Methodological development “Patriotic education using QUEST-TECHNOLOGIES”

Summary of a quest game on patriotic education in the senior group

Tatyana Golyakova

Summary of a quest game on patriotic education in the senior group

Tatyana Golyakova

Quest - a game for the senior group on patriotic education


“My small homeland, our beloved city is Tobolsk”

Goal: To instill in children a sense of patriotism, pride in their small homeland, the city of Tobolsk.

Objectives: 1. Expand children’s knowledge about their hometown - Tobolsk, and its attractions.

2. Develop coherent speech in children.

3. Develop in children cognitive activity, the ability to draw conclusions (logical thinking, imagination and attention).

4. Develop in children the ability to work in a team, understanding that the overall result depends on the efforts of everyone.

5. Continue to develop in children the ability to navigate the terrain and choose the right route to the right place.

6. Strengthen in children the ability to assemble a picture from several parts (Coat of Arms of the city).

7. To instill in children patriotic feelings and love for their hometown.


Children of the older group 5 - 6 years old.

Technical support: interactive whiteboard, laptop, audio recording on a flash card, stereo system, map diagram, “magic arrow”, pictures for the game: “Tell about the city of Tobolsk”, silhouette of the coat of arms on the island, envelopes with tasks, album sheets, watercolors paints, wax crayons.

Progress of the game

I. Organizational.

Children find a large, colorful envelope in the group. The teacher opens the envelope. It contains a schematic map. A sheet with a drawn silhouette - the city's coat of arms and a letter.

(The teacher reads the letter).

Hello guys!

I am a traveler. I would like to know if you know everything about your city of Tobolsk? For this, I sent you a map-route: “Journey through my hometown - Tobolsk.” You will have to complete tasks and assemble puzzles for the silhouette that I sent you. Having collected all the puzzles, you will recognize one of the main symbols of your city of Tobolsk. Have a nice trip guys!

II. Motivation.

Educator: Guys! Do you love to travel?

Children: We love to travel!

Educator: Then I am glad to welcome you to our game “Travel to your hometown - Tobolsk”! You are ready?

Children: Yes, we are ready!

Educator: Guys, we will have to complete all the tasks and assemble puzzles for the silhouette that the traveler sent us. Having collected all the puzzles, you will recognize one of the main symbols of our city of Tobolsk. To do this, you must work as a team, because the overall result depends on the efforts of each of you.

Children: In order to collect all the puzzles, we will all try to complete the tasks.

Surprise moment.

Educator: Oh, what are those sounds? Looks like someone is rushing towards us!

Music is playing. Carlson enters to the music.

Carlson: Hello guys, it’s me, your friend Carlson.

- Wait, where are you going? And without me?

Educator: Hello Carlson, the guys and I are going on a trip to our hometown.

Carlson: What city? I do not know what is this?

Educator: What are you talking about, Carlson! Hometown is the city in which you were born and live.

Carlson: What happens? I live Wo-o-o-n on that roof, is this my hometown? You have completely confused me, I don’t understand anything!

Children: Don’t worry, Carlson, now we’ll tell you everything! Join us as we hit the road!

III. Main part.

Educator: Today we will not travel by train or plane, we will go on foot. In order for you and me not to go astray, the “magic arrow” will help us, we just need to say the magic words: “Arrow, arrow on the way, show us the right path”!

Carlson: I am the best traveler in the world, but I don’t know how to use a map, guys, tell me.

Educator: Shall we teach Carlson to use a diagram map?

Children: Yes, Carlson, we will tell you and show you how to use the diagram map!

Educator: So, let's go. Let's say the magic words all together: “Arrow, arrow on the way, show us the right path”!

The children look at the map with Carlson. On the map, the blue arrow indicates task No. 1.

1 Task. "Answer the questions".

— What is the name of the country in which we live?

— What is the name of the city in which we live?

— What are the people living in our city called?

— What is the name of the river that flows next to our city?

Carlson: Well done! We completed the task, and here is our first puzzle!

Educator: Our country is big. Our city is part of Russia. The place where a person was born and raised is called his homeland. Our homeland is the city of Tobolsk.

Educator: Let's see where the “arrow” will direct us next? Let's say the magic words: “Arrow, arrow on the way, show us the right path!”

Children look at the schematic map. The yellow arrow indicates the interactive whiteboard. They approach the board, an envelope is attached to it: task No. 2.

2 Task. “Tell me about the city of Tobolsk.”

(Using the Cluster method)

The children, together with Carlson, complete the task and receive the second puzzle.

Educator: Well done guys, you also coped with this task! Let's see what's next on our map?

Children look at the schematic map. The green arrow indicates the “Patriotic Center” (Russian Flag). They come up and find an envelope with task No. 3.

3 Task. “Tell me where and how the city of Tobolsk is located.”

The teacher summarizes the children’s answers: Well done, right. Our city is located on a high river bank. The mountain splits the city into two parts. Local residents simply call these parts: Mountain - where the Tobolsk white-stone Kremlin, modern buildings and the Podgornaya part are located - “Nizhny Posad”, the historical part of the city or “Old Town”.

Carlson: Well done, you completed this task. To find the next task, you need to figure out where to go next.

Children look at the map. They say magic words.

Carlson: We need to follow the orange arrows to the gym.

There is an envelope with task No. 4 attached to the door.

4 Task. Outdoor game "Our City".

Children enter the hall and, together with Carlson, play an outdoor game: “Our City.”

Early in the morning we get up (arms up, lower to the sides,

Tobolsk is visible outside the window (hands show the window).

He woke up, he lives (hands on the belt, spring,

It calls us to go outside (walking in place).

We live, we grow in our hometown (rise on your toes, hands up,

For someone small (show a small object with your hands,

And for us it’s huge (circular movement of hands).

Let it grow, let it bloom (spring, our city is green (arms to the sides).

Educator: Everyone completed the task. Here is our fourth piece of the puzzle.

Let's see where our “arrow” will lead us. The arrow indicates that we need to move in .

Children go to. Find an envelope with task No. 5.

5 Task. “Name the famous people of the city of Tobolsk.”

Carlson: Guys, I’m very interested in what famous people lived in our city? Please tell me.

Children show photographs and tell:

— Scientist D.I. Mendeleev was born here;

— Composer A. A. Alyabyev lived and worked in our city;

— Artists V. G. Perov and V. I. Surikov;

— P. P. Ershov, wrote the fairy tale “The Little Humpbacked Horse”;

— S. U. Remezov, architect of the White Stone Kremlin in the city of Tobolsk.

Educator: Well done guys, you told our friend about the famous people of our city, we received another puzzle as a gift. Let's see, what's our next task?

Children look at the task, follow the arrow to the group, and find an envelope with task No. 6.

6 Task. "Drawing. My favorite city is Tobolsk.”

Educator: Imagine that you are artists. Remember everything we talked about today and draw it on album sheets.

Children draw to the recording of the song “Tobolsk”, performed by the Arangulov brothers.

Carlson helps children who have difficulties.

Educator: Guys, you did a good job. I see that you know your city well. Here is the last picture puzzle for you.

Carlson: Guys, help me put the picture together.

Children put puzzles on the table, filling out the silhouette of the picture.

Carlson: What did we get?

Children: Coat of arms of the city of Tobolsk.

Educator: That's right - this is the coat of arms of our city. Let's send our coat of arms to the traveler. The traveler will understand that you have completed the entire route and completed its tasks.


Educator: Guys, you did a great job with all the tasks, well done!

Where have we been? What tasks did you perform? Which task was the most interesting? The most difficult? Guys, why do you think we managed to find all the puzzles and assemble the Coat of Arms?

Educator: I present you with medals: “Experts of the city of Tobolsk.”

Carlson: And I want to treat you to sweets, because I have the greatest sweet tooth!

He distributes chocolate medals to the children, says goodbye to the children and leaves.

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