ECD on cognitive development "Miracle Water" for children of the older group

"Water in human life"

Activities with children. “Water in human life” Summary of an open lesson on familiarization with the environment and development of speech in the senior group on the topic. Author: Teacher Gubanova Tatyana Georgievna

Linnik Anna Anatolevna

MBDOU No. 45 “Good Fairy”

Program content:

  1. To improve children's knowledge about the importance of water in human life: water is the source of life, necessary to maintain life and ensure human health; about the properties of water: transparent, colorless and odorless, solvent, has three states of aggregation - solid (snow, ice), liquid, gaseous - steam.
  2. Explain to children why water sometimes needs to be purified, give a basic understanding of the filtration process.
  3. To develop phonemic awareness in children: the ability to hear and identify sounds in words.
  4. Develop social skills: the ability to work in a group, negotiate, take into account the opinion of a partner, prove that you are right.

Activation and enrichment of children's vocabulary with nouns, adjectives and verbs on the topic of the lesson.

Material for the lesson: drawings on the topic “Water”, diagram “Water in the human body” and “Reference pictures for summing up the lesson”, children's robes, crossword puzzle, globe; plastic cups and funnels, cotton wool for filtration; river sand, sugar, salt, vegetable and butter, gouache, ice. Progress of the lesson. - Guys, today we have an unusual activity. First of all: we are in white coats. Secondly, this morning on the table I found this crossword puzzle and pieces of paper with questions. If you and I guess the crossword puzzle correctly, we will find out the topic of our lesson. 1. In the first cell there lives a letter that is hidden in the word “Scoop” and is in third place in it. (B) 2. In the second cell there is a letter that is hidden in the word “Thunder” and is also in third place. ( O ) 3. In the third cell, the letter with which the word “Road” begins (D) 4. In the fourth cell, the second letter from the word “Frame” (A) What word did we get?.. That’s right, “Water”. Today we are with you Let's talk about water and its importance in human life. Why does a person need water? (drink, wash, bathe, wash dishes, cook food, wash clothes and water plants).. That's right, now imagine that suddenly there is not a single drop of water left on the planet. What will happen then? Why?.. All life on Earth will die, the planet will be left without living beings. Scientists have established: a person can live 3-4 weeks without food, and 3-4 days without water, then he will die. Have you heard about water? They say she is everywhere! In a puddle, in the sea, in the ocean. And in the water tap. Like an icicle it freezes, it creeps into the forest like fog, it’s boiling on your stove, the steam of the kettle hisses. Without it, you can’t wash your face, you can’t eat, you can’t get drunk! I dare to report to you: You cannot live without water! Look what an interesting diagram I brought you. Man is 80% water. (Diagram) Yes, guys, there is a lot of water on earth, it is everywhere. Tell me, what model of land do we have in our group? How do astronauts see our Earth from space?.. That's right, the seas and oceans color our planet blue. That is why our planet is called the “Blue Planet”. What are the names of all the seas and oceans on Earth?.. That’s right, all the water on Earth makes up a single World Ocean. Let's play the game “What kind of water is it?” (the teacher throws a ball to the children and they talk about the properties of water and its use in human life). And now we will go to our laboratory and continue our conversation about water. Tell me, what does the word laboratory mean? Why do laboratory assistants work in white coats?... Experiment N1 “Determining the color of water” Experiment N2 “Does the water have a smell” Experiment N3 “Is the water cloudy or clear?” Experience N4 “Water is a solvent, but not all substances dissolve in it” Experience N5 “Snow, ice - solid water” Experience N6 “Not all water is suitable for drinking, it must be purified or filtered, and then used as drinking water. Sea and ocean water is salty and not suitable for drinking.” Lead the children to the conclusion:

  1. Salt and sugar dissolve in water, while the water remains clear.
  2. River sand does not dissolve and settles to the bottom of the glass.
  3. Gouache dissolves in water and changes the color of the water.
  4. The oil does not dissolve in water, floats in the form of yellow droplets or spreads over its surface as a thin film.
  5. Summer and snow are a solid state of aggregation of water; in heat it turns into a liquid state, if heated it becomes steam.
  6. If the water is dirty, after filtration, dirt remains on the filter (traces of gouache, oil and dirt after snow).

