Compiling a story based on the painting “Dog with Puppies”
Olga Morozova
Compiling a story based on the painting “Dog with Puppies”
Topic: “ Composing a story based on the painting “Dog with Puppies” ”
Goal: development of children's speech through teaching storytelling based on a plot picture .
— To develop the ability to carefully examine the characters in a picture and reason about its content . Learn to come up with a title for a painting . Learn to ask questions correctly.
— Develop imagination: imagine possible sounds, smells, sensations from expected contact with various objects and convey your ideas in a short story . Develop the ability to compose a detailed story based on a picture , based on the example of the teacher.
- Develop a kind attitude towards animals, a desire to take care of them. Cultivate respect for other children in class, not interrupt each other, and the ability to listen to peers.
Methods and techniques: introduction to the game situation, artistic expression, questions, messages, encouragement of dialogue, introduction of the game character.
Materials and equipment: painting “ Dog with puppies ”
Preliminary work. Carrying out games “Chain of words”
“Say a word
“What happened, what will happen?”
“Yes - no”
“A wizard came to us
No. Stages of the lesson Progress of the lesson
Activities of the teacher Activities of children
Introduction to the game situation. The Dunno toy arrives with a picture turned back to the children.
Dunno: Hello everyone! What a colorful picture I brought you , do you agree? Children do not see what the artist depicted in the picture .
2 Problem situation.
Game "Yes-No-Ka"
Teacher. Guys, Dunno is probably joking. Look at the picture . We do not see who or what the artist depicted in .
F. Let's play the game "Yes-No-Ka"
You ask me questions. I will answer you “Yes”
. Rule: do not repeat the wrong questions.
The teacher opens a picture that depicts a cat and kittens.
Children ask questions:
Games with a spyglass
Children are presented with
a picture to look at and asked to list all the objects in the picture .
Children look at the painting using a spyglass
, name one object, describe it.
4 Entering the picture “Be near the object”
“I only hear” came to us
“I smell it” has come to us
d/i "Animals and their young"
Children are asked to “enter”
a picture , choose an object and describe what is next to it using spatial characteristics.
The teacher suggests searching for the expected sounds and words, imitating them. Game rules: imagine the sounds made by objects in the picture , and compose a coherent story on the topic : “I only hear the sounds in this picture ”
The teacher invites you to “enter”
the picture and imagine what smells you can smell there. Children are focused on the objects in the picture , they are asked to search for possible smells and identify them with words.
Q: Guys, you need to correlate an adult animal with its baby and explain what they are called. Several children take turns “entering”
the picture and describe what they see “next to them
Children are focused on the objects in the picture .
Several children imitate the sounds they “hear”
make up a story (“I hear the dog breathing with his tongue hanging out . The puppy whines quietly,” etc.)
Children describe the smells that can be felt after they “entered”
the picture ( “I smell the pies that grandma bakes.”
Children come to the tables and complete the task,
5 Physical education
V. Guys, our guest Dunno is sad, let's play with him a little, and for this we will all turn into puppies .
A puppy was running around the yard (running in place)
Sees a piece of pie (bends forward, arms to the sides)
He crawled under the porch and ate (sit down, hands to mouth)
Collapsed, sniffling (arms to the sides, head on back)
6 Story based on the picture . Sample story from a teacher .
V. Let's return to the picture .
Try to use in the story the words and expressions that you used when looking at the picture .
Listen to how I did it:
This painting shows a dog with two puppies . The dog is large , shaggy, spotted. She lies and watches her puppies . Next to the dog is a small , fluffy puppy. He stuck out his tongue and looked at the sparrows that had arrived. A little further away there is another puppy. He is small, fluffy with his tail raised up. Caring people built a kennel for them and brought food for them. Two sparrows flew to them. One sparrow pecks at their food, and the other looks at it.
Dunno praises the children for their interesting stories and says goodbye .
Children's stories.
7 Final part.
What did you learn today?
Who were the stories about ?
Which game did you like best? Why?
What was the most difficult task? Why? They answer questions and conduct a dialogue with the teacher.
Lesson summary “Composing a story based on the painting “Expanses of Kuzbass” Objectives: Speech development: - To develop the ability to compose a story based on a plot picture, using the “continue the sentence method”, according to the model.
Consultation “Composing a story based on a plot picture” Municipal state preschool educational institution “Krasnooktyabrsky kindergarten” - branch “Kindergarten Little Red Riding Hood” Consultation.
