Lesson summary Topic: Whoever is friends with a book, it serves him!


To provide knowledge about the main points in the history of the creation of books, to introduce the first written materials (clay, fabric, birch bark, paper).

Touch on the history of book printing and recall modern technical means of data storage.

Develop the child’s cognitive initiative and creative skills by performing various types of artistic activities during the pedagogical process.

Equipment: projector, screen, laptop.

Materials: sand, water, clay, hoop, Chinese characters, silk, palette, gouache, brushes.

Progress of the lesson

Educator: Hello guys,

I'm so glad to see you.

My name is flash drive

Look, I can store a lot, a lot, a lot of information.

And the room you are in is called a data storage center. Data about everything is stored here. And today I invite you on a journey to the “past of the book.” Do you like to read books?

Children's answers.

Educator: What books do you read?

Children's answers.

Educator: You see how many books you read.

Then you will enjoy my journey. After all, you will learn a lot of new things about how your wonderful books appeared. Shall we go on a trip?

Children's answers.

Educator: But we need to go back in time. How do we get there?

Children's answers (by magic, in a time machine).

Educator: You and I will go in a time machine. I'll tell you a secret, she's in front of you. Please turn on the time machine for us (turns to the assistant). We want to go back in time.

Turn on the time machine

Educator: Guys, let's get into the time machine. Look. There is a large flow of information here (points to the glowing light bulbs), try not to step on them. Agreed? (children enter the time machine).

Educator: The book’s past began in a country called Egypt. The first book was opened there, and now we will move there.

(Beautiful cosmic music sounds, an image of an Egyptian pyramid appears on the screen).

Educator: Well done, guys, look, we ended up in Ancient Egypt. Look, Egypt is a beautiful country. There are many deserts, there are seas with beautiful fish, even mountains and rivers. Children, and this country was ruled by kings - pharaohs, and they were helped by priests. The priests were smart and educated. They knew how to read and write. Let's sit down at the tables. For you, on the tables there are some natural materials that the priests used to write books; they had to be written on something. Really, guys? Let's see what lies in front of you.

(Children sit at the tables, look at what is on the tables, and name these objects).

Educator: Well done, you learned all the materials. Let's try something on them, write, draw. Take the wooden sticks that are in front of you. Try writing in the sand first. Tell me, is your image visible?

Children's answers:

Educator: Now put down your wooden sticks. Let’s imagine that you and I took our inscription to someone to read. We carried and shook our inscription along the way, shake the plate. What happened to our inscription?

Children's answers:

Educator: Why?

Children's answers:

Educator: Let's now try to draw on the water. Dip your stick into the water and draw something there. What's going on, kids?

Children's answers:

Educator: That's right, children, water has no shape, therefore, what you are drawing now is not visible. Now move the clay closer to you and try to draw something on the clay.

(Children draw on clay)

Educator: Now let's check if this information can be saved? Take your tablet and shake it, blow on it. What happened to the information?

Children's answers:

Educator: So clay is suitable for writing something down?

Children's answers:

Educator: The ancient priests came to the same conclusion. Let's see how they did it. To record information, they used clay tablets almost identical to those on which they wrote using wooden sticks made from reeds. They pressed the stick with a stick, as you do on clay, and an image was obtained, and then these plates were fired and stacked on top of each other and the result was book pages made of clay. This is the secret in Ancient Egypt.

Well, it’s time for us to move on, another country is waiting for us.

(Children enter the time machine, beautiful cosmic music sounds, and an image of the Chinese Wall appears on the screen).

Educator: Children, and now we are going to Ancient China, this country is the birthplace of many discoveries. Let's get out of the time machine and look at the screen (showing the Great Wall of China, the Emperor's Palace, and this is the Temple of Heaven, tea and rice are grown in China, and this is the New Year - it is considered the most important holiday in China.) Do you know that the Chinese devote a lot of time to their health, take care of their body, and therefore I suggest you do Chinese gymnastics. Let's stand so that we don't interfere with each other when doing gymnastics.

(Children, together with the teacher, perform Chinese gymnastics)

Educator: I suggest you sit down (children sit on the floor).

The history of the origin of the book in China was very interesting. At first, the Chinese wrote on silk (this is a very delicate material), then these pieces of material were sewn together and these silk books were obtained. And now I invite you to become the creators of your own silk book. Just as we are going to write, let me show you. The fact is that in China they use special symbols called hieroglyphs, repeat after me (showing hieroglyphs - mountains, river, rice field, man, grass, tree). I suggest choosing the hieroglyph you like and writing it on your silk pages.

