Summary of the morning segment of time (junior group)
Municipal preschool educational institution kindergarten No. 4 “Solnyshko” g/o Vlasikha
Summary of the morning segment of time for the junior group.
Educator: Efimik Marina Alekseevna
Program content:
- Admitting children to the group and talking with parents about the children’s health status.
- Continue to work on developing the habit in children of saying hello when entering a group.
- Continue to develop children’s cultural and hygienic skills (toilet, washing, ability to use their own towel), the need to perform a set of morning exercises.
- Continue to cultivate friendly relationships with children.
- Continue to develop work skills, teach children to put toys back in their place.
- Preparation for class
Reception of children.
The teacher receives the children, greets the guardians, the children, asks about the child’s mood, what he saw on the way when he went to kindergarten, notes how the child is dressed (nice, very warm or vice versa), how he slept at home, what a good toy he has (if he brought it), whether he was fed in the morning, whether he had a handkerchief.
When a child enters the group, he says hello, if he refuses to say hello, then the teacher says: “Well, it’s okay, tomorrow Vanya you will definitely say hello.”
The kids have all gathered. The teacher says: “Guys, you woke up a long time ago and came to kindergarten, but the doll Masha is still sleeping. Let's wake her up (they go to the bed and wake her up) “get up Masha, it’s time to do exercises!” The doll wakes up and says: “But I don’t know how.”
Educator: “Guys, let’s teach the doll how to do exercises.
Charging begins: “Birds.”
1. Introductory walking. (30 sec.)
Walking after each other and running.
Formation in a circle.
2. “The birds are flapping their wings.”
I.p Legs slightly apart, arms down. Raise your Hands up and say: “We flew, we flew on Sali’s head” 4-5 rubles).
3. “The birds are pecking the grains.” I.p Legs slightly apart, hands on the belt. Sit down, tap your palms on your knees (3-4 times).
4. “Birds drink water”
I.p. Legs slightly apart, lean forward. Take your hands back. Straighten up (3-4 rubles).
5. “Birds are jumping.”
Then the teacher pays attention to the doll Masha. The doll really liked the exercise: “Thank you guys, now I will also do exercises.” Now guys, says the teacher, we will wash our hands and go have breakfast. First we need to roll up our sleeves and wash our hands. What nursery rhyme do we know about water? “Wash my face with some water...” says the teacher. We wash our hands with soap and dry them with our towel, making sure that children do not spill water when washing. Then the teacher and nanny give the bibs to the children and sit them down to have breakfast. The teacher says, “Soroka, magpie, she cooked porridge and fed the children.” She gave it to Nastya, she gave it to Yura, she gave it to Lera (she gave porridge to all the children). Eat, guys, bon appetit. Make sure that the spoon is in your right hand, that you eat carefully, don’t wet yourself, don’t take food with your hands, don’t disturb your friends while eating, and don’t leave the table without finishing your meal. They said “thank you.” The teacher feeds those children who have not finished eating. After eating, the teacher takes the children to wash. We are preparing for a lesson on the topic: “The bunny came to visit us.”
Regular moments in kindergarten. Early age
Summary of routine moments (morning exercises, preparation for breakfast, breakfast) for young children (1-2 years old)
Compiled by: Elena Anatolyevna Yanchenko, teacher at MBDOU “Kindergarten No. 11” in Seversk, Tomsk region. Goal: attracting children to participate in regime processes, developing cultural and hygienic skills. Objectives: • Develop children's ability to perform simple movements, combining their actions with the text of the poem; • Develop children's motor activity; • Continue to develop children's ability to wash their hands with soap before eating; • Develop the ability to find a towel from a picture, remove it from the hook, and wipe your hands dry; • While eating, teach to hold a spoon in your hand, eat carefully, and say thanks after eating. Material: wind-up cat (toy).
The teacher brings a cat (toy) into the group. Educator: guys, look who came to us? (Children's answers.)
- That's right, it's a cat.
The cat is kind, soft, fluffy. Pet the cat. Next, the teacher and the children examine the cat, marking its body parts, and imitate the cat. Educator: Guys, the cat really loves to play with kids, let's play with her and show how big we have grown. The musical and rhythmic exercise “We Learned to Walk” is performed, music and words by E. Makshantseva: We learned to walk, lifting our legs, This is how our kids walk merrily. One, two, the kids are walking merrily, One, two, the kids are raising their legs. The teacher and the children walk around the group to the lyrics of the song, then stop.
The teacher reads a poem, the kids repeat the corresponding movements after him: Like our children’s legs, they knock merrily.
