Card file “Psychological games and speech settings for preschoolers”

Card file of morning greetings card file (senior group) on the topic

card index of morning greetings. 1. Morning greeting “Hello, Heaven!” Hello, Sun! (Raise your hands up) Hello, Earth! (Draw a large circle with your hands above your head) Hello, planet Earth! (Gently lower your hands onto the carpet) Hello, our big family! (Describe a large circle above your head, all the guys join hands and raise them up)

2. Morning greeting All the children have gathered in a circle (stand in a circle) I am your friend (hands to chest) And you are my friend (extend hands to each other) Let’s hold hands tightly (hold hands) And smile at each other (smile)

3. Ritual of greeting “Sun” Sunshine, sunshine, shine in the sky! (children stretch their arms upward and stand on their feet) Stretch out bright rays to us. (They stretch their hands forward, palms up) We will put our hands (break into pairs, extend their hands to each other) into your hands. Spin us around, lifting us off the ground. (They spin in pairs) Together with you we will go to the meadow (they line up in a chain, holding each other’s hands) There we will all stand together in a circle (form a circle) We dance in a circle with songs. The sun goes around in circles. (Walk in a circle) Our palms clap joyfully, (clap their hands) Frisky legs walk quickly. (They walk at a brisk pace) The sun has disappeared and gone to rest (they crouch, cover their heads with their hands, then hands under their cheeks) We’ll sit down with you (quietly, calmly sit down in their seats)

4. “Let’s rejoice” Let’s rejoice in the sun and the birds, (children raise their hands up) And also rejoice in smiling faces (Smile at each other) And everyone who lives on this planet, (raise their hands) “Good morning!” We will say together (hold hands) “Good morning!” - Mom and Dad “Good morning!” - will stay with us.

5. Morning greeting We will say to the sky: “Hello!” “May the morning be clear!” - We will tell nature. Let the world be beautiful! And even on a stormy day we wish Him happiness, love and beauty! Hello, dear sun, Hello, blue sky! We will open our hands and hearts to meet you.

6. Morning greeting Dili-dili-dili-dili! - The bells were ringing. Dili-dili-dili-dili! - The bells woke up all the beetles, spiders and funny moths. Ding, day! Ding, day! Let's start a new day! Dili-dili-dili-dili! The bells woke up all the rabbits and hedgehogs, all the lazy bear cubs. And the little sparrow woke up, And the little jackdaw perked up... Ding, day! Ding, day! Don't sleep through the new day!

7. Morning greeting So our circle has gathered. A friend gave his hand to a friend. Luda gave her hand to Lesha, and Lesha gave her hand to Vanya..... (about each child in a circle) So our circle gathered. (shake hands together)

8. Morning greeting Hello, golden sun! Hello, blue sky! Hello, free breeze! Hello, little oak tree! We live in the same region - I greet you all! Hello sun! Hello sky! Hello, my whole Earth! We woke up very early and welcome you!

9. Morning greeting Hello right hand - we stretch forward, Hello left hand - we stretch forward, Hello friend - we grab a neighbor with one hand, Hello friend - we grab with the other hand, Hello, hello friendly circle - we shake our hands. We stand hand in hand, together we are a big ribbon, We can be small - we squat, We can be big - we stand up, But no one will be alone

10. “Clapperboard” Everyone stands in a circle, arms extended forward. I open my palm, the children place their palms on top of my palm, one on top of the other (it turns out to be a “slide” of our palms). Then we lift this “slide” up and all together make a “cracker” on command. I say: “One, two, three” (to these words we raise our hands and stretch up - and we stretch as high as we can reach without separating our hands). "Pop!" At the word “clap,” our common clapper claps to everyone’s joy—the arms quickly spread to the sides like a fountain. If there are few children, then during the circle before the clap we greet each other: “Hello, Tanya (Tanya’s palms rested on our clapper), hello, Sasha, etc.

11. Morning greeting Let's hug you, And rise above the earth, Let's unite the warmth of hearts, And become one sun!

12. Morning ritual-greeting “Hello! "Hello, pens! Clap-clap-clap! Hello legs! Top-top-top! Hello cheeks! Plop-plop-plop! Chubby cheeks? Plop-plop-plop! Hello, little eyes! Blink-blink-blink! Hello sponges! Smack-smack-smack! Hello, teeth! click-click-click! Hello, my nose! Beep-beep-beep! Hello kids! One two Three. Girls and boys, hello!