I will tell you a secret that the Chinese are very inventive people and the next thing they invented was paper, but we will talk about it in another country and in another time. Agreed? Let's quickly go to the time machine.

(Children enter the time machine, an image of Ancient Rus' appears on the screen).

Educator: You and I moved to Ancient Rus'. Rus' has always been famous for its beautiful wooden cities, mighty and strong heroes, its handicrafts and, of course, cheerful holidays. Guys, do you know that at first in Rus' they wrote on birch bark. What is this, who can tell me? Birch bark is the bark of a birch tree; they wrote on it using a sharp stick, and then paper appeared and chroniclers began to write on it. Their work was very hard, which is why they were so happy when a real printed book appeared. How did this happen? Look here. The letters were cut out of wood, then paint was applied to them, and then pressed onto sheets of paper. This was the first printed book.

The lesson is summed up, and the children return to the kindergarten by time machine.

Summary of GCD in the senior group. Where did the book come from?

Summary of educational activities for children 5-6 years old.
Topic: “Where did the book come from?” Main activity. Cognitive - research activities. Form of activity. Joint activities of adults and children. Form of conduct. Presentation and conversation. Target. Development of children's cognitive interest and interest in books. Integration of content of educational areas. Cognition. Continue to enrich children's understanding of the world of objects. To form the idea of ​​children that any thing was created by the labor of an adult. Cultivate a caring attitude towards books - a source of knowledge and wisdom. Work. Continue to expand children's understanding of adult work. To provide knowledge about the work of printing workers. Cultivate respect for people, creators of books. Communication. Develop the ability to maintain a conversation. Exercise children in selecting adjectives for nouns, forming verbs from nouns. Help children use words exactly as they mean. Preliminary work. Game situation “Exhibition of books - such different books.” Materials for the lesson. Box with wooden objects and a book inside, books, presentation "The story told by the book." Progress of activities. 1. Motivation for activity. All the children gathered in a circle. I am your friend and you are my friend. Let's hold hands together and smile at each other. — Children, they gave me a set of objects. It says here, made of wood. Let's see what lies inside? Children look at the objects in the box. Game "Which, which, which, which" spoon, which? (wooden) soldier, which one? (wooden) nesting doll, what kind? (wooden) egg, which one? (wooden) cubes, what kind? (wooden) - How did the book end up among these objects? (Children's assumptions) The teacher takes the book in his hands and brings it to his ear. — Children, the book told me an amazing story. It turns out that she came to us from the forest and was made of wood. More precisely, not a book, but the paper from which the book is made. Do you want me to tell you this story? 2. Presentation “The story told by the book.” - I was born in the forest. Lumberjacks cut down the trees and took them out of the forest. The trees were brought to a paper mill, stripped of bark, sawn, and ground into sawdust. The sawdust was boiled to form a batter-like mass. The wood dough is rolled out into long, wide strips. The raw paper strip passes through a series of rollers. Some rollers squeeze out the water, others dry the tape, and others polish it. An endless ribbon of paper crawls out of the machine and rolls into huge paper rolls. Then the paper is cut by a special machine into sheets of the required size. Thus, moving from machine to machine, wood turns into paper. Paper was made at a paper mill. But this is not enough for a book to appear. - Who will help turn white paper into a magic book? (children's answers) - Who will come up with interesting stories and fairy tales, write poetry? (children's answers) - What writers and poets do you know? (children's answers) - Who will draw beautiful pictures in books? (children's answers) - What illustrators do you know? (children's answers) - So, the magical transformation of white paper into a book begins. The writer writes a manuscript. A manuscript is something written by a person's hand. The writer brings his manuscript to the editor. The editor reads the book carefully and edits it. Editing means correcting the manuscript and correcting errors. The editor hands the book to the artist. The artist reads the manuscript and draws pictures to accompany the text - illustrates. — What fairy tale does Evgeniy Mikhailovich Rachev draw an illustration for? (children's answers) - The writer wrote