Compiling a story based on A. Savrasov’s painting “The Rooks Have Arrived” Program content: Continue to teach children to compose a plot story based on the painting, when describing events, indicate the time of action using.
Compiling a story based on the painting “Hedgehogs” Summary of educational activities in the field of “Communication: speech development” for children of senior preschool age. Author: Tagirova.
Compiling a story based on the painting “Cat with Kittens” kindergarten No. 16 “Pearl” teacher: Dergunova E. A. Lesson notes for children. Topic: “Composing stories based on the painting “Cat with Kittens.”
Compiling a story based on the painting “Chickens” for the middle group Tasks: teach children to compose a short descriptive story based on the painting using a diagram; learn to compare a rooster and a hen, a hen and chickens.
Goal: To develop the ability to carefully examine the characters in a picture and answer questions about its content. Promote elements of creativity when trying to understand the content of the picture. To develop the ability to engage in storytelling together with the teacher. Develop memory and attention. Develop the ability to listen to each other and not interrupt.Material: Painting.
1 . Listen to the riddle.
Lives under the porch
Tail in a ring.
That's right, dog. Today we will look at the painting “Dog with Puppies”, and then we will come up with a story about a dog and its cubs.
Look and say who is depicted in the picture. What dog? (Big, black, shaggy, kind). What is the dog doing? (lies, rests, watches, guards, guards)
(The teacher encourages you to name the dog’s actions differently. The purpose of this activity is to guide the children so that they do not repeat the same words).
What does the first puppy do? (Lies next to mom). What is the second puppy doing? (Looks at the sparrows). Where does the food in the bowl come from in the picture? Who could have brought it? (Owner, daughter or son of the owner). What kind of food could be in the bowl? (Milk, meat, bones, sausage). Who else is depicted in the picture (birds, sparrows).
2. Attention game “Who is the most attentive?”
You have been looking at the picture for a long time, and now let’s see which of you is the most attentive?
- How many bowls are shown in the picture?
- What color is the dog?
- What birds are shown in the picture?
- Was the dog lying on a rug or on the floor?
- What did we see in the bowl?
(The picture is checked with the children’s answers after all the questions asked).
3. D/exercise “Make a story based on the picture.”
We carefully examined the picture, answered the questions, and now we will learn to write a story based on the picture. At home, tell your mom about the dog and her puppies. She will be very interested to listen. I will help you.
The painting shows a dog with... puppies. Big dog, what kind? (Shaggy, black). She has... (two puppies). One of them is called... (Tobik). The other's name is... (Tuzik). The puppies are small. What other ones? (Funny, fluffy). The dog and puppies had lunch. A caring owner named ... (Misha) put ... (pieces of meat) in a bowl. It was very... (tasty). There is nothing... (left) on the plate.
After a delicious lunch, the dog ... (lay down to rest). Tobik also ... (ate his fill) and ... (lay down next to his mother). Tuzik also did well... (ate), but he was very curious and began to... (watch the sparrows). We really ... (liked) the dog and puppies.
(The teacher sets the scheme of the story so that it prompts the child to describe and narrate. The teacher listens to several stories from the children, encouraging them not to repeat each other’s answers).
GCD for speech development. Writing a story about the painting “Dog with Puppies” (middle group)
Victoria Popkova
GCD for speech development. Writing a story about the painting “Dog with Puppies” (middle group)
Goal: to teach children to describe a picture in a certain sequence, to name the picture .
"Speech development "
– Teach children to describe a picture , making up a small , coherent story following the teacher’s model.
– Continue teaching children to answer the teacher’s questions.
– Help children coordinate words in sentences.
– Improve the ability to correctly use prepositions in speech .
– Learn to use the most common adjectives, verbs, adverbs , and prepositions speech
– Learn to listen to other children’s answers.
"Cognitive development "
– Develop memory , attention, thinking.
"Social and communicative development "
– Cultivate a caring attitude towards animals, friendly relationships between peers.
Materials and equipment: toy – dog , painting “ Dog with puppies ”
by S. A. Veretennikova, easel.
Summary of a lesson on speech development in the middle group “Dog with puppies”
Summary of a lesson on speech development in the middle group “Dog with puppies”
Lesson summary on speech development
on the topic: Storytelling based on the painting “ Dog with Puppies ”
Goal: to develop children’s ability to describe a picture in a certain sequence and name the picture.
