Summary of a modeling lesson in the middle group “Dumbbells for Luntik”

Summary of a modeling lesson in the middle group “Dumbbells for Luntik”

Tokpiseva G.V. Summary of a modeling lesson in the middle group “Dumbbells for Luntik” // Sovushka. 2021. N3 (13). URL: (access date: 11/21/2021).

Order No. 98431

Goals: continue to develop children's interest in modeling; developing the ability to sculpt from life; To develop in children a desire to engage in sports and physical education; develop fine motor skills of the hands and eye; Cultivate children's interest in modeling sports equipment of their choice.

Vocabulary activation: Sports equipment, jump rope, kettlebell, dumbbells and hoop.

Materials and equipment: plasticine, modeling mass, stacks, napkins,

Preliminary work: conversations about sports and health, looking at illustrations on the topic “A healthy mind in a healthy body,” solving problem situations, practicing behavioral skills when playing sports and physical education. Tactile examination of objects (weights, jump ropes, dumbbells and hoops).

Progress of the lesson:

SMS sound.

Educator: -Guys, we received an email. Do you want to know from whom?

Educator: -Can you read it yourself? Can I read it to you? (picture with letter text)

"Hello. Luntik is writing to you. One day Kuzya and I went for a walk and we saw a berry. We wanted to eat it and look what came out of it:

(Cartoon fragment)

Help: my friends and I want to grow up big and strong, but we don’t know how to become that way. What should we do?"

Educator: Who sent us the letter?

-What do Luntik and Kuzya dream about?

-How to help Luntik and Kuza become big and strong? (play sports, do exercises, etc.)

-Why do you think Luntik and Kuzya couldn’t pick the berry?

-What needs to be done to make your hands strong?

- Look, what do you think this is? (Children express their opinions)

And with the help of what objects do we become strong and healthy? (Children answer - balls, hoops, jump ropes, dumbbells, weights).

- this is Sports equipment - this is what we use to become strong, healthy and resilient.

Now let's look at it

- Let's try to become a little stronger with the help of these items. (Children take turns coming up and trying to jump rope, spin a hoop, lift a weight and dumbbells).

- Well, let's see: have you pumped up your strength?

— Guys, how do you think we can help Luntik? (let’s give him sports equipment).

-Can I donate the sports equipment that we have? Why not?

-Then where can we get the same one, but in a small size? (blind).

-Go to the table and choose what you will use to make sports equipment from.

Independent work of children.

-Luntik lives far away. How can we give him our dumbbells, hoops, jump ropes, balls? (we will send the parcel).

Tell me: what did Luntik ask us for? Do you think we helped him?

Summary of GCD for modeling

Summary of GCD in the middle group “Journey to the land of health” Modeling + Cognition (integration of OO) Summary of GCD in the middle group “Journey to the land of health” Modeling + Cognition (integration of OO)

Summary of GCD in the middle group

“Journey to the Land of Health” Modeling + Cognition (OO integration)

Educational areas: artistic creativity (sculpting, safety, cognition


— To develop children’s ability to properly care for their teeth, to explain to children why it is necessary to take care of their teeth from childhood;

— Clarify children’s ideas about healthy and proper nutrition, give ideas that foods can be healthy and harmful for teeth;

— Strengthen children’s ability to sculpt round and elongated objects.

— Cultivate a desire to take care of your health.

— Develop children’s speech, attention, thinking.


Toothbrush, paste, illustrations of teeth (“cheerful” and “sad”, pictures “Harm to teeth”, pictures of vegetables and fruits, plasticine for each child, modeling boards, napkins, small pictures of a cheerful and sad tooth (by number children, 2 toy plates.

Progress of the lesson.

Org. moment. Children sit on chairs in a semicircle.

Q. Guys, we have guests today. Let's say hello to them! (children say hello). I suggest you get ready for work. Repeat with me.

Hello, golden sun! (reached up)

Hello, blue sky! (hands spread)

Hello, free breeze! (shaked hands)

Hello little sprout! (crouched down, hands down to the ground)

Hello, my dear friend! (extend hands to neighbor).

Motivational stage. Updating knowledge.

Q. Guys, do you like to travel? Have you ever been to the land of health? Today we will go to the land of health. You are ready? Get on the train. Let's hit the road! The Blue Carriage music plays, children move around the group to the music. The teacher of the first trailer is the helmsman. “Choo-choo! » They approach the table, on which there is a toothbrush and toothpaste under a cape.

V. This is the first stop. There's something here, let's see. What is this? Points to the toothbrush. Why is it needed? And what's that? Shows toothpaste. Do you know how to brush your teeth? Let's brush our teeth.

Articulation gymnastics “Brushing your teeth” (picture)

Kitty Muzik got up in the morning and smiled

I ran to brush my teeth. open your mouth

Right-left, right-left, “clean” with the tip of your tongue from the inside

We brush our teeth skillfully. alternately lower and upper teeth 5-6 times

Let's rinse your mouth

Like a neat cat. "rinse your mouth"

Q. What great guys you all are, you know how to brush your teeth. Now let's move on.

To the music, the children move further in the group to the chairs.

