into a “basket.”) Here is a pot-bellied zucchini I put on a barrel, Pepper and carrot I cleverly placed, Tomato and cucumber.
(They bend their fingers, starting with the thumb.) Our Zina is great! (Show thumb.) Educator:

But Autumn not only brought us wind, clouds and rain!
Children, have you observed what people do in their gardens in the fall? (People harvest vegetables and fruits). Right! GAME “VEGETABLES AND FRUITS”
(For the game you will need a basket of fruits and vegetables, preferably in different colors) Autumn gave us a lot of delicious vegetables and fruits! Who knows what vegetables and fruits there are! (Children say the names of vegetables and fruits that they know; the teacher can specify what colors the named fruits and vegetables are) And to help you, I brought a basket containing different vegetables and fruits.

Riddles about fruits

Round, ruddy, I grow on a branch. Adults and little children love me. (Apple)

The scarlet itself is sugar, the caftan is green and velvet. (Watermelon) It’s big, like a soccer ball. If it’s ripe, everyone is happy. It tastes so good! What kind of ball is this? (Watermelon)

Golden and useful, There is a yellow ball in the garden. But he doesn't run at a gallop. It is like the full moon, the seeds in it are delicious. (Pumpkin)

Round side, yellow side, Gingerbread Man sits on the bed. Rooted firmly into the ground. What is this? (Turnip)

The beautiful maiden sits in prison, and her braid is on the street. (Carrot)

A grandfather sits in the ground, wearing a hundred fur coats. Whoever undresses him sheds tears. (Onion)

Purple caftan Wears a vegetable... (Eggplant)

They are green in the garden, and salty in the jar. (Cucumbers)

One hundred clothes - All without fasteners. (Cabbage)

She hides from the sun Under a bush in a deep hole, Brown is not a bear, In a hole - but not a mouse. (Potato)

Casseroles, potato pancakes, Pancakes and mashed potatoes, Zrazy and dumplings, Livers in peel, And excellent okroshka Can be made from... (Potatoes)

How riddles grew in our garden bed, juicy and large, so round. They turn green in summer, and turn red in autumn. (Tomatoes)


In this game, the teacher asks the children which fruit is their favorite! and why!? The kids will be happy to talk about their preferences, thereby relaxing and getting new impressions! Educator: Guys, let's look at this picture!

(visual material: autumn forest) Look what an artist Autumn is! She painted the trees in different colors without paints and without a brush! You see how colorful the leaves are on the trees. Time is given for children to express their emotions and rejoice.

III Summary of the lesson

Educator: Dear guys, today we learned how good Autumn is, it gave us so many different vegetables and fruits! And she can also paint leaves in different colors (children can be given a task so that on the way home they and their parents will collect colorful leaves and make a bouquet)!

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