Educational: Teach children to describe a picture, making up a small, coherent story following the teacher’s model. Continue teaching children to answer the teacher’s questions. Help children coordinate words in sentences. Improve the ability to correctly use prepositions in speech
Develop memory
, attention, thinking.
Educational: To cultivate a caring attitude towards animals, friendly relationships between peers.
Materials and equipment: puppy toy Druzhok, painting “ Dog with puppies ”
by S. A. Veretennikova, gift bag, coloring books.
“ Dog with Puppies ” on TV
When children arrive at kindergarten, they look at it and discuss it among themselves.
Organizing time.
Children with a teacher sit on chairs on the carpet.
-Guys, sit on the chairs, the backs are level, the legs are aligned together, the hands are placed on the knees.
-Let's do some eye exercises. (Finger in front of you, move it left, right, down, up, watch it with your eyes)
(Knock on the door)
- Guys, do you hear someone knocking, let’s see who came?
I go out the door and bring it to the group
room of a large toy puppy.
-The puppy says that his name is Druzhok and came running to visit us and brought a painting with him. He was so sad. I asked what happened. He answered me that this picture hangs in his house, in his booth, he likes it so much, but he cannot tell his friends what is depicted in it, because he does not know how to tell a story from the picture. That's why he came running to us for help. Guys, can we help the puppy? (Children's answers.)
In order for our story to be correct and understandable, we will do gymnastics for the tongue.
“The tongue went for a walk,
Looked to the right, to the left,
Right left,
I saw a mouse and hid behind the fence."
Main part.
-Well done! Children, first we need to come up with a name for this picture. What is shown in the picture? (Individual answers.)
How can you name the picture?
I listen to children and correct their answers.
-Guys, the title of the picture should not be very long, but even from the short title it should be clear what this picture is about!
-I like the title “ Dog with Puppies ”
You can say with puppies, or you can say with puppies
-In order for the story based on the picture to be interesting, without repetition, you must first tell everything about the dog
, then - all about
the puppies and
, finally, describe the yard itself.
So, attention to the dog
— What a dog mom
( Individual answers : big, shaggy)
-Look at her fur, it’s multi-colored and spotted.
- What is she doing? ( Choral answers : lying, resting, looking after puppies, etc.)
After listening to the children, I summarize what was said and give a sample story.
- “This painting shows a dog with two puppies
The dog is large
, shaggy, spotted.
She lies and watches her puppies
-Now let's look at the puppies and describe them.
- Who is standing next to the dog?
(Choral answers.)
-Let's count how many puppies are drawn? (two)
- Mom is a big dog
, and
the puppies
(Choral answers.)
- What puppies
( individual answers : small, cheerful, funny, spotted)
- What do puppies
(Individual answers.)
- “Next to the dog there is a small
, fluffy puppy. He stuck out his tongue and looked at the sparrows that had arrived. A little further away there is another puppy. He is small, fluffy with his tail raised up. He also looks at the sparrows that have arrived.”
-Well done! Now we need to describe the yard where the dog and puppies
(I make sure that children correctly designate spatial landmarks and specify where it is - there, here (near, nearby, in, at, etc.)
-Where do dogs
(choral answers.)
- Who built the kennel for them? (individual answers.)
— Who brought the dogs food?
(choral answers.)
- Who flew to them? (choral answers.)
-What do sparrows do? (individual answers.)
-Near what is a big dog
(near the bowl)
- Well done, guys. Now listen to me talk about this picture.
“This painting shows a dog with two puppies
The dog is large
, shaggy, spotted.
She lies and watches her puppies
Next to the dog is a small
, fluffy puppy.
He stuck out his tongue and looked at the sparrows that had arrived. A little further away there is another puppy. He is small, fluffy with his tail raised up. He also looks at the sparrows that have arrived. Caring people built a kennel for them and brought food for them. They have eaten and are resting. Two sparrows flew to them. One sparrow pecks at their food, and the other looks at it. The puppies
look at the sparrows arriving and think: “Who are they?
Why do they peck at our food? It’s good for the puppies with their mother
. -Guys, Friend wants to say something. My friend says he wants to exercise a little.
(Breathing exercises and physical exercises.)
-Guys, now you try to talk about the picture, don’t worry, I will help.