Q. Here's the next stop. Sit down on the chairs.

Illustrations of “happy” and “sad” teeth are displayed on the easel.

B. Look at the illustration. What is this? Why is he smiling? Yes, he is cheerful because he is healthy. The teacher shows an illustration of a sad tooth.

Q. What happened to this tooth? Why is he so sad? Why can a tooth get sick? The pictures will help you. (children take turns speaking, chewing nuts with their teeth, picking their teeth, eating sweets, not going to the doctor, not brushing their teeth)

Guys, not every food is good for our teeth. Now we will play with you.

Game “What is useful and what is harmful”

I will tell you the words - food. If it is good for your teeth, clap your hands; if it is harmful, stomp your feet. (carrots, beets, cabbage, cucumber, tomato, apple, pear, chips, candies, chocolates, hot tea, ice cream, milk, cheese)

Outdoor game "In an even circle"

Rules of the game:

Children stand in a circle. In the middle of the circle is a child playing the role of soap. Children walk one after another in a circle, singing a song:

In an even circle, one after another, We will walk merrily, Whatever the soap shows us here, That’s what we will do.

Soap shows how to soap your hands, the children repeat the movements. Then the corresponding movement shows a towel (comb, toothbrush, washcloth, handkerchief).

Practical stage.

Q: Guys, let's blind it, and guess what.

The tail is made of bone and there are bristles on the back.

(Children sculpt while standing at the tables; calm music sounds while sculpting).

First, let's prepare the fingers.

Finger gymnastics


“My, my chimney sweep - rubbing the palms Clean, clean, clean, clean! - stroking the face Will, will, chimney sweep - circular stroking of the belly Clean, clean, clean, clean!” - tapping feet with fists.

Our fingers are ready. Choose what you will sculpt, select the color of the plasticine. The pictures on the board are helpers. Don't forget to warm up the plasticine. (independent work, musical accompaniment). Dry your hands with tissues.

Bottom line. Reflection.

Place your fruits and vegetables on plates.
We'll show them to our parents and our guests will watch them. And you and I will go to the mat. Those who liked the lesson, those who learned a lot, choose a happy tooth, those who were not interested and didn’t learn anything, choose a sad tooth. And it was interesting for me to work with you, you worked hard today, I’ll choose a funny tooth. Thanks for the work! Author: Zharkova Ella Yurievna

Summary of the educational activity “If you want to be healthy” middle group of kindergarten

Municipal state-owned preschool educational institution of a compensatory type, kindergarten No. 44 “Rodnichok”
Abstract of the educational activity “If you want to be healthy in” ( middle group ) Compiled by teacher : Levkina O.A. 2014 Tasks :

  1. To form in preschool children an idea of ​​human health and ways to preserve it.
  2. To consolidate children's knowledge about the effects of physical activity, hardening, nutrition, fresh air, and mood on health.
  3. the ability to participate in a conversation, answer questions using phrases and short phrases.
  4. Cultivate an interest in a healthy lifestyle.
  5. Teach children to independently monitor their health and know simple self-healing techniques.

Materials for GCD:
Dunno doll, subject pictures for the rules about a healthy lifestyle, a robe and hat for a doctor, children's drawings on the topic: How we take care of our health in the family, screen, typesetting canvas.
Preliminary work:

  1. Reading the fairy tale by K. Chukovsky “Moidadyr”, “Bad Advice” by B. Zakhoder.
  2. Drawing pictures together with parents on the topic: “How we take care of our health in the family.”
  3. Conversation with children about hygiene, hardening, and sports.