13. Let's rejoice Let's rejoice at the sun and the birds, (children raise their hands up) And also rejoice at the smiling faces (Smile at each other) And everyone who lives on this planet, (raise their hands) “Good morning!” We will say together (hold hands) “Good morning!” - Mom and Dad “Good morning!” - will stay with us.

14. Morning greeting Let’s stand side by side, in a circle, Say “Hello!” each other. We are not too lazy to say hello: “Hello!” to everyone! and “Good afternoon!”; If everyone smiles, a good morning will begin. - GOOD MORNING!!!

15. Morning greeting Hello, hello, Hello, hello, Our circle has gathered. Hello, hello, Hello, hello, A friend gave a hand to a friend. Luda gave her hand to Lesha, and Lesha gave her hand to Vanya..... (about each child in a circle) So our circle gathered. (shake hands together)

16. Morning greeting. In our group, every day we do exercises, perform exercises Strictly in order: Everyone sat down, stood up together, turned their heads, stretched, turned and smiled at each other!

17. Morning greeting Good morning! Happy new day! Happy new sun outside the window! Good morning! Start your day well!

18. Morning chant Standing in a circle, stretch your arms forward and join them in the center of the circle. Stand quietly, trying to feel like a warm ray of sunshine. We are all friendly guys. We are preschool children. We don't offend anyone. We know how to care. We will not leave anyone in trouble. We won’t take it away, we’ll ask for it. Let everyone be well, May it be joyful and light! 19. Morning greeting (Children stand in a circle) Only the brave and persistent Will get to the goal cheerfully, And on the road you need to Know the secrets of lasting friendship! While they are talking, they put their hands on the shoulders of their comrades. Then they join their right hands in the center of the circle, placing one hand on top of the other, and say the motto: “One for all and all for one!”

20. Morning greeting Children stand in a circle and raise their hands up (fingers joined together) Teacher: - Good morning, sun! We are glad to see you. We woke up and held hands! (Children lower their hands) Educator (looking at each child in turn): - And Masha is here... And Olya is here... The children repeat: - And Masha is here... And Olya is here... Educator: - Everyone is here! Children stand on their toes, without separating their hands, raise them up and say in unison: “Everyone is here!” Then, slowly lowering their arms, they squat down.

21. Morning greeting I am glad to see you all cheerful and in a good mood. I want it very much. So that you remain in this mood until the evening. And for this we must smile more often, not offend or be offended, not fight! We will make each other happy! Please those around you with your smile!

22. Morning greeting Good morning, guys! I'm glad to see you! Today we are waiting for exciting games, activities and a lot of interesting things... I want you to succeed and be in a good mood all day!

23. Morning greeting. Educator: - The day has come. I smile at you, and you will smile at each other and think how good it is that we are here together today! We are calm and kind! Friendly and affectionate! What do we wish for Sasha today? Seryozha? Varya? (children's names) What do you want to wish me? Take a deep breath and exhale, forget yesterday’s grievances, anger, and anxiety. I wish you a good mood and careful attitude towards each other!

24. Morning chant “Our group” Our friendship is strong, we are proud of it! We study together, play together, relax together! Well, if someone suddenly gets into trouble, there is no reason to be upset, we will always help everyone! If someone is happy, we rejoice together! Because in our group everyone is caring and friendly! 25. Morning chant “We are friends!” We are friends because we have fun playing with each other all day long! Together - even if we build a ladder up to the moon, even if we sunbathe in the sun!

Emotional mood for the lesson

The bell rang loudly - The lesson begins. Our ears are on top of our heads, our eyes are well open. We listen, we remember, we don’t waste a minute.

We came here to study, Not to be lazy, but to work, We work diligently, We listen carefully.

Every day, always, everywhere, In classes, in games, We speak boldly, clearly And sit quietly.

Good morning, guys! On this sunny morning I went to work and watched the clouds, green leaves, listened to the birds singing. I think that you also admired the beautiful nature and are in a good mood. Let's smile at each other. And from these smiles we will be kinder, happier, more cheerful. And we will be happy to work in class. With a smile, clear nature greets the morning of the year through a dream; The skies are blue and shining. The forests are still transparent, as if they are turning green with fluff.

“You are talented, children! Someday you will be pleasantly surprised at how smart you are, how much and how well you can do, if you constantly work on yourself, set new goals and strive to achieve them...” (J. J. Rousseau) -Girls, boys, sit down, please. -What lesson now? -Checking readiness. -What kind of mood do you need to make the lesson successful? -I wish you to maintain a good mood throughout the lesson.