Our people are remote, although very small. As soon as our legs get tired, we clap our hands, clap our hands, little tiny little hands! Now let’s raise our hands higher, higher, higher, clap like this - easy! Educator: Well done, guys, played well. The cat liked it. Now look how the cat walks (the teacher turns on the wind-up cat, she walks on the carpet).
- Guys, come on, you and I will go together with the cat.
The outdoor game “Let's go with the kitty” is played. The kitty praises the guys. And invites them to the washroom. Educator: guys, let's show the kitty how we wash our hands with water. We know, we know, yes, yes, where the water is hiding here. Come out, some water, we came to wash ourselves. To keep it clean, clean, together we wash our hands with soap. It is very important not to forget to rinse off the soap thoroughly. Children wash their hands, then the teacher helps them find their towels from the pictures:
Children wash their hands with warm water, wash, wash.
And then they go, take towels. Remove the towel and wipe your hands dry. Children go to the group. The teacher helps the kids sit down at the tables. Educator: Now it’s time for us to eat. Eating is not a game. You need to sit straight and look at the plate, don’t move around at the table, eat porridge with milk. What a delicious porridge, It was cooked on the stove, It was boiled, it was boiled, so that our children could eat it. “Guys, let’s take a spoon in our hands and show the cat how we can eat porridge with a spoon.” During breakfast, the teacher helps the children eat porridge, feeds the kids:
The porridge is very good, Eat the porridge slowly.
Spoon by spoon, ate a little. After breakfast, the teacher helps the kids push in their chair and thank them. Educator: Everyone has eaten, well done! Let's grow big! Now we’ll go play and take the cat with us. Let's show the cat where our toys live.
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Strengthen a positive attitude towards washing, teach to perceive hand washing as an obligatory necessity. Reading nursery rhymes “We wash our palms”
“We’re taking water into our hands
Learn to put away toys at the end of games. Maintain a positive attitude towards cleaning. Reading the poem by O. Ukhalina “To save the house from dust”
Continue to teach the child to consistently perform the actions when washing hands, to imitate the actions of an adult. Reading nursery rhymes “We wash ourselves clean, we smile at Mom.”
“We know, we know, yes-yes-yes, Where are you hiding, water!”
Tell children about the need to comb after sleep. Teach children to remember and bring their own individual comb. Reading the nursery rhyme “To like the hairstyle,
Let the comb do the work.”
Conversation “Wash your hands clean”
— tell children why it is important to wash their hands thoroughly after a walk.
Reading the poem by E. Lukanina “The Bunny began to wash himself
When dressing for a walk, learn to follow the sequence of putting things on. Reading the poem by S. Vineeva “I’m getting dressed for a walk, I’ll take a warm jacket”
Conversation “Everyone needs to wash their face!”
- tell the children how animals wash themselves
(dog, cat, horse, elephant)
Reading the poem by A. Semashko
“Everyone needs to wash
Learn to collect toys at the end of the game. Reading the poem by N. Hilton “I can put all the toys in their places myself!”
Foster the desire for independence when fulfilled. and self-service skills. Teach to be careful, not to wet clothes, not to splash water. Reading the poem by A, Ranneva “O-de-va-em-sya!”
Foster a desire for independence when performing self-care skills. Teach to be careful, not to wet clothes, not to splash water. Reading the poem by Pyotr Sinyavsky “Who does not wash his face”
Learn to collect toys at the end of the game. Reading the nursery rhyme “Bim-bom, tili-bom, let’s gather everything around! Bim-bom, tili-bom, our house will be clean!”
.Teach the child to consistently perform actions when washing hands, to imitate the actions of an adult. Reading the poem by G. Vieru “In the heat in the forest, a hedgehog washes itself awake”
Development of the KGN “Neat Shoes”
learn to carefully remove and put on shoes. Develop a conscious attitude towards order and a desire to take care of shoes. WITH
Reminding children that our food is prepared by a cook in the kitchen - reinforces the idea of professions. Reading the nursery rhyme “Our cook worked all day: He cooked borscht and compotes; He cooked us potatoes , baked an omelette with peas, fried, steamed and stewed. The kids will be full!”
Teach children to fasten large buttons when dressing. Develop CG and fine motor skills. T. Tompakova “Buttons in a row”
Teach children to take care of their appearance, continue to develop the ability to roll up their sleeves, use soap correctly, carefully lather and wash their hands. Reading the poem by E. Moshkovskaya “Tap, open!” Nose, wash your face!”