Summarize from the reference pictures: water is transparent, odorless, a solvent, and comes in three states - liquid, ice, steam. Clever girls! Today we have worked hard and learned a lot about the importance of water in human life and its properties. Offer children lemonade.

Lesson in the senior group of a preschool educational institution. Properties of water. Abstract

Lesson notes for the senior group of kindergarten
Goal: to introduce children to the concept of water and its physical properties. Objectives: to develop the ability to observe the characteristics of water and draw conclusions based on the results of observations, to promote understanding of the role of water in human life, to develop attention, memory, and to expand vocabulary. Preliminary work: examination of illustrations, pictures. Reading poems, watching snow melt, rain, clean water. Learning physical education lessons. Materials and equipment: half-mask caps (droplets) according to the number of children, audio recording of the sound of rain, transparent cups of water, milk, spoons, lumps of sugar according to the number of children. Progress of direct educational activities (an audio recording of rain sounds) Educator: Guys, do you hear unusual sounds? Listen and determine what these sounds are? - It really is raining. Guys, look, a drop of rain heard you and came here. Droplet: Yes, I fell with the rain near the garden and heard your voices. So I decided to come see you. “This droplet has traveled all over the world, seen a lot, and knows a lot of interesting things about water. She will help us go on a journey through the kingdom of water. Droplet: Have you heard about water? They say she's everywhere! In a puddle, in the sea, in the ocean And in a water tap. Is it so? How do you think? -Where did the droplet come from, where could it be? - Guys, let's look at the places where our Droplet traveled and name them. (showing a presentation with pictures of a river, lake, sea, puddle). - Guys, why do we need water? —Can a person live without water? - Why can’t he? — Do animals also need water? - Of course, everyone needs water. Without water there would be no life on Earth. Water is the basis of life on Earth. What do you guys think could happen to water? What can water do? That's right, it can turn into steam. Guys, when water freezes, what does it turn into? - Absolutely right, this means water in a solid state. When you water flowers or anything else, this means liquid water. Now we will take a thermos with hot water, open it and put the glass to the neck of the thermos. And we will see how the glass begins to fog up by running our finger across the glass, what we will see. Physical education lesson - Let's all turn into droplets together (the teacher puts half masks on the children) and also be in different states. When water is in a solid state, its small droplets press tightly against each other, as if they are cold - they are frozen. Let's stand close to each other and become a dense piece of ice. And when water is in a liquid state, then everyone joins hands and can move and change position. Let's hold hands and try to walk around the hall as if a stream were running. When water is in a gaseous state, its droplets release their “hands” and fly apart. And we will open our hands and run freely, like light droplets of steam. - We had great rest. Now Droplet wants to introduce you to water better. Conduct experiments. Experiment 1: The water is tasteless. Droplet: Oh, guys, I’m out of breath, I’m thirsty. Guys, come and drink some water with me. Was the water you drank sweet? - Salty, sour, bitter - What does it taste like? — Water has no taste, it is tasteless. Let's continue our experience. Place the substance (sugar) that is on your table in a glass of water. Stir and taste the water. What do you think we added to the water? - It turns out that water can take on the taste of the substance that was put in it. But in reality, water has no taste. Experiment 2: Colorless water Drop: You have a glass of water and a glass of milk on the table. Please put the spoon in the water. Can you see the spoon? - Now dip the spoon into the milk. Guys, can you see the spoon? Educator: It’s not visible correctly. And why? (children sit on chairs) Educator: Thank you, Droplet. Today we learned a lot about water. So that rain pours from the sky, So that ears of corn grow from the sky, So that ships sail, So that jelly is cooked, So that there is no trouble - We cannot live without... Droplet: A little later I will introduce you to other properties of water. And now I treat you to cool spring water. Educator: Thank you droplet for the trip. And now it’s time for her to go to other children. Let's tell her goodbye. — What did you learn new? Who came to visit?

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