Summary of the music lesson “Teremok” for children of the younger group

Musical lesson in the younger group. Abstract

Summary of a music lesson in kindergarten in the junior group
Goals Musical development:
1. To consolidate children’s knowledge about the nature of music, to activate and develop children’s speech, imaginative thinking, and creative skills.
2. Learn to sing expressively, in a natural voice, to convey the cheerful nature of the song. Strengthen the ability to independently recognize and name familiar songs upon introduction. 3.Continue to develop musical and rhythmic skills: move with a stomping, calm step, gallop, run lightly, stamp with one foot. 4.Develop the ability to move in accordance with the contrasting nature of the music. Cognitive development:
Consolidate knowledge about nature, animals, flowers
Social development
: Cultivate a friendly attitude towards the surrounding nature, towards each other
Progress of the lesson Children enter the hall.
To get ready for the lesson, a greeting game is held. Pens, pens, wake up, hello!
Hello little fingers! And our little hands, hello! Wake up our legs, hello! And floods and springs, hello! Eyes, ears, nose, mouth, hello! Everyone, wink at each other, hello! And you will smile at your guests, hello! Musical director. Guys, today we will go to the forest, but so that we don’t get bored, we’ll take our friends with us. Oh, look, a doll, a bear, a bunny, a mouse, a chicken - everyone wants to come with us. Let's sing a song or dance for each of them. This will make the ride more fun! // Children are given a task to develop song and dance creativity (show how the bear dances, the chicken sings, etc.).
Musical director. Well, now we can go. Let's sing a song about a car. "Machine", music. And seq. L. Vakhrusheva (Musical director, - 4/2007. - P.72) Musical director. Get in the cars, let's go! // Children walk with a stomping step to the singing of musical hands, learn to move in three-beat time.
We drove and drove, and there was a traffic light!
We drove, we drove, there’s a traffic light!
Etc. Musical director. Here we are in the forest. It’s so warm here, the flowers are blooming, the butterflies are flying! I really want to go for a walk and pick flowers. You and I will also take a walk, everyone will go along their own path. “Let's take a walk”, music. T. Lomovoy. //To the music, the children scatter around the room - walking, “picking flowers.” This exercise promotes the development of imagination and spatial orientation. Musical director. How many flowers have you collected, well done! Would you like to listen to a song about flowers? Well, then, sit down and listen. LISTENING, SINGING. "Flowers", music. V. Karaseva, lyrics. N. Frenkel. // The song is performed twice, after which the song begins to be learned without piano accompaniment. Teach children to pronounce words clearly, to match the adult’s voice. Musical director. The guys, while we were singing and picking flowers, someone galloped into the clearing. Who is this? The introduction is performed, the children guess who the song is about. “I’m riding a horse”, music. A. Filippenko, lyrics. T. Volgina. // Ask the children what mood the horse is in, how can you depict the clatter of hooves?
(using wooden cubes). The children sing a song and at the end they gallop “like horses.” Teach children to convey the cheerful character of the song, to play rhythmically on noise instruments. MUSICAL GAME.
Musical director. And moths, butterflies, and bees are buzzing in the clearing. Who knows what else bees do? (Children: collecting honey!). Now we too will turn into bees and play! And I will choose the bee myself. Poppy, poppy, cornflower, Leads a yellow flower. One, two, three - You drive with him too! // Children stand in a circle and make collars. The counting table selects a bee that “flies” through the collar (to the singing of adults), then performs a free dance to the cheerful dance. “Buzzers”, muses and lyrics. S. Krasova (Musical director 4/ 2006/ - C.8) DANCE Music director. Guys, it's time for us to return to the group. Let's get up with a friend so as not to get lost and run along the path, and then we'll tap our feet - as the music tells us. “Squealer”, Ukrainian. adv. chalk, arr. T. Lomovoy // Make sure that the children run easily, on their toes, and do not bump into each other; in the second part, they look at their partner without lowering their heads.

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Instill in children an interest in musical activities.