Learn to dress yourself after sleep, remembering the correct sequence of actions. Reading a poemS. Doroshina “We’ll put on a little white T-shirt for Anya”
Teach children to perform hygiene skills (hand washing)
meaningfully, performing actions in a certain sequence. Reading the poem by N. Kan “And now, kids, it’s time to wash up!
Draw children's attention to street shoes when dressing for a walk, compare how they differ from the shoes we wear in the group . Reading the nursery rhyme “The horse bought four galoshes”
Continue to teach the child to consistently perform the actions when washing hands, to imitate the actions of an adult. Reading the poem by Z. Alexandrova “The little pig is squealing, “Save!”
They bathe him in a trough.”
Learn to put away toys at the end of games. Maintain a positive attitude towards cleaning. Reading the poem by I. Vuimina “Fast, fun together
We'll take everything back to its place
To instill in children cultural and hygienic skills, the desire to always be beautiful, clean, and neat. Reading the poem by L. Lukanina “Early in the morning every day we are not too lazy to wash our face”
Conversation “I love to eat what my mother cooks at home. The most delicious thing is..."
. To consolidate knowledge about the names of everyday and holiday dishes, to continue to cultivate respect for the work of adults.
"How the table is set"
. Tell and show children in the doll corner how to set the table, teach them to act consistently and accurately. Reading Art. M. Mokina “We put a tablecloth on the table, and on top there is a fork and spoon. There’s a plate next to it with a little soup.”
Learn to dress yourself after sleep, remembering the correct sequence of actions. Reading the poem by T. Goethe “To the Land of Dressing”
Teach children to perform hygiene skills (hand washing)
meaningfully, performing actions in a certain sequence.
Reading the poem by E. Pankratova “My first friend is soap
Conversation “Washing”
. Tell children how to wash clothes, pronounce individual elements of washing, show the washing algorithm using imitation movements - soaping, washing clothes, rinsing, hanging.
Teach children to take care of their appearance, continue to develop the ability to roll up their sleeves, use soap correctly, carefully lather and wash their hands. Reading the poem by E. Stekvashova “Washing my hands, washing my feet”
Compote. Tell us what the compote is made from. Show pictures of fruits and berries . D/i “The doll Masha loves compote from...”
Activate the dictionary: consolidate the names of fruits and berries.
Teach children to perform hygiene skills (hand washing)
meaningfully, performing actions in a certain sequence. Reading an excerpt of the poem: “My, my chimney sweep Clean, clean, clean.
It will be, it will be a chimney sweep Clean, clean, clean, clean” (K. Chukovsky)
Tell children about the need to comb after sleep. Teach children to remember and bring their own individual comb. Reading the nursery rhyme “I am a magic comb, I am friends with any hairstyle”
Conversation “Wash your hands clean”
— tell children why it is important to wash their hands thoroughly after a walk.
To instill in children a positive attitude towards washing. Reading the nursery rhyme “Come out, water, we have come to wash
Learn to put away toys at the end of games. Maintain a positive attitude towards cleaning. Reading the poem by V. Chernykh “Counting book about cleaning”
Strengthening a positive attitude towards washing. Teach to be careful, not to wet clothes, not to splash water. Reading nursery rhymes “Come out, water, We came to wash ourselves!”
“Oh, the water is good!
Good water!” Game situation “The little bear is having dinner”
.Goal: to form a group of children, teach them to eat carefully, hold a spoon correctly, and use a napkin.
To instill in children cultural and hygienic skills, the desire to always be beautiful, clean, and neat. Reading nursery rhymes “We’ll go swimming and splash in the water”
“Water, water, everything sparkles with smiles!”
"Wonderful combs"
- teach children that personal hygiene items should be individual and kept clean, cultivate neatness.
Reading Art. Yu. Simbirskaya “Bangs are not at all afraid of a comb.”
Conversation “Everyone needs to wash their face!”
- tell the children how animals wash themselves
(dog, cat, horse, elephant)
Reading the nursery rhyme
“Bul, gul, gul, Karasiki.
We wash in a basin.” and
“The mirror loves clean faces, The mirror will say: “You need to wash your face!”
Learn to dress yourself after sleep, remembering the correct sequence of actions. Reading a poem E. Stekvashova “The cat walks without clothes”
While washing, consider soap, talk about soap, why it is needed. Reading nursery rhymes
“Scented soap, white, soapy”
“Every day I wash my soap”
Conversation "Hairstyle"
. Discuss with the children who has what hairstyles, show which of the children’s hairstyles they especially like. Develop communication skills, interest and respect for peers. Reading a poemP. Morina “If the hair is not in order -
The comb will comb the locks.”