a story or fairy tale. The artist illustrated the book. But this is only one book. And there are a lot of children in our country, and they all dream of reading this book. How to be? (children's answers) - There is such an amazing place - a printing house. Books, magazines, and newspapers are printed here. First, the book is prepared for printing. The editor edits, the artist illustrates, the proofreader corrects the text, the designer thinks through the design of the book. The typesetter and printer create a book layout (sample). When the book layout is ready, you can replicate it and print it. In Russia, children's books are published in large quantities. — They print in a printing house on large sheets, several pages at once. You’ve printed it, but it’s inconvenient to read, what should you do? The sheets of the future book are folded on a special machine and collected into one book. But is something missing? Need a cover and binding! Various complex machines help printing workers print books. - Now you and I will rest a little. Imagine that you are in the forest. There is fresh, pleasant air in the forest. Inhale it deeply, exhale deeply and slowly. (Breathing exercise 3-4 times) Physical education You and I are entering the forest, There are so many miracles around here! They raised their hands and shook them, These are trees in the forest. The arms are bent, the hands are shaken. The wind knocks down the dew. Let's wave our hands to the sides, smoothly - These are the birds flying towards us. Let's show how they land smoothly - the wings are folded back. They bent over and sat down. Together they flew into their nests. Children take books and look at them. — To prevent the sheets in the book from getting mixed up, the page number is written on the sheets of paper (showing the page numbering in the book). The folded sheets are stitched, glued or fastened with scrapers. In your book, how are the leaves connected? (children's answers) - The cover of a book can be soft or hard (made of cardboard) (showing book covers). If the book is thick, the covers are connected by a binding (showing the binding). Game "Add a Word". - Add words in rhyme and meaning. There is a little book of clothes, It’s called -.... (cover). There are books in the garden and at home. Made of paper and... (cardboard). Our books are not simple, in order they are... (sheets), So as not to get lost when reading, Numbered.... (pages) . The pages are all crossed, They are held together.... (binding). — On the cover of the book they write the name of the author and the title of the book (show). Sometimes the artist's last name is written. And at the end of the book, (show) the printing house in which this book was printed and the names of some people who helped print this book must be indicated. Unfortunately, it is impossible to write in the book the names of all the printing house workers who participated in the creation of this book. Why do you think? (children's answers) - That's right, a lot of people work on creating one small book. If you print all the names, the book will be very thick and heavy, and children will not be able to lift it. — You and I will remember those who created our books. Game "Who does what." Writer (writes, composes) Illustrator (illustrates, draws) Editor (edits) Proofreader (corrects) Typesetter (types text) Printer (prints a book) - When all the children go home, the group becomes quiet and quiet. One day I heard what the books were whispering about. Do you want to know what the books whispered about? Please don’t pick me up with dirty hands, I’ll be ashamed if I’m dirty or stained! — one book whispered, “Don’t bend my binding.” I may lose the most interesting pages! - said another book. Please use a bookmark and do not fold my pages, they will tear! I love cleanliness, but I'm afraid of water. Protect me from rain and snow! Please do not draw on my pages with pen or pencil. It will be difficult for other children to read me! — Do you remember the requests of the books? Try to fulfill them! - This is what people say about books. A good book is your best friend. Gold comes from the earth, and knowledge comes from books. You read a book and fly on the wings of a dream. Illiterate is like a blind man, but a book opens his eyes. The book will help in work, and will help out in trouble. 3. The result of the activity. — What new or interesting things did you learn today? (children's answers) - What else would you like to know? (children's answers) - Who will help us find new knowledge? (children's answers) - Thank you, it was a pleasure talking with you. Autotraining. And now we will smile, Let's hold hands together.
And as a farewell we will give each other a wish - Always seek knowledge. Then you will become smart! Presentation on the topic: The story told by the book