  • Involve them in a gaming environment.
  • Through play, develop in children the ability to improvise, conveying the characteristic features of animals (hare, fox, bear, wolf)
  • Develop a desire to actively sing along to individual phrases.
  • Perform dance moves.
  • Be able to work with attributes (leaflets). Strengthen your knowledge of color.
  • Teach them to listen and hear music.
  • Develop self-orientation and spatial awareness.


Toys - bear, hare, wolf, fox. The leaves are multi-colored according to the number of children.

Progress of the lesson

Before entering the music hall, the music director invites the children to take a train to the forest and see what is happening in the autumn forest. Children enter the hall to the music, follow the teacher, pretending to see the wheels of a steam locomotive spinning. They stop while marching music is playing and stamp their feet. To the accompaniment of light music, they “turn” into birds and “fly” freely around the hall. Then they line up one after another again.

Musical director: here we are in a fairytale forest, how beautiful it is all around. (Everyone looks at how the hall is decorated in autumn - a growl is heard.)

Musical director: Oh, guys, someone is growling. Now I’ll go and have a look (He returns with a teddy bear in his hands). Guys, look who came to us. This is... (Children answer - Teddy Bear, turn on the recording of the song “Teddy Bear”.)

Musical director: (Teddy bear in hands, musical director dances to the music.) Guys, did you like the Teddy Bear? (Children's answers.) Let's say hello to Mishka (children say hello to the bear). The little bear answers: “Hello!”

Conducting a communicative greeting

S. Korotaeva “Nose, hello, hello!” (Children say hello and show the corresponding parts of the body - nose, cheeks, arms, legs.) The bear repeats after the children.

Musical director: Guys, let’s sing the song we learned for our Little Bear. Bear, sit on a tree stump and see what our children can do. (Everything that has been said is accompanied by an action: we place the bear on a stump under the Christmas tree. The music director plays the most memorable melody in this song - the children recognize it.)

Musical director: sings, children sing along “1,2,3,4,5 - the rain came out for a walk...” (according to the text, the children perform the appropriate movements as shown by the teacher - they show the “roof”, “knock on the window”, depict “droplets”).

Musical director: Well done guys, you tried so hard, you sang along well. Did you like our song, Mishka? (Bear nods his head).

While the music director is talking to the children, the teacher lays out pieces of paper on the floor.

Musical director: Guys, in our song we sang about rain, about autumn, about leaves. What color were the leaves? (Children answer - yellow and red.)

Musical director: That's right, yellow and red, look at the beautiful leaves lying around. Let's dance with them (children pick up leaves and dance “Dance with Leaves”). We quietly place animals under the tree - a hare, a fox, a wolf.

Musical director: Oh, what a beautiful dance. And you, my dear, did you like him? (the bear nods). Let's kids collect a large beautiful bouquet of leaves and give it to the bear (the children give the teacher the leaves and all together approach the bear and notice other toys).

Musical director: Guys, look who else came to us. Who is sitting there under the tree?

Children: Bunny, fox, wolf, bear.

Musical director: These are forest animals, they heard how we were having fun and they also wanted to play. Let's invite them to the game “We were walking in the forest” (we perform a song - a game with the movement “We were walking in the forest”, movements according to the text, as shown by the teacher).

Musical director: What a fun game it was, and how great you were at portraying the animals. But I hear our locomotive calling us home. Let’s quickly wave to our forest friends: “Bye, bye!” (we say it drawlingly, with a chant).

To the music we leave the forest to join the group.

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Final music lesson in 2nd junior group No. 9


Prepared by:

musical director

Agapova Elena Vyacheslavovna

Saransk 2021

Purpose of the lesson:

To consolidate children's skills and abilities in all types of musical activities under the section “Musical education”.



  • Strengthen the ability to move in accordance with the pronounced character of the music;
  • Strengthen children's ability to distinguish between loud and quiet sounds;
  • Formation of modal feeling;
  • Strengthens the ability to rhythmically perform dance movements;


  • develop emotional responsiveness;
  • develop a sense of rhythm;
  • develop vocal and singing skills, creative expressions;


  • cultivate a love of music, a desire to sing, dance, play, and play instruments; cultivate a culture of communication.