Conversation “Wash your hands clean”
— tell children why it is important to wash their hands thoroughly after a walk.
Reading nursery rhymes “Rub, rub, wipe your palms clean!”
, “
“Squish-squish with your hands
Learn to dress yourself for a walk, remembering the correct sequence of actions. Reading the poem by S. Buslova “It’s frosty outside the window today.
So that the boy does not freeze,
We put on pants -
We will skip and run in them.”
Teach children to take care of their appearance, continue to develop the ability to roll up their sleeves, use soap correctly, carefully lather and wash their hands. Reading Art. E. Cherkashina “Mama Kvochka has eight sons and two daughters. Mom bought each of us two pieces of soap, so that they would be clean, neat, beautiful and neat.”
Conversation “Why do you need a comb?”
Experimentation: show children a tangled skein of thread, offer to untangle it. Explain that hair also gets tangled if you don’t comb it. Reading a poem about V. Kuzminov’s comb “There’s a whole row of sharp teeth, But they don’t eat with them!” What runs like a filly From the temples to the back of the head?
Conversation "Sweets"
. Invite children to list their favorite sweets, tell them that sweets are made with sugar or honey. Develop interest in the environment.
Learn to collect toys at the end of the game. Reading the poem by L. Zaikina “Mom was cleaning, she called Yegor to help”
Conversation “Wash your hands every day”
Develop a positive attitude towards hand washing, strengthen the automaticity of the hand washing habit. Reading Art. L. Skorneva
. ”
Teach children to handle shoes . Reading the poem by O. Ukhalina “The boot walked and groaned, the boot felt bad”
Conversation “You need to put things away - you don’t have to look for them”
. Continue to introduce children to the rules of caring for things.
Conversation “Comb”
. Strengthen the ability to use an individual comb. Reading a riddle about a comb (If my hair is tangled - I can comb it in three minutes - no questions asked! And then - braid, make ponytails, hairstyles - All thanks to ... (comb!
Teach children that objects can be edible and inedible, and that inedible objects should not be put in the mouth, because it is dangerous and harmful (toy spoons, toys, pencils, etc.)
Expand children's understanding of the environment.
KGN. Strengthening a positive attitude towards washing. Reading the nursery rhyme “Oh, okay, okay, okay, we’re not afraid of water”
Learn to hold a spoon correctly. Reading the nursery rhyme “A spoon is a simple worker,
City crane.
Grab it quickly onto a spoon
Porridge, soup or potatoes »
Conversation “Wash your hands clean”
— tell children why it is important to wash their hands thoroughly after a walk.
Reading nursery rhymes
“Rub, rub, wipe your palms clean!”
, “
“Squish-squish with your hands”
When washing. consider what dirty water flows from your hands. Reading the poem by Yu. Kushak “Rubbed pigs on each other’s backs”
When eating, learn to hold a spoon correctly, put the spoon into your mouth with the narrow side, not the side. "How a boat floats"
. Reading the nursery rhyme “Who is our favorite?
First spoon for mom"
Reminding the children that the soup for lunch was prepared by the cook in the kitchen - reinforces the idea of professions. Reading the nursery rhyme “Give the cook food: Meat, vegetables and fruits, Rice, potatoes . And then delicious food awaits you.”
Reading a nursery rhyme: “How sloppy - all the clothes are stained!”
Form in children the habit of taking care of their appearance.
Learn to handle bread , do not throw it, bite it carefully. Reading Art. T. Lavrova “What bread is baked from”
Draw children's attention to street shoes when dressing for a walk, compare how they differ from the shoes we wear in the group . Reading the nursery rhyme “The horse bought four galoshes”
While washing, consider soap, talk about soap, why it is needed. Reading nursery rhymes
“Scented soap, white, soapy”
“Every day I wash my soap”
Teach the child to consistently perform the actions when washing hands, to imitate the actions of an adult. Reading the poem by Evgenia Urusova “I am made of white, white foam”
Reading a nursery rhyme after sleep “The cockerel woke up, the hen stood up”
- promote a positive mood in children after waking up.
Reminding children that our food is prepared by a cook in the kitchen - reinforces the idea of professions. Reading the nursery rhyme “Let's say thank you to the chefs for the excellent food. It was very tasty for the children, they swept everything away on the fly.”
Strengthen children's knowledge about the rules of personal hygiene (hand care)
Reading the poem by Zhanna Zudags “Strawberry Soap”
To instill in children cultural and hygienic skills, the desire to always be beautiful, clean, and neat. Reading the poem by Alexey Smirnov “As soon as the sun shines, the cats wash themselves”
Conversation “Holding the mug correctly”
— teach to hold the mug firmly with both hands, drink without spilling.