Progress of
GCD Teacher:
- Guys, look, have all the children come to kindergarten today?
(No) - Who’s not there? (Seryozha) - Why do you think he didn’t come? (He got sick) - Guys, are you sick? (Yes, sometimes) Game: “Good or bad”
- Guys, being sick is bad, why?
(You can’t go for walks, go to kindergarten, mom gives you bitter pills, gives you injections, forces you to lie in bed, etc.) - Guys, I think that some of you will say that being sick is good. Why? (I want to sit at home and not go to the garden, my mother buys something tasty, sits next to me at home, I can lie down and watch cartoons) - Guys, why do people get sick, both young and old? (They don’t wear warm clothes, drink cold water, eat ice cream outside in winter, eat snow, suck icicles, swim in cold water, get infected from other people, etc.) - Guys, who do you turn to when you get sick? (To mom, dad, doctor) Knock on the door
- Guys, I'll see who came to us...
(The teacher brings in the Dunno toy)
- Guys, did you find out who came to us?
(Dunno) - Dunno, you’re kind of sad, pale (Teacher touches his forehead) - Yes, you’re hot! You feel bad? — Guys, how can I help Dunno? (Call a doctor, give a pill, put him on the bed, give him milk and honey to drink) - Guys, we urgently need to call a doctor so that he can diagnose and prescribe treatment - Guys, how can we call a doctor? (On the phone, dial 03) (The teacher calls on the phone) - Hello, hello, is this a hospital? We need to call a doctor, Dunno is sick... Well, we'll wait. (The teacher invites the willing child to repeat the dialogue of calling a doctor to a patient) - And while the doctor is traveling, you and I will show Dunno how we do exercises in the morning. Exercises
The sun looked into the crib. One, two, three, four, five. We all do exercises. We need to sit down and stand up. Stretch your arms wider. One, two, three, four, five. Bend over - three, four. And in place Jump. On your toes, then on your heels. We do exercises together.
Knock on the door Doctor:
- Hello guys, did you call me?
What happened to you? Teacher:
- Dunno has a fever and we don’t know how to help him.
I'll help him!
Dunno, how could you catch a cold?
— The teacher imitates how Dunno answers him in his ear. - Teacher:
- Guys, he walked in the cold without a coat, his feet were wet, he lost his scarf, he didn’t know that he needed to dress warmer.
Doctor :
- In order not to get sick, friends, you must remember the rules!
I will introduce you to them, and you will find a picture for each rule 1. If you go out for a walk in winter, don’t forget your hat and scarf! - Do you agree? (Yes) 2. Wash fruits and vegetables before meals, carefully, very diligently! 3. Here’s another simple tip: wash your hands before eating! 4. Don’t be too lazy to brush your teeth twice a day! 5. A handkerchief and comb must be your own, remember this and do not use someone else’s! 6. Wash your face with cold water in the morning, and feel free to swim in the pool or river! 7. Take sunbathing, sunbathe on the beach in a Panama hat! 8. Windows should be opened more often; it’s good to breathe fresh air! 9. To grow and harden, you need to play sports! 10. Go to bed on time, get up on time, follow the daily routine! - Dunno,
here’s a potion for you, you’ll drink it spoon by spoon!
- And so that you guys don’t know about diseases, you need to take vitamins in winter! — Guys, tell me, what can I replace vitamins with? What products? (Fruits, vegetables, dairy products, fish, meat, etc.) Doctor:
- If you eat right, you will be healthy and strong!
— Guys, do you wash your hands before eating, after games, after walks? (Yes) - Well done! And whoever does not wash with soap can grow sickly and frail. Only dirty people are friends with dirty people who drowned in the dirt themselves. They are dirty, afraid of water and colds, and sometimes they don’t grow at all! - Guys, who knows what massage is? (This is stroking, rubbing, pressing) - What do you think self-massage means? (The man does the massage himself) -
Guys, tomorrow the Winter Olympics begin in Sochi.
Athletes from different countries will come there to compete in different sports. — Guys, what do you think, what should a winner, an athlete, be like? (strong, fast, hardy, brave, strong) - People have this proverb: “You can’t become strong instantly - harden yourself gradually” - Guys, how do you harden yourself? The teacher addresses the doctor:
You sit and the guys show you drawings about how they take care of their health in the family.
(Children show their drawing and talk about what is depicted) Doctor:
Well done!
Who wants to be healthy, harden up in the morning. In the morning, running and showering are invigorating, just like for adults, real. Open the windows more often and breathe in fresh air. Wash your hands with cold water and then the hungry germ will never defeat you. - Do you remember friends? Well, it’s time for me to go to others. Goodbye! Teacher:
- Guys, Dunno needs to be put to bed, given tea and honey, given some medicine, and a fairy tale to read. - Guys, who will take care of Dunno? (Children begin to play the role-playing game “Family”, the plot is Dunno Got Sick)

Modeling vegetables and fruits healthy products middle group

Summary of a modeling lesson in the middle group “Make whatever fruits or vegetables you want”

Topic: “Make whatever vegetables or fruits you want”

Goal: To develop children’s ability to choose the content of their work from a range of specific subjects.

Objectives: To foster independence and activity. Strengthen the ability to convey the shape of vegetables and fruits using a variety of sculpting techniques. Develop imagination.


Plasticine, modeling board, object pictures depicting vegetables and fruits, a tray with fruits and vegetables.


Game situation, literary expression, showing how to do the work, instructions, help.

Progress of the lesson

There's a knock on the door. They pass a tray covered with a tablecloth and a letter to the door and ask if this is the group “Solnyshko”. The teacher accepts the parcel and addresses the children:

- Guys, oh, what is this? (Reads the letter) Look, Autumn sent us this. Here are the gifts of her harvest.

-Let's see what we have here. (We look at each vegetable and fruit and give a brief description, in Russian and Kalmyk).

-Guys, today we will sculpt vegetables and fruits from plasticine, and you will choose what exactly you will sculpt according to your desire.

-Let's remember how we sculpt round and oblong objects (I show in the air). We must take a whole piece of plasticine and begin to roll it in a circular motion. We are the ones who sculpt round objects. Show us how we'll ride. That's right, well done!

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