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Summary of educational activities for speech development “In a place with a book we grow” in the preparatory group. Educator: Kolosova Lyubov Albirtovna MB Preschool Educational Institution “Kindergarten No. 10 “Cinderella” in Okha Program content: Contribute to increasing children’s interest in books; develop thinking, memory, imagination, speech, hand motor skills; cultivate interest and love for fairy tales. Ensure the development of children’s ability to freely express their thoughts. Develop a caring attitude towards the book. Integration of educational areas: Social and communicative development; cognitive development; speech development; artistic and aesthetic development. Equipment: Tape recorder, disk with music, laptop, multimedia projector, e-crane, l sources of different colors, illustrations for fairy tales, tree branch, book cover, gift books, pictures from magazines, atman, glue. Preliminary work: Reading Russian folk tales, proverbs and sayings about books, watching the presentation “How paper is made,” visiting the Children's Regional Library. Method: verbal, game. Techniques: Conversation, immersion in a game situation. Progress: Educator: - Hello guys! You'll be going to school soon, without your knowledge you won't be able to find your way there. And we take knowledge from books and become literate in no time. - There is a knock on the door (the queen of the book state comes in) Queen - hello guys, I am the queen of the book state, I was told in your group that children love books very much, both girls and boys. It's true, well then it's time to go, my friends. Even though you are still a preschool child, you will grow with the book. Show me your knowledge, an evil wizard who doesn’t read the book stole the book from me, tore out all the leaves from the book and scattered it in your group. (Shows the cover of the book) This book, my friend, suddenly became small, left without a single leaf, there is only a cover and that’s it. In order for you to grow with the book, you need to find all the leaves. Will you help me, friends (children's answers) Then before the meeting, I will not remain in debt, I will give you gifts. (gives the book to the teacher) Teacher: We will find all the leaves, we will return the book intact. “Guys, let’s get on the road quickly, we need to collect the book and give it to the queen.” (Quiet music sounds, children walk in the group, a “trumpet” signal sounds at a certain place) Educator: Guys, here is the first piece of paper, and on it is written a task (reads) so that I get into the book, you must be smart. By the way, you have read a lot, so show your class, recognize the book hero right now. Guess quickly and grow up with me 1. Treats small children, Treats birds and animals, The Good Doctor looks through his glasses... Aibolit 2. She is beautiful and sweet, Her name comes from the word “ash”. Cinderella 3. It was baked from flour, mixed with sour cream. He was chilling at the window, He was rolling along the path. He was cheerful, he was brave, and on the way he sang a song. A bunny, a gray wolf and a brown bear wanted to eat him. And when the baby met a red fox in the forest, he couldn’t get away from her. What kind of fairy tale? Kolobok 4. The nose is round, with a snout, It is convenient for them to dig in the ground, The tail is small with a hook, Instead of shoes - hooves. Three of them - and how similar the friendly Brothers are. Guess without a hint, who are the heroes of this fairy tale? Nif-nif, Naf-naf and Nuf-nuf 5. Near the forest, on the edge, Three of them live in a hut. There are three chairs and three mugs, three beds, three pillows. Guess without a hint, who are the heroes of this fairy tale? Three bears 6. “We are not afraid of the gray wolf, The gray wolf clicks his teeth.” This song was sung loudly by Three cheerful... Little pigs 7. Grandmother loved the girl very much, She gave her a red cap. The girl forgot her name. Well, tell me her name! Little Red Riding Hood 8. The swamp is her home. Vodyanoy comes to visit her. Kikimora 9. The fat man lives on the roof, He flies higher than everyone else. Carlson 10. An elderly man with such a beard. He offends Pinocchio, Artemon and Malvina, and in general for all people He is a notorious villain. Do any of you know who this is? Karabas Barabas 11. I wish the evening would soon approach, And the long-awaited hour has come, So that I can go to a fairy-tale ball in a gilded carriage! No one in the palace will know where I come from or what my name is, But as soon as midnight comes, I will return to my attic. Cinderella 12. Beware of any illness: Flu, sore throat and bronchitis. The Glorious Doctor challenges you all to battle... Aibolit 13. The girl ran away from the prince so quickly that she even lost her shoe. Cinderella 14. A boy with geese flew in the sky. What was the boy's name? Say it all together! Nils 15. My father has a strange boy, Unusual, wooden, On land and under water He is looking for a golden key, He sticks his long nose everywhere... Who is this? Pinocchio 16. She was a friend of the gnomes and, of course, she is familiar to you. Snow White 17. The wooden mischief maker has entered our lives from a fairy tale. A favorite of adults and children, a daredevil and inventor of ideas, a prankster, a merry fellow and a rogue. Tell me, what is his name? Pinocchio 18. And this one was friends with Pinocchio himself. Her name is simple, guys. Malvina 19. Thumbelina, the blind groom lives underground all the time. Mole Educator: - Well done, you guessed all the riddles, you recognized all the characters. We will insert our leaflet into our book with you. So she has grown up. We will go further on our way, we will find another piece of paper (a signal sounds) Educator: Guys, here is another piece of paper, the task is again for us, we will complete it now. My friend, you will put me in the book if you guess the quiz. Well, are you guys ready to guess the quiz and take our piece of paper? (Children's answers) 1. What was the name of the cat from the fairy tales about Uncle Fyodor from Prostokvashino? A) Murzik B) Poloskin C) Matroskin 2. Name the name and author of the fairy tale, which contains the following words: “Fly, fly petal, through the west to the east, Through the north, through the south, come back, making a circle. As soon as you touch the ground, it will be, in my opinion.” A) Scarlet flower. B) Flower - seven flowers. B) Three little pigs. 3. Remember and name the hero of the Russian folk tale who melted from the fire. A) Dunno. B) Moroz Ivanovich. B) Snow Maiden. 