Reading the nursery rhyme “Trushki-trushki, trush-tu-tushki!
We took the mugs firmly in our hands .
Teach children to perform hygiene skills (hand washing)
meaningfully, performing actions in a certain sequence. Reading the poem by Evgenia Urusova “As soon as you open the tap -
Water will flow. I can wash my hands, or I can wash myself.”
Reading a nursery rhyme: “How sloppy - all the clothes are stained!”
Form in children the habit of taking care of their appearance.
KGN. Strengthening a positive attitude towards washing. “And me” by S. Kaputikyan
Examination of illustrations to A. Barto’s poem “The Dirty Girl”
.Goal: To teach people to wash their hands before eating.
Tell children why it is important to wash their hands thoroughly after a walk. Reading nursery rhymes
When washing. consider what dirty water flows from your hands. Reading the poem by Vladimir and Elena Legkov “We came from a walk together,
We really need to wash our hands.” Reinforce a positive attitude towards washing.
Develop basic skills of neatness and self-service. Learn to wash your hands consistently and dry them with a towel. Reading the poem by E. Mirko “Everyone knows water, they wash themselves in the morning”
Tell children how important it is to comb their hair. Develop KGN. Reading the poem by L. Aleinikova “I’ll take my comb, I’ll do the doll’s hair!”
She has my habits, Two bows and two braids!
KGN “What the towel told me about”
Reading an excerpt from K. Chukovsky’s fairy tale “Moidodyr”
“Long live fragrant soap
. Continue to reinforce children’s ability to wash their hands cleanly and use their own towel.
Learn to dress yourself after sleep, remembering the correct sequence of actions. Reading the poem by S. Privarskaya “We must wear a T-shirt with panties
Tights, shirt, leggings-pants.”
KGN. Strengthening a positive attitude towards washing. Reading the poem by E. Moshkovskaya “The gray hedgehog washed his ears”
Encourage children to pull up their own outdoor pants and shoes. Reading the nursery rhyme “If you want to go for a walk, you need to get dressed quickly”
Continue to teach the child to consistently perform the actions when washing hands, to imitate the actions of an adult. Reading the poem by E. Nikolaeva “ Good water ! Help a little:
Wash the kids' dirty palms!
D/i “Obedient buttons”
— teach children to fasten large buttons, help each other while dressing for a walk.
Nursery rhyme “I’ll fasten a button, and then another one”
Continue to teach the child to consistently perform the actions when washing hands, to imitate the actions of an adult. Reading nursery rhymes “Splashes from the tub on the cheeks and ears”
“Rain from a warm cloud on little hands
Conversation “Combing”
. Talk about the need for combing for boys too. Reading a poem about a scallop. “Even though I quarrel with you often. Hello toothy comb! Without you, my sister can’t braid her hair. Without you, my brother would have to walk around with shaggy hair all day long.” Develop KGN.
Conversation with children “what semolina porridge is made from”
with showing raw cereal (show that semolina looks like white sand, allow you to run your finger over the tray with cereal).
Reading the nursery rhyme “The magpie crow was cooking porridge”
Learn to use a personal towel, find it, focusing on the picture . Reading Art. Y. Kushak “The pigs sat down in the village in terry towels”
Conversation “Vegetables in soup”
Explain that all vegetables can be used to make soup. Observe what vegetables are visible in today's soup. Reading Art. N. Volkova Potatoes
float, float ” .
When washing. To instill in children a positive attitude towards washing. Reading the nursery rhyme “Come out, water, we have come to wash”
Reading a nursery rhyme after sleep “The cockerel woke up, the hen stood up”
- promote a positive mood in children after waking up.
At the table, continue to teach children to behave correctly, to develop the ability to hold a spoon in their right hand. Reading the nursery rhyme “Where is your spoon? Eat at least a little!”
Continue to teach children to take off their shoes independently after a walk and put them in their locker. Reading the nursery rhyme “Oh, the boots are good, they’re asking for it - dance!”
Teach children to be careful with food, try to eat the entire portion. Reading the nursery rhyme “Till-hour, till-hour, here we have lunch now”
Consider soap, talk about soap, why it is needed. Reading nursery rhymes “I washed my hands under the tap”
“Now, kids, it’s time to wash up.”
D/i “Obedient buttons”
— teach children to fasten large buttons, help each other while dressing for a walk.
