Summary of an open music lesson in a compensatory preparatory group for children with special needs on the topic “Visiting the Fairy of Music”

Musical lesson in the preparatory group of kindergarten

Summary of a music lesson in a preparatory school group.
Author: Gerashchenko Angelina Viktorovna.
Musical director. Place of work: MADOU kindergarten for care and health care No. 31 “Fairy Tale”, Yelets, Lipetsk region. Synopsis of the OD “The World of Wonderful Music”

Educational field “Artistic and aesthetic development” (“Music”).
Preparatory group for school. Goal: to promote the development of children's creative abilities in various types of musical activities. Program content: • teach children to sing a song in three or four nearby keys, purely intoning the descending incremental movement of the melody; •introduce children to a new song /E. Ptichkin “Silver Bouquet”/; • continue to develop singing skills: diction, breathing, sound production, purity of vocal intonation, harmonious, united singing - ensemble; • learn to perform a familiar song expressively, emotionally, consolidating vocal skills; developmental tasks •develop song creativity and playing music on musical instruments; •develop plasticity, rhythm and expressiveness of movements, their consistency with the form and character of the dance; •enrich children’s musical terminology (treble clef, genre of musical work, orchestra); vocabulary work •enrich and activate children's vocabulary (musical genres, orchestra, treble clef, silver, sparkling, sorcerer, potholes) educational tasks •cultivate love and interest in music, musical taste. Equipment: Tape recorder, audio recordings: “Polka” by I. Strauss, song “If there were no winter” by E. Krylatov, “The Nutcracker” by P. I. Tchaikovsky (variation II - dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy);
music Box; musical instruments: bells, maracas, tambourines, metallophones, mallets, rubles, wooden spoons; a stand with a musical staff and a treble clef, a portrait of the composer D. Shostakovich, a paper snowflake on a string, a figurine of a ballerina, a “snowy” twig, a disc with children’s songs for a gift. Progress of the lesson.

