Summary of a music lesson in the second junior group “Autumn Adventure”

Author: Evgenia Aleksandrovna Seibert, music director

Institution: MBDOU kindergarten No. 6 “Vasilyok” Locality: Karasuk

Topic: “Colors of Autumn” Purpose: To consolidate knowledge about autumn as a time of year. Develop auditory attention, musical responsiveness, motor activity, creative imagination. Objectives: 1. Educational: - improve vocal skills; - enrich children with musical experiences through listening and singing. 2. Developmental: - develop a sense of rhythm, auditory attention; - promote the development of memory, logical thinking, imagination; — develop children’s creative abilities and communication skills. 3. Educators: - cultivate a positive attitude towards music and nature. Equipment: box with fake pencils, homemade musical instruments, easel, white leaves, plume, sets of colored pencils.

Progress of the lesson

Musical and communicative greeting “Hello, friend!” Conversation Get into a circle quickly You are my friend and I am your friend. Let's hold hands tightly and smile at each other. What season? Who painted the leaves in our park today? And spins them around and blows them off the branches? It's autumn!

And what colors does autumn paint the leaves with? And for some reason there is a white leaf under my feet, and what about you, Masha, Petya? What happened? What we can do? How can we color it? I saw a box somewhere. You did not see? (Open the box, which contains one black pencil). Here is a pencil, it will help us color the autumn leaves. In order to find the rest of the pencils, we need to complete certain tasks.

Stand in a circle, guys, for some musical exercise. Musical and rhythmic exercises I'm tired. Shall we rest a little?

Breathing exercise Let's breathe on the leaves and warm them with our warmth. And on my piece of paper there is something drawn. What is this? The leaves are of different sizes, large and small. Why do you think they are different? And I want to try to clap the rhythm. Here's what I got. What about you, Sasha? Masha?

Game "Rhythmic Leaves"

Should we check our box? (Open it, take out the red pencil, pay attention to the fact that it is not empty.) What kind of picture is this? (Children sing). In order not to forget about the task, let's place the picture on the easel. What song will we sing? Guess the musical riddle.

Performance of the song “Top Boots”

Maybe we should check our box? (Open it, take out a green pencil). What is this picture? (Children play musical instruments). In order not to forget about the task, we will place the picture on the easel.

Voiceover of a fairy tale Somewhere I saw a basket with musical instruments. But look, the tools are not quite ordinary. We will try to voice a fairy tale about a hare who lived in the forest. Listen, please.

There lived a cowardly hare in the forest. (We rustle). He was afraid of everything. (We rustle). One day a hare went out for a walk in the forest, and a hedgehog rustled in the bushes. (We rustle). The hare got scared and let's run. The hare ran, ran, ran, ran, and sat down on a stump to rest. (Ratchets). And the woodpecker knocks on the pine tree! Knock-knock-knock-knock! (Spoons). The hare rushed and continued to run, ran, ran, ran into the very thicket of the forest. And then thunder strikes! (Drum). And it started to rain. (Sounds of the rain). The hare got scared and ran to the river. And on the bank of the river the frogs were sitting (with a stick on a comb). They saw a hare and jumped into the water!!! The hare was glad that his frogs were scared and boldly galloped into the forest.

Conversation What tools can be used to portray each character? And in order for us to start playing, we will prepare our hands.

Finger gymnastics Autumn, autumn Three palms touching each other. Come! We clench our fists. Autumn, autumn, Three palms touching each other. Look! Palms on cheeks. Yellow leaves are spinning, palms on knees. They lie down quietly on the ground. The sun no longer warms us, We clench and unclench our fists. The wind is blowing more and more, Hands to the sides. The birds flew to the south, we crossed our arms, we flew like “birds.” The rain is knocking on our window. We drum our fingers on our palms. We put on hats and jackets. We imitate. And we put on our shoes. We stomp our feet. We know the months September, October and November. Fist, rib, palm.

And now we are turning into musicians. Maybe we should check our box? (Open it, take out a yellow pencil). It contains the following task. (Children dance).

Rhythmoplasty of music. Joyce's "Autumn Dream"

We will turn into leaves and try to perform an autumn dance. What do you think the leaves can do when they dance? (spin, fall to the ground, fly, gather in bouquets, scatter to the sides.). One day Veterok felt the cold approaching and decided to fly to warmer lands. The way there lay through the park where his leaf friends lived. He looked down and gasped; on the ground lay an incredibly beautiful carpet of colorful leaves. The breeze came down and began to play with the leaves. He picked them up from the ground, threw them into the air, twirled them in an autumn dance, collected them in bouquets, scattered them in different directions and again circled, circled, circled. But then the breeze flapped its wing for the last time and flew away, and the leaves quietly sank to the ground, trying to settle down so as to form a bright, beautiful carpet. (Open it, take out an orange pencil). Have we found all the pencils in our box? Can we color the leaves? I'll take the yellow color and color it.

“Autumn, autumn, one, two, three!” Coloring the leaves.