Nursery rhyme “I’ll fasten a button, and then another one”
Teach children to put on shoes on their own, show different ways to check the correct choice of shoes for the right and left feet. Reading the nursery rhyme “The cat went to the market, the cat bought a boot. Kitty, hurry up and buy another one.”
When dressing for a walk, teach children to take items of clothing out of the locker afterward. Reading the nursery rhyme “If you want to go for a walk, you need to get dressed quickly”
Experimenting “Huge Soap Bubbles”
Show children how to use a soap solution and a loop to blow an unusually large soap bubble. Arouse interest in soap and soap foam, a positive attitude towards washing.
Conversation “Every thing has its place”
Teach to take care of things, remind that all things should be in their places.
Reading Art. Z. Alexandrova “What you took, put it back
. Develop a desire for order and a sense of humor.
Improve your washing skills: soap your hands until foam forms , rinse thoroughly, wash your face, and wipe dry with your towel. Reading Art. I. Ischuk “My palms”
Conversation "Water"
Activate children's vocabulary, talk about what water is like
(taste, color of water, water temperature)
Experimentation 6 compare the taste of apple juice and water, colored and plain water, cold and hot water, draw conclusions.
Explain why a person needs water (to drink and to cook food with it)
. Talk about what dishes require water to prepare.
Conversation “Dairy dishes”
Recall with the children dishes made from milk, tell how milk is boiled.
Reading Art. M. Boroditskaya “The milk ran away”
To develop children’s interest in cooking methods and in living nature. Cultivate respect for the profession of a cook. to mom's work.
Conversation “What are your favorite vegetables?”
Continue to consolidate knowledge about vegetables.
Conversation “Washing”
Strengthen the ability to roll up sleeves before washing and wash hands after using the toilet. Reading a poemG. Ladonshchikova. “I washed my hands under the tap”
Conversation “How animals wash themselves”
. We remember how a cat, a dog, a sparrow, a duck washes itself. Describe how elephants and horses, bears and tigers bathe. Develop ideas about the world around you. Develop coherent speech, activate vocabulary.
Conversation “Gloves and mittens”
Compare gloves – thick, warm ones in winter and single-layer gloves in autumn. Riddles about seasonal clothing. (“Two sisters, two braids made of thin sheep’s wool. How to go for a walk, wear it like that, So that five and five don’t freeze.” etc.) Invite the children to explain the difference between gloves and mittens. Develop KGN, coherent speech.
Conversation “Jam”
Invite children to remember how and from what they can make jam, based on impressions from the familiar cartoon
“Masha and the Bear.
Jam Day .
Bring to the conclusion that jam is made from sugar and berries (fruits)
. Expand children's understanding of the environment, our food and how to prepare it.
Conversation “How can we live without a comb?”
Reading the poem
“I am a magic comb, I am friends with any hairstyle
. Discuss girls' hairstyles, what do you like best, haircut, ponytails or braids. Strengthen respect for the profession of a teacher who helps girls do their hair after bed.
Form an idea of how adults maintain order in a group : wiping toys, building material. Reading the poem by T. Molina “The wet rag danced and danced”
To reinforce in children the importance of wet cleaning and to create a desire to keep the group clean .
Conversation: “How we organize our closets”
.Education of KGN.
Strengthen the ability to properly place your things in lockers. Learning the tongue twister “Once a giraffe hung it in the closet...”
Conversation “Every thing has its place”
Teach to take care of things, remind that all things should be in their places.
Reading Art. Z. Alexandrova “What you took, put it back
. Develop a desire for order and a sense of humor.
Teach children to take care of their appearance, continue to develop the ability to roll up their sleeves, use soap correctly, carefully lather and wash their hands. Reading the poem by E. Moshkovskaya “The tigress washes herself, and the cubs wash their faces”
Draw (sneakers, sandals) when dressing.
Show how to correctly place shoes before putting them on: with the toes facing each other, pay attention that the toes of shoes that are placed incorrectly look in different directions, as if “running away”
from each other.. Reading the poem by T. Kozyrina
“How our Zinochka had a quarrel boots
Teach your child to consistently perform actions when washing hands, to imitate the actions of an adult. Reading the poem by Evgenia Urusova “I am made of white, white foam”
Reading a nursery rhyme after sleep “The cockerel woke up, the hen stood up”
- promote a positive mood in children after waking up.
Reminding children that our food is prepared by a cook in the kitchen - reinforces the idea of professions. Reading a nursery rhyme: “Let's say thank you to the chefs for the excellent food. It was very tasty for the children, they swept everything away on the fly.”