To the tune of I. Strauss's "Polka" the children easily jump into the hall and line up against the central wall.
Music hands Together with the sun we rise, together with the birds we sing. Good morning, Happy clear day, That's how nice we sing! 1.Musical greeting. /“Hello, guys.”/ (Transpose in three keys) Music. hands (comes out to the children) Let's get acquainted, my friends! I am the fairy of music, I greet everyone! I want to invite you today to the world of wonderful music. We will sing and dance. Everyone will be interested. I brought you a music box as a gift, there is a surprise hidden in it. But the box will open when you guess the secret of the composer D. Shostakovich and determine the genre and nature of the work that will now be performed. 2.Listening to music. /D. Shostakovich “Waltz-joke” / Music. hands So guys, what kind of music was that? Children: Dance. Music hands That's right, it's a dance. Now determine the nature of the music, what it is. - Light, bright. - Fast, loud. - Playful, abrupt. - Spinning, flying. - Ringing like a bell. Music hands That's right, the character of this dance is light and playful. D.M. Shostakovich called it “Waltz Joke” and performed this waltz, who guys? - Orchestra. Music hands Well done! And you want to become musicians and play musical instruments all together, like in a real orchestra. “Then choose the instruments that sound well suited to this waltz and take your place in the orchestra.” Ready? 3.Music playing. /Playing children's musical instruments. D. Shostakovich “Waltz-joke” / Music. hands Well done, take the tools back to their place and come to me. Guys, you played beautifully and amicably in the orchestra, guessed the composer’s secret and learned the waltz genre. It's time to open the box. You, box, open, open quickly. We kindly ask you to try to make it more fun! /Open. “The Fairy of Music” took out a treble clef./ Music. hands Here's a surprise. Who knows what this is? Guys, this is a treble clef. This is a difficult key, the king of the musical alphabet! (Attaches it to the staff). The treble clef is my excellent assistant. It opens the door to the world of music, to the world of melody and songs. Do you like to sing? Before we learn the song, let's prepare our voices, warm them up, tune them. /Music. P.I. Tchaikovsky “The Nutcracker” / 4. Breathing exercises. /“Game with a snowflake”/ Music. hands Look, the snowflake is spinning, the white fluff, it smells fresh, cool, inhale the aroma, guys! /Inhale quickly through the nose, exhale slowly through the mouth, say “Ah, the aroma!” on exhalation / Music. hands Let's continue to practice, Let's start singing! Make yourself comfortable. 5. Chanting. /Song “The sun is shining”/ Music. hands Today we will learn the Russian folk song “The Sun is Shining”, listen to it. /Singing a song/ Sing along tenderly, drawn out. — Individual survey; — Choral singing in 3-4 keys. Work on articulation, diction, purity of intonation, emotional mood /sing joyfully, lightly/. Music hands This song was composed by the people. Do you know how to compose music? Try to come up with a melody yourself based on the verses: - Snow, snow is creeping, White blizzard. — A snowball is quietly falling on the trees in the meadow. 6. Song creativity. /Individual singing/ Music. hands Well done! Your voices have warmed up, tuned in, and are ready to learn a new song, it’s called “Silver Bouquet”. It was written by composer Evgeny Ptichkin and poetess Natalya Prostrova. 7. Singing. /Acquaintance with E. Ptichkin’s song “Silver Bouquet”/ Music. hands Did you like this song? What is it about? What is the music's character and mood? /Light, bright, gentle/ - Today we will learn the chorus. We sing phrase by phrase, like an echo: I will sing, you repeat. /Work on diction, rhythm, intonation, individual and choral singing/. /Singing in subgroups. They sing while standing./ - Performing the chorus (Musical hand) and chorus - (by all children). Music hands Well done, you are trying, I like the way you sing - friendly, joyful, affectionate. And now a musical mystery. Guess it, guys! (Listen to an excerpt from E. Krylaty’s song “If only there were no winter!”) What kind of song is this? Did you find out? - Answers. Music hands — Listen to how singer V. Tolkunova performs it (verse 1). 8.Singing. /E. Krylatov “If only there were no winter” / Try to sing with me just as expressively, loudly and easily. Music hands You, friends, sang marvelously. Very fun, beautiful, It's time for the box to open again. It's time for a surprise to appear. Ballerina is a dancer. Dexterously jumps and spins. Everyone is invited to have fun. Now it’s not just a song, a song-dance will call you. And I admit, this Polish girl doesn’t let the guys get bored. They boldly gave their hand to a friend and stood in pairs in a circle. (line up) 9. “Polka” music. D. Lvov-Kompaneets. (Perform a jump during the chant). The words of the chorus will tell you the movements. (Work on dance elements). Now let's have more fun, Let's dance quickly. (After the dance they remain in a circle.) Music hands (Comes out to them with a box). Dear guys, I really liked it with you, you are such good singers, dancers, musicians. What did you like most about our lesson? Music hands I wish you to continue making music. As a farewell gift, I give you a CD with children's songs. Listen to them, sing, remember our meeting. Listen, the whole world is singing, rustling, whistling and chirping! Music lives everywhere, its world is magical. 10. “Goodbye” (singing) (To the accompaniment of “Polka” and Strauss, the children run out of the hall).

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Topic: Musical professions

Preparatory group for school


1. Formation in children of a system of basic knowledge, skills and methods of musical activity, providing the basis for subsequent acquaintance with music.

2.Develop skills of free improvisation in the voice, dance movements, and playing children's musical instruments. Develop your horizons, vocabulary, memory, thinking.

3. To cultivate an emotional and conscious attitude towards music in the process of various types of musical activities: singing, dance movements, playing musical instruments.

Progress of the lesson:

Children enter the hall to the music “March of the Toy Soldiers” music by P.I. Tchaikovsky. They march in a circle, stopping when the music ends.

1.1Greetings. Singing "Hello!"

- Guys, did you find out what music you entered the hall to? (answers)

-Who is the composer of this music? (answers)

-What is the nature of this music? By genre? (answers)

1.2 Setting goals and objectives for the lesson.

-Guys, please tell me what profession do you dream of becoming when you grow up? (answers)

-What other professions do you know? (answers)

-What professions do people work in kindergarten?

-What do you think is the name of my profession? (answers)

-Why is she called “musical director”? (answers)

-What is the profession of music director for? (answers


-Do you want to know what other musical professions there are? ( answers)

-A magic wand will help us learn a lot of new and interesting things. Are you ready to learn a lot of new and interesting things?

-Let's say the magic words “One, two, three, show us the picture!”

-What do you think the name of this profession is?

-Music teachers work at school, they teach children to sing beautifully and play different musical instruments..

-What do you think the name of this profession is?