One of the children talks about the picture, I help
The final stage.
-Well done, the puppy really liked your stories. Guys, Friend says thank you very much for your help. Now he knows how to tell his friends what is shown in this picture. And for your help, he wants to give you a small gift.
(The puppy says goodbye and leaves)
-Guys, did you like the lesson
-What did we do in class
(children's individual answers)
- Well done! Thank you, you can color the coloring book that your friend gave you.
Dogs and puppies - educational notes. Read before coloring
Coloring pages with dogs and puppies are good because every child can create his friend exactly the way he wants. It’s easy to imagine a dog’s coloring, that is, its color, but how to convey its character?
Every dog and even a small puppy has its own personality. Our faithful friends accurately determine facial expressions and intonations, the good and bad mood of the owner. More than any other dog, they love children. The intelligence and intelligence of dogs is second only to monkeys and dolphins. They always understand us and love us so much that we cannot even imagine.
The dog coloring page allows children to imagine any color for any breed, as well as draw the dog's dreams. Yes, yes, dogs have dreams in which they think they are reliving the impressions of the day or hunting. Draw a cloud next to the dog and let the child figure out what his dog will dream about, maybe it will be a bone?
Progress of the lesson:
- Good morning, guys! I am glad that you are so beautiful and cheerful today! Let's share our kindness with each other. Let's greet each other by passing our hearts around. First let's look at it. See how warm and beautiful it is. When you pass it to each other, turn to your neighbor and, looking at him, smile and say, for example, “Mashenka, I’m glad to see you, how beautiful and elegant you are today.”
After the greeting, the teacher asks a riddle:
-Why do you think this is a dog ? (Children prove)
-Yes, that's right - it's a dog . Look at the picture the dog sent .
The painting “ Dog with Puppies ” is hanging
Children look at it for 2-3 minutes .
Conversation on the painting .
-Who is depicted in the picture ? ( Dog with puppies , sparrows)
-What is the dog ? (Lies near his kennel house)
-Who is lying near the dog (Puppy)
Listen to me tell you .
-This puppy is small, colorful, funny, clumsy. His nickname is Pestrik because he is motley. He looks like his mother. His eyes are small, like beads. The nose is also tiny. The tail is brown, lifted up, and the ears are drooping. He stands and looks at the sparrows. I really like him.
- tell me about the other puppy.
Children's stories.
— The puppies are small, and their mother is a big , shaggy dog.
-What's in the dog ?
-Where are the dogs and puppies ?
-Where do dogs ?
-Who brought food to the dogs , who built a kennel for them?
-What would you call the picture ?
-And the artist called it “ Dog with puppies ”
All children and even adults dream of a small dog . Let us also play owner and little puppy. Let each of you think about who he will be - an owner or a puppy. Divide into pairs, agree on who will be who and come to me, owners. What commands can an owner give to his puppy? (Stop, lie down, run, jump, sit, dance)
The puppies are obedient, they will follow commands
(children can disperse throughout
the group in pairs ) After the game, share a story . If necessary, the teacher helps and suggests the beginning of a phrase. Answers 2-3 children.
- Guys, who has a dog or puppies ?
-What are they like? Tell us about them .
Okay, I’ll write your stories in a beautiful album, in the evening moms and dads will read it.
Guys, what are your mood now? What was your favorite thing to do? Go to the table and choose an emoticon according to your mood.
Summary of educational activities in the middle group in the field of “Speech development”.
Theme: “Telling a story based on the painting “Winter Fun”. b]Integration of educational areas: “Speech development”, “Cognitive development”, “Social and communicative”, “Physical development”.
Summary of OOD on speech development in the second junior group. Subject. Examination of the painting “Dog with Puppies”. Goal: Teach children to look at the picture. Objectives: Educational: Learn to answer the teacher’s questions and write a short story together.
Can a dog coloring page bark?
It is very easy to draw barking in the dog coloring book. Children can easily draw small clouds themselves and write letters in them, and if you are given the task of drawing a dog barking, you will probably be surprised when you see how the child sees it. Don't be lazy to play this game.
It is interesting to know that dog barking is similar to wolf barking, only dogs bark more often than howl, and wolves do the opposite. Dogs bark when they see their owner or play with him - this is for joy. Aggressive barking can be heard when a dog encounters a stranger. If the sound is low, it means she is belligerent. A joyful bark is louder.