Strengthen children's knowledge about the rules of personal hygiene (hand care)
Reading the poem by Zhanna Zudags “Strawberry Soap”
To instill in children cultural and hygienic skills, the desire to always be beautiful, clean, and neat. Reading the poem by Alexey Smirnov “As soon as the sun shines, the cats wash themselves”
Conversation “Holding the mug correctly”
— teach to hold the mug firmly with both hands, drink without spilling.
Reading the nursery rhyme “Trushki-trushki, trush-tu-tushki!
We firmly took the KGN mugs in our hands . Strengthening a positive attitude towards washing. Reading the nursery rhyme “Oh, okay, okay, okay, we’re not afraid of water”
Reading a nursery rhyme: “How sloppy - all the clothes are stained!”
Form in children the habit of taking care of their appearance.
Teach children to perform hygiene skills (hand washing)
meaningfully, performing actions in a certain sequence. Reading the poem by Evgenia Urusova “As soon as you open the tap -
Water will flow. I can wash my hands, or I can wash myself.”
Strengthening a positive attitude towards washing. Teach to be careful, not to wet clothes, not to splash water. Reading nursery rhymes “A turtle went for a swim and bit everyone out of fear”
“Magic water for a pink face”
Learn to handle bread , do not throw it, bite it carefully. Reading Art. T. Lavrova “What bread is baked from”
When dressing for a walk, learn to follow the sequence of putting things on. Reading a nursery rhyme: “Mom, grandmother, look:
Dad gave me a sweater"
Consider soap, talk about soap, why it is needed. Reading nursery rhymes “I washed my hands under the tap”
“Now, kids, it’s time to wash up.”
Draw children's attention to street shoes when dressing for a walk, compare how they differ from the shoes we wear in the group . Reading the nursery rhyme “Now let’s put on our boots. We’ll put shoes on our feet.”
During lunch, an explanation of “What the soup is made from”
, tell us what vegetables can be put in the soup, and which ones we put in today.
Reading Art. O. Rusenko “Rice and potatoes danced ”
regime moments | content | time | |
2-5 | 5-7 | ||
Morning reception for children (outdoors) | Morning meeting. Inspection. Interaction with parents. Independent play activities of children. Individual and subgroup didactic games. | 7.00- 8.00 | 7.00- 8.00 |
Morning exercises (in group) | Outdoor switchgear, breathing and corrective gymnastics | 8.00 – 8.10 | 8.00 – 8.10 |
Morning group meeting | Exchange of news, joint planning of activities | 8.10-8.20 | 8.10-8.20 |
Minutes of health | Articulation gymnastics, speech with movement, breathing and visual gymnastics | 8.20-8.25 | 8.20-8.25 |
Preparing for breakfast | Table setting, KGN | 8.25 – 8.35 | 8.25 – 8.35 |
Breakfast | Eating | 8.35 — 8.45 | 8.35 — 8.45 |
Preparation for organized educational activities | Organization of space for further activities of children. Division into subgroups. Independent play activities of children | 8.45 – 9.00 | 8.45 – 9.00 |
Organized educational activities | Game-based educational situations: subgroup and frontal. Organization of different types of children's activities | 9.00-9.10 (2-3) 9.20-9.40 (3-5) | 9.50-10.20 10.30-11.00 |
Preparing for the walk | Self-care skills training. Compliance with the rules of behavior when going out. | 10.10 – 10.25 | 11.10– 11.20 |
Walk | Conversations, examination, observation, motor activity, research and work activities. Individual work. | 10.25-11.15 | 11.20-12.20 |
Returning from a walk, preparing for lunch | Table setting, training in self-service skills, CGN, independent activities | 11.15- 11.30 | 12.20-12.30 |
Dinner | Eating | 11.30 – 11.45 | 12.30-12.45 |
Preparation for sleep | Music therapy, relaxation, reading before bed | 11.45 -12.00 | 12.45-12.50 |
Daytime nap | 12.00 — 15.00 | 12.50 — 15.00 | |
Gradual rise, preparation for afternoon tea | Awakening gymnastics, hardening procedures, physical exercise, independent activity, table setting | 15.00 — 15.15 | 15.00 — 15.15 |
Afternoon snack | Eating | 15.15 – 15.30 | 15.15 – 15.30 |
Preparing for the walk | Self-care skills training | 15.30-15.40 | 15.30-15.40 |
Walking, children going home | Organization of various types of children's activities. Interaction with parents. Individual work. Going home. | 15.40- 17.30 | 15.40- 17.30 |
I approve
Head of the Children's Development Center - kindergarten "Lira"
__________G.V. Polovinkina
"1" September 2021
time | regime moments | content |
7.00- 8.00 | Morning reception for children | Morning meeting. Inspection. Interaction with parents. Independent play activities of children. Individual and subgroup didactic games. |
