Summary of a lesson in a preparatory school group on the topic “Circus”

Notes on the surrounding world in the senior group “Circus Performance”

Notes on the world around us in the senior group

"Circus show"

Goal: to give an expanded understanding of the circus and circus performers.


— To introduce children to the professions of circus performers, to replenish and activate children’s vocabulary based on deepening knowledge about their immediate environment (circus), to continue to expand their understanding of people in the circus profession;

- exercise the ability to distinguish and name geometric shapes (circle, square, rectangle, oval, triangle);

— fix the quantitative score within 10;

-improve the ability to compare objects according to 3 characteristics (length, width and color);

— consolidate children’s knowledge about behavior in public places;

— to cultivate love and respect for people in circus professions.

OD move:

The teacher enters with an envelope tied to a balloon.

- Children, look, a balloon has arrived. What does this mean? Let's think about who could have sent it to us. (children's options)

- Well done, kids, everything is correct! You and I are invited to the circus. Do you want to go??

But along with the invitation, there are also cards with tasks. If we do everything, then we will end up in the circus. Here's the first task.

Task No. 1.

Review the rules of conduct in the circus and other public places. (using picture cards).

Rules of conduct in the circus:

• Arrive at the circus on time. Actors and musicians, stage workers and lighting technicians were preparing to meet you. All these people made sure that you didn't have to wait for the show to start. It is also necessary to respect the spectators who arrived on time.

• You can only straighten your hair at the mirror in the wardrobe. You can comb your hair, put on makeup and tie a tie only in the toilet.

• In the cloakroom, hand your coat to the cloakroom attendant by throwing it over the barrier.

• Don’t forget to check in advance whether the hanger on your coat has come off, so that you don’t feel ashamed in front of others for your sloppiness.

• If you come to the circus with a large bag or package, take it to the cloakroom.

• When walking to your seat, walk along the rows of chairs facing the seated audience. If you come with a girl, let her go first.

• If you have already taken your place in the auditorium, and spectators are passing by you to their seats, be sure to stand up and give them way.

• Sit in the seat indicated on your ticket. If your place suddenly turns out to be occupied and they don’t want to vacate it, don’t get into an argument - ask the ushers to resolve this misunderstanding.

• When sitting in a chair, do not place your hands on both armrests.

• Do not talk during the performance - you can share your impressions during intermission. Don’t allow yourself to rustle candy wrappers or twirl your wardrobe number in your hands.

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