Contents of the lesson


1. Warm-up :
“We are cheerful little ones”
Chanting “Mouse”
Singing : “And in the spring”
Musical and rhythmic movement: “Bunnies”
Listening :
m/d game:
“Guess who’s coming?”
6. Playing children's musical instruments

“Polka Yanka” Belarusian folk melody.
Material :

Screen, toys - mittens (mouse, frog, bunny, wolf, fox, bear), music. instruments, tape recorder, piano.

Reinforce familiar material in a playful manner and create a good, joyful mood. Arouse the desire to create various images, strengthen the ability to navigate in space, and use elements of familiar dance movements in free dancing.

Progress of the lesson:

  1. Children enter the hall

(The teacher is behind a screen, acting with dolls, children freely enter the hall, greet the music director).

Musical director:

Hello guys!


Good afternoon

Musical director:

Let's smile at each other and warm up a little.

  1. "We are funny kids"

Musical director:

Now go to the chairs.

  1. Sit on chairs

Musical director:

Children, do you want to go visit a fairy tale?



Musical director:

What fairy tales do you know? (answer) Let's see what fairy tales await us today. He sings: “There is a tower-house in the field, it is not low, not high, not high. Who lives in the little house? What fairy tale have we found ourselves in? (answer, name the characters) These are the ones we will meet today.

The first to come to the little house was…. (Mouse)

Pee-pee-pee, wow, the kids have gathered here. You guys, warm up, little voice!

Chant "Mouse"

Musical director:

The second one came to the little house... (frog).

Kwa-kwa-kwa! 2p I always love to sing songs! Sing a song in your ear and amuse the frog.

What time is it outside now and where?



Musical director:

Let's sing the frog a song about spring.

  1. Song "And in the spring"

Musical director:

Come on, get your ears ready, who will the music tell us about?

  1. The play “Bunnies Run Through the Forest” by A. Grechaninov is played (they recognize it, name it)


This is a bunny.

Musical director: Here he is, the bunny, jumped out of the little house. And his music was abrupt and light. So he galloped across the field, but did not tremble from fear. Show how deftly the bunny jumps.


Musical director:

These are the evil bunnies jumping in our clearing. And now our bunnies will turn into children and sit on chairs.

Musical director:

Listen, the music is playing again - someone wants to leave the little house.

  1. An excerpt from the play “The Fox” is heard

Musical director

: Who came out of the tower, did you guys guess? (Fox appears on the screen) Listen to the riddle:

Cunning cheat, Red head, Fluffy tail - beauty! What is her name? Fox

Musical director

That's right, this is music about a fox, she was affectionate and leisurely. In it we heard the fox stepping softly. Oh, and someone else is in a hurry to come to us, let’s listen to the music, and you tell me who else is in a hurry to come to us.

  1. The music of the Wolf sounds

Guess the riddle:

He makes friends only with the fox, This animal is angry, angry. He clicks and clicks with his teeth, A very scary gray...

Children :


Musical director:

Well done! We completed this task too. The Wolf and the Fox love to play musical instruments and want to play in the orchestra with you. But before we play the instruments, let's do a little gymnastics for our hands.

Finger gymnastics

The grandmother put on her glasses and saw her grandchildren.

The children ran along the river to race.

  1. Orchestra "Polka Janka" Belarusian people. m.

Musical director:

And now we can guess who the music will tell us about.

  1. Music "Bear" sounds

Musical director:

That's right, guys, this music is about a bear. The sounds are low and heavy. (a bear is shown on the screen)

I'm a bear-target, I like to roar loudly. I'm not just a bear - I'm a catcher of all animals! You quickly get up in a circle and start the game.

  1. GAME OF "CATCH" p. n. P.

Musical director:

That's how fun we played. What fairy tale have we been to?



Musical director:

Our lesson has come to an end, thank you all for your attention, you are great, goodbye.

  1. The results of the lesson, they say goodbye and leave the hall.
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