8.00-8.15 | Morning group meeting | Reading literature, conversations, looking at pictures, toys |
8.15 – 8.20 | Morning exercises (in group) | Outdoor switchgear, breathing and corrective gymnastics |
8.20 – 8.30 | Preparing for breakfast | Table setting, KGN |
8.30 — 8.40 | Breakfast | Eating |
8.40 – 8.50 | Preparation for organized educational activities | Organization of space for further activities of children. Division into subgroups. Independent play activities of children |
8.50 – 9.30 | Organized educational activities | Game-based educational situations: subgroup and frontal. Organization of different types of children's activities |
9.30 – 9.40 | Preparing for the walk | Self-care skills training. Compliance with the rules of behavior when going out. |
9.40 -11.10 | Walk | Conversations, examination, observation, motor activity, research and work activities. Individual work. |
11.10- 11.25 | Returning from a walk, preparing for lunch | Table setting, training in self-service skills, CGN, independent activities |
11.25 – 11.45 | Dinner | Eating |
11.45 -11.55 | Preparation for sleep | Music therapy, relaxation, reading before bed |
11.55 — 14.55 | Daytime nap | |
14.55 — 15.15 | Gradual rise, preparation for afternoon tea | Awakening gymnastics, hardening procedures, physical exercise, independent activity, table setting |
15.15 – 15.30 | Afternoon snack | Eating |
15.30 – 16. 45 | Organized children's activities | Joint activities of adults and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas, independent activities in activity centers (individual, subgroup, situational, leisure play activities) |
16.45 -16.55 | Preparing for dinner | KGN, reading art. literature, table setting |
16.55 – 17.10 | Dinner | Eating |
17.10-17.30 | Preparing for the walk | Self-care skills training |
17.30- 19.00 | Walking, children going home | Organization of various types of children's activities. Interaction with parents. Individual work. Going home. |
I approve
Head of the Children's Development Center - kindergarten "Lira"
__________G.V. Polovinkina
"1" September 2021
Time | Components | content |
7.00 – 7.55 | Morning reception for children (outdoors) | Morning meeting. Inspection. Interaction with parents. Independent play activities of children. Individual and subgroup didactic games. |
7.55 — 8.00 | Morning group meeting | Exchange of news, joint planning of activities |
8.00– 8.10 | Morning exercises (in group) | Outdoor switchgear, breathing and corrective gymnastics |
8.10-8.20 | Five-minute speech therapy session | Articulation gymnastics, speech with movement, breathing and visual gymnastics |
8.20 — 8.30 | Preparing for breakfast | Table setting, KGN, duty |
8.30 -8.40 | Breakfast | Eating |
8.40 — 8.50 | Preparation for organized educational activities | Organization of space for further activities of children. Division into subgroups. Individual orders. |
8.50 – 9.40 | Organized educational activities | Game-based educational situations: subgroup and frontal. Organization of different types of children's activities |
9.40-10.10 | Preparing for the walk | Self-care skills training. Compliance with the rules of behavior when going out |
10.10 -11.25 | Walk | Conversations, examination, observation, motor activity, research and work activities. Individual work. |
11.25 -11.45 | Returning from a walk, preparing for lunch | Table setting, training in self-service skills, CGN, independent activities |
11.45 – 12.05 | Dinner | Eating |
12.05 — 12.15 | Preparation for sleep | Music therapy, relaxation, reading before bed |
12.15 – 15.00 | Daytime nap | |
15.00 – 15.15 | Gradual rise, preparation for afternoon tea | Awakening gymnastics, hardening procedures, physical exercise, independent activity, table setting |
15.15 – 15.30 | Afternoon snack | Eating |
15.30 — 16.45 | Preparing for a walk. Walk. Returning from a walk. | Self-care skills training. Compliance with the rules of behavior when going out. Conversations, examination, observation, motor activity, research and work activities. Individual work. |
16.45 -16.55 | Preparing for dinner, evening gathering | KGN, reading art. literature, discussion of the day's results, planning for the next day, table setting |
16.55 -17.05 | Dinner | Eating |
17.05 -17.15 | Preparing for the walk | Self-care skills training |
17.15 — 19.00 | Walk. | Organization of various types of children's activities. Interaction with parents. Individual work. Children going home. |
I approve
Head of the Children's Development Center - kindergarten "Lira"
__________G.V. Polovinkina
"1" September 2021