The lesson begins. It will be useful for the guys. Try to understand everything, Learn to reveal secrets, Give complete answers, And don’t yawn in class. The bell rang for us, Everyone calmly entered the classroom, Everyone stood up at their desks nicely, They greeted each other politely, They sat down quietly, with their backs straight. Let's all sigh with a smile and begin our lesson.

The lesson is starting, it will be useful for the children. Try to understand everything and count carefully.

Smile at each other, sit down. Hands? On the spot! Legs? On the spot! Elbows? At the edge! Back? Straight!

A call gathers us for a wonderful lesson! They caught up, stood up quietly, and looked up at me! Sit down!

Well, guys, everyone, keep quiet, we start writing. You write, don’t rush, it’s better to write out the letters.

The lesson is starting, it will be useful for the children. I will try to understand everything - I will write correctly.

The long-awaited bell rang - the lesson begins.

Great joy is work. In the fields, at the machine, at the table! Work until you sweat hot, Work without extra counting - All the happiness of the earth comes from work!

Here are the books on the table, and here are the notebooks, I don’t want to play hide and seek today, And I don’t have time to blow on a paper ship - Today in the class the kids have a painfully important lesson!

Well, check it out, buddy, are you ready to start the lesson? Is everything in place? Is everything in order, Pen, book and notebook? Is everyone sitting correctly? Is everyone watching carefully? Everyone wants to receive only a “5” rating.

There are ideas and tasks, games, jokes, everything for you! We wish everyone good luck - Good luck to work!

Mathematics is the queen of sciences! Without it, ships can't fly, Without it, you can't divide a single acre of land, You can't even buy bread, you can't count a ruble, You won't know how much, And once you know, you won't understand!

Let's, guys, learn to count, divide, multiply, add, subtract, remember everything that without accurate counting, no work will move forward.

Without an account, there will be no light on the street, Without an account, a rocket will not be able to rise, Without an account, a letter will not find its addressee, And the boys will not be able to play hide and seek. Our arithmetic flies above the stars, goes out into the seas, builds buildings, plows, plants trees, forges turbines, reaches right up to the sky.

Count, guys, count more accurately, add good deeds boldly, add good deeds boldly, quickly subtract bad deeds.

The textbook will teach you accurate counting. Hurry to work, hurry to work! Games, jokes, everything for you! We wish everyone good luck - Back to work, good time?

We begin again Solving, guessing, inventing!

Get to work, guys, get to work quickly, learn to count, so as not to lose count!

Time for business, time for fun. Read my story There is a text written on the board.

I’ll put the notebook on an angle and hold the pen correctly. I’ll sit straight, don’t bend, I’ll get to work!

Check, my friend, are you ready to start the lesson? Is everything in place, is everything in order? Book, pen and notebook? Have you checked? Sit down! Work hard!

Do you want to learn to write with me? You need to learn to hold me. I really want to make friends with you From the first word, From the first page. The printed letters are very neat. I write the letters for writing myself. It's very fun to write with a pen, the letters hold each other's pens!

The cheerful bell rings. Leave all your toys, We need to say hello. And it’s beautiful to stand at the tables.

Come on, children, stand in a row! My squad is ready to go!

Attention, girls! Attention, boys! Get your hands ready, stretch your fingers. Today we will count, add and subtract. And tasks, tasks to solve! So they gave us a call. The lesson begins. I invite you to travel and improve your knowledge!

The great thing is to solve problems. Know-ka will teach us again. He came to class today with a smile and brought a magic lantern for us. To quickly solve problems, you must be able to add and subtract. Let's start our work with fun, accurate oral counting.

It’s an interesting thing to solve problems. Add and subtract quickly. Everyone will work until they sweat so that the work progresses.

Solving problems is not an easy task, but we will take it on boldly. And in order to avoid mistakes, we will think, be smart, and calculate.

The bell rang and stopped, the lesson begins. Look at the desks, put everything in order. And now they sat down quietly and looked at the board.

Mathematics, friends, is impossible not to love. A very strict science, a very exact science, this mathematics!

The bell rings again, inviting you to a lesson! Get to work guys, get to work quickly. Learn to count, so as not to lose count!

The “consolidation” lesson makes us understand what we can do and what we should know.

Mathematics has arrived, bringing us problems. We will learn to count, solve, guess, be smart.

Let's go for a walk for science Today. Attention, we'll take your ingenuity with you.

I’ll open my notebook and put it down on an angle. I, friends, will not hide it from you - I hold my pen like this. I’ll sit straight, I won’t bend, I’ll get to work. The long-awaited bell is ringing again - New quarter and new lesson! Let's remember what the guys learned at quarter to three that once passed!