4. Name the author of the book “Uncle Styopa” A) Nikolai Nikolaevich Nosov. B) Sergei Vladimirovich Mikhalkov. B) Samuil Yakovlevich Marshak. 5. What were the names of the main characters from the fairy tale “The Three Little Pigs”? A) Nick-Nick, Nak-Nak, Nuk-Nuk. B) Khryusha, Stepashka and Filya. C) Nif-Nif, Naf-Naf and Nuf-Nuf. 6. Name authors you know who write fables. A) S. V. Mikhalkov. B) Ivan Andreevich Krylov. B) A. S. Pushkin 7. What fables do you know? A) “Dragonfly and Sparrow.” B) “The Crow and the Fox.” B) “Sparrow and Bullfinch”. Educator: Well done guys, they read a lot of books, so they know everything. We move on quickly, we are not afraid of anything, we will help our book, and we will find all the leaves, (a signal sounds) in from and he, a strange twig on it. (reads the task) Will you take my piece of paper if you tell me why this twig is here, what does it have in common with me? Educator spruce: Yes, logic is needed here, well, guys, help us out, read the poem out loud (the child reads the poem) - They brought paper trees to the factory. They tore off the chips from them, boiled them and put them under the trees. It was pressed out with a roller, dried and polished. And they received a white sheet. (O addresses the leaf) This is what makes you and the twig similar. Get into the book quickly and don’t be mischievous. Educator: Well done guys, then we are looking for leaves, white corners (a signal sounds) - And here he is. The following is written on it: “Guess from the illustration” (We show on the screen illustrations for fairy tales “The Frog Princess”, “Sister Alyonushka and Brother Ivanushka”, “Sister Fox and the Wolf”, Little Red Riding Hood”, “12 Months”). (Children guess.) Educator - And we did an excellent job with this task. Let's move on. We found a piece of paper, but the task is so difficult. You will take my leaflet if you remember proverbs and sayings about me. - Well, guys, don’t be timid, remember the proverbs and sayings, answer in unison. A book is a man's friend. A book is a book, and move your mind. He who reads a lot knows a lot. Books are in his hands too. The book is small, but it gave me some insight. Anyone who reads knows the power of reading. Read books, but don’t forget things to do. Books don't tell, but they tell the truth. Reading books means never being bored. Read, bookworm, don’t spare your eyes. A book is not beautiful in its writing, but rather in its mind. Reading books is not playing nice. The book decorates in happiness, and consoles in misfortune. Those who know the basics and basics will find books in their hands. One book teaches a thousand people. Educator: Oh, guys, I’m tired, let’s rest a little and then let’s continue looking for leaves. physical minute Open the book quickly! In the book there is a midge, a mouse, a bear. In the book there is a ball with a round side: up and down, jump and jump. There's an umbrella in the book, open it and sing, It's raining and you're dry! The pussy in the book is close, close. In the color picture, I stroke the pussy with my hand for a long time - After all, the pussy has such fur! Educator: We took a rest in the clearing, then we will go further and find another leaf. (a signal sounds) Children find the next piece of paper on which it is written: “Guess which fairy tale the hero is from?” "Educator: We know all the heroes of the fairy tale and we can guess them very quickly. 1. Fox, hut, hare, rooster. (Zayushkina's hut.) 2. Geese, apple tree, river, stove. (Gus and swans.) 3. Pike, buckets, stove, princess. (At the command of the pike.) 4. Grandfather, hare, bear, fox, song. (Kolobok.) 5. Toad, mole, swallow. (Thumbelina.) (The teacher inserts the last sheet into the book and quietly attaches toy eyes to it) Teacher: - Oh, guys, look, the book suddenly opened its eyes, It wants to tell us something, it’s very good advice to give. (The recording “addressing the book to children” sounds) - Guys, look how I grew up, and it was only my cover. You, young readers, my saviors, have grown up with me. And your knowledge and friendship helped you grow. Know, my young friends, that reading books is always eternal knowledge. A book is a teacher, A book is a mentor, A book is a close comrade and friend, The mind, like a stream, dries up and grows old, If you let go of the book from your hands. Good luck to you guys Educator: Guys, there are many different books in the world, people take care of them, create libraries for them, and we should take care of books, treasure them and read a lot. By reading a book, you will have a large vocabulary, you become smart. You will know a lot about the past and future. It helps in studies. Reading technique will be high. Books help you learn more about art, culture, science; you can learn a lot of interesting and useful things. You grow up with a book, because by reading a book you gain a lot of good knowledge and skills, you want to become the same strong and kind heroes as in books. The queen comes in: “Thank you very much for defeating the non-reader and helping me collect the book.” As you children have grown up, you are great fellows. Well, as I promised, I brought you gifts, books are the best gifts, your best friends. (The Queen hands the children each a book and leaves) Educator: Guys, did you like our fabulous journey? Let us make a small collage of pictures about the benefits of books. . (the kids make a collage and hang it in the group)