-What do you know about the profession of a singer? (answers, explanation of the words “singer”, “singer”, )

-Let us turn into singers and singers. The magic wand will help us:

Spin around once, twice and turn into singers! (children close their eyes and spin in place, saying magic words)

3.Singing a song of the children’s choice (singing with soloists and choir)

-Guys, do you want to see a new image on the screen? Then, you need to close your eyes and say the magic words: “One, two, three, show us the picture!”

-Who can guess the name of this profession?

4.Game “Say the Word”

-musician who plays the piano -…………. pianist

-a musician who plays the violin -……………violinist

—a musician who plays the button accordion -……………. accordionist

-musician who plays the drum -……………drummer

-Tell me, please, if all these musicians play together, what will the name of such a group of musicians be?

-Who do you think is the most important in the orchestra?

-The word “conductor” means “to manage.” This means that a conductor is a person who directs an orchestra or choir. Let's remember what a choir is? (children's answers)

-How to become a conductor? What are we missing? (Orchestra and baton)

-Let’s play the game “Conductor and Orchestra” ( a “conductor” is selected, “musicians” are given musical instruments)

5. Playing children's musical instruments “Whether in the garden or in the vegetable garden”

(after playing at the children's festival, the children close their eyes and say magic words; there is a slide on the screen. Children guess the names of composers


-What unites these people? What is their profession? ( composers)

-What do you know about the profession of “composer”?

-Let us turn into composers.

Children close their eyes and say the words: “One, two, spin around, turn into composers!”

6. Game “Come up with a melody”

Children sing names to invented tunes. For example, “My name is Natasha”

-Guys, have you ever heard the word “DJ”? What does this word mean?

-A DJ is a person who plays dance music at a disco. Well, shall we dance?

7. Pair dance.

8.Result of the lesson. Game "Magic Wand"

(The music director hands the magic wand to the children. Whoever has the wand in his hands tells what new things he learned during the lesson, his impressions, what he liked. At the end, the music director takes the wand in his hands and notes the most diligent, attentive children)

Singing “Goodbye!” Going out to the music.

Abstract of OOD on music for children of the preparatory group

Summary of organized educational activities. Artistic and aesthetic development. Musical education.

“In the park of musical mysteries” (in a preparatory group for school)
Author: Zulfiya Raisovna Garipova, music director, MBDOU No. 13 “Ryabinka”, city of Aznakaevo, Republic of Tatarstan. Description: notes from a music lesson. This development will be of interest to preschool teachers. Goal : To develop children's creative abilities in all types of musical activities. Instill in children a love of music. Objectives: Educational: - consolidate children's knowledge about winter through listening to music and singing. — enrich vocabulary, teach children to express their feelings and thoughts about the piece they listened to. — exercise children in distinguishing rhythmic patterns. Developmental : - develop children's sense of rhythm and hearing. - develop a singing voice. -develop creative abilities: fantasy, imagination. - develop memory, attention, thinking. Educational: - cultivate love and interest in music. - cultivate independence, activity, and a friendly attitude towards each other. - make children want to listen to instrumental music. Methods and techniques: Verbal: questions, verbal explanation. Visual: showing illustrations, a portrait of the composer. Practical: musical games, creative tasks. Preliminary work: - conversation about winter changes in nature - examination of illustrations with a winter landscape. - learning songs, games, poems on a winter theme. Equipment : paintings of winter, portrait of A. Vivaldi, small and large snowflakes, illustration of a violin, notes cut out of cardboard, musical instruments: bells, triangles for each child, plumes for each child. Plan - organizational moment - greeting - exercise “Sleigh” - song creativity “Sing your name” - listening to “Winter” by A. Vivaldi from the cycle of seasons - singing “Blizzard” - musical game “Knock ri Zarnitskaya, Shumlin.
-music ri - result of the lesson Progress of the lesson.
Musical director : Hello guys. Guys, I am very glad to see you in the music room. I see you are in a good mood today and I want to invite you to the park of musical mysteries. In the magic park, you will receive magic notes for correct answers.