Everyone knows that we have the best class in school! Are there girls here? Are there boys here? Get our hands ready, stretch your fingers. In an interesting lesson, Children decide everything together. So that we can become smarter, We are ready to count.

If you want to answer, don’t make any noise, just raise your hand. The teacher will ask you to stand up, and when he allows you to sit down, sit down. You sit at your desk slenderly and behave with dignity. Sit in class, don't knock or shout. In class, don't chatter like a talking parrot.

A desk is not a bed, and you can’t lie on it. Stand up together every time the teacher enters the classroom. Your pens, books and notebooks must be in order. Raise your hands together, If they ask, answer. Count and write everything. When making a decision, do not rush. Did you all have time to rest? Now let's get down to business. Mathematics awaits us. Let's start counting verbally.

Dear kids! Congratulations from the bottom of our hearts – you have learned to count, add and subtract. Be friends with arithmetic, Count and write everything, When deciding, don’t rush, Without mathematics, friends, We can’t live in any way! And the country of Mathematics is beautiful and strong! We begin again Solving, guessing, inventing! The textbook will teach you Accurate Counting. Hurry to work, Hurry to work! So, friends, pay attention - the bell has rung. Sit back comfortably - Let's start the lesson soon!

The sun woke up joyfully, stretched out carefully, it’s time for the rays to rise and begin our lesson.

I found the mood for myself, To be lucky. I will repeat it a hundred times - The clouds will disperse. Everything is fine with me - And it will be even better! The bell has already rung. The lesson is starting. You will soon find out where we will end up. In a distant land we will find cheerful Helpers. We will all smile, have fun and laugh, But first let's hurry - We will solve all the tasks! Remember everything that without an accurate account Any work will not move. Without counting there will be no light on the street, Without counting the rocket will not be able to rise. Without an invoice, the letter will not find the addressee, and the guys will not be able to play hide and seek. The long-awaited call has been given, let's start our lesson! Let's greet each other: Hello, friend! Hi friend! So that the right thing gets done, So that we don’t experience failures in life, Let’s boldly go on a journey Into the world of mysteries and complex tasks. It doesn't matter that it's not easy to walk. We are not afraid that the path will be difficult. Major achievements have never been easy for people. Good morning! The day has begun! First of all, we drive away laziness. Don't yawn in class, but work and count! The bell rang and class began. We will study fine arts, develop creativity and imagination.

The cheerful bell rang, He called all the children to class. Let's say together: “Hello, school.” Is everyone ready? Drawing lesson with us. Everyone came here to study, not to be lazy, but to work. Work diligently, Listen carefully. If you want to answer, don’t forget to raise your hand. If they ask, you need to stand up and answer clearly and loudly.

Good afternoon, dear guests and guys! If you start the day with a smile, then you can hope that it will go well. Let's spend today's lesson with a smile. The main task is to be attentive, active, resourceful, and most importantly, hardworking. Show what we know and how we can work.

Let's smile at each other, I'm glad to see your smiles again and I think that today will bring us the joy of communicating with each other. Good luck to you! What do you want today's lesson to be?

Let's get ready for work and smile at each other. Now sit comfortably, close your eyes, put your heads on the tables and repeat after me: I’m at school in class. Now I will start studying. I'm happy about this. My attention is growing. I, as a scout, will notice everything. My memory is strong. The head thinks clearly. I want to learn. I'm ready to go. Working.

Hello! Guys! Are you ready for the lesson? I count on you, friends. We are a good friendly class. Everything will work out for us!

Spring has come. The sun is shining. The sun smiles and gives us light and warmth. Let's pass on a piece of our warmth to each other. The topic of today's lesson is “Repetition”.

Today we will go on a trip around our country, we will learn a lot of new and interesting things, visit interesting places, and then tell our family and friends about our impressions. But nature reveals its secrets only to kind-hearted people. Let's say hello to her. Hello nature! Hello steppe, Hello mountains, Hello forest. What are you making noise about in the leaves on a dark stormy night? Who is hiding in your wilderness, what kind of animal, what kind of bird? Open everything, don’t hide it, You see, we are our own.

Good afternoon guys! Look at each other and smile! The radiant sun cannot be divided into parts, And the eternal earth cannot be divided, But You can, you are able to give a spark of happiness from a golden ray to your friends.