Speech therapy lesson “What do we know about books”


  • expand and activate the vocabulary on the topic;
  • develop verbal-logical thinking, motor imagination;
  • practice forming the plural of the genitive case of nouns;
  • in syllabic analysis.


  • children's illustrated books;
  • sets of counting sticks.

Organizing time.

Each of the children has a children's book on the table.

The speech therapist suggests looking at the cover and guessing who has the title: “Suteev’s Tales”? "Fly Tsokotukha"? "Swan geese"? "Thumbelina"? "Moidodyr"? and so on.

Introduction to the topic of the lesson.

Speech therapist (offers to guess a riddle about the book)

Not a bush, but with leaves, Not a shirt, but sewn, Not a person, but a story. What do you think we will talk about today? (About books.)

A conversation about the book and its creators.

Speech therapist. What helped you find out what these books were about? (Images.)

You saw these pictures before you even opened the book. We can say that you looked your book in the face and already recognized it. What do we call the “face” of a book? (Cover.)

Who helped us find out what this book was about? (Artist.)

And who invents and writes books? (A writer or poet is its author.)

The title of the book and the author's surname are written on the cover. Some books do not have the author's last name. These are fairy tales that people came up with, they are called ... (Folk.)

The speech therapist asks the children to find the author's name or title on the cover of the book.

The drawings on the cover and pages of a book are called illustrations and are created by artists.

Drawing up diagrams of sentences and analyzing them (children lay out counting sticks horizontally from left to right according to the number of words in the sentence).

A writer writes a story. The poet writes poetry. The artist illustrates the book. The reader is reading an interesting book.

Review of the book and its parts.

Activation of the subject dictionary: cover, binding, page, line, illustration.

The speech therapist invites the children to guess what they are talking about and complete the appropriate word:

  • The book has a soft...(cover).
  • The book contains twenty-four ... (pages).
  • The book has leather...(binding).
  • The book contains many colorful ... (illustrations).
  • We read the title of the book on ... (cover).

Ball game "One - many".

  • One book – many... (books).
  • One cover – many... (covers).
  • One page – many... (pages).
  • One letter – many... (letters).
  • One line – many... (lines).
  • One illustration – many... (illustrations).
  • One writer – many... (writers).
  • One poet – many... (poets).
  • One artist – many... (artists).
  • One story - many... (stories).
  • One fairy tale - many...(fairy tales).
  • One poem - many... (poems).

Physical education (imitation of actions).

We open the book. What's in it? Let's find out! Here in the forest under a bush the bunnies are having fun. Beautiful butterflies flutter on the lawn. Clubfoot Winnie the Pooh stomps towards the den. The driver got behind the wheel and drove down the road. On the plane, the pilot takes off on a flight. There is a place for everyone in the book - This is interesting!

Didactic game “Guess the name of the book.”

  • Goals: to practice syllabic analysis, to prevent dysgraphic errors (omission of vowels in writing).

For the game, the speech therapist uses books (illustrations): “Turnip”, “Thumbelina”, “Teremok”, “Kolobok”, “Moidodyr”, “Confusion”, “Barmaley”, “Cinderella”, “The Little Mermaid”, “Snow Maiden”, “ Dreamers."

Next, he asks the children to guess from the three illustrations on display the fairy tale whose title contains the named vowel sounds in order.

For example: “uh-a” (“Turnip”), “u-o-a-a” (“Thumbelina”), “a-a-o” (“Kolobok”).

Bottom line.

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