Musical director : Guys, what time of year is it now? Children: Winter. Musical director : That's right, winter has come, white snow has fallen, there are snowdrifts all around. Guys, how can we get to the park faster? Children: On skis, on ice, by car, on a sled. Musical director: That's right, guys, you can get there in different ways, but today we'll go on a sled. Guys, look at how to make a sled correctly (we show it together with the teacher). The boys stretch their arms back, and the girls hold on to them.
This is how you get a sled. Keep your back straight, heads raised. Exercise: “Sleigh”
Musical director : When we clap, we change the direction of movement, the girls will take us further (they perform the exercise to music). Musical director : So we got to the park. But you can only enter the park through these magical gates. Guys, what do you think we should do to get through. Children: Sing a song, dance, recite a poem. Musical director : There is a magical note here, now I’ll look in and read the assignment. “Guys, sing your beautiful names and the magic gates will let you through.”

Song creativity “Sing your name”


: Develop children's creative abilities and ability to improvise.
(the guys chant the names and go through the gate). Musical director: Now let’s sit down on the chairs and take a rest from the road. Everyone sat down comfortably. Musical director : Oh, guys, another magical note here. Let's see what's written on it? “Dear guys, we are glad to see you in the park, but sitting on the chairs, we invite you to listen to a piece of music and determine its character. Musical director : Guys, we will listen to a musical work by foreign composer Antonio Vivaldi from the cycle of seasons - “Winter”. Listen carefully, you can close your eyes to concentrate.
And then tell me your impressions of what you imagined when you listened to this work. Listening: “Winter” by A. Vivaldi


: Develop the ability to determine character and means of musical expression.
Musical director : Guys, what kind of winter did the composer want to depict in his work? Children: harsh...... Musical director: At first we heard even, abrupt chords - probably the composer depicted sharp gusts of wind that sweeps snow. Nature seems to be frozen. Guys, what was the character of the music? Children: Excited, anxious, restless, menacing, blizzard. Musical director : Guys, you correctly identified the character, but do you think this piece was performed by one instrument or many? Children: Lots of tools. Musical director : Correct, what is the simultaneous sound of several instruments called? Children: Orchestra. Musical director : Well done! Which instrument was the soloist? (if they don’t guess, I’ll ask a riddle) The smooth movements of the bow make the strings tremble The motive sounds from afar Sings about the moon wind How clear the sounds are overflowing There is joy and smiles in them A dreamy motive sounds It is played by ………. Children: violin. Musical director : Guys, a cold wind blew and a blizzard began to hum. Can you imagine how the wind howls? Children - oooo Musical director : Guys, everyone got up, now let's all remember together how to stand correctly while singing.
If you want to sing while standing, don’t move your head. Stand up beautifully, pull yourself up and smile calmly. Once! Inhale! And the Bird began to sing, the sound flew, Arms, shoulders - everything was free. It was pleasant and comfortable to sing. Chanting: "Blizzard."

Musical director : Another note came with the wind, now let's see what's on it.
Guys, there are snowflakes here. We are offered to play the musical game “Clap the Rhythm”. Be careful, big snowflakes will make long sounds, and small ones……. Musical and didactic game “Clap the Rhythm.”


develop rhythmic hearing.
Musical director : And now a musical riddle. (An excerpt of a song sounds). What is the name of this song? Children: “For the New Year.” Musical Director : What is the character of this song? Children - Cheerful, joyful, playful. Musical director : Now you and I will be artists and sing this song together, cheerfully.
Singing "New Year's Eve"


work on purity of intonation and articulation.
Musical director: The last note invites us to the dance floor. There are snowdrifts everywhere, so we’ll walk to the site. We walk through snowdrifts Through steep snowdrifts Raise your feet higher Make way for others. Musical director : How nice it is to watch snowflakes falling.
It's as if they are performing their dance, spinning in the air. So I suggest that the girls turn into a snowball for a while. And let each of you come up with and perform your own dance, take the plumes. In the meantime, the girls are getting ready to dance, the boys should take musical instruments. And what instruments are more suitable for dancing snowflakes. (if the boys find it difficult to answer when asking a riddle). He's sitting under the cap. Don't disturb him - he's silent. Just take it in your hands and rock it a little. You'll hear the chime of Ding-dong-dong. We will accompany the girls. Dance of snowflakes.
Musical director : Well done guys! You completed the task. Our trip to the park has come to an end. Now let's remember what we did in the park? Guys, look, almost everyone received magical notes. Those guys who don't have sheet music, don't be upset. In the next lessons you will be more active and will also receive notes. It's time for us to go back, let's say goodbye

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