Summary of the musical and didactic game “Sun and Cloud” methodological development (senior group)

Sunny and Cloud enter the hall



Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution

Higher education




Lesson summary with elements of health-saving technologies in the younger group

“Hello, golden sun”

Is done by a student:

Ovsyannikova Anastasia

Group OF-402/096-4-1

Chelyabinsk, 2020

Tasks :


1. Promote the development of dexterity, attention, coordination abilities. 2. Contribute to the accumulation of knowledge about healthy lifestyle.


1. Help increase the functional capabilities of the body.


1. Create positive motivation for regular physical training.


consolidate children’s skills, which will allow them to instill a strong interest in independent health activities in the future.


presenter, Sunny, Cloud.


musical equipment, Sun and Cloud costume, children's massagers, umbrella for playing.


Children enter the hall together with the teacher, and Sunny greets them there


I am a radiant sun, cheerful, sparkling, I’ll tell you a secret, I love to walk around the world.

Children rejoice in me, All over the earth's planet. I bring them my love, I will give them rays of smile.


It’s so great, Sunny, that you came into our hall. Guys, let's say hello to Sunny.

Game "Say hello"

Hello, golden sun. (Children raise their hands up)

Hello, the sky is blue. (Spread their arms to the sides)

Hello, light breeze. (Swing arms from side to side)

Hello little flower. (They squat and begin to slowly rise)

Hello, morning. (Right hand forward)

Hello day. (Left hand forward)

We are not too lazy to say hello. (Clap their hands)

A cloud “flies” into the hall and takes Sunny away


A cloud came and hid our Sun... The sun has been looking down from the sky for millions of years. The sun pours warmth and light onto the earth. But the sun shines and goes away, And a living heart warms day and night. This means that the heart is better than the Sun itself. No clouds will obscure it!

You and I, although we are still small, are already so strong. And if we try really hard, we can help Sunny. First you need to warm up well and do some exercises.

"Solar charger"

Children perform exercises to the music that the teacher shows them.


Now, we are charged with solar energy and can help the flowers grow and open.

Breathing exercises “Flower”

Children join hands and stand in a circle.

“Grows”: (nasal breathing, equal) on inhalation - children stand on their toes and

Raise your arms up and lower your arms as you exhale.

“Opens”: take a deep breath through your nose - bend back, open your arms,

Exhale deeply through your mouth and return to the starting position.

“The breeze blew”: children perform sideways rolls from one leg to the other

another, while inhaling through the nose and exiting through the mouth is performed quickly.

“Falls asleep”: take a deep breath through your mouth – squat down, hold

breathe for 4-5 seconds, exhale through your nose - stand up.


Well done boys! We helped the flowers, now they will bloom and everyone will delight with their beauty. But you won’t be satisfied with beauty alone. The same thing needs to be taken care of about fruits.

A set of gymnastic exercises “Sun”
The sun was lying on a cloud,
Children lie on the floor, on their stomachs, connect their straight legs, stretch out their arms, putting their palms together.

The morning prevented him from resting.

The sun woke up

Children spread their straight legs apart

It felt sweet.

Children stand on straight arms and bend back (cobra)

And your bed is so clever,

It was collected in a box.

Children bend their legs, lift them and try to reach their heads with them (box)

To walk in the blue sky,

Luchi took the basket with her.

Children, without changing the starting position, grab their ankles with their hands (basket).

So that there is enough warmth for everyone,

So that the birch tree grows.

Children turn over on their backs, put their hands on the floor, raise their straight legs (half birch)

By nightfall, having finished all my business,

The sun hid, again until the morning.

Children put their feet behind their heads, leaving their hands on the carpet.


Look, our Sun is caught on a tall Christmas tree. After all, you and I can turn into a Christmas tree. We’ll help Sunny get out and give each other a massage; after doing gymnastic exercises, it will be very useful.

Herringbone massage

Children stand one after another (“trunk”), sit with their legs apart (“branches”), and pick up massagers (“needles”).

Children roll each other's backs with massagers, then pat each other with their palms, and finally stroke them.

Sunny and Cloud enter the hall


You guys are great, my real helpers. Don’t worry about me, Tuchka and I are friends, we play.


We can play with you too. Want to?

If there is a cloud in the sky or it is raining, then you need to hide under an umbrella.

(The teacher opens the umbrella and calls the children to him)


And if the sun comes out, then you can run, walk and play with friends!

