Theatricalization of the fairy tale “Turnip” in the middle group for children

Scenario for dramatization of the fairy tale “Turnip” (middle group)

Irina Ilyukhina

Scenario for dramatization of the fairy tale “Turnip” (middle group)

Author Ilyukhina Irina Mikhailovna

MBDOU kindergarten No. 145 “Ogonyok”



middle group

Arouse interest in theatrical performances; desire to participate in them.

Development of expressiveness in speech, movements, creativity.

Integration: “Speech development”

“Cognitive development”
“Artistic and aesthetic development”
Repka - adult

The hall is decorated “Autumn vegetable garden”

a turnip sits in the middle (adult, grandfather walks around (adult, spreads his arms, strokes the turnip .
Grandfather: Come in, come in guys!

Look what kind of turnip I grew (walks around the turnip )


Not in the forest. Not on the mountain

In grandpa's yard

The miracle turnip has grown.

I brought the leaves to the sun.

Dramatization game based on the fairy tale “Turnip” in the middle group



Based on a Russian folk tale.

Objectives: 1. Reduce aggression in children, unite the group, evoke positive emotions; 2. Teach children to understand and relate the word to familiar household items, toys; perform movements, actions in accordance with the text, follow the development of the plot; 3. Develop in children the expressiveness of intonation and facial expressions; 4. To foster interest in collective dramatization games.

Characters: Leading teacher, grandfather, woman, granddaughter, dog Zhuchka, cat Murka, mouse.

Preparing for the dramatization game:

Game “Assemble a fairy tale using a chain of pictures “Turnip”, illustrations (artist V. Losin).

Equipment: hat for grandfather, stick (maybe a beard); scarf, apron for a woman; sundress, scarf for granddaughter; attributes for the image of animals. There may be other characters at the request of the children. Watering can, spatula, turnip replica, hoop (bed) Game progress

. When organizing the first game, tell the children that they are visiting a Russian folk tale today. Which? Let them figure it out for themselves. Show them the attributes, maybe they will tell the children what fairy tale they will encounter. By trying on hats for different children, make them want to play. There will be many of them. But for the first game, choose those who can best fulfill the role and will be a model for others. The rest of the guys are still spectators. Together with them, decide where the grandparent’s family will live and where to place their vegetable garden. Remind the child “artists” that they will be included in the game as the story progresses, and begin to tell it, since the role of the presenter belongs to the teacher. Leading teacher: Grandfather planted a turnip. (Using facial expressions and gestures, he expresses approval of his grandfather’s diligence and hard work.) The turnip has grown very, very big. (Astonished by its size.) The grandfather began to pull the turnip out of the ground. All: He pulls and pulls, but he can’t pull it out. Leading teacher. This is how my grandfather raised a turnip, and he can’t handle it! But he has many helpers. Who should we call? Grandfather: Grandma, help! Leading teacher: Grandma doesn’t come, she doesn’t hear. He is busy with housework. Shall we call grandma? All: Grandma, help! Grandma: I'm coming, I'm coming! Presenter: Grandma for grandpa, grandpa for the turnip - they pull and pull, but they can’t pull it out. (Expresses surprise at how firmly the turnip sits in the ground.) The grandmother called her granddaughter. Grandmother: Granddaughter, help! Presenter-educator: The granddaughter is in a hurry to help the old people. Granddaughter: I'm coming, I'm coming! Leading teacher: Granddaughter for grandma, grandma for grandpa, grandpa for the turnip... Everyone: They pull and pull, but they can’t pull it out. (Surprised) Leading teacher: The granddaughter called the dog Zhuchka. The bug didn't stay long. Bug. Woof-woof-woof, I'm running! Everyone: the bug for the granddaughter, the granddaughter for the grandmother, the grandmother for the grandfather, the grandfather for the turnip - they pull and pull, they cannot pull it out. (Very upset.) Leading teacher: Bug called the cat. Bug: Murka, help! Leading teacher: The cat doesn’t walk, lies basking, doesn’t listen to the Bug. Let's call everyone together. All: Murka, go! They can't cope without you! Murka: I'm coming, I'm coming! Everyone: the cat for the Bug, the Bug for the granddaughter, the granddaughter for the grandmother, the grandmother for the grandfather, the grandfather for the turnip - they pull and pull, they can’t pull it out. (The patience of the audience and the “actors” is running out; there is despair on their faces from endless failures.) Presenter-educator: The cat called the mouse. The mouse squeaks in fear, but still rushes to help. (Encourages the mouse, calms it down.) Everyone: Mouse for the cat, cat for the Bug, Bug for the granddaughter, granddaughter for the grandmother, grandmother for the grandfather, grandfather for the turnip - they pull and pull, they pulled out the turnip! (They rejoice.)

Progress of the game

- Children! Look what I have in my hands? Today I was walking along the path to kindergarten and found a beautiful box.

-Are you wondering what's in it? (I'm trying to open it, but it won't open)

We won't be able to open it until we solve the riddles. Are you ready to work hard?

Lives under the porch

Ring tail (Dog)

But he doesn’t know about water (Cat)

sharp teeth. (Mouse)

Stuck tight

In the garden. ( Turnip )

Children guess the riddle, and the teacher takes toys out of the box. Ay, well done! All my riddles have been solved! Or maybe you know in which fairy tale we met these characters?

Children: fairy tale " Turnip "

Educator: Well done guys, you got it!

-And since you have guessed all the riddles, I have a surprise for you, look, I have a magic chest. Want to know what's in there? (Yes)

And for the chest to open, you must say the magic words: chok-chok, open the chest.
-Grandfather planted a turnip . (Grandfather imitates planting a turnip : digs, loosens, plants, waters; sits on a chair near the house. The turnip begins to grow )

- The turnip has grown big .

- Grandfather pulls a turnip . Can't pull it out.

- Grandfather called grandma. (Grandfather calls grandmother, grandmother comes up and helps grandfather pull the turnip )

- Pulling a turnip . They can't pull it out. The woman called her granddaughter. (The grandmother calls her granddaughter, the granddaughter runs up, everyone pulls the turnip )

- Pulling a turnip . They can't pull it out. The granddaughter called Zhuchka. (The granddaughter calls Zhuchka. Zhuchka runs and barks. Everyone is trying to pull the turnip )

“They pull and pull, but they can’t pull the turnip .” Then Bug called the cat.

- They pull the turnip , but they can’t pull it out. The cat called the mouse. (The mouse runs and squeaks. Everyone pulls and pulls out the turnip )

(Improvisation to folk music )

- That’s the end of the fairy tale . It's so good that everything ended well. Why did you manage to pull out the turnip ? (Because everyone pulled together, together)

People say : “Take it together – it won’t be too heavy
The most difficult task can be dealt with if everyone tackles it together. I wish you to remain friendly, always come to each other’s aid. Love fairy tales , they have a lot of wisdom.
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Game-dramatization of the Russian folk tale “Turnip” in the middle group

Daniya Zamaleeva
Game-dramatization of the Russian folk tale “Turnip” in the middle group

Goal: Development of emotional responsiveness and mutual assistance through introducing children to folklore .

• Develop emotional responsiveness to the content of fairy tales in the game - dramatization.

• Continue to teach children to understand the figurative content and idea of ​​fairy tales .

• To develop the ability to find expressive means of a character’s game image, using movement, facial expressions, gestures, and expressive intonation.

• Cultivate a friendly attitude towards each other, a sense of camaraderie, mutual assistance, and the ability to negotiate when organizing the playing space.

Materials and equipment: chest, hats-masks, elements of character costumes, attributes and substitute items for the game.

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