Hello guys! I know you are very friendly, smart, inquisitive, love to read and love to learn. A star fell from the sky, I made a wish, And the wish is this: Let's think and read And get A's, And the heavenly star said to everyone, “Yes, yes, yes!” The bell has rung for us. Everyone entered the class calmly, everyone stood at their desks nicely, and greeted each other politely. They sat down quietly, with their backs straight. I see our class anywhere! Well, let's start the lesson, friends! The bell rang and class began. Everyone turn to each other, and now smile. Smile at me, guests! And take your seats. O mathematics, be proud of yourself, You are the mother of all sciences, And they value you. For centuries you are covered with glory, the luminary of all earthly luminaries. Strict, logical, majestic, Slender in flight, like an arrow, Your unfading glory has gained immortality throughout the centuries. Don’t come to class with a frown on your face, Be cheerful to the end, Don’t be lazy, smile, Obey all laws, And our law is this: Everything you need is at hand.

Stand up straight, straighten your shoulders, raise your head, give me your smile. I wish you good fruitful work in the lesson. To make our lesson interesting, we learned a lot. Let the motto of our lesson be the words: “If you can do it yourself, teach someone else.” The bell has rung, let’s begin our lesson. One two three four five. Here we are learning to play. One two three four five. We all know how to count. Guys, smile at each other, give your smile to the guests. I wish you success in your lesson! 1-2 - head higher, 3-4 - shoulders wider, 5-6 - sit down quietly.

The bell rings, calling us to class. The lesson will begin now, It will lead you into the world of knowledge. Smile at each other, a smile is a good mood for work. During the lesson we will reason, think, decide, and reveal the secret of mathematics. My friends, I am very glad to enter our friendly class, and for me the attention of your smart eyes is already a reward. I am a human being, I know how to think and be surprised, be offended and upset. I am able to think and understand, listen and respond. I can make mistakes. I know how to learn. I want to learn. With a smile, clear nature greets the morning of the year through a dream. The blue skies are shining. The forests are still transparent, as if they are turning green with fluff. A call gathers us for a wonderful lesson! They caught up, stood up quietly, and looked up at me! Sit down!

-Guys, look carefully at the clouds (there are three clouds hanging on the board: bright blue, pale blue, gray-blue). Which cloud do you like best? I'm glad that most of you are in a good mood. I hope that by the end of the lesson everyone will be in a good mood.

The bell has already rung. The lesson begins. We are not alone today, guests have come to class. Turn around quickly and greet the guests! Sit upright, legs together, place your hands on the table. Pull yourself up, smile and sit down quietly. We will write and work, Because the tasks are not easy. We, friends, cannot be lazy, since we are students.

We are in a great mood, and smiles are a common thing. Let's wish each other well, After all, it's time for us to start the lesson. We have an unusual lesson today. I want you to remember it for the rest of your life. We accept life with its problems as a gift. All in chorus: The best day is today. The best rest is work. The best job is the one you love. The biggest need is communication. The greatest wealth is health. The greatest gift is love. Today we will learn to love.

- A new lesson has arrived. I will smile at you, and you will smile at each other. And you will think: how good it is that we are all here together today. We are modest and kind, friendly and affectionate. We are all healthy. - Take a deep breath and exhale. Exhale yesterday's resentment, anger and anxiety. I wish us all a good lesson

Guys, tell me, why do we need eyes? That's right, to see the beauty of nature, the world around us, people. Our eyes also see those who need our help: a hungry bird, a fallen comrade. They help us do good deeds.

Guys, today we have guests at our lesson. Please look at them. Say hello. Now all eyes are on me. Everyone, good afternoon everyone! Get our laziness out of the way! Don't stop me from working, Don't stop me from studying!

Human kindness is the most amazing phenomenon in the world. Try to convey your mood with a smile. I see you are in a good, business-like mood, so let’s get to work.

The bell gave us a signal: the time has come to work. So we don’t waste time and start working. The sun rose a long time ago and looked into our window. He's rushing us to class, Math now. Snow flies and sparkles in the golden radiance of the day, as if covering all roads and houses with down. Snow is pouring, snow is pouring, Let's begin our lesson.

-How are you living? -Like this! (Show thumb) - How are you going? -Like this! (Walk 2 fingers of one hand along the palm of the other) -How are you running? -Like this! (Bend your arms at the elbows and show how you use them when running) -Do you sleep at night? -Like this! (Place your hands under your cheek and place your head on them) -How do you take it? -Like this! -Do you give it? -Like this! -How are you being naughty? -Like this! (Variable movements) -Are you threatening? -Like this! (Wag your finger) - How are you sitting? -Like this! (Hands on the table) - How do you know mathematics? -Like this! (Show thumb)

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