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Summary of an integrated lesson in the 2nd junior group on the topic Autumn

Integrated lesson in the second junior group on the topic “Autumn”
Objectives: to expand children’s ideas about the surrounding nature, about the upcoming autumn holiday; develop artistic and visual perception, thinking and coherent speech. Reinforce knowledge about color. Develop the ability to work in a team, cultivate a desire to create materials and decorations for the holiday. Materials and equipment: easel, bright autumn leaves of different shapes and colors, a sheet of Whatman paper, glue, napkin, a painting of an autumn forest. Musical accompaniment: musical composition “Autumn” (translation by N. Trakov) lyrics. M. Bikbova, music. A. Khasanshina. 1. Organizational moment: Educator. Leaves are falling, falling leaves are falling in our garden. Yellow and red leaves curl and fly in the wind. What time of year is the poem talking about? (about autumn) How did you guess? (children's answers). Guys, today I invite you to the autumn forest (leads the children to a painting depicting an autumn forest). 2. Main part: Educator. Summer has passed, autumn has come. It’s cold in the forest in autumn, the leaves on the trees are no longer green, but what are they? (yellow, red) The sky is darker in autumn, there are clouds on it, it will probably rain soon. The wind blows and leaves fly off the branches. Do you see how many there are under the trees? 3. Musical and rhythmic movements: The teacher hands out colored autumn leaves and invites the children to turn into them. Children listen to a story about leaves and perform movements to the music “Autumn”, in accordance with the text of the poem. Now autumn has come to the garden (Children move in a circle, in simple steps)
Yellow leaves are circling
(Having the leaves out in front of them, they wave them right and left, raising their hands above their heads)
Yellow, red, The most beautiful.
(They spin around in a simple step, holding their hands with leaves above their heads)
Wind, stop, don’t whistle There’s no need to rake the leaves!
(they wave the leaves right and left)
We won’t give you the leaves
- (they hide the leaves behind their backs)
We want to play ourselves!
(Hold the leaves in front of you)

4. Creating an autumn picture: Educator: the autumn holiday is coming. What will we do at the holiday? (we will sing songs about autumn, recite poems, dance). How will we decorate the hall? I suggest you make an autumn picture from these leaves. Children, with the help of a teacher, smear the leaves with glue, go to the easel with whatman paper and glue them. While performing these actions, the teacher asks each child “what color is your leaf, is it big or small?” 5. Reflection: The children, together with the teacher, admire the created picture and take it to the music room.

We recommend watching:

Autumn entertainment in the younger group “Visiting Autumn.” Scenario Autumn holiday in the younger group. Scenario Notes for a lesson in the younger group. Gifts of Autumn Scenario for an autumn holiday for kindergarten. Junior – middle group

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Musical lesson in the 2nd junior group: “Journey to the autumn forest”


Instill in children an interest in musical activities.


Involve them in a gaming environment.

Through play, develop in children the ability to improvise, conveying the characteristic features of animals (hare, fox, bear, wolf)

Develop a desire to actively sing along to individual phrases.

Perform dance moves.

Be able to work with attributes (leaflets). Strengthen your knowledge of color.

Teach them to listen and hear music.

Develop self-orientation and spatial awareness.



bear, hare, wolf, fox. The leaves are multi-colored according to the number of children.

Progress of the lesson

Before entering the music hall, the music director invites the children to take a train to the forest and see what is happening in the autumn forest. Children enter the hall to the music, follow the teacher, pretending to see the wheels of a steam locomotive spinning. They stop while marching music is playing and stamp their feet. To the accompaniment of light music, they “turn” into birds and “fly” freely around the hall. Then they line up one after another again.

Musical director:

So we found ourselves in a fairytale forest, how beautiful it is all around. (Everyone looks at how the hall is decorated in autumn - a growl is heard.)

Musical director:

Oh guys, someone is growling. Now I’ll go and have a look (He returns with a teddy bear in his hands). Guys, look who came to us. This is... (Children answer - Teddy Bear, turn on the recording of the song “Teddy Bear”.)

Musical director:

(Teddy bear in hands, music director dances to the music.) Guys, did you like the Teddy Bear? (Children's answers.) Let's say hello to Mishka (children say hello to the bear). The little bear answers: “Hello!”

Conducting a communicative greeting

S. Korotaeva “Nose, hello, hello!” (Children say hello and show the corresponding parts of the body - nose, cheeks, arms, legs.) The bear repeats after the children.

Musical director:

Guys, let’s sing the song we learned for our Little Bear. Bear, sit on a tree stump and see what our children can do. (Everything that has been said is accompanied by an action: we place the bear on a stump under the Christmas tree. The music director plays the most memorable melody in this song - the children recognize it.)

Musical director:

He sings, the children sing along “1,2,3,4,5 - the rain came out for a walk...” (according to the text, the children perform the appropriate movements as shown by the teacher - they show the “roof”, “knock on the window”, depict “droplets”).

Musical director:

Well done guys, you tried so hard, you sang along well. Did you like our song, Mishka? (The bear nods his head)

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