Kids are playing


Thank you for the meeting, but it’s time for us to say goodbye, thank you for helping me out and making friends with Tuchka!


Relax, grow up and don’t forget about us!

Summary of the musical and didactic game “Sun and Cloud”

Synopsis of a musical and didactic game

The sun and the cloud” in the senior group


Develop an understanding of the different nature of music (cheerful, cheerful; calm, lullaby; sad, melancholy).


Encourage to perceive the expressiveness of music, its feelings.

To develop the ability to express emotions and the character of a musical work through game cards.

To develop musical memory, children’s understanding of the different nature of music (cheerful, calm, sad).

Develop auditory perception, elementary musical and analytical thinking.

Develop the ability to compare and contrast music of different types.

Game material:

cards according to the number of players: bright sun, sun covered by a cloud, cloud with rain.

Progress of the game:


Guys, do you like listening to music? Who knows what kind of music there is in character?


Cheerful, sad, calm, sad...


Guys, what else can you say, funny, sad, sad?




Show a cheerful mood using facial expressions; then sad; sad. Well done.

Now we will listen to music, and I invite you to play the game “Sun and Cloud”.

Listen to the rules of the game:

If you hear cheerful music, raise the “sun”.

If I’m cheerful, it’s “sunshine.”

If it’s sad, “the sun is behind the cloud.”

If you're angry

, sounds of a thunderstorm - “cloud with rain”.

Listen carefully to the music and show the correct card.

Remember the rules of the game: There is no need to speak words, just show the card.


1 composition:


show a cloud


“Why did they show the cloud? »


The music sounded sad, gloomy, plaintive


Look guys, did you all answer correctly? (slide)

2 composition:


show the sun


What kind of music was it?


Cheerful, joyful


Pay attention to the screen, whoever chose the same card made the right choice.

3 composition:


show the sun behind the cloud.


Well done boys. Look, we have 3 very interesting paintings. What can you say about the first/second/third picture?

Guys, look, I have 2 cards, which card should we attach to 1 picture?




What about the second?


The sun behind the cloud.


You and I have a third picture, where it is very light, day is depicted, birds are flying. Which card can be attributed to this picture?




But I don't have a card for this picture. Who knows what we can do with you so that our picture has a card?




That's right guys, you and I will draw the sun.

But in order for you and me to draw the sun, we need to go to the workshop and become real artists. And for this we need to say our magic words: Kribli, krabble, boom.

- So you and I became artists. We sit down at the tables.

— Take a seat at your desk.

- We want to draw, but we don’t have pencils and paints, what can we use to draw with? And we will draw with the help of cotton swabs. To make the sun look like a real one, let’s remember what it is like. What does it look like? (Children's answers.)


- What geometric figure does the sun remind us of? (Children's answers.)

- What color is the sun? (Children's answers.)

- That's right, guys. And in order for you and me to have a beautiful and bright sun, we need to do exercises for our pens:

Finger gymnastics “Give us warmth, sunshine”

We extended our palms

And they looked at the sun. (Children stretch their palms forward and rhythmically turn them up and down.)

Give us warmth, sunshine,

So that there is strength. (They make a movement with their fingers, as if beckoning to them.)

Our fingers are tiny

They don’t want to wait a minute, (They rhythmically bend and straighten their fingers.)

Knock - knock, with hammers, (Bend over and alternately rhythmically knock on their knees with their fists.)

Clap - clap, with little paws, (They clap their knees rhythmically.)

Jump - jump like bunnies,

Jumping on the lawn. (They tap their knees with bent fingers.)

Now, move the leaves towards you. Each of you has yellow paint, cotton swabs and napkins on the table.

— In order to draw a sun, you need to put a little paint on the tip of a cotton swab and, using these movements, first draw the outline of the sun, that is, a circle. Our circle is ready, what is the sun missing?

- I think the same guys, rays. We draw rays in the same way, look like this.

- That's how beautiful it works out for you and me.

- Whoever has finished, put a cotton swab on a napkin and hang your work on the picture.

- And now it’s time for you and me to return to kindergarten. Let's say the magic words: cribli, crabli, boom.

- Here we are in kindergarten. You can attach a picture of your sun to your locker or take it home. The sun will warm you in cloudy and cold weather and create a good mood.

- Now let’s smile at each other and go for a